Trio of Old Celebrities: Performance of Luke Blackburn Hindoo and Hanover, Daily Racing Form, 1922-11-24


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TRIO OF OLD CELEBRITIES Performances of Luke Blackburn, Hindoo and Hanover. "Wonderful Itacing of Three of "Most 1amons Horses of American Turf Details of Their Achievements. BY SALVATOIi. First Article. When Sallys Alley won the Futurity in such brilliant fashion, her performance moved me to some reflections upon her an-oestry and reminiscences of various horses figuring therein. In particular. I wrote of Luke Blackburn, sire of her granddam, Heartburn, which son of Bonnie Scotland lias never, since the day when, over forty years ago. he blazed in such splendor at the meridian of the racing firmament, ceased to Iks one of the principal figures in my gallery of equine gods. It was in 18S0 that Luke Blackburn made his .name imperishable in American turf history and what he-did that season has never since been equaled by a three-year-old thoroughbred. Starting twenty-four times he won twenty-two races, most of them stake events, in which he defeated . riot only the pick of his own age, but, in many instances, the best all-aged and handicap horses in training. There is no parallel to this series of performances in the turf annals of any country and it is doubtful if there ever will be. The nearest approaches have been those made the next season of 1881, here in America, by Hindoo, he then winning eighteen out of twenty races, and a half-dozen years later by Hindoos son, Hanover, when in 1SS7 he won twenty out of twenty-seven races. It will be interesting, I think, to give a brief tabular resume of the three-year-old careers of this trio of titans, so here it is: Colt. Year.Itaces 1. 2. 3. Unp. Amt. I.uke Blackburn... 1830 24 22 0 1 1 tJ,977..0 Hindoo 1881 20 IS 1 1 0 -19.100.00 llauover 1S87 27 20 7. 1 1 S!,772.7.0 These three colts are all record-breakers as money winners. Never before Luke Blackburn had an American three-year-old approached his winnings of ?4G,975. In fact, only three American thoroughbreds had won as much or more in their entire turf careers as did he in that one year, these having been Planet, with 9,700; Pcytona, with ?GG,-000, and Boston, with 1,200. Hindoo, however, surpassed him the next year by winning 9,100, though capturing four less races eighteen as against twenty-two. In turn this was excelled by the earning of Miss "Woodford in her three-year-old form in 1SS4, she piling up no less than 1,120.50. This remained a record until the advent of Hanover in 1887, when he eclipsed all previous ones by his huge total of , 772.50. Comparatively few three-year-olds in the thirty-live years that have since elapsed have earned a larger amount. The present record is Man o Wars 60,140, established in 1920, when he won eleven races without a single defeat. But ,000 of this amount was due to his victory over Sir Barton in their "special" staged at Kenilworth Park. The amount he earned in what might be termed "regular" events was therefore but ,140, or considerably less than that accredited to Hanover. The largest amount of money won in America by a three-year-old in regular events still remains the 44,000 earned by Sysonby in 1905, when he was undefeated in nine races. We cannot, however, correctly assess the merits of racers by their money winnings, which are an index of success rather than true greatness. Such a three-year-old as Luke Blackburn. Hindoo or Hanover would today earn double or treble wliat was possible for one horse to win in the period of 18S0-1S87. Having summed up the careers of these three colts in condensed form, let us pass to a more detailed comparative exhibit of what they accomplished, as follows: l.VKJl BIiACKKUIt, 1SS0. Lexington. Ky., May 8. Phoenix Hotel Stake, three -year-olds, 1 1-4 miles. Fouso won, Kiu-kcad second, Luke Blackburn third. Time, 2:10,. A11 eight starters carried 105 pounds. "Won liy :i length, a neck between second and third. Blackburn sold for "t in pools aggregating ?355, Fonso being favorite at 5130. Jerome Park, June. 3.--luree race, all age, 7-S mile. Luke Blackburn," I!, lot! pounds won, beating Checkmate. 5, 110 pounds; Kdelweiss :.. StS pounds, and two others. Time, 1:18. AVon by three lengths. Betting, .". to 1 on Checkmate, 0 to 1 against Blackburn. Jerome 1ark. June 5. Purse race, all ages, 1 1-8 miles I.uke Blackburn, 3, OS pounds, won, boating Scotilla, -1, 110 pounds; Chockmuto, 5, 121 pounds, and two others. Time. 1:7.8. Won by four lengths, hotting, 11 to 10 on Checkmate, 5! to 2 against Blackburn. Jerome Park, .Tune 8. Purse race, all ages. 1 3-S miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, lot pounds, won. lx-ating Scotilla, 4, 113 pounds; Democrat, .", 00 pounds, and one other. Time, 2:2Si,; Won by six lengths. Betting, 2 to 1 on Blackburn. Jerome 1ark, June 10. Purse race, nil ages, 1 1-2 miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, 100 pounds, won, beating Monitor, 4, 115 pounds. Time, 2:39 Vj. AVon by six lengths. Betting, 0 to 10 on Blackburn. Jerome 1ark. June 12. Handicap sweepstakes, .00 added, all ages, 1 1-1 miles. Ijikn Blackburn. 3, 101 pounds, won, touting Buster, 3, 82 pounds, and DanieJieff. 7.. 110 pounds. Time, 2:13. AVon by fifty yards. Betting, 1 to 1 on Blackburn. Sheepshead Bay. June 19.- -Tidal Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 mile. Luke Itlackbum, IIS pounds, won, beating Kimball, 118 pounds; Kitty .1., 113 pounds, and Crenada, 118 pounds. Time, 1 :45. AVon by five lengths. Betting Luke Blackburn, 00; Crenada, 77.; field, 7.0. Sheepshead Bay. June 22. Coney Island Handicap, all ages, 1 3-S miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, jt! pounds, won, beating Duke of Montrose, 3, 07. pounds, and Aagrant a, 102 pounds. Time, 2:241. AVon by four lengths. Betting, Luke Blackburn, .00; field, 37.. Sheepshead Bay, June 20. Purse race, three-year-olds 1 1-4 miles. Duke of Montrose, 108 pounds, won; AVinfield, 105 pounds, second; Kingcraft, 110 pounds, third; Cirofle, 110 jvounds, and Luke Blackburn, 118 pounds, unplaced. Blackburn fell in the first quarter, throwing his jockey. Betting, Blackburn, 7.0; Montrose, 27.; field, 0. Monmouth Park, July 3. Ocean Stakes, all ages. 1 1-8 miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, 102 iounds, won, beating Duke of Montrose, .I, 102 pounds, and Harold, 4, 118 pounds. Time, 2:03,4. AVon by two lengths. Betting, 3 to 1 on Blackburn. Monmouth 1ark, July 10. Sweepstakes, special for three-ycar-old-i, 1 1-4 miles. Luke Blackburn, 110 pounds, won, beating Duke of Montrose, 107. pounds, and Grenada, 110 pounds. AVon by two lengths. Betting, 3 to 1 on Blacklmm. Saratoga, July 17. Sweepstakes, all ages. 1 1-4 miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, 102 pounds, won, beating Checkmate. , 121 pounds, and Yol-turoo, 4, 118 pounds. Time, 2:11. AAon by six. lengths. Betting, 3 to 1 on Blackburn. Saratoga. July 24. Pnrse race, all ages, 1 1-S miles. Luke Blackburn. 3, 102 pounds, won, beating Gabriel, 4. 118 ponnds. and C.irofle, 3. 512 ponnds. Time, 1:7.8. AVon by eight lengths. Betting. li to 1 on Blackburn. Saratoga, July 27. Purse race, all ages, 1 mile. Luke Blackburn, 3, 102 pounds, won, touting Turfman..:!. 92 pounds. Time, 1:43,.... AVon by six lengths. Betting. 17. to I on Blackburn. Saratoga, July 31. Saratoga Summer Handicap, nil ages. 1 1-2 miles. Iike Blackburn, 3, 102 pounds, won, lieatiuj Juanita, 4, 102 Hunds; !en. Phillips, ., 112 pounds, and Ada Glenn, 4. 107. jiounds. Tim 2:39. AVon by six lengths. ! Betting, 7 to 2 on Blackburn. j Saratoga. August 0. United Hotel Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 1-2 miles. Luke Blackburn, 118 pounds won, beating Ferneliffe, 11S pounds; Odcn, 118 pounds, and Turfman, 113 pounds. Time, 2:41. AAon by ten lengths. Betting, 4 to 1 on Blackburn. Saratoga, August 7. -Grand Union Prize Handicap, all ages, 1 3-4 miles. Luke Blackburn, 3. 111! , ponnds, won. beating One Dime, 4. 110 pounds: Clenmcre. 7. 118 ponnds; Cammie F.. 7.. 103 pounds; Cen. Phillips, ., 105 pounds, and Chim- 1 neysweep, 4, 103 pounds. Time, 3:07. AAon by two lengths. Betting, 3 to 1 on Blackburn. Saratoga, August 12. Kenner Stakes, three-year-olds, 2 miles. Luke Itlackbum. IIS pounds, won, beating Clidelia, 113 imunds, and Oden. IIS pounds. Time, 3:35:i. AVon by fifty yards. Betting, 17. to 1 on Blackburn. Monmouth Park, August 17 Champion Stakes, 1 1-2 miles, all ages. Luke Blackburn. 3. 102 pounds, won, beating Monitor, 4, lit; pounds; Cncas, 4, 118 pounds; Crenada, 3, 102 pounds, and IJepo.rt, 4, 117. pounds. Time, 2:34. AVon by four lengths. Betting-, 7. to 1 on Blackburn. Sheepshead Bay, September 4. Great Challenge Stakes, all ages, 1 1-2 miles. Luke Blackburn. 3, 103 jKUiuds, won. beating Monitor, 4, 115 pounds; Uncus, 4, 118 pounds, and One Dime. 4, 118 pounds. Time, 2:38. AVon by ten lengths. Betting, 4 to 1 on Blackburn. Sheepshead Bay, September 0. Long Island St. Leger, three-year-olds, 1 3-4 miles. Luke Blackburn, 118 pounds, walked over with his stable companion, F.lias Lawrence, 118 pounds. Time, 4:07,i. AVon by eight lengths. No betting. Sheepshead Bay, September 14. Match, each to carry 108 pounds, 1 1-2 miles. Luke Blackburn, 3, beat Uncas, 4. Time, 2:4214. AVon by fifty yards. Betting, 7. to 1 on Blackburn. Louisville. Ky., September 27. Kentucky St. Lger, three-year-olds, 2 miles. Luke Blackburn, 105 IMiunds, won, toating Kinkead, 105 pounds. Time, 3:42. AAon by nearly a furlong. Betting, 10 to 1 on Blackburn. Louisville. Ky., September 30. Great American Stallion Stakes, three-year-olds, i 3-4 miles. Iuke Blackburn, 105 ounds, won, beaUng Kimball, 105 pounds, and Big Medicine, 103 IKJiicds. Time, 3:04. AVon by ten lengtiis. Betting, Luke Blackburn barred. Reviewing this outline of Luke Blackburns three-year-old career, these facts may be noted : He had not been a brilliant two-year-old, winning but twice in thirteen starts. His first cleAen races were invariably defeats. Then he won his last two, after which he was bought by the Dwyer brothers for but ,500. Owing to the fact that he had not been engaged in any of the principal eastern three -year-old stakes, he was shipped down to Lexington early in May to begin his three-year-old career there, having been engaged in its fixtures. He Avas insulliciently prepared, in addition to which he was not only unready but really sick, and should not have started. He Avas declared out of his other Kentucky engagements and returned to the East, not starting again for four weeks. He then won seven races in rapid succession between June 3 and June 22. Then, on June 26, he met a mishap similar to those Avhich have marked the careers of a number of celebrated runners, including Harkaway, Sir Martin and Gloaming he fell in a race which he had at his mercy and was, of course, defeated. Thereafter he won fifteen races in succession,, all the rest of his starts. As Luke Blackburn was not eligible to the Belmont, Withers and many other of the most Aaluable eastern three-year-old events he could only be raced in those of a minor character, which closed subsequent to his purchase by the lawyers. This greatly decreased his earning capacity, for to recoup themselves his owners started him in .many purse races, often of insignificant value. As late as July 27, at Saratoga, after he had shown himself unmistakably the seasons champion, lie raced for a purse of but 50. of which 0 went to the second horse. The most Aaluable event won by him during the season was his last, effort, the Great American Stallion Stakes, at Louisville, of which the net value Avas but ,405. Of events Avhich we may term "classics," he won only two the Tidal Stakes, at Sheepshead Bay, and the Kenner, at Saratoga, both still in existence, though the name of the latter has been altered to the Miller. Let us pass now to his great successor of the next season. HINDOO 1881. Lexington. Ky., May 12. Blue IUbboii Stakes, three-year-olds. I 1-2 miles. Hindoo, 107. pounds, won, .toating Getaway, .105 pounds; Bend Or, 105 pouuds; Creosote, 102 pounds; Enniskillen, 107. pounds; Farragnt, 105 pounds; Harry Cow, 107. pounds, and Bullington, 107. pounds. Time. 2:3S. AVon by three lengths. Betting. 2 to 1 on Hindoo. Louisville, Ky., May 17. Kentucky Derby, three-year-olds, 1 1-2 miles. Hiinloo, 107. pounds, won, beating Lelex, 103 iwutds; Alfambra, 105 pouuds: Sligo. 105 pounds; Getaway, 107. pounds and Culycauthus, 107, pounds - Time, 2:40. AVon by four lengths. Betting, 3 to 1 on Hindoo. Louisville, Ky., May 23.--Clark Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 1-4 miles. Hindoo, 105 pounds, won, toating Alfambra, 105 pounds; Bootjack. 102 pouuds; Bend Or, 105 K.unds. and Sligo, 107, pounds. Time, 2:10-54. AVon by six lengths in a gallop. Betting. 3 to 1 on Hindoo. Jerome Park, June 4.--Purse race, all ages, 1 1-S miles. Hindoo, 103 pounds, won, beating Sir Hugh, 3, 100 pounds; Jack of Hearts, 3. 03 pounds, and Bob Itoy. 3, 90 pounds. Time, 2:02-l.. AVon by a length. Betting, 7 to 1 on Hindoo. Jerome Park, June 7. Purse race, all ages, 1 3-S miles. Hindoo. 3, 108 pounds won, beating Greenland. 3. 103 pounds. Time, 2:34. AVon by four lengths. Betting, 7 to 1 on Hindoo. Sheepshead Bay, June 17.. Tidal Stakes. Ihree-yeur-olds. 1 mile. Hindoo, 118 iM.unds, won, beating Crickmore, 117. pouuds, and Saunterer, 118 pounds. Time. 1:431. AVon by a scant length.- Betting, 7. to 2 on Hindoo. Sheepshead Bay, June 22. Coney Island Derby, three-year-olds, l l-u miles. Hindoo, 118 pounds, wou, toating Bailie, 118 pouuds. Time. 2:4tVi. AVon in a canter. Betting, 100 to 7. on Hindoo. Monmouth Park, July 2. Ocean Stakes, all ages, 1 1-S miles. Hindoo, 3, 105 pounds, wou. beating Monitor. 7.. 117 pounds; Clidelia, 4. 113 pounds, and Aalentino, 3, 105 pounds. Time. 1:57. AVon by two lengths. Betting, 7. to 1 on Hindoo. Monmouth Park. July 1. Lorillard Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 1-2 miles. Hindoo, 118 pounds, won, toating Crickincre. 117. pounds, and Saunterer, 118 pounds. Time 2:3!. AVon by three lengths. Bettin;;. 7. to 1 on Hindoo. Monmouth Park, July 7. Sweepstakes, three-year-olds, 1 1-4 miles. Hindoo, 11S pounds, walked over. Saratoga, July 10. Travcrs Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 3-4 miles. Hindoo, 118 pounds, won, beating Catoctin, 118 pounds; Getaway, 118 pounds; Dole, 118 pounds; Compensation, 115 pounds; Duke of Montalban, 115 pounds, and Baltic, 118 pounds. Time, 3:07Vj. AVon by a leugth. Betting, 10 to i on Hindoo. Saratoga, July 20. Sepiel Stakes, three-year-olds. 1 3-4 miles. Hindoo, 123 pounds, won. beating Grecland, 118 ponnds, and Valentino, 113 pounds. Time, 3:21. AAon by six lengths. Betting. 4 to 1 on Hindoo. Saratoga, August 4. United Hotel Stakes, three-year-olds, 1 1-2 miles. Hindoo, 118 pounds, won, beating Crickmore, 115 pounds; Bonfire, 108 pounds, and Gladiola, 108 pounds. Time. 2:30. AVon by a length and a half. Betting, 8 to 1 on Hindoo. Saratoga, August 11. Kenner Stakes, three-year-olds, 2 miles. Hindoo, 118 pounds, won, beating Crickmore, 117. pounds, and Bonfire, 118 pounds. Time, 3:32. AVon by fire lengths. Betting, 20 to 1 on Hindoo. Monmouth Iark, August 13. Champion Stakes, all ages. 1 1-2 miles Hindoo, 3, 107. pounds, won, toating Monitor, 5, 117 pounds, and Parole, aged, 118 pounds. Time, 2:39. AVon D7 three lengths. Betting, S to 1 on Hindoo. Monmouth Iark, August 10. -Jersey St. Leger, three-year-olds, 1 3-4 miles. Hindoo, 123 pounds, won, touting Bona Fide, 110 pounds. Time, 3:18. Won by four lengths. No betting. Sheepshead Bay, August 27. Purse, all ages, l mile heats. Hindoo, 3, 95 pounds, won, beating Sir Hugh, 3, 99 pounds. Time, l:t2?i. l:45Vi. First heat won by four lengths, second by six. Betting,- first heat, 10 to 1 on Hindoo; second heat, 12 to 1 on Hindoo. Sheepshead Bay, September 1. Purse race, .all ages, 1 mile. Hindoo, 3, 108 pounds, won, beating Sir Hugh, 3. 105 pounds and Idenderry, 3, 108 imunds. Time, 1:42. Won by two lengths. - Betting, 20 to 1 on Hindoo. Sheepshead Bay, September 7. September Handicap, three-year-olds, 1 3-4 niiles. Crickmore, 111 pounds, won, beating Aella, 105 pounds, and Hindoo, 123 imunds. Time, 3:03Ji. AVon by four lengths, six between second and third. Betting, S to 1 on Hindoo, 13 to 1 agaiit Crickmore. Sheepshead Bay, September 17.--Brighton Bench Purse, for Hindoo and Crickmore, at agreed weights, 1 1-2 miles. Crickmote, 105 pounds, won, toating Hindoo, 110 pounds. Time, 2-3i"V. AVon by four lengths. Betting, 2 to 1 on Hindoo, 8 to 7. against Crickmore. iTo Be Continued.

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