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PROMINENT AMERICANS RETURN FROM FRANCE PARIS, France. November 2.1.- Everett Jl.ivnps. who has Just finished his first senson of riding In France, and James Wlnkflcld, Ire veteran colored Jockey, were among the p.i.isengers who nailed for New York on the Olyniph- yesterdny. Iluyne came to France l,it fprlng with Eugunc Leigh and. after a poor start, won his way into the solect clr-1 1 of leading French riders. Wlnkflcld, although he is along in yearn, continues to ride brilliantly for the IlUMlnn owner, L. Alunta-iJeff noMier ptiMscngor on the Olympic in Julius FH-dirnann "f Cincinnati who formerly raced a nrii -d.iU" in the Frilled State.