untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-10-22


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uprraai I The Miracle System uZTn 2S-Pasre ! ICover to Cover! Booklet on I FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED witU Sound I Racia;? 1 F-A-I-L-U-R-E U tuiasz4 aa bbob FACT TALK XO. SI debtf mfTFA:hVa ZofuZ0 1,ia.rV,-,lifficu,ty irt Kettin -ft. ore GUESSING. "" Utm0St today t0 aVoid ll- They HEARSAY are trusting to LUCK and rhpr o,r statists tell thj bluest single is" GUfIOrI: TheplaAX GviLv Vut ca.es out of ten is 10 GUESSES today in nine the player who fails tomorrow ito .7 L , . Player." ? Look your turf InZ men . t fL If ?U ?f, ,eSe Slne y TODAY your "GUESSING." Thousands of our successf.il ..L J w ? Df, ti, tllcr? ls ateo"utely no excuse for nine-lenths of the GUESSWORK. unJ0 Mirac,e System e5""ates thorn to get rid of the other tenth of it themselves it J, r. informati" that enabled tSnsJtae 0 Crystallized Racing Manual, racing pointers, resets lif vitally testimonials, sworn and -tatlstto? eTCI FKUbIS,cd imPtant bUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the st SS 1?, th-C 21 FAH0US WALTER without charge or obligation. For OJSJS. "postals ioreadbS1Utely bvhi M. P. WALTER and CO England CANADA A TURF PROPOSITION W!TH A CONSCIENCE AUSTRALIA voteWlo 40F. S. E. ARTHUR, PoMlc Relation. Mgr. Tog GUARANTEED SPECIAL WILL GO AT LAT0NIA FRIDAY, 0CT0BEE 27 at K.5SS IS GuParanLrda SlSwYfrr7 15 JJ-J JM. Our last Guaranteed fci S SJfttft HERE IS OUR GUARANTEE liredyUou?2 " yU the of tho ve early Friday morning October 27. The horso MUST WIN" AND WOT 0N1Y or w will wire you our regular Saturday Specials for FIVE SATURDAYS FREE cialT7t1hiuYdTuqtnn!eV0Ur SUbSCription in tirae and this Guaranteed Spe- GALLOPS 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois OUR I I A i PARLAY in u SPECIAI BY MAIL - GOES OCTOBER 30 V I 10-1-20-1 We dont have these parlays very often, but on Oct. SO we will have a PARLAY TWO-HORSE WIN PARLAY r-n-ccj nMch T4"111 J" f"ed to aU within 40 hours mailing distance of Chica Our GOES price for this information is ?2.W, and w0 leutRjhy OCTOBER 30 SHOlJLD WIN AND PAY AT LEAST 10 TO 1 la act, so sure are we that we will have two winners at fair odds if the Baaaal parlay w mail you does not prove a winner and pav 10-1 AT tpact wiU MAn, TOtr ABSOLTJTELr FREE the Teleplf Hndic fTr six weeks and also our REGULAR 50 CENT HANDICAP SHEET AND DONT MISS IT! LTooS?tll Candl 52, TDAY SRy "For your SpeciaI 10"1-20-1 Parla" SEND TODAY ! THE TELEGRAPH HANDICAP TEMPLE COURT JJLIUDINU - . CHICAGO, ILU. Joe Brand 301 WEST 58TH ST. NEW YORK CITT. I am now operating at LAT0NIA ONIY. All horses filed in advanco with Daily Racing Form. Mado promise to connections horses name not to be advertised. I ALWAYS KEEP MY" WORD. MONDAYS HORSE Will Be Another Hummer YESTERDAYS HORSE: RED AKRoW .10-, WON FRIDAYS HORSE: I Pumps, S6.70-S2, Won THURSDAYS SPECIAL: 1 Paris Maid, S8-S2, Won WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL WON. TUESDAYS HORSE : BIRDIE G 3.20- WON MONDAYS HORSE: FERGUSON 51G.40-?2 AVON SATURDAYS HORSE: BOBBIE SHEA 9.90- WON FRIDAYS HORSE: SEWELL COMBS S12.S0-52 WON THURSDAYS HORSE: HYSTERIA S20.40- WON WEDNESDAYS HORSE: MEGAN SU.10-S2 WON TUESDAYS HORSE: KINSMAN 1.50- WON MONDAYS HORSE: BRITISH MAID ...19.50, .20-52 2ND 20 FLAT BET WON OVER ,000. Todays horse will be another HUMMER. WILL PAY 15 TO 1 My past record shows that I know my business. TERMS 0, 0 WEEKLY. DO IT NOW Out-of-town-clients wire your subscription. Be sure to send your correct street address. ONE HORSE DAILY DAILY, 5 WEEKLY Bill Rhoades 115 BROAD ST. ROOM 201 NEW YORK, N. Y. MY WINNERS . Monday, ROYAL DUCK .00.?2 WON i Tuesday, TIDINGS 8.00- WON Wednesday, PLETRUS 4.10. WON Thursday, MARYLAND BELLE 1.40- WON Friday, PAPILLON 1.90- WON My above winners speak for themselves. j ! My track connections have eiven me info for my clients on such horses that are out to win. Hero is a chance for you to clean up, 1 j1 It I Assure You Six Winners Weekly : 5 Other turf bureaus charge 00 daily for the same info that I give, I Only Charge You .00 Daily. Dont wait; rush your remittances at once by Western Union, mail or call. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success Is assured. Can he playedat or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few SELECT ILAYS each week that nearly all win. Won big acney on a straight flat hat. This marvelous method stands out like a MAX O WAR. IT IS FAR SUPERIOR. My system gives long-priced winners: Calamity Jane 4.40- Poquot S.80- Auntie May ,.0.40-?2 Lura 8.00- Sptacular Girl?14.00. Power 4.30- Kathine Rkin2.40- Dexterous .50- Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients, showing proof of what my system is doing, sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. I guarantee my System. Those with honest intentions can get my system or. easy terms. Small payment down, balance as you win. Write today for FREE PARTICULARS. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET :: NEW YORK CITY LATOfllA SPECIALS Ex-Joe key Wilson Tot the remainder of the mcetin? I will be on the ground and give you first-hand advice. Within tho next week I am expecting- two that should win i barring accidents. Usually have two or three! good ones each week. Also have good advice on the Maryland track. I give honest, conscientious service. I want to hear from honest peoplo who will pay. Terms: Winnings of a 0.00 straight play, after you collect. Answer quick. L WILSON 300-C GREENWOOD BLDG. CINCINNATI, OHIO LATONIARACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMLtS CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. Telegraph remittanco or remit by express ordor in letter. 325 GREENUP STREET COVINGTON, KY. WANTED Rsliablo men to take advantage of some real high-class information. ORLOVA, .10-.00 was List Thursdays Big Special. One or two each week. Rush your correct name and address at once. You woat regret it. Terms: Winnings of a .00 bet to be wired me tho next day. J. M. RINLEY 1010 West Market St., :: LOUISVILLE, KY. Daily Racing Form Ads Pay Well. G AITS CHIEf OBSERVER 35 CENTS. MAILED TEN WEEKS . NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY FOR SALE TODAY SUNDAY, AND ONCE MORE, ANOTHER FAMOUS FREE SPECIAL MONDAY LAUREL MAINE-GRASS-SUN-RED. GET THE NEW ISSUE TODAY Remember: ALL FREE SPECIALS WON Yes, sir, every FREE SPECIAL that we have IL, on SUNDAYS HAVE WON, and what a SLEEPER this one day. WORTH 00 to any man and all it costs you is 35 cents. RUSH to your newsdealer now and get BOOK No. 30 Last Four 0 Free Specials Pair Phantom . .-. .80- Won Miss Minerva . . . .00- 2nd Hyanpom .80- Won Bobbie Shea ...9.90- Won This- is real information WHAT? TODAYS ONE BEST comes exceptionally strong. Ask your newsdealer for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER ONLY 50 CENTS LEADING NEWSSTANDS 4.60-82, Won IRockniiiiisfer, Was Yesterdays SATURDAY SPECIAL. Braedalbane ...00- Won Was October 14th SATURDAY SPECIAL. White Star . . ..20- Won Was October 7th SATURDAY SPECIAL. Yoshimi 9.00- Won Was our last OCCASIONAL. On this service we have had FIVE WINNERS out of last EIGHT STARTERS. We certainly are cleaning up, as tho above shows. How long do you have to bo shown who makes good, and just think, all we charge is .00 for THREE 3 OCCASIONALS, INCLUDGING ONE SATURDAY SPECIAL. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE. REMEMBER, ALL IT COSTS IS .00. Ashland 4.10- Won Was Yesterdays BEST BET. If you have noticsd our ads lately you will see that we are also cleaning up on our DALLY SHEET. REMEMBER, we only give TWO HORSES each day. I On sale at all newsstands handling this paper. 50c daily. If your newsdealer dees not handle it mail us .00 and we will send you sheet for one week, or .09 for two weeks. Room 411 Baltimore Bid sr. Chicago, III. LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK !! This wonderful system only had 7 losing bets in the first 12 days at Latonia and Laurel combined. Tho best bet only had 1 loser. Last meeting at Orleans same system only had 21 losers out of 99 bets. NOTICE SPECIAL A chance of a lifetimo to beat tho races. For the next two weeks my systems in full will bo only . Now is your opportunity. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking tho winners. Hero are a few: Phalaris 4340-2 Clansman 1240-2 3240-2 Alameda Girl ...1120-2 The Clown 2560-2 Ross R 5030-2 Delhi Maid 1620-2 Irish Brigadier ...25-1 Ferguson 1640-2 Kig Geerge 17-2 And a large number of others. Get thsso systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. They aro good always, on any track. Thea after you-get them and if they have not done just as I advertised I will gladly return ycur mosey. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CROSMAN SOX 26 PALMYRA. IND. J. F. LUCKY BALDWIN Three more bis specials eo Tuesday, Oct. 24- another Thursday, Oct. f.6; another Saturday, Oct. 23. You cannot afford to miss these three golden opportunities. If winners are what you want dont hesitate rash yowr correct name ad address at once. Terms: The winnings of a 0. straight play. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. PHONE: LENOX 6110 PROFITS EVERY DAY Moderate hut positive. Our FltEK I-:-SC11IPT1VE BOOK sent upon request. You can buy this system, upon small payment down, pay balance after you uin. Wc play and -win daily. Address: THE GUARANTY SYSTEM 117 Y. Franklin Street, BALTIMORE, 31 D. Rockminister . . 4.6 0- Won and a loser were Saturdays Specials. WE SURE PUT OVER A DANDy! Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES AT LATONIA. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Juno-Plum-3C-34-33-20. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. HI PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922102201/drf1922102201_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1922102201_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800