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UAUTUnBUE ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES nAff inUnrlL for Monday, October 9 WEATHER CLOUDY ; TRACK HEAVY. Racine starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Superior mud runner. X Good xnnd runner. Bidwell Handicap. Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentic Purse 000 All Aces allowance, b Blinkers. July 15." Track record: 191G-1:0G--1-105. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 55973 Conc U5 1:07 4 118750 ,nrSC V000; ,IT;S l",m,Jns;nP 65569 bLord Allen 112 1:07 3 112X745 Track record: July 15. 1916 1:0G 4 105. 65785 Moss Fox II 102 1:07 3 101.. 740 .Y8 65689 Tuscola 107 1:0S 4 112X740 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 65923t Mt. Rose 10S 1:09 2 03X 730 65829 Crudenas 109 l:lls 100X 725 65923 Ormont 110 1:0S 105.. 720 Fifth Race 1 Mile. 65782 Miss Jane 108J1:09 107.. 715 Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. 65S23 Zapatos 103 1:10 99.. 715 Track record: Aug. 4. 1900 1:38 3 90. 65970 Paula M 112 1:10 96.. 710 65832 Money 103 1:41 8 1130725 65829 Smiling Voter 102.. 705 65928 Edna D 104 1:323 4 113X720 65782 Dentaria 107 1:00 111. .715 65924s Day of Wrath ...112 1:43 6 103X715 65829 Stylish Miss 115 1:10 06. .705 65880 Brown Bill 10-1 l:49m 4 10SX715 65829 Auntie Em M ...112 1:09 90.. 700 65972 Friz 107 1:43m S 113:715 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 65473 Bill Head 10S 1:41 6 10SX710 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 65972 bN. K. Beal 112 1:41 8 1130710 Track record: July 29, 1910 1:12 4120. 65367 Plaudel 105 1:47 3 102X705 65832 bDelhimar 98Jl:13s 103 X 725 65880 bElias 0 103 1:40 3 105.. 705 65832 Reliability 107 1:13 97X720 6W37 Madrono 110 1:41 5 113.. 705 65831 bit 100 1:14V 93.. 715 65881 bRing Rose 4 113.. 70j 65924 Batty H 107 1:14 98 715 6592 Fitz-Boodlc 107 1:39 4 10SX705 65133 Cuba Encanto ....109 1:12 109 X 710 05371 Cleopatra Boy M 0 103.. 700 65974 blncognancc 120 l:22h 109X 705 65S80 Honiaid M IOC 1:44 4 103 X 700 65878 bProclamation 93 1:14 100X705 65925 Rivulet 100 1:58 5 10S...00 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: July 29, 19161:12 4120. Track record: Oct. C, 1899 1:44 i C 104. 65785 tHIGn COST 110 1:10 7 109 X750 65336 Honolulu Boy 109 1:44 7 102X725 65879 Diomcd 107 1:13 6 105X 740 65887 "Frank Fogarty ...101 1:45 4 10SX720 65833 Halu 116 1:13 4 100 X 740 65972 GrayBsian 102 1:45 6 104.. 715 65927 tLtna Clark 109 1:12 3 102X 735 65784 Woodie Montgom- 64559 Magnet Land 103 1:14 0 106 X 720 cry 113 1:45 9 111X710 65056 Sikhim 103 1:12 4 109 x730 C5G35tuMelody Man 8 01. .705 65623 Flash of Steel ...110 1:13 8 103X725 65975 tTokalon March ...114 1:46 8 94.. 705 tJ. J. Ashe entry. tJ. J- Ashe entry. ISt RACE 5 l--"rlon;?.s. 2-year-olds. Claim ins. July 15, 101G l:OG 2-5 Index Coune Dlit Time Tck Odd YTt St and Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlin CRUDENAS, br. c, 2 100 By Cruzados Ardencs, by Amigo. Trainer, H. "Webb. Owner, H. "Webb. 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 8 111 2 2 2 1 C Dishmon 9 Paula, Zapatos, My Lorraine 65735 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 12 113 6 S 31 4" G Dishmon 7 C.Enrique, Dr.McAhnr, AnitaK. 65521 Lexton F C l:10fast 33 104 Lost rider. J Owens 7 Antonia, Mammon, Marjor.Wood 652D7 Lexton Si f lU0slow 21 109 2 5 51 ET M Garner 11 Ormont, Dap.Dan, PatUampson 64634 BlucGrass 6-8 1:05 slow 27-10 108 11 J Howard C Paula, Gonwithim, Ouch 645G7 BlucGrass 1 4Sfast 23 115 S J Howard S La Orb, Glencolex, Credit ORMONT, b. c 2 105 By Rock View Bandana III., by Meddler. Trainer, J. Glass. Owner, Baxter and Stubbs. 65923 Hthorne El f l:0Sfast S 100 4 3 31 2 J Kcderis C Delante, Mt. Rose, Van Patrick 65782 Hthorne 61 f l:07fast 6 103 2 2 2 2 J Kederis 7 Delante, Miss Jane, Dixie Dick 65687 Hthorne 61 f 139fast 21 112 4 7 4 7" F Paul 8 DixieDick, Layol. TipToelnn 65483 Lexton 61 f l:08fast 8 109 2 2 7l 8 J Francis 8 Tlorllay, NulliSecundus, ChiTa 65297 Lexton 6 f 1 :10slow 24 109 J 1 l1 1 J Francis 11 Dap.Dan, P.Hampson, AlStcbler C4823 Churchill 61 f l:07fast 61 103 9 3 9 9 C DishmonlO TedsPlm, MissMeise, Man.Mnid 64718 Churchill 61 f 1:03 fast 18-5 110 2 13 81 J Francis 7 Jupiter, Mart OHara, Kinsman 64569 BlueGrass 41 f 64fast S3-10 115 2- J Francis C M.P.Gardner, Dearie, Ir.WaltOD C4508 BlueGrass 6-S l:01fast 4-5 114 1 C Dishmon 6 Pat Hampson. Antonia, Credit 64228 Lex.Falr 6- 1:01 fast 18 107 1 C Dishmon 7 Dearie, Akerknocker, Eddie Jr. t Disqualified. MISS JANE, br. f, 2 IV By Rock View Jane Straith, by Dandihousle. Owner, W. Nestlehouse. 65782 Hthorne 61 f lH7fast 7 108 4 S 33 3" H S Jones 7 Delante, Ormont, Dixie Dick 64343 Toledo 6-8 l:01fast 3-4 108 l1 H S Jones 7 Futurette, Marg.Ware, Zapatos 64219 Toledo 6-S l.-01fast 8-6 112 41! H S Jones 8 Delante, Margaret Ware, Corto 63893 M.Heights 61 f l:03fast 83-10 107 3 4 4 41 G Willims 9 Kirk Lady, Delante, Antonia 63819 M.Holghts 6i f 1:04 fast 33-10 105 3 1 1 1 G WHamslO Futurette High Tea, Oriental 6368C M.Heights 5-8 1:01 fast 9 105 2 S 3 31 R Romelli 8 High Tea, Paula, Futurette 63607 M.Heights 6-S l:02hvy 12 107 2 8 31 3 R Romelli 7 Antonia, HighTea, Hap.Momnts 63245 Latonla 61 f l:07fast 2Sf 101 6 10 10 10 G Breung 12 Dearie, First Ward, MartOHara 02991 Latonla 5-8 l:02good 13 112 6 2 S I1 E Pool 12 Roldgold, Piedmont, Minnie B. 62866 Latonla 61 f l:07fast 72 107 8 9 J Heupel 9 Miss Meise, Away, Kennraaro ZAPATOS, b. 0. 2 S9 By Ormondale Light Shoes, by Hamburg. Trainer, G. A Robertson. Owner, W. J. Dow ling. 65923 Hthorne 61 f l:08fast 20 103 1 6 61 C Dishmon 0 Delante, Ormont, Mt. Rose 65829 Hthorne 6-8 1:03 fast 8 10S 1 3 Sl 31 FJ Owens 9 Crudenas. Paula, My Lorraine 65735 Hthorne 6-8 1:02 fast 10 113 1 6 6" E Virgo 7 C.Enrique, Dr.MeAhur, AnitaK. 64343 Toledo 6-8 l:01fast 33 108 41 C Dishmon 7 MissJane, Futurette, Marg.Ware 63893 M.Heights 61 f l:03fast 46 110 S I 8J J Bobbins 9 Kirk Lady, Delante, Antonia 63842 MJHeights 61 f l:C3faat 17 110 I t 8 7 J Robbins 12 TedsPlum, Antonia, Dixie Dick 63779 M.Heights 61 f l:03fast CI 108 7 7 T 7 E Scobie 8 F.Canadian, RoyalMd, J.llanecy 62416 Omaha 1-2 49good 7 115 ll J Gruber 6 Jgellanecy, Delante, C.Enrique 62284 Omaha 1-2 49 fast 12 113 41 J Gruber S JgeHanecy, C. Enrique, Delante PAULA, br. f, 2 M 96 By Light Brigade Hermione, by Peter Quince. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hublard. 65970 Hthorne 6-8 l:07slop 18-5 112 4 6 4 E3 R Doyle 6 Dr.MArthur, Ferdos. M.Lorine 65829 Hthorne 6-8 1:03 fast 7 1051 6 1 11 2" J Conway 9 Crudenas. Zapatos, My Lorraine 64748 Churchill 61 f l:07fast 60 112 3 E S 9" J Owens 9 Begum, RompingMary, BarviPiu 64G40 BlueGrass 41 f 50fast 3 109 PI H E Jones 8 Glencolex, Bil.Bern, IreneWalton 64G34 BlueGrass 6-8 1:03 slow 14-5 105 21 H E Jones 5 Crudenas, Gonwithim, Ouch 645G7 BlneGrass 1 4Sfast 37-10 112 641 C Dishmon 8 La Orb, Glencolex, Crudenas C3819 M.Heights 61 f 1:04 fast 27-10 106 1 2 21 6" E Scobie 10 Miss Jane, Futurette, High Tea 63686 M.Heighta 6-8 1:01 fast 6 105 3 1 2 2 E Scobie 8 High Tea, Miss Jane, Futurette 63659 M.Heighta 5-8 1.32 good 22f 105 4 2 21 2- E Scobie 11 TedsPlum, Marg.Ware. Athlete 63543 M.Heights 6-8 1:01 fast 86 105 7 C 61 71 E Martin 12 Kirk Lady, Joella J., Delante 62721 Latonia E-S 1:01 fast 39 113J10 9 9 9" W W TMorlO LadyGorham, Kennmare, Powei SMILING VOTER, br. f, 2 102 By Suffragist Orbeds Last, by Smile. Owner, C. Morris. 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 20 10S 7 6 C1 6" D Hum 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 63686 M.Heighta E-8 1:01 fast 10 109 4 4 41 E G Willims 8 High Tea. Paula. Miss Jane 60471 Tijuana 1-2 50slop 11 115 8 8 8 8 J Hunmer 9 Erase, Mclachrino, Faber 69743 Tijuana 3-8 36fast 1 130 4 P 6JP Martinez 7 Erase, MotherAcnes. DanHogai ES649 Tijuana 3-8 3Gfast 9-5 115 8 1 1 P Martinez 7 MotherAgnes, IrisGlrl, N.Winet DENTARIA, ch. f. 2 111 By Vulcain Dainty, by Golden Garter. Trainer, H. L. Munson, Owner, H. L. Munson. 65782 Hthorne El f l:07fast 20 107 7 6 7 7" F Murphy 7 Delante, Ormont, Miss Jane 65687 Hthorne 6 f l:09-fast 15 108 8 8 S 8 F Murphy 8 DixieDick, Layol, Tip Toe Inn 65163 Thncllffo 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 103 4 E 61 E F Murphy 7 Macbeth, EauGallic. StylishMiss 65014 Thncliffe 61 f 1:09 slop 19-5 109 1 4 4 4" F Murphy 8 Macbeth, Athanna, Stylish Miss 64GG5 Devshiro 6-S 1:03 slow 14 108 2 1 1 ll F Murphy 8 EauGallie, MissLiberty, Grandest 64555 Dev"shire El l:0Cfast 101 107 1 7 S 8 F Murphy 9 M.BIanclie, Tycoon, Buckwheat 63792 Kworth 6-8 l:01fast 122 115 10 10 10 10" J Smith 12 Nickname, Racket. Mabel K. 2277 Thncliffe 41 t 65andfast 73 10S 71 J Smith 8 Wat.Girl, Yalta. ElizabhJewell 62170 Thncliffe 41 f 65fast 13 110 7 J Smith 7 Styl.Miss. MissBeulah, MissEdna 61G60 M.Heights 1-2 43good 8-5 107 4 F Murphy 7 F.Canadn, Styl.Miss. StrtShtea STYLISH MISS, b. f. 2 96 By Granite Intricate, by Hastings. Trainer, G. Archibald. Owner. Q. Archibald. 65829 Hthorne 6-8 1:03 fast 7 103 4 7 8 8" E Petzoldt 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 65782 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 20 97 6 7 6 6" J Chalmers 7 Delante, Ormont, Miss Jane 65163 Thncliffe 3-4 1:17 hvy 25 105 6 4 41 3" J Wallace 7 Macbeth, Eau Gallie, Rockery 65014 Thncliffe 5 f 1:09 slop 36 112 6 3 8s 3" FJ Petzoldt S Macbeth, Athanna, Dentaria 64214 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 13 110 9 6 91 8" J McTagtlO OldTop, NulliSecundus, HotCoal 64130 FortErie 6 f l:0Sfast 13 115 6 6 31 3" J Metcalf 8 Patchwork, Blue Tony, Sponsor C3996 Hamton 3-4 l:ljfast 15 112 6 C 6" D Stirling G Nickname. LilacTime, TopNotch 63359 Kworth 6-8 1:01 fast 23f 112 5 7 7 61 D Stirling 12 Rockery, Dr.McArtliur, MabelK. C3812 Kworth 6-S 1:01 fast 15f 105 4 9 9 J Wallace 12 HughesGraham. Reap, Old Top 62170 Thncliffe 4 f 55fast 11 107 1 D Stirling 7 Miss Beulah, Miss Edna, SlyFox AUNTIE EM, ch. f. 2 M 96 By Toa Caddy Alfadir, by Solitaire U. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 65829 Hthorne 6-8 1:03 fast 4 104 3 4 7 7" J Kederis 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 64789 Churchill 6 f l:07fast 18 105 4 9 9 9" N Swart 11 Lily M., Gordon Sbaw, Proceeds 6468G Churchill 6-8 l:01fast 7 112 2 4 4 4 E Pool 8 Layol, Irish Itose, Fernandas 64214 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 25 1 00 6 3 4 l 41 F Wilson 10 OldTop, NuIIiSe.urdus, HotCoal 64187 FortErie 51 f l:C8fast 19-5 112 5 4 P P H J Burkel2 P.G. Brown. Vero:iica. BlueTony 63962 Hamton 6-8 l:03slow 3-2 111 4 3 Sl 6 H J Burke 9 Van Patrick, Mabel K.. Zeureka 63402 FortErie 6 f l:0Sfaat 17-10 112 1 2 2 2 F Welner G StrgbtShooter, Alien, Trippawa MIle" I-year-old. Claiming:. July 29, 191G 1:12 1-5 2ntl RACE DELHTMAR, ch. e, 3 103 By Delhi Marion Rose JX, by Bearcatcher. Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, W. M. Cain. 65832 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 fast 13-5 1011 3 6 7 8" E Petzoldtll Money. Ncnette. Toy Miss 65205 Thcliffe 6 f 1:08 good 13-5 106 2 1 2 5 A Claver 10 Theo, Thorny Way, MaryRcigel 65096 Thncliffe 3-4 l:14slow 13-5 105 1 1 31 31 E Petzoldt 8 Theo, Thorny Way. Iron Boy 65015 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15slop 13-10 107 I 7 7 G M Fator 10 Hindstan, DifftEyes, Marmite 64805 Dufrin 3-4 1:25 fast 17 112 41 J Smith 8 Tricks, Blssmllouse, BillsLuck 64667 Devshire 3-4 1:15 slow 37-10 105 2 I J1 J1 J Chlmers 8 L.B.Sheep, Marimba, BrilltRay 64492 Windsor 3-4 l:13slow 3 9S1 3 1 1 1 M Fator 8 Stoto, Harmonious, Black Betty 64133 FortErie 1 l:41fast 28 96 2 9" 9 W Organ 10 Lit.Ammie, FkFogartv, Ogarite 64090 FortErie 6 f 1:12 hvy 12 100 10 1 6 61 J Chlmersll Colando, Nenette, Crock o GJld REXIABDUTY, b. f, 3 97 By Transvaal Dependable, by Dalhousie. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Ownir, K. Neusteter. 65832 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 fast 4 105 4 4 6i S McGrawll Money, Nenette, Toy Miss 6578G Hthorne 7-8 l:29fast 31 107 6 3 4 41 S McGraw 10 War Penny, Skeer Face. Money C45G8 Devshiro lm70y l:44fast 12 105 C 1 S Sl A Tinbley 9 Foster Erabry, Toodles, Attorney 641G0 FortErie lm70y l:fast 11 97 3 J 1 1 P Walls 9 Bond, Sailor, Azrael 64091 FortErie El f l:llhvy 73 103 6 9 9" J Pecorara 9 Marimba, H. Jewel, Peace Pal 63897 M.Hghts lm70y l:43fast 99 2 C 6" M Fator 7 Cot.Blosm, LadsLove, CapRock 63780 M.Heights 5 f l:06fast 7 103 t 4 2and l1 M Fator 9 WdgThgb, N.McKiny, Bat.H. 63687 M.Helghts 6 f l:06fast 62 103 4 81 81 A PecarrolO C.Blossom, Sis.Susie, Col.Taylor 63374 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 18-6 105 3 3 3l Ik P Walls 7 Ciceronn, BeTerlyBelle, EliasO. 63295 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 27 93 I 6 6 9i P "Walls 11 Bedmon, Ablaze, Care Free IT, ch. e, 3 98 By Norita Bemay, by Albert. Trainer, W. D. Millard. Owner. "V7. D. Millard. 65831 Hthorne 61 f 1:09 fast 12 109 12 13 12 12" S McGrawl2 Van. Welles, Jacobina, Woolday 65417 N.ITton Ah 6-8 l:01fast 39-10 110 1 Jt Ryan 0 Hat.WIlldo. Raffcrty. OurAlice 65313 N.Kton Ab 5-S 13 fast 3-2 IIS 4 C Eiames 6 Col. Tex, Sarafax, Gin 65248 N.Kton Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 77-10 97 41 J Pevio 0 Elga, Dr. Hall, McLane 65073 N.Kton 3-4 1:24 slow 6 108 SU Alien 7 Mad Nell, Kimono, Maura 64707 ConLake Ab 6-8 1:01 fast 8-6 103 ES T Rao 7 CannyLady, Maura, FarewlTaps 64C64 Erie Ab E-S 69slow 6 107 CI T Rae 6 TreadwelL Lui-Meme. Milda 61503 Erie Ab 6-8 69 alow 11 108 i I" II Hoi way 7 Mnr TTniHn Shacre, QyWard BATTY H., b. f, 3 93 By Dick "Welles Europa, by Haceo. Trainer, A. Newman. Owner, J. P. Baker. G5924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 16-5 99 1 1 2 2 S McGraw 9 B.Blackwl, D.cfWrnth, O.Wood 65831 Ilthorno El f 1:09 fast 4 109 6 1 11 4J H S Jonesl2 Van. Welles, Jacobina, Woolday 65688 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 12 110 9 1 2 10" N Barrett 12 Bond, Skeer Face. Jacobina C4822 Churchill C f l:19fast ICf 106 11 10 lllll" A Wilson 12 Whirl, BirdieG., Crcstwood Boy 64276 Toledo 6 f l:07fast 7-10 115 1 H S Jones 7 F.Kinney, Gipsy Joe. Mooresque G4244 Toledo 51 f l:06fast 2-5 110 1 G Wliam3 G McG.sPink. Kedgwk, Malzava 638G8 M.Heights 3-i l:13fast 3 107 2 1 ll 2 E Martin 10 GyEagle, Hap.Buxton, Peasant G3780 M.Heights 5J f l:06fast 6 105 2 1 3 4 E Scobie 9 Rebility, WgThgh. N.McKiny G3GG0 M.Heights 5 f l:07good 3-2 107 1 1 ll 2 E Martin 12 Phildcrer, Quin.Ward, S.SUyer CUBA ENCANTO, br. c. 3 109 By Solomon Charmeuso, by Mazaean. Trainer. E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner, E. C. Griffith. G5132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 slow 13 S6 7 4 4 711 J Thomas 8 liBIkSheep, Bob.Allen, Graysn 65050 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15hvy 30 106 4 4 5 El A Pickens 7 Betsinda, Ablazo, Sikhim G4CG7 Devshire 3-4 1:15 slow 7 110 4 1 11 6 A Pickens 8 Lir.B.Sbecp. Delhimar. Marimba G4301 Windsor 3-4 l:llfast 18 109 1 1 91 10 A Pickens 10 Feylance, Citation, ISkyMounln 63814 Kworth 7-8 l:26fast 15 107 10 6 8 9" A Pickens 10 Colando, Ogarite, Dorius C2281 Thncliffe 3-4 l:llfast 40 104 9 A Pickens 11 LastOne, Cbamplain. Cr.oDawn 62171 Thncliffe 5 f 1:07 fast 21-6 114 lh A Pickens 10 PcpperTca, MossFVx II., Bril.Ray 61842 M.Heights 2-4 1:17 slop 6 105 61 J Chalmers 0 Magician, Ap.Jackll.. Anticipate INCOGNANCE, b. c, 3 109 By Disguise Las Flores, by Bearcatcher. Trainer, E. F. Wright. Owner, Meadowbrook Farm Stable. G5974 Hthorno El f l:15slop 4 10S Left at post J Sington 4 HarryB.. Bud.Kean, B.ofEtown 65879 Hthorne 51 f l:08fast 13-5 107 1 C 9 9 J Sington 9 HarryB., Brilliant Ray. Diqmed G3G89 Hthorne 5 f 1:0S fast 15 107 3 1 11 4 II S Jonesl2 Tuscola, UnaClark. MossFoxlI. 633G3 Reno 5-8 l:00fast 85 E51 H Long 7 Dr.Corbctt, Fireplace, LyTiptoe PROCLAMATION, ch. g, 3 100 By Jim Gaffney Royal Message, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. L. Austin. Owner, E. A. Kibler. G5878 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 20 1041 4 3 4 5" P Poirier 7 Sirocco, H. of the North, Dad G5500 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 100 8 7 7" 7 F Wilson 8 Blkltetty, Ulos.IlouKe, Dislute C5207 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 34 101 10 7 U 11 F Weiner 13 Royalu, BlosmUotise, Tarascon G5100 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:47slow 31 98 7 6 6 6 M Fator 9 Dantzic, Buckboard, Secretary C4620 Devshire lmTOy l:49hvy 7 100 7 7 6 6 M Fator 7 Grisclda, Mary Maxim, Elias O. 01470 Windsor 1 1-16 l:50mud 21 100 3 8 8 8 F Weiner 9 Georgette, Toodles, Elias O. G4375 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47fast 78 105 2 8 8 7" J Rowan 10 Harmonious, Georgette. Elias O. C3814 Kworth 7-8 l:26fast 91 100 2 8 6l 7" F Wdstk 10 Colando, Ogarite, Dorius 63480 AVIndsor 1 l:40fast 13 107 1 3 6 E J Rowan 8 Collinga, Jimmie Daw, Ferguson 3rd RACE Ie -ycar-olIs and apward. Allowances. July 29, 191G HIGH COST. b. X 1 109 By Von Tromp Mitten, by King Eric. Trainer. L. Hanhins. Owner, J. J. Ashe. G5785 Hthorno 3-4 l:14fast 2 120 4 1 U 21 W Meehan C Moss Fox II.. LinaClark, Knklux G55G9 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 8 115 5 6 6 5 W Meehan G J.S.Rdon, LdAllen. Boval Dick C3329 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 31-10 114 5 6 2i 2 D Connlly 5 Angon, Ground-Swell, Vtonville 63148 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 3 111 5 2 2 23 A Johnson 6 Hadrian, Angon, Sds oflleasure 62990 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 11-6 112 3 1 ll 1 E Pool 8 Bullion, Guvnor. Pongee 62830 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 107 1 2 3 3l E Pool 8 NhtyNisba, Ararat, LinaClark 62747 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1-2 114 2 1 l1 2 E Pool 7 Rapid Day, Hadrian, Angon 62659 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 9 102 3 1 7 7i J Owens 9 J.S.Reardon, Angon, Clintvilla G2557 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 1-2 115 1 1 2 2 D Connlly 7 Hadrian, Angon. A. Is. Akin 61832 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 7-10 114 6 3 S 3 E Pool 5 ElmerK., RoyalDick, T.othMg DIOMED, b. s. 5 106 By Durbar Regulation, by Irish Lad. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 65879 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 10 109 9 8 6 3 J Kederis 9 HarryB., BrilliantRay, Betsinda 64G71 Devshire 1 1:41 slow 21f 109 6 8 8and 8i D Stirling 10 AmericanBoy, Jacques, Magician 63865 Kworth 1 1-16 l:4ofast 14 109 1 6 7 6 H Erlcks-n 8 NightRaider, Amer.BoT, Fluzey 63604 Windsor 1 1-16 l:49slow 8 107 1 -6 6 6 O Willis G Moco. King John, lien Valet 631G8 Windsor 1 1-16 l:46fast 76 111 6 7 7 7" O Willis 9 MakeUp, By Jiniiny. Gourmand 63192 FortErie 3-4 7 99 3 3 4 41 M Andson 5 Clio Clio, Lion dOr, Serapis 63044 Hamton lm70y l:44fast 43 104 1 6 S S3 T Wilson 9 Sailing B.. All Fair, Serapis HALU, b. s, 4 106 By King James Adelinette, by Melton. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, C. Irby. 65833 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 11-6 110 4 4 1 l1 A Tmbley 4 Grayssian, Citizen, MarincCorpa G5738 Hthorne 1 l:40fast 4 107 3 3 41 55 M Slghter Coyne. Dantzic. Kulah F. G5353 Wroodne 1 1-16 l:47fast U-10 H3 6 1 1 1 A Claver 12 Dantzic, BillsLuck, BlackBetty G5215 Dorval 1 1-8 l:57slow 23-10 107 4 7 4 l 57 F Sharpe 8 G.Gables, M.A.Noohan, Cote dOr 64978 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:54fast 7-5 110 4 3 1 1 C Turner G Anmut, Darklliil, Vice-Chrman 64759 B.Bonnets - 1 l:29fast 17-5 1U 6 4 2 2 H Ericksn 5 M.A.Nnan, V.-Ciirman, Msinea G410G Saratoga 1 l:45hvy 8 115 8 2 2l l1 E Fator 11 Sea Mint, King Albert. Spugs 63991 Saratoga 1 l:29fast 6 IOC 2 1 1 1J G Mein 5 Rod Legs, Moody. Vendor 63835 Empire 1 1-4 2:07fast 4 115 4 2 4 61 II Thomas G Tiiornhedgc, LdHerbert, Normal 63595 Empire 1 1-16 l:48fast 12 109 6 3 2 1 H Thomas 7 Cum Sah, Lady Zeus. Rainkin LINA CLARK, b. f, 3 102 By Delhi Prism, by Trap Rock. Trainor, L. Hankins. Owner, J. J. Ashe. 65927 Hthorno 6 f l:20fast G-5 107 4 1 2 4 J Kederis 7 M.Reigel, Betsinda, Lt-eEnficld G5785 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 3 104 3 3 3 3 J Kederis 0 MossFoxII.. HighCost, Kuklux 65689 Hthorne 6 f 1:08 fast 21 104 5 4 8 2 J Kederis 12 Tuscola, MossF.ll.. Incognance 64917 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 8 109 4 3 1 1 E Pool 13 Inquisition, Glyn, Widgeon 04790 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 4-6 104 2 1 2 31 W Pool 4 Rib Grass, Tulane, Spats G4713 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 7 105 6 4 4 2 W Pool 9 Inquisition, Spats. Glyn 63335 Latonia 1 1-16 l:51hvy 11-5 102 3 2 2 1 W Pool 8 Pongee, Escarpolcttc. Tliaron 63109 Latonia 1 l:43hvy 11-5 100 1 1 1 l G Breung 7 Spats, Georgette, Ashland 63032 Latonia 3-1 1:13 fast 7 102 7 E 4 2 A Wilson 8 WaydLady, Inquisition. Whirl 62830 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast El 95 3 6 4 4 B Scheffcl 8 NghtyNisba. Aiarat, HighCost C2726 Latonia 1 l:41fast 3 93 3 1 3 El B Scheffel 9 Dorius, Tulane, Spats MAGNET LAND, ch. g, 6 106 By Magneto Breezyland, by Orlando. Trainer, H. Everett. Owner, H. Everett. 64559 Erie 3-4 1:19 slow 4 112 1 C Everett 6 Rapidan, Benccia. AmcrinRoaa 64530 Erie 6 f 1:27 slop 11 112 6 C Everett G Sea Mime, Kedgwick. Neg C447G Erie 3-4 l:16fast 12 109 4 C Everett 7 Pomerene, Malvolio, Raffcrty 62891 Conncaut 6 f l:25fast 13 115 Pulled up. C Everett 8 Chicken, Daddy. Stir Up 62424 Erie 3-4 l:18fast S 115 1 C Everett 10 Primitive. Hercules. Benccia 62102 Chagrin 6-S l:04slow 8 104 4 D Hall G Prin.Myrtle. B.Itoots. Miss Orb 11997 Chagrin 6 f l:26fast 43-10 115 45 R Ball 7 Rivulet, Obstinate. StarryBanner 01923 Chagrin 3-4 1:2.5 good 17-5 111 8 R Ball 8 Puzzle, King Worth, Sq. Charlie C1754 M.Heights 1 l:40fast 25 112 21 R Ball 10 Nashotah. Ar. Point. Le Balafr SIKHIM, b. o, 4 109 By Voorhees Egeria, by Clifford. Trainer, A. F. Dayton. Owner, A. F. Dayton. G5056 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15hvy 77 109 6 5 3i 3 C Miller 7 Betsinda. Ablaze. Marimba C4982 Thncliffe 3-4 l:12fast 62 105 6 6 6 63 C Miller C Elemental, Ablaze, Photoplay G173H Pimlico 1 1-16 l:46fast 72 102 5 4 4 41 C Miller 7 Serapis, Lunetta. King John s9824 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:55hvy 15 103 6 7 7 7 6 4 C Miller 7 Day Lilly, Who Cares, LampBa 58972 Jeffson 3-4 l:17mud 4 106 2 4 4 4 4 C Miller 4 Incog, Ticklish, Trust Official FLASH OF STEEL, ch. g, 8 106 By Ballot Nigella, by Ornament. Trainer, J. Singleton, Owner, J. F. Mackey. G5G23 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 8-6 115 E" J Sington 7 Old Rose, Joe Nugent, Ingot 65556 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 6 115 8 J Sington 8 Daisy, CleotraBoy, Melody Man 65372 Omaha 5-8 l:01fast 19 110 9" J Sington 9 Coffield, PneWard, B.Blackwl 64811 Bghouse 6 f l:0Sfast 64 111 ll5 J Sington!! LadyBourbon. Rcs.Goose. Toyon 63932 Brhouse 6 f 1:09 fast llf 112 6! J SingtonlO Ann S., Alice Carr. Lecnrack 62545 Omaha 3-4 1:19 hvy 17-10 115 in J Singtonl2 Invation, Aeclamatn, Honolulu 62417 Omaha 6 f 1:09 good 22 113 61 J Sington 8 J.Budrow, OurLeader, L.Pointer 62261 Omaha 51 f l:0Sfast lOf 117 71 J Singtonl2 ThtySeven, Maud M., Flossie F. 4-th RACE C 1-2 FnrlonRS I1vel1 Handicap. All Ages. July 15, 191G COYNE, br. c, 4 118 By Dick Finnell Alice Baird, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner, Earned Bros. and Jones. 65973 Hthorne lmTOy l:54slop 7-5 US 1 1 3 49 J Kederis 5 Croupier, Kuklux, Ten Can C5738 Hthorne 1 l:40fast 3 107 2 1 1 1 J Kederis G Dantzic, EulahF., ItdWingfield 65690 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:49fast 31 112 1 1 1 21 J Kederis 5 Dantzic, Ten Can, Penwell G49G5 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 7 114 3 4 6l 6 F Smith 7 Auntie May. Hadrian, Eastcside G1972 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 5 111 1 4 51 5 J Kederis 10 Deadlock, Dolores, ColonelBakci 01907 Churchill 7 f 1:30 fast 7 110 4 5 6 5" J Kederis 5 High Cloud, Dr. Clark, Minto IL LORD ALLEN, b. c. 3 112 By Frizzle Mary King, by Fatherless. Trainer, E. Hankins. Owner, J. J. Ashe. 65569 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 110 2 1 2 2 J Owens G J.S.Rdon, RalDick, Quin.Gdcn G5484 Lexton 3-4 l:13fast 1-2 113 2 2 2 21 J Owens 5 Whirl, Lot.Loraine, Royal Paha 04852 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 43-10 104 4 1 1 ll F Smith 7 Hadrian, Grnd-Swell, AUeMay G4G51 Churcnill 3-4 l:12fa?t 6 109 6 1 ll B F Smith 10 Widgeon, Miss Muffins, Janku C2785 Latonia 3-4 1:13 faBt 7 104 2 4 6 6" F Smith 6 Inquisition, W.Ladr, L. Mother 62G59 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 24 98 6 2 8 8" F Wilson 9 J.S.Reardon, Angon, Clinfville 62598 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 19-10 100 1 1 2 41 F Smith 8 Barracuda, Ararat, NhtyNisba 02440 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 25 102 4 4 6l 61 F Smith 7 Brdalbane, Dtinclion, Advocate G2327 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 31-10 103 4 1 2" 2 F Smith 5 RoyalPalm, ElmerK., RoyaUMck MOSS FOX II., blk. c, 3 104 . By Moss Fox Bachelors Blend, by Tredennia. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 65785 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 4 98 6 2 2 1 S McGraw G nigh Cost, Lina Clark, Kuklux 65G89 Hthorne 6 f 1:08 fast 8 104 8 3 4 3 S McGraw 12 Tuscola, LinaClark, Incognance C4588 Devshire 1 1:39 fast 5 110 1 1 1 2 D Stirling G Plucky, Fannie Bean, Procyon G4339 Windsor 1 l:39fast 24 106 3 1 2l 3 F Wilson 8 PairGain, SandyBeal, Jim Daw 64213 FortErie -8-4 l:12fast 12 107 1 2 1 in B Ambrse 9 Blister, Make Up, Colando 63888 Kworth 7-8 l:26fast 8 10S 3 7 7l 741 H Ericksn 12 Citation, Dorius, Plucky G374G Kworth 7-S l:26fast 7 115 6 1 3 3 O Willis 12 R.Mountn, Procyon. Harmion 63481 Windsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 6 100 4 2 21 3 A McLlin 7 Ben Valet, Gath. Bullet 03235 FortErie lm70y l:46fast 33-10 10S 1 1 1 1 O Willis 7 Bev.Belle, TheWag, F. Virginia C2171 Thncliffe 5 f 1:07 fast 11 102 31 H GrcgorylO C.Encanto, PepperTta, Brill.Rar 61744 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 23f 98 9 12 13 13" J Owens 13 HighCloud, MarvinMay, Dr.Clark TUSCOLA, b. f, 4 112 By Jack Atkin Useeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer, H. Webb. Owner, Mrs. R. M. Hoots. 65G89 Hthorne 5 f 1:08 fast 6 107 6 2 2 1 C Dishmool2 LinaClark, MossF.ll., Incognco 6538G Lexton 3-4 1:16 hvy 6 99 3 1 2 2 II E Jones 5 JnFinn, QninceGden. Mancevre 64642 BlueGras3 6 f l:00fast 3-2 10S 2 J Francis 4 Aunt.May, MabelG.. MoonWinks 64570 BlueGrass 6 f l:06fast 11-10 106 2" J Howard 0 Auntie May, MabelG., L.Widrig 04511 BlueGrass 6 f l:C6fast 1 112 26 J Howard 5 Mabel G., Auntie May. Manicure 63185 Latonia 3-4 l:12fa.t 6 98 2 1 2 2 W Pool G Pin.Peel, Roy.Falm, B.Paradise 63111 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 14 104 5 1 2 2 A Wilson G PindarPcel, Advocate, Gangway 62993 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 9 106 3 1 11 2 A Wilson 5 Easteslde. Cber.Tree. Undriter 62534 Dufferin 7-8 l:32fast 6-5 111 3 W Taylor 7 Ring. Assumption, Lads Love MT. ROSE, b. c. 2 93 By Buckshot Perrier, by F. W. Barr. Trainer, A. L. Austin. Owner, A. L. Austin. 65923 Hthorne 5 f l:0Sfast 2 10S 2 2 2" 35 H S Jones G Delante, Ormont. Van Patrick 62959 Hamton 6-8 1:03 hvy 8 118 12 2 ll D Stirling 5 Delusive, LyBoss, Carnrtages 61947 Woodbine 6-S l:00fast 6 122 1 2 2 21 J Rowan 6 Bucado, HoncysJcwcl. M. Reed G1878 Woodbine 6-8 1:02 slow 2 117 2 2 2 1 C Thpson G Bucado, Delusive, MagicReed 61623 Lexton 1-2 47fast 34 122 1 6 6 6i T Murray 10 PrinceK., Mojave, Easter BeU G1533 Lexton 4 f E7hvy 6 115 1 2 3 3 J D Mney 9 Shamrock, Prince K., Dongea 61442 Lexton 1-2 48good 28 H6 C 4 8 l1 M Garner 11 Easter Bells, Donges, Certain 6th RACE 1 1 ys " c.?roltJIj 111111 upward. Claiming. Aug:. 4, 1900 MONEY, b. g, 8 113 By Dick Finnell Metrical, by Anchorite. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 65832 Hthorno 3-4 1:15 fast 4 107 1 1 1 1 J Slngtonll Ncnette, ToyMiss, B.Blackwell 6578G Hthorno 7-8 l:29fast 3 111 5 2 2 3 J SingtonlO W.Penny, SkrFace. Reliability G5G8S Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 2 U4 10 T 6 6 J Singtonl2 Bond. Skeer Face, Jacobina 65558 Omaha 5 f l:06fast 3-4 115 1 J Sington 7 CIRobts, KirstiesCub, H.Kudr 65472 Omaha 6-8 1:01 slow S-6 110 3 J Sington 5 B.Welch, PhroneWard, N.Model 64951 Bghouse 3-4 l:14good 2 115 in J Sington 7 B.Blackwell, FIor.Dccn, Bittern 64812 Bghouse 3-4 ,1:14 fast 11-10 114 1 J Sington 9 Bittern, Smiling Maggie, Velvet 64043 Brhouse lns70y l:40fast 18-5 116 2 J Sington 8 Madrono, Reydo, Prince Direct C3978 Brhouse 3-4 104 fast li-i 113 U J Sincton C DonJose, Cafeteria, UOlaxxicaa EDNA D.. b. f, 4 113 By Ballot Sadio S., by Charaxus. 1 Traiccr, F. Tcnnant. Ownsr, J. H. Hurray. G5928 irthorno 1 l:42fast 12 107 6 3 24 l" L Gray S Jacobina. Ch.noltcra. P.on.Bluc 65830 Hlhorne Bl f 1:09 fast 15 111 4 7 7 SJ E PetzoltU12 End Man, B.McCloy. Ed Le Van C4660 Devshire 1 1-15 l:5slow 52 114 8 7 SI 3" II J Burkel2 Stanley, Bond, Fair Virginia 04554 Devshire 1 l:40fast 3S 101 7 10 105 ll1 A Tmbeyl- Royallieu, SkcerFncc, 1. irglnia f C4471 Windsor 1 l:42mud S9f 110 7 u 5!I 5" D Stirling S Dimples, Sister Flo, Bees Vms 03536 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 37f 106 10 9 9 SJS Bullman 12 Ablaze. J. Brant, T.otbMom S G31G7 Devshire lni70y l:46fa3t llf 103 4 9 6 CJ S Bullmanl2 DoctorJim. F.Fognrty, GssTree I G3083 Devshire 1 1:40 good 1C 106 5 3 S S R McCrnnlO Ilteli Gear, Sister Flo. Colossus I G214G Th-ciiffo im70y l:41fast C4 106 10" H GregorylO On High. Doctor Jim. Secretary C2013 Woodbine 3-4 l:12fust SO 104 3 11 11 3,J F Weiner 11 Hidden Jewel, Iiolo, Sclota 6141G ir.deGce 3-4 l:15fast 25 105 3 9 13 12,; II Thomas 15 Dare, Satana, Royallieu DAY OF WRATH, b. g, 0 108 By Peep oDay Xho Scold, by Meddler. Trainer, II. McPhercon. Owner, M. McPherson. , G5924 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 10 107 6 G 54 34 L Gray 9 B.Bbickwell. BattyH.. 01. Wood 03787 Hthomc lm70y l:47fast 15 109 1 0 5 4 M Slghter 7 Sea Way, Bond, Walk Ip 05040 Omaha 1 1-16 1:H fast 7 110 44 J Carroll 3 Madrono. DaintyLady. Ti.K.Beal G5G2G Omaha 1 1-16 1:4S fast 5 107 1 J Carroll 7 Barskane. FullAgain. AdclineL. G5039 Bghous- lm70y l:17good 43-10 112 3 T Wilson 10 Capon. BcssieYoung, Gen. Byng 64815 Kghousii ltn70y l:42fust 41 114 64 W Garganll Al Wick, DonblcVan, Deckhand 04295 Hastings 1 1-16 l:30fast 9 1C9 2J W Miller 9 Dora, Tom Brooks. Cork 64015 Brhouso 1 l:41fast 2 114 3 T Wilson 9 Dora. Lariat, Hickorynnt - G3934 Brhouse 1 1:42 fast SO 116 2" T Wilson 11 Tawascntha, Weinland, Lola. 02020 Omaha 3-4 l:16good 31 116 7" I Rabidau 7 Kimberly, NthShore. WlseJudge BROWN BILL, br. g. 4 108 By Waldo Cutaneous, by Farandol. Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Cain and Sanford. G5380 Hthorne 1 1-S l:57fast 11-5 104 4 1 11 2i E Petzoldt 7 Friz. Buckboard Elias O. 05783 Hlhorne 3-4 l:15fast 3 106 8 2 2 14 E Petzo!dtl2 Whippet, Black Top. BMlMrd 05G91 Hlhorne lm70y l:47fast 4 105 4 2 31 4 E Petzoldt S War Penny. Sea Way, ricdra , G5099 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:49,tslow 1$ 101 4 5 6 6 E Petzoldt 8 Fiib.vgibt, Tarascon, Rav wood 05015 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15slop 22 104 7 8 8 S:i E PetzoldtlO Ilindstan, DifftEyes, Marmite , G4899 Dufferin 6i f 1:2G fast 27-10 10S 1-1 B Petzoldt 8 Earnest, DoltasBest, BlueWr k 64762 Devshire 3-4 l:17hvy IS 106 6 3 3i 24 B Petzoldt 8 Serbian, Old Chap, Turnabout 02563 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 104 110 G 9 S S" E Scobie 9 Arravan, Dr.Rue, Flying Prince C2401 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 27 10G 7 1 64 61 W Pool 10 Millcrsburg. Arravan. OllieWood G2213 Churchill 1 1-8 1:54 fast 22 104 5 3 4 4" W Pool 5 Wads.sLast, YgAdam. Pimhco FRIZ, ch. g, 5 113 By Handsel Calanthe, by Ben Trovato. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. II. Hubb ard. G3972 Hthorne lm70y l:55slop 3 112 1 3 3 2 C Dishmon 8 Grayssian. WaDt Up, Madge B. G5380 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:57fast 8 106 7 2 2 li J Conway "7 Brown Bill. Buckboard khasU. 04643 BlueGrass 3-4 l:14fast 9-5 120 2 J Bass C F.Kinncy. El Mahdi, JudyAbbott 64G33 BlueGrasa 3-4 l:17Vandslov 5 121 2h J Bass 6 M.Atkin. O.McKenna. N mandie 64570 BlueGrasa 51 f l:0GS5fas?t 9 117 6i L, Gray 6 Auntie May. Tuscola, Mabel G. G4118 Lex.Fair 11:42 fast 4 115 1 Bass 8 La Kross. Jetsam, Brennan BILL HEAD, cli. g, S 103 By Doncaster Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer, J. McCoole. Owner. J. McCoole. . , , T 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 slow 13 115 31 R Scoville G W.M gomy, C.Holters, D yLady 64281 Toledo 1 l:41fast 17-10 108 lli H S Jones G Pierrot, Miss Kruter. Grandee 64225 Toledo lm70y l:44fast 6-5 112 C II S Jonesl2 Pierrot, Frank F.. Mijra Kruter G3900 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:16fast G-5 110 1 4 31 2 M Fator 9 Puzzle, Bed, Madge F. 63871 M Hghta lm70y l:44faat 21 110 8 5 3 31 J Chalmers S Advance, FrkShannon. Speedster 63825 M.Hghta 1 1-16 l:47fst 11-5 115 1 2 11 2 H S JonealO Handfull, Bermont, Pierrot G3719 H.Hghts 1 1-16 l:45?ifa3t 32 114 3 2 2 2 II S Jones 7 Penwell. WiltonArrow. Sh tStop 2T. K. BEAL, ch. g, 8 113 By Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer, S. E. St. George. Owner, C. Neely. . .. 65972 Hlhorne lm70y l:55Vislop 8 ICG 7 4 7 5" E Owens 8 Graywaa, Friz. Walk Up 65834 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:01fast S 108 7 6 6 6 H S Jones 7 B.WatcliIL, SpecXirl, Whippe: Si Hlhorne ImlS lfast 4 107 0 7 8 8" N Barrett S War Penny jSWyP. 21 E Barham 7 DtyLady, Flor Une, W.U.AICO k CiK-r, Omaha 11-41 fast 7 112 65640 Omaha 1 1-16 liis Sat 6 115 ?1 H Barham 5 Madiono. VJ; 1 H Barham 5 Flentine, AdelmeL. Mar.Levrts 6542G Omaha 1 1-16 l:52slow 17-10 115 6537 "! Omaha 1 l-33fast 17 110 61 E Barham S W.M gom y, Maysrille, Madrono 6537 Omaha 1 1 40fast 18-5 115 S B Barham 5 W.G.MCfk, Bkane LyVolfe fi-fi8fi Omaha 1 1-16 1"50 fast 3 120 7J R ScovillelO Dolph, Ilcgreso. Herder 6-2591 Omaha 1 Wlfiw 17-10 115 VI R Scoville 5 HazelW . BllUIcad. 62460 Omaha 1 1-8 l:33fast 9 100 6J C McCkle Wdie M t;.... 62315 Omaha 11:41 fast 32 112 3J F Greene G WM gom y , IrankUn, Capt.Glo r PLAUDEL. br. g. 8 102 By Plaudit Ave Eussel, by KumoL Trainer. J.J OSullivan. Owner, J. OSallivan. GT5G7 N Kton 1 1:49 fast 25 107 7" T Rao 7 Old Pop, Wodan, Short Stop 6-il5 X Kton 1 1-16 1 56sood 16 93 BJ F Lux 6 Sentimtal. Slip Silver ; Cockrcb. 6474 ConLa?e 1 1-16 l:55Vtslop 4 106 1 F Lux 6 Old Pop. Bine Star Kimono ,.,,.1" ronlAke 63, f 1-25 fast 16 105 5" B McCann 7 Old Pop, Benecia, Miss Kruter 6450- lmfoy 1-54 slow 6 105 61 O Atwell 6 ElCapitania. Balarosa. BlneStar 4414 Ere lUit fast 5 105 5 O Atwell G Sea Mime. Reveler. Little Niece C3834 Iv worth lm70y 1 :45fast 24f 11111 12 111 11" T Murray 12 Ferguson Wake Up. Kaucal j 63746 K worth 7-S l:26fast 2f 107112 12 12 12" T Murray 12 B.Mounfn, Procyon, MossFoxIL ELLAS 0., ch. c, 3 15 Py short Grass Mary Powell, by Star Shoot fTrai-er W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. , 61880 H"thorne 1 1-3 l:57fast U-5 102 5 5 41 43 J Kederis 7 Friz, Brown Bill, Buckboard 6574u Hthorne 1 1-8 1 50fast 2 103 3 1 3 4 2 J Kederis 7 Piedra, Buckboard r-Ao" M-thnr 1 l-432fast S 103 4 6 51 51 J Kederis 6 Kuklux. TanSon, BrotherJohn 6540G V od 1 1-16 LrSfas 11 106 5 4 5 CF Wilson 10 Fincastle. SisterFlo. Flibtygibt 65099 Th?ncliffe 1 1-16 l:49s!ow 6 103 8 6 5 5 J Smith 8 Flibygibt, Tarascon Kavwood rJ?0 lm70v-1-hv-y 6 100 3 5 5 3 J Chlmers 5 Griseida, Moco, BrotherJohn 64620 S;-shrelm70yl;lkhvy 27-10 98 2 3 3 3 D Stirling 7 Griseida Mar, "Maxim Troubler 64470 Windsor 1 1-16 l:50mud 14 104 S 3 3k 3i B Ambrse 9 Georgette, Toodles, Lucky Girl 64375 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47Vfefast 4S 100 7 5 4 31 M Fator 10 Lit.Ammie. FkFogarty. Ogarite 04111 FortErie 1 l:41fast 17 97 6 5 4h 55 F Wilson 10 narmonious. Georgette. Bonus C3892 K worth 1 1-16 1:47 fast 24 102 6 5 7 7" J Owens 8 Dark Hill. Tantalus. Gn.elda MADRONO, ch. g, 5 113 By The Manager Fancywood, by Prince of Monaco. Trainer, B. Barnett. Owner, Z. Barnett. . 0-.717 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 3 9G 6 S S 3l R Doyle G R.Rose, Grayssian. M.Denunzio o,B40 Omaha 1 1-16 1-43 fast 7-5 112 1 M Slghter 5 DtyLady. N.K.Beal, D.ofWrath 65473 Smaha 1 1 41 5 115 5T E Sequin 6 W.Mgomy. C pollers. B Head 65375 Omaha 1 l:39ifast 7 110 31 M Slghter S W.Mtgom MaysviUe BkTop Rgq Omaha 1 1:41 fast 7 115 M Slghter 7 LpFrcg. W.Mtgomy. Innotion 64779 Bhouse 1 1-8 1:52 fast 23 108 51 J Dawson 13 W.Mtgomy. MlaBoy 64043 Brhouse lm70y l:46ifast 7 105 1" R Duggan 8 Money, Reydo, Prince Direct 03981 Brhouse 1 1-16 1:48 fast 13-10 111 li T Wilson 10 Al Wick. Cork. Sam Hill 019-8 Brhouse lm70y l:472ifast 6 109 U R Duggan 9 Cafeteria, Overstep, M.Herrm n 63G37 Pino 1 l:42 fast 11 108 A Millerick 7 Shelbyville. Conlchon, Toombeola 63590 Keno UnTOy l:43faat 11-5 108 2i H Long 10 Caamano, J.Undcrwood, AlWick 63362 Reno 1 l:12fast 33-10 10? 1" H Long 7 EvalynHargan, Zamlh, Kberly RING ROSE. ch. c. 4 113 By Soth Rose Ring, by Hippodrome. fTrainer. J. Kar.terson. Owner, J. Masterson. . 65881 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:43,fast 3 101 8 4 44 5" E Petzoldt 8 Frank Fogarty. Piedra. Louis lii737 Hthorne lm70y l:47ifaat 8 1021 1 3 3 11 J Kederis 6 Grayssian, Madrono, M.Denunzio 65480 Lcxton 3-4 1 15 fast 21 1071 4 4 41 4 N Barrett 7 SamReh. C.otheRst, Gr.Minard 01391 Lexton 3-4 l!16hvy 8 110 S 1 3 2 N Barrett 6 Cti.IIenry, Co.theRoost, Jordan OO Lexton 3-4 1:15 fast 6 108 9 9 9 75 E Pool 12 Lottie Loraine, Stamp Bad r."l8, Churchill 3-4 l:13Vandfaat 10 107 15 12 12 12" E Scobie 15 QunHigh, Whirl, WdingThrgh 044CG Wndsor ti llngood 11 103 2 3 3 2 E Pool 9 Trantula, Ablaze. FUbtygibbet -S7 Kvorth 7-8 l:27fast 14 104 12 10 6 3k J Owens 12 Anticipate, Ballynew, Arc.King 03198 D-vshira 3-4 1:14 "fast 5 115 7 4 4 41 N Barrett 12 Ballynew, Ogarite. C.otheMain G"?"6 LiUonia 3-4 1:13 faat 22 110 8 2 2 41 R Hartonl2 Louis A.. Pyx, Troilus C-M83 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 4 1131 3 6 10 10" W W TlorlO Blaise, Hereafter, Trust Official 61938 Churchill CI t l:13andfaat 61 113 5 4 4 4s R Hartonl5 Approval, Youneed, Lugs 61490 Lcxton 3-4 l:15?mud 69 110 2 4 7 7 R Han-ton 3 AtieMay. ChJIenry, Rap.Strid, FITZ-BOODLE. ch. g, 4 108 By Fits Herbert Lady K. H., by Meddler. fTrainer G. Archibald. Owner, P. T. Richardson. G594 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 31 107 9 8 71 8" E Petzoldt 9 B.Bckwell, BattyH., D.ofWrath 6510 Thcliffc 1 1-16 l:477igood 24 1C2 4 3 4 osl F Weiner 8 Grayssian, Bob.AUen, KingJohn 65096 Tlincliffa 3-4 l:14HsIow 12 107 5 6 71 71 F Weiner 10 Theo. Thorny Way, DeUiimar 047-7 Devshire 3-4 l:lohvy Gl 117 4 9 9 9" W Lilley 9 Fincastle. Jacques, Bobby Allen 04G1 Devshire 11:41 slow 10 106 2 10 10 10 i L. GregorylO AmericanBoy, Jacques, Magician 63817 Kworth 1 1-8 l:53fast 22 1091 3 9 9 10 T Murray 10 Honol.Boy, HighGear, Grayssian G3778 Kworth lm70y l:43fast 13 105 2 4 6 6 J Wallace 7 Fan.Bean, Royal Duck, Citattoa 03605 Windsor 1 1-16 l:51andslow 33-10 111 3 7 7 6" J Merlmeo 7 Despair, Azrael, Sagamook CS-O" DevMiire 1 1-4 2:0Sfast 8 118 1 2 4 2l D Stirling 8 Comme Ci. Lazy Lou. Gath 6795 Dorval 1 1-16 2:01hvy 13-10 115 1 1 14 14 D Stirling G Austral. Exhorter, Viva Cuba 6730 Dorval lm70y 1:56 hvy 61 109 1 2 21 1 D Stirling 8 Flibgibbt. Jew.V.D., Sangrado 6"5G5 B Bnnets 3-4 l:14fcfast 6f 110 2 4 6 41 J Wallace 14 Hidden Jewel. Rolo, Trantnla 62442 B.Bnr.et3 7-8 l:27fast 9 93 3 4 2l J Wallace 9 LvLoralne, TanSon, May.Hooae CLEOPATRA BOY, b. g, 6 M 103 By Deering May Esher, by Princ Esher. Owcer, H. S. Tracey. 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 10 1121 5 5 6 7" A Richcrk 8 Ar.Point, SwtApple. L. MiUer 65637 Omaha 3-4 l:15fast 7-5 115 21 R Scoville 5 LadyEileen, MiLBoone. M.Gray 6355G Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 32 115 2J R Spicer 8 BaLy, MelodyMan, O.Homestead 65422 Omaha 5-8 l:02lislow 14 115 3i R Spicer 7 Dr.Mkll., MelodyMan, Recluse 65370 Omaha 3-4 l:145ifast 37 110 7" P Wilson 11 S.Maggie, FullAgain, Dr.Mackll. 62504 Omaha 51 f l.OSXfast 177 117 U" T JohnstnUJ B.A.Jones, DesertBose, E.Smyth HO MAID, b. f. 4 M 103 By Horron Fluid, by Blitzen, Owner, W. Nestlehouse. 65880 Hthorne 1 1-S l:57itfast SO 103 J T 7 7" J Smith 7 Friz, Brown BiU, Buckboard 65783 Hlhorne 3-4 l:15fast 30 106 6 T P 9J J Carroll 12 BrownBill, Whippet, Black Top 65627 Omaha 5-8 l:02fast 13-5 109 5s J Carroll 7 MayBoch, B.Gnleaf, T.andTight 02545 Omaha 3-4 1:19 hvy 29 110 53i E Barhaml2 Fl.ofSteel, Innovatn, Aclamatn 6459 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 38 110 511 T Thrailkl 6 Kirsties Cub, Manicure, Herder 62336 Ompna 51 f l:C9rsfast 96 108 Stl T Thrailk112 Okla.Kid, Our Leader, Maudil. 02287 Or.aha 51 f l:09kfast 20 105 10" T Thrallk112 Walterina, Leniere, EvellneMay RrVDXET, ch. m, 5 108 By Rapid Water Mettie Bereaud, by Jean Bareaud. Trainer, A. Wallin. Owner, Wallin tc Bryan. 05925 Hthorne 3-4 l:liifast 20 107 6 5 51 6 L. Gray 8 End Man, Toy Miss, Bond C4639 Blue Grass 3-4 l:14?ifast 6 108 5 J Francis 7 G.Minard, MachiaTll, E.Garrisor 64602 BlueGras3 5-8 l:02:sgood 21-10 110 44 R Harton G SplitGrass, Scarpiall., L. Frakes 64260 Lex.Fair 1 l:45?smud 16-5 105 5 L Gray 6 M.Pperity, Nan. Lane, LaKross C4229 Lex.Fair 51 f l:06fast 6 107 2 J Bobbins G Settle, Bonero Blue, Flip 64204 Lex.Fair 3-4 1:13 fast 35 116 B L, Mink 6 MabelG., AuntieMay, MyGracle 63702 Ashland Ab 5-8 l:0l7sfast 61 111 6i W Dkson G Huronll., Wdpile, Dr.Campbell G3581 Ashland Ab 5-8 l:01good 6 109 4 T Rae 4 Sister Susie, Woodpile, Foarleaf 63560 Ashland 3-4 l:17fast 27-10 112 6" W Dkson 6 Skootcr. Sister Susie, Rog 03057 Connet Ab 5-3 59fast 2 110 24 C Watson G Sis.Susic, M.Crestwd, Malvolio 02711 Erie 5-S 1:00 faat 43-10 1M l1 C Watson 7 Slip.Silver, SisterSusie, Salome 02580 Erie Ab 5-8 l:00Vfajit 16-6 101 14 C Watson 7 Corer Dp, Murphy, OliTe James C242G Erie Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 13 HI 2l C Watson 9 Olym.King, Murphy, Peg.Eaton r?ii nior- 1 Mile and TO Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. Din HAUL G, 1890 1:44 1-2 O 104. HONOLULU BOY. ch. g, 7 102 By Salvation Zerita, by Cerito II. Trainer, J. Masterson. Owner, J. Masterson. 6533G Lexton 1 1-4 2:10hvy 3-6 103 4 1 V 24 M. Garner 4 Dr.Gilbert, LaFoudre, TheSmer 04967 Churchill 1:1-4 2:07V6fast 4-5 113 7 2 21 2 E Pool 8 Travesty, FlygPrince, Dr.Gilbt 64855 Churchill 1 1-S l:52?fast 5 107 6 S 3 3T W Pool 7 Runquoi, Normal, Lou Widrig 64410 Windsor 1 2-16 2:00fast 61 100 8 4 34 L McDottll Croupier, K. Rankin, Fautoche 64303 Windsor 1 1-8 l:53;tfast 33-10 114 2 6 3 31 n Erlcksn 7 JuneKIy, Ferguson, Kath.Rankin 63891 Kworth 13-16 2:00 fast 13-10 113 7 8 7 74 J Owens 9 Grayssian, Louis, Haman 63817 Kworth 1 1-8 l:53faat 3-2 110 10 4 ll WC Thpson 10 High Gear, Graysn, Pir.McGee 63469 Windsor 1 3-16 2:00andfast 8-6 113 13 6 3 2 H E Jonesl2 Doctor Jim, Stanley, Explosive 63201 Devshire 1 1-16 1:46 fast 46 112 8 I 6 51 N Barrett 8 Louis A., Chasseur, NightRaider 62185 Churchill 1 1-4 2:06yast 2 111 4 4 4 2 B Kenndy 4 Iaris Maid, Legal. Wickford C2080 Churuhill 1 1-S l:52salow 17-M 11 6 S V 31 A Johnsou 5 Myster.Girl, Accelerate, Grmand 1 f I I , , , FRAIfK FOGARTY, br. g, 4 108 By Wrack Irish Wit, by Celt. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, C. Irby. 05881 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:494faat 4 107 3 2 2 II A Tmbley 8 Piedra. Louis, Walk Up 65737 Hthorne lm"0y l:47fa3t 3-2 108 4 S 6 61 A Tmblcy 6 Ring Rose, Grayssian, Madron 65353 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 108 S S1 SJ A Tmbley 12 Halo, Dantzic. BUls Luck 65169 Thncliffe lm70y l:4SVshvy S-6 108 6 S V 2 A Tmbley 9 S.Away, BroJohn, Fair Virginia 65056 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15hvy 61 105 S C 61 A Tmbley 7 Betsinda, Ablaze, Slkhlm 64808 Dufrin 1 1-16 l:54andfast 43-10 113 1 T Wayt 7 Fluzey, Penelope, Cabin Creek G47G7 Devshire 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 37-10 110 S 1 1 1 A Tmbley G CleanGone, Comme Ci. Topmast G4G22 Devshire 1 1-8 l:S8hvy 21 109 2 2 2 2 A Trmbley 5 Sister Flo, Topmast, Louis 64557 Devshire 1 1-16 l:45ifast 23 110 10 S ! F A TmbleylO Greenland, Walk Up, Magician GRAYSSIAK, b. s. 5 104 By Hessian Dorothy Gray, by Hamburg. Trainer, T. Hatton. Owner, J. Corey. 65972 Hthorne lm70y l:55slop 4 110 4 2 2 1 A Tmbley 8 Friz, Walk Up, Madge F. 65833 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 2 109 3 2 2 21 R Bolton 4 nalu. Citizen, Marine Corps 63737 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 11-5 115 5 1 1 21 J Mctcalf G RingRose. Madrono, M.Denunzle 65089 Hthorne 5 f 1:03 faat 10 1031 1 7 71 7" R Bolton 12 Tuscola, Lina Clark, MossFoxIL 05453 Woodss 1 2-16 1:59 fast 13-10 105 4 4 6 8" C Turner 14 Dantzic, BrassTacks, BckBetty C5210 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:ITgood 21 102 5 1 l1 l1 J Wallaco 8 BobbyAIlen, KingJohn, SisterFlo G5132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:11 slow 41 105 3 2 21 34 I Gordon 3 L.BIkSbeep, Bob.AUen. Betsda 64161 FortErie 1 1-S l:53vfast 5 103 3 3 2l 34 E Harbne 8 Walk Up, Dan, Fantocce 64076 Hton 1 1-4 OT 2:15 raud 31 106 3 7 7 7" J Malben 7 War Mask, Leta, Doctor Jim C3891 Kworth 1 3-16 2:00 fast 19-5 110 5 1 1 1 J Malben 9 Louis, Haman, Attorney Muir G3SC4 Kworth 1 1-16 l:46faat 41 107 1 1 1 1 J Maiben 10 Gem, Jacques, Clean Gone WOODDZ MONTGOMERY, ch. g, 9 111 By First Chip Duchess of Montebello, by Banastax. Trainer-, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 65784 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:43 faat 6 107 1 S 3 4 J Sington 5 L.TJllian, Croupier. ElackBctty 65559 Omaha 1 1:39 faat 6 112 3s J Sington G Cath-Marronc, Coffield. Lenieve 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 alow 4-6 US 14 J Sington G CHolters, BUIHead, DntyLady G5S79 Omaha 1 1:40 faat 13-6 115 34 J Sington 4 Penwell, Coffield, Adeline L. G5375 Omaha 1 l:S3sfast 1 110 14 J Sington 8 Maysville, Madrono, Black Top G5369 Omaha 11:41 faat 23-10 115 21 J Sington 7 Leap Frog, Madrono, Innovation 64909 Bghouse lm70y l:44fast 23-10 109 34 J Sington 10 MarcellaBoy, Pr.Direct, Jellison G4779 Brhouso 1 1-8 1:52 faat 27 108 2 J Singtonl3 Carabosse, MlaBoy, Frin.Direct 04429 Hastings 1 1-4 2:1G good 23-10 109 2 J Sington 0 Prince Direct, Laggan, Jellison MELODY MAN, b. c, 5 91 By Martinet Ethel Xe Brume, by Broomstick. Owner, M. McPhorson. 65635 Omaha 5-3 l:014fast 2 115 2 R Scoville 7 Innovation. Min.Mack, J.Nusent 65C28 Omaha 5-S l:01andfa3t 14-5 112 24 J Carroll 6 L.Pointer. MisriBoy, TlicCubIL 6555G Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 8 115 34 J Pccorara S Baisy, ClcotraBoy, O.Homestead 65169 Omaha 5-S l:02andslow 8 112 21 J Pecorara 8 EdLeVan, Baisy, Sovereign IL 65422 Omaha 5-S l:02andslow 7 110 2 J Pecorara 7 Dr.Mkll., ClpatraBoy, Recluse 65376 Omaha 5-S l:01faat 27 115 84 I Rabideaul2 Mouxie, M.Denunzio, BrownDick 65035 Bghousa 3-4 l:15good Sf 112 11" W GarganBi EdLeVan, D. de Guise, F.Fancy G4870 Bghou3e 5-8 l:02faat 15 lit 1 T Wilson 11 ElmerW., Klat-a-Wa. S.Slefano 01426 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:01 good S3 112 8" P MartinezlO Toyon. H. K. Asher. Okan Belle 64357 Hastings Ab 5-S 1:00 slop 41 107 5" J Deford 9 P.Fountn, DestRose, LomdJr. TOKALON MARCH, b. g, 8 94 By Marchmont II. Tokalon, by Tammany. Trainer, F. R. Doyle. Owner, S. Jones. 65975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51slop 2 102 4 1 1 1" R Doyle 6 B.Hunley, B.Watchll., Spec.Girl G5740 Hthorne 1 1-S l:5Gsfast 6 101 6 I 61 6" R Doyle 7 Piedra, Klias O.. Buckboard 65691 Hthorne lm70y l:174faat 41 106 7 S 7s 6" R Doyle S WarPcnny, Sea Way. Piedra G5217 Dorval 1 1-4 2:13sIow 6 100 8 8 4 34 R Doyle 3 Pre-a-Fcu. Pltarede, K.TrojaJi 65142 Dorval 1 1-4 2:21 mud 8-5 101 S 14 1 R Doyle 7 Hercules, John Arbor. Rhymer 650GG Dorval 1 1-3 l:59mud 8 102 6 4 3 24 R Doyle S Phalaris, Gallivant, Fireworth G4862 B.Bnneta 1 1-8 l:556fast 17 39 6 6 4 4 R Doyle 9 Troma, Bengalese, Lucy Kato 64G97 Connght 1 1-8 l:555sfast 8 110 4 4 41 44 H Erickan 8 Chefa. nandfull, Troma