7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-16

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7Ii 25I DA PET 3 t Mile yearolds Allowance Dee 2O 1O1 Ijll 25 I til nAl t t no ERASE OgdenTrainer b f 3 107 By Atheling II Thrifty by Ogden Trainer G W Berry Owner Nevada Stock Farm Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmG1103 G1103 Tijuana 41 f 54irast 1310 1TJ 2 1 1 11 C H Miller S I Ijdy jdy Myra Dick Tvrpin Fabor G0471 Tijuana 12 50slop 6 115 3 3 3 = 1J J Metcalf 9 Mclachrino Faber J llanecy llanecySST13 SST13 Tijuana 3S SGfaat 73 116 1 2 1 C H Miller 7 M Agnes Dan Uogan JUauecy SPOT CASH b c 3 112 112Trainer By Broomstick Payment by All Gold Trainer F Hopkins Owner H P Whitney WhitneyI ney Breeder H P Whitney 67620 Tijuana TijuanaGGG75 34 111 fast 73 115 C I Harinsei 1 2 2 J Thomas 7 Dclante Sir Leonid C Harinse GGG75 Pimlico PimlicoG651G 25 111 6 6C i C 8 S H Thomas S Rigil Whirlwind BoyslUPvcMe G651G Empire EmpireGG308 C 109 Z 2 1 I1 H ThomasIO Stella Maris Fiillon lleremon GG308 Empire EmpireG6025 51 f lOGfast 12 10S 5 5 ol 5i H Thomas 7 Best Love Osprcy Little Celt G6025 Jamaica 51 f 107 slop 41 113 2 o 25 2 C Fbther 5 Osprcy OCorrt Bayonet 05132 Aqueduct AqueductG5227 3 115 2 2G 2 21 2 L McAtee 4 Battersea Spread liigle Fullon Fullont G5227 Aqueduct 34 l14fast G 110 S t BayonetI 6 G Gi L McAtee 8 HcllGate Coour deLion Bayonet G5050 Bclmont 7S MC l2G slop 10 112 4 4G I 3 51 GJ l Ienman 8 Nassau MIssSuiith Cur deLion C4821 Belmt 51 f MC l03 igood G 107 2 6 61 Gi L Penman 7 Wilderness Nassau Curtis B4743 Belmont 34 MC lUlrsfast 12 1071 6 8 7 4 L Penman 9 Cheny Pie WtllTell CKmptu G4435 Saratoga 34 lLi faat 12 107 7 r CKmptur 6 S S L McAtee 10 Cartoonist Budlorner Cherli CherliBy DELANTE b c 3 109 109McClain By Seth Keep Moving by Yankee YankeeIlcCUiin Trainer B F McClain Owner B F IlcCUiin Breeder B A Jones JonesL 67620 Tijuana 34 111 fust 113 110 L 2 11 l n K Petzoldt 7 Spot Cash Sir Leonid CKnriquw 07397 Tijuana 34 Il3 ifast 173 111 L CKnriquwL 3 3 41 E Pelzoldt 7 J lal Paislev Cirlo Kiiriiiit KiiriiiitI G7338 Tijuuna 34 l12Hrast 13 110 1105S I 1 I1 11 E Ietzoldt 7 CKnritiue Kghthood XI Hunch HunchI G7039 Tijuana 5S l02rLhvy 60 112 I C 5 51 P Walla I Paisley ClosKnriqtie DTerpin GG951 Tijuana f 103 slop 0 33 335J J DTerpinJ 5 4s 3 P Walla 5 Paisley Motor Cop Dr Corbolt CorboltI GG175 Hthorna i 5J f l12Uslovr 2 117 117il I 3 4 41 E Ietzoldt 5 ClosEnrique Gtl Gtlidy idy VPatrk G5923 Hthorno i il f lOSVifast 31 113 5 1 1 1 E Petzoldt il Oniiont Mt Rose Van Patrick PatrickI 65782 Hthorne 51 f lOT ifast 21 101 I 1 1 1 E Petzoldt 7 Ormont Miss Jane Dixie Dick DickJ 63G87 Hthorno i 11 f UOS fast 5 10 J 5l 4 J Carroll 8 DixicDUk Layol Tip Toe Inn G5554 Omuha 58 lOOHrast 185 120 1205S 2 R Scovillc 5 CarlosKnrlque Joella J Paisley G4219 Toledo ToledoCARLOS 5S lOlTifaat 2 115 1 T Way I S Marg Ware Corto Miss Jaue CARLOS ENRIQUE ch g 3 109 By Seth May Day by Leonid LeonidBreeder Trainer F R Irwin Owner F K Irwia Breeder E Pratber 07620 Tijuana 34 ll fast 41 110 5 3 31 4i J Sington 7 Delante Spot Cash Sir Leo d G7397 Tijuana 34 13 ifast 4 103 2 2 SI 31 J Sington 7 Joella J Paisley Delantc G7358 Tijuana 34 12 ifast 1710 119 3 2 25S 2 21 II Molters 7 Ik Iante Knighthood MItinch G7039 Tijuana 5S 0Jhvy 4 112 1 3 2i 2 J Sington G Paisley DTerpin Mart Bunch G6975 Tijuana 53 02ihvy S3 HC 2 3 31 2 J Sington JoellnJ DTerpin MartRuncli 66175 Hthorna 51 f 12 islow 21 117 3 1 i I1 J Sington 5 Great Lady VanPatrick DclanU 66109 Hthorna 61 f 118 hvy 45 112 3 1 15S 1 1 J Sington li Gtl idy Fernando MyLorrne G5735 Hthorno 5S 102 fast 1 119 3 1 1E81OOKfa 1 1 J Sington 7 DrMcArthnr AiiitaK Crudenaj 65554 Omaha E81OOKfa t 7 120 1 J Slngtoa 3 Delante Joella 1 PaUley BOWSPRIT ch g 3 109 By Ecrrilldon Beaupre by Ogden Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder W Garth C7C20 Tijuana 34 114 fast IS 101 101d 1 6 CJ 51 D Hum 7 Dclantc Spot Cash Sir Txonid 07513 Tijuana d f lCS faat 35 103 1 1 Il 1i E Taplin 8 KIKoblc 1y Leonid Miss EJnn 67433 Tijuana 51 f lCS5fast 21 103 4 1 Il 1s E Taplin 7 LadyLconid PceFlap Norficld C7376 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 7 101 3 7 Gl J3 T DonahuclO Athanna El Noble Sir Leonid 07265 Tijuana 51 f 1CS fast 11 110 1105j 7 4 4J 3 C Euel 12 BrianKent LyLccnid Noonhonr G7135 Tijuana 5j f lll 4hvy 14 37 9 S S S P Walls 9 Black Deer PeaoflFlig Krlppcn C6441 Empire 51 f lC8fast 12 104 104SS 3 4 41 C1 E Marts 10 FlylngDcvll Sunstni SGoldman GG337 Empires SS IrOlfast 15 11 115i 5 C 6l 5s C H Millet 15 Keenan FaithfiilCirl Itrotlirnl CG240 Empire EmpireEL 5i f l07Hfaat 7 115 C 6 51 5 i E Jelley G KockSalt Urolat Flying Dcvli EL XOBLE ch c 3 M 109 109Crofton By Honeywood Pepperwood oy Eddie Jonei Trainer 3 Crofton Owner K Patterson Breeder McKcon Christenson G7640 Tijuana 61 f 108 fast II 106 4 31 3J E Fator Fator3i 8 Heap Fabcr Lady Leonid G7622 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 8 103 7 3i 3 i D Hurn 11 Hoyal Maid Poacher M Barnes 67513 Tijuana 5 t lCSrast 3 110 2 2 21 R Carter 8 Bowsprit LyLeonid MiseEdna fi7473 Tijuana 6S 102 fast fastII 1 112 3 2 J 2J E DUgan 11 Doubtful Endive Peace Flag 67376 Tijuana II t 108 fast 52 112 6 21 2l B Dugan 1 10 Athanna SIrLeonid Miss Edna 61080 Tijuana 12 49fast 2310 115 3 6 84 911 J Metcalt 9 Tulc Irosity Gilliflowcr C0943 Tijuana 12 Ofcgood 145 115 2 2 2 2 T Rae 10 Lady Myra Irosity Tulo VAN PATBJCK ch c 3 113 113Tralnir By General Roberts Janice Marian by Rubicon RubiconBreeder Tralnir C Irby Owner C Itby Breeder G X Van Gorden 67535 Tijuana ImTOy l43Vfefaat l43VfefaatG7358 29 S3 6 9 9 7 3 P Hurn 10 PDirect Regreso KathRankin G7358 Tijuana 34 l12 ifaat 43 116 4 7 7 7 J Metcalf 7 Delante CEnriqno Knighthood 07039 Tijuana B8 l02hvy 81 115 6 6 6 rI J iletcalf G Paisley ClosEnriqne DTerpin 66175 irihorne 51 f 12slow 10 107 3 5 31 3 i A Tmbley 5 CMosEnrique GrlLady Delante 65923 Hthorne DJ f OS fast 5 106 3 5 5 45J M Slghtcr 0 Delante Orraont Mt Rose 65582 Woodno 1 Ml fast 5 106 2 6 4 31 M Fator G Prismar Lilt Donghoregan 65347 Woodne 34 13 fast fastC5130 10 110 5 7 7 ° 4C1 M Fator 9 Rockery FirsfWard Patchwork C5130 Thncliffe 51 f OS slow 10 107 3 4 4 4 A Tmbley S Tycoon Old Top Vennle 04623 Devshire 51 f 10 hvy 31 114 3 G 4 3 H J Burke 7 Old Top Argo Dapper Dan 64404 Windsor 34 l13fast l13fastLAVINIA 27 114 2 0 4 2 H Ericksn S Ethel Clayton Itriand Rockery LAVINIA br f 3 3Trainer 107 By Jim Gaffney Sweetheart Sue by Peter Quince QuinceI Trainer A Baker Owner B I A Baker Breeder W S Threlkeld 66217 Latonia 1 145 hvy 6 107 6 5 4 3 B Kenndyll Pequot Vennie Macbeth 66001 Latonia 34 l15niud 11 106 C 4 3 3 A Wilson G OuiOui AliceBlGown Kindred 65907 Latonia SI f l0fi fast 50 109 9 9 71 6IS B Kenndy 9 Lathrop Banter Banner Bearer ton 51 f l07fast l07fast6S15S 9 108 2 7 9s 9T E Pool 12 Rustem ChildsPlay RorapMarJ 6S15S Latonia 5 f lCS good 6 108 6 5 51 4S M Garner 8 Tip Toe Inn Leslie Vennie 63037 Latonia 51 f l07 ifaat 24 107 6 5 fi 5 J Owens 7 LyGham ABGown DFlower 62562 Latonia 5S lCOHfaat lCOHfaatC243G 186 111 1 3 3 3 W W TMor 0 Kindred Punta Gorda Awuy C243G Latonia 5S l01Hfast 15 112 2 2 1 1 M Garner 7 AI Stcbler Actuary La Orb 61514 Lexton 12 49hvy 11 114 8 6 6l 6 F Wilson 9 Avisack FrAgnes Kit Williams JACK BAUER b g 3 109 By Colonel Vennie Annie Gilmore by Bick Welles WellesL Trainer A Baker L A Baker Breeder J B Respess 67397 Tijuana 34 l13ttfast 15 103 7 6 6 51 A Claver 7 JocllaJ Paisley CarlosEnrlqne 62995 Latonia 51 f Irt7good 2110 103 2 1 11 31 J Owens 7 PuntaGorda JakHay TayIlay 626S8 Latonia 61 f l07fast 12 109 2 3 41 4 ° A Wilson 9 Hopeless Dream Maker Vennie 62477 Latonia 58 l01 fast 2 113 1 1 1 = 1 M Garner 8 BanBearer Rustem AlStcbler 62110 Churchill 41 f 53fast 1910 115 2 2 21 2 J Kederis 8 Banter Ed Pendleton Vida 61976 Churchill 41 f 53ifast 11 117 3 3 3 3J M Garner 12 Triumph DEOSurrn Shrock G1774 Churchill 12 475sfast 8 115 5 4 2 2l M Garner 11 EasterBells Sher of Gold Aacot CEBRIC b c 3 K By Theo Coot Neva W by Bey del Sierras Breeders Hildreth Sinclair

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011601/drf1923011601_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923011601_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800