untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-11-14


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J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN Three phenomenal propositions. One sroes Thursday, November 16; another Saturday, November 18, and another Tuesday, November 21. You cannot afford to miss these three opportunities. If you are absolutely reliable. DONT hesitate, rush your correct name and address at once. Terms The winnings of a 0 straight play. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVENUE. NEW YORK CITY. PHONE LENOX 6110. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 25 CENTS, MAILED 10 WEEKS . TODAYS FREE CODE: DADE PARK Wyoming-Dark-Purple - Sea. YESTERDAYS ADV. LONG SHOT: Sir Lawnfal .70- 3rd Tough luck; but we tried hard, however. Watch Us Come Back Today HERE YOU ARE TODAY 0 FREE SPECIAL AT DADE PARK HAS SHOWN SENSATIONAL SPEED Here is your chance. BY ALL MEANS DONT fail to TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE of this opportunity; go right now to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 CENTS AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS DADE PARK FOR SALE: EVANSVILLE, Ind. Arthur Fisher, 209 Main St. MAN, YOU NEED A CHART. Not only that,, but you need a CO-ORDINATED SPEED CHART, if you are successfully to cope with the racing game. It is the chart used by an expert handicapper of many years experience in private practice and heretofore a well-kept secret. Navigators all use charts. So should you. Navigators dont trust to their knowledge alone. Neither should you. All big racing operators use charts. So should you. For success, follow successful men. Ask yourself how many losses you have sustained because, in handicapping-, yon changed your mind. The Co-Ordinated Chart has no mind to change; never become worried or undecided, but calmly, collectively and accurately points out the way you should go, as the navigators chart does for him. Can you realize tho immense advantage in this! Tho Co-Ordinated comprises 15 separate charts of the tracks in New York, Maryland, Kentucky, New Orleans and Havana., and their time values have been so scientifically harmonized that you can easily and accurately place a horse, no matter where ho is to run. If you do not yet possess this chart, you have coming to you the genuine pleasure of REALLY handicapping a race. It will teach you, too, how honestly the horses run if you only go after them in the proper manner something you sometimes doubt. Get it, and free yourself onca and for all from having to purchase information not nearly so good as your own. Neatly printed in pocket size. Price 810 worth that and what it will " cost you to stay in the game without it. Should prove priceless for New Orleans and Havana thi winter, "You need it you should have it." CO-ORDINATED CHART 1065 CLARKSON ST, DENVER, COLORADO

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922111401/drf1922111401_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1922111401_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800