Montfort Jones Glorious Day, Daily Racing Form, 1922-10-22


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MONT FORT JONES9 GLORIOUS DAY ROCKMINISTER WINS Latonia Championship Stakes for Oklahoma Oil Man. Establishes New American Record in Defeating Bunting, Lucky Hour and Other Stars. LATONIA, Ky., October 21. Montfort Jones carried off the rich Latonia Championship Stakes decided here this afternoon, and incidentally bemuddled more the respective claims to premiership among the three-year-clds when Rockminister triumphed in decisive stvle from Lucky Hour, with Rockmin-isters stablemate, Surf Rider, in third place. Bunting, the mainstay of the easterners and a pronounced favorite, was badly humbled, for he finished an exhausted fourth, his defeat being foreshadowed before the last quarter of the trying mile and three-quarters race had been completed. It was one of the fastest races ever run In this country, the 2 :55 for a mile and three-quarters not only representing a reduction in the mark hung up by Cleopatra on the memorable occasion in 1920 when she defeated On AVatch, Damask and others in the same stake by one and one-fifth seconds, but also a new American record for the distance, eclipsing the previous best time of 2:5035, made by the great Exterminator at Saratoga August 31, 1920. The pace was terrific throughout. Lucky Hours rider apparently following a plan of campaign that would tire out his opponents in the early stages, and as the race was run it looked as if he would be successful, for the colt appeared to have much in reserve despite the sizzling and dazzling speed he was maintaining. Chatterton was his nearest rival early, but the Frank J Kelley representative gave way after the first mile had been traversed and Bunting moved forward and for a while appeared equal to overhauling the fast going leader, but the completion of a mile and a quarter still found Lucky Hour in the van going easily, but Bunting had shot his bolt and was being menaced for second place by the well-ridden and fast-finishing Rockminister. HUNTING EXHAUSTED. Just before the lower turn Rockminister displaced Bunting, but Lucky Hour still seemed to have the race at his mercy. Sti-aightened for the stretch Garner began his vigorous ride and Rockminister. responding in game style, steadily but surely began wearing down Lucky Hour and succeeded in doing so in the last sixteenth. The finish found Rockminister drawing away from Lucky Hour. Bunting, when he began tiring, did so almost to the exhaustion point, and he readily fell a victim to Surf Riders closing rush. The others, with the exception of Chatter-ton, were never formidable and figured but slightly at any time during the running. The net value of the stakes to the winner totaled 4,050, Lucky Hour took down ,000 for landing in second place and Surf Rider got ,000 for being third. Bunting, for finishing fourth, received ,000. It was a gala day at Latonia this afternoon and by far the best attendance- that has ever been present during any day of an autumn meeting witnessed the decision of the Latonia Championship Stakes ar.d the volume of mutuel speculation also was of record proportions. Lowering clouds hid the sun, but the air was mellow. The track was in its best condition and ideal for fast racing. Montfort Jones also accounted for the secondary feature in which Fair Phantom showed the fastest three-quarter mile of the meeting when she ran the distance in 1:115. Her great flight of speed carried her to t,.e : finish a good margin in advance of Braedal-s bane. ! ROUGH TIME FOR FAVORITES. ; Favorites had a rough time, being downed with regularity. Some of the winners came from unexpected quarters, but all seemed to have a fair share of support, judging by ths i prolonged shouts from the lucky backers when the prices were posted. ; ; fhe racing was highly pleasing, many of l the finishes being hard fougnt and well sustained. The diminutive J. Corcoran, whose riding has been attracting favorable atten- i tion, again figured prominently during the afternoon when he landed two successive 1 winners in Red Arrow and Ashland. c His ride on the latter was particularly " good, for he brought his mount up in the last stride after a strenuous drive to get the 1 verdict, Ashland incidentally displayed an Continued on twelfth pas". ROCKMINISTER WINS Continued from first page. acrobatic performance, his last two races under L Wilsons guidance being anything but satisfactory and the stewards sought an explanation from his owner and trainer for the sudden improvement. Ashland was claimed from the race by Mrs. J. Phillips, represented in the race by Pit. The claiming price was ,900. A hard jolt was handed the public in the opening dash when Jimmie Daw, almost neglected, won in commanding style Trom Honor Man and "White Star. Jockey Garner decided to accept mounts today, though reluctantly. He was given a big ovation after his victory on Rockminister. United States Senator Richard Ernest presented the trophy on behalf of the Kentucky Jockey Club to owner Montfort Jones. Briand was claimed out of the sixth race by Otto Torrell for ,400. . Adonis was claimed out of the last race by W. E. Nestlehouse for ,G00. J. P. Oliver, who in partnership with E. W. Simms owns Lucky liour and other horses, was on hand to witness the big race. He was accompanied here by T. P. Cava-nagh, well-known Chicago sportsman. P. A. Murphy, the Louisville architect, came over today to confer with general manager Matt J. "Winn regarding contemplated improvements at Latonia.

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Local Identifier: drf1922102201_1_2
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