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1 n16 aille 4ycaroIdx and upward Claiming Feb 27 10O4 158 25 5 1O7 1O7Ill DelhiGoldblatt Ill By Ballot Jamma by Delhi Goldblatt Owner H Goldblatt Breeder G Starr 1 116 l52hvy 41 107 fi S 31 1lj CrcoranlO OBirthday Cantilever Natural 1 14 213 hvy 21 108 2 1 1 1 J CTrcoran S LittKeEd HonoluBoy KTrojun 1 116 134 hvy 3 109 3 4 21 2 J CorcoranlO OBirthday StDonard GCadna 1116148 fast S5 105 1 3 H 1 J Corcornl2 StDonard PirateMcGeeBnBill 1 14 206 fast 16 105 7 2 1 2 A Roach 12 TheWit PirateMcGee JakeFeld 1 116 l47fast 15 105 1 6 61 5 1 J Corcoranl2 TonyBeau FosEmbry BThcu ImTOy l4f ifast 11 107 7 7 6 6 1 B Kenndy S Virgo Repeater War Prize 34 l16ihvy 12 105 7 6 4 4 B Krnndy 7 GoldFlosJ RoyDick ProoiToa GEX b m 5 110 110Trainer By Berrilldon Emerald Gem by IffcGeo Trainer J B Partridge Owner W Iff Cain Breeder W L Garth 67586 FGriida 1 11G l4Ssfast 5 105 3 25 11 R Doyle 9 SlipperyElm TheWit Jordan 67500 FGrnda 1 116 149 good 4 103 6 8 8i E Smwod S Little Ammie Encrinite Kirah 67366 Jefferson ImTOy l43fast 115 5 104 4 4 4 J Owens 11 Kanikin MayRoberts DSinkcf 66752 DadePrk 7S l21mud 28 105 5 7 7 A Roach 8 Golden Floss Repeater Bojul 66723 DadePrk 7S l23fast 13 107 6 51 4J1 R Doyle 7 GreenGold BlosmHoiise Orlova 66631 Latonia Im70y l44fefast 10 98 986G519 5 21 I1 T Brothcrsll Dimples Locust Leaves OoLaLa 6G519 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 31 99 5 1 11 31 C Rails 10 Mechanic Walk Ip North Sea 66413 Latonia Im70y l41 fast 11 104 10 4 31 3 A Roach 12 BudKcan Moon Winks Uarlock 65668 Latonia 1 116 l4Tfast 41 Ifll 1 5 3 4J W Pool 9 Lou Widrig Mesan JIatineeldol 65199 Lexton 1 11G l4G fast 4 108 4 6 5 4 E Pool 8 Dernier Sou Inquiry Virso THE XirthfnLTrainer WIT ch e 6 102 By Onnondile Witfntt by XirthfnL Trainer B L Rogers Owner B L iogers Breeder J E Xadden 07586 FGrnds 1 11C l4Sfast 41 103 9 5 41 S l G Meln 9 Gem Slippery Elm Jordan 67015 Jefferson 1 1S l l5Smud JSmud 6 107 6 5 5 511 R Doyle 6 Richelieu OBirthday Ballotcar 66627 Latonia 1 14 206 ifast 5 10S 8 4 2 I N Swart 12 Rama PirntoMcCee Jake Feld 66613 Latonia 1 116 l47kfast 5 1C6 10 7 6l 5 1 R Hartonl2 Carnarvon Wiekford LouWidrig 66411 Latonia 34 l12fast S3 107 7 61 6 R Harton 7 LitBSheep RoyPalm GraceH 66197 Latonia 34 114 gooc good 69 ICG 10 10 10 10 N Swrt 10 Ruby Royal Palm Lugs 62559 Latonia 1 11 2065sfast 12 105 6 4 2 21 R Harton 7 Padua Alex Jr Marine Corpi C2359 I atonia ImTOy 70y Corpi70y l43 l45faat fast 21 109 7 5 1 Il R Harton S Troilus Countess War Prizo CS243 Churchill 1 316 16 200j5fast E 10 fi 5 41 5 W Pool 8 Jordan Uncle Velo Corsou 61790 Churchill 1 14 2 7 fast 6 111 7 5 4l 41 A Johnson 7 LLillian Wsl ast PirMcGea BALLOTCAR ch h 5 110 By Ballot Carpathia by Star Shoot Trainer J Hill Owner H W Barnes Bred by W S Kilmer 67421 FaJrGda 1 31G 207 hvy 7 112 3 3 11 1 B T MoorelO Matinee Idol Huouec Tulsa 67347 Jefferson 1116149 fast 30 113 11 11 10 8s E T Moorel2 ZdArmee StDonard PIMicoo 67204 Jefferson 1 11G I5l7ihvy 7 111 7 8 8l 4 J Owens 10 Tulsa King Trojan Betty J 67058 Jefferson 1 18 20l7ihvy 21 114 2 1 2 11 E T MoorelO Hickory Pit Queen Blonde 67015 Jefferson 1 J8 l585 mud 15 112 4 4 3 3 E T Moore C Richelieu OBirthday BsWin CG986 Jefferson 1 1lfi l4Tifast 13 11J 4 3 51 5 J Majestic 12 LightWine Handfull VimCuLa 66932 Jefferson ImTOy l437sfast 20 110 8 6 66C1S5 6l G J Majestic 9 OBthflay Carrvon TMcTgrt 6C1S5 MHghts ImlOy l TSihiy 41 110 110G5490 2 E T Moon 5 TlorMaW MyMaxim Miowmot G5490 HdeTcc 1 116 1U9 fast 44 110 9 9 8 7 R Flynn 9 WarMask Moco Hello Pardner 64954 Timm Ab 1 11G l51fast 71 114 31 J Connors 4 Cmwell HardGuess WUedotta 64080 Demier Ab 61 f 127 slop 1710 10 111 111WALNUT 2l W HJnphy 7 Lee Enfield Ras Duke Rutt WALNUT HALL b e 9 105 105Trainer Cy Sunflower H Waterwced by Watercresa WatercresaX Trainer B T Watt Owner X T Vktta Bred in England by J B Joel C7628 FGrnds 1 1S l54fast 41 104 3 3 2 1 1 J Owens 11 Espolette StDonard LAmmii 67607 FGrnda 1 116 148 fast 5 108 1 4 2l 21 J Owens 8 FnezSneezy Winnece Natural G7523 FGrnda 1 14 2OS7sgood 4 11D 5 4 6 G1 J Owens G Sagamook Hnonec Pit G7S47 Jefferson 1 11G 149 fast 12 112 6 8 SJ 6J J Owens 12 ZdArmec StDonanl PlMlcon 61222 Jefferson ImTDy 147 slow 8 108 4 4 21 J Owens lO Trooper Exhter Zone dArmee C6911 Jefferson 1116148 fast 83 107 1 5 5l 4 J Owens 8 Bxliorter ZdArmee Enerinila GG728 HepaGGG8G DadePrli 1181 2 fast 1310 105 6 2 2 I1 J Owens 11 Tamper Light Wine Hepa GGG8G DadePrk 1 140 fast 145 1021 866 61 J Oweiu 8 HGear BlosmHouse War Idol 66547 Latonia 1 18 l52Hfast 2 101 2 2 1 21 J Owens 0 Pumps Tulane Smuts SmutsGU481 GU481 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 61 101 5 5 21 I1 J Owens 12 BudKean Claymore TonyBean TonyBeanKIRAH KIRAH FalsettoTrainer ch m 6 12 By Astronomer Mary Greenwood by Falsetto Trainer H E Crist Owner T E Crist Breeder K P Shipp 67500 FGrnds 1 116 149 good 10 110 4 2 4 31 E Scobie 8 Lit Ammie Encrinite Dimples 67147 Jefferson 1 11G 149 fast 7 103 7 10 111 11 J Corcoranl2 ZdArmee StDonard PIMicoil 67174 Jefferson 34 llGhvy 41 108 7 5 2 2 J Owens 8 GolFIoss PromTom SmartGuy 67148 Jefferson 1 l45ibvy 8 109 3 3 2l 2 J Owens 8 AmnKov Attorney MinutcMan 67108 Jefferson 34 l14VSsood S 104 8 7 41 4 1 G Mein 12 Camonfhige Orcns Winneconn 074 Jefferson Im70y 1 21ihvy 4 109 1 1 Il 1 J CTrcoran 8 MAgnccS Grace Foster Dadja Dadja6G870 6G870 Bowie Gl f I2l5ifast 13 104 756 ST1 S Lowe 12 Picnic Cahalan Wraith 66856 Bowie 61 f 122 fast 9 IOC 1 G 7 41 G Mein 12 Cum Sail Kttnlie Fusee 66842 Bowie Gl f 1 22 = f ast 83 111 4 4 4 Il J CallahanlS Hillsdale Ina Kay Mizar 66659 PinJico 1 116 118 fast lof 115 212 C J G Mein 11 IVJlly Wale Uazmta Crosslcsi CrosslcsiOUR OUR BIKTHDAY b h 6 110 By Golden Maxim Antolee by Lettoon LettoonTr Tr iser E J Salt Owner E T Salt Bred by A V Thomas 67607 FGrnds 1 116 143 fast 1S0 110 6 7 7 7s H Shillicl 8 FrzySnzy Waltllnll Wconne 67420 FairGds 1 116 l32Khvy 41 10D 4 2 11 21 E SmwodlO Rama Cantilever Natural HonoliluBoy670G2 67255 Jefferson 1 316 202 = ifast 115 112 4 10 10 10 J Wallace 10 LHerbert Phelan HonoliluBoy 670G2 Jefferson 1 11G 134 hvy 1S5 112 9 1 1s 1s E SmwodlO Rama SLDonard Gen Cadorna CadornaC7015 C7015 Jefferson 1 1S l58mud 95 116 2 2 2s 2 J Wallace Uirliclicti Jfcillotcar BeesWing 66932 Jefferson ImTOy l43fast 8 110 7 2 lx 1 J Wallace 9 Carrvon TMcTgrT Sagamook 06526 Laurel 1 116 l49fast 11 114 11 6 10ntl2T J Rowan 15 KingsIWle Hickory Anniverry 60454 Laurel 1116149 fast 26 10811 15 15 13l R Flynn 15 Ettahe Plialaris Mayor liouso 66356 Laurel 1 11S l49ifuat G 109 1 5 6 G J F Wdstk 7 Jacques Minute Man Moody MoodyFANNIE FANNIE BEAN br f 4 107 By Zens Mascal by Sain SainTrainer Trainer W A Burttschel Owner J R Skinker Breeder Williams Eadford 67648 FGrnds 118153 fast 6 105 5 4 4 4H II Thurber 5 Irish Kiss Wapiti ICatukin 67585 FGrnds 1 1S l53jfast S 103 5 5 41 2 II Shillicl 5 Crk oDawn Irish Kiss Wapiti 67521 FGr lids 1 116 l4Sgood 5 10311 9 9l 9cf H Shillick 11 CoDawn lUuukin AmerBoy 67459 Beauty668G7 FGrnda 1 l4G7iihvy 1G5 102 3 3 in 1 H Shillick 5 Tody Quecnlligh Beach Beauty 668G7 Bowie ImTOy l49 fast 3 10S 8 7 51 5 II Shillick 8 Plucky ByIiminy LittleAmmU LittleAmmUGG802 GG802 Bowie 1 l43ifast 29 97 1 6 5 7 J H Shillicl 8 Opperraan Paddle All Over OverGGG79 GGG79 Pimlico 1 l40 fast 225 122 10 9 71 5 El Smwodll AtiiflBtan D of Allah Bromclia BromcliaGG389 GG389 Laurel 1 116 l4S7Jfast 3 103 4 3 31 2 W Martin S MaryBelle Crank Dresden GG287 Laurel 1 1S l547ifast 85 111 3 2 2 2 E Barnes 5 MatyIJelle DoiiCross JUiwdea JUiwdeaGG174 GG174 Laurel 1 11G l4Sitfast 165 10S 5 1 1 1J E Barnes 8 WarMask DCross MaiyBella MaiyBellaCARMENCITA CARMENCITA byTrainer b f 4 186 By Fitz Herbert or Spanish Prince Manzanita by WhitneyC7583 Trainer W Baird Owner X L Xahler Xeddler Breeder H P Whitney C7583 FGrnds 1 316 2025fast 105 9 6 4 41 J Wallace 9 LdUerbcrt Maize BritislLiner 67559 FGrnda 1 116 149 good 8 100 1 1 21 24 J Wallace 10 Brown Bill Tingling Buxom 67497 FGrnds 34 l14igood 5 105 11 10 10 10 C Lang 14 WofCtcman Jacobina Locarno LocarnoGG688 GG688 Pimlico 1 116 147 fast 1G 99 7 7 71 7 J Callahan 8 Mawrroron DoubCross ScotYet 65897 Jamaica 1 116 l47 = jfast 135 104 4 1 21 3 E Martz 9 ServStar Lordllcrbert SChicf G571G Jamaica 1 116 l4T5ifast 4 103 2 1 11 I1 J Callahan 9 Lackawanna Maize SorviceStar SorviceStarC4543 SpiisG44G1 C4543 Saratoga 1 l44fchvy 8 97 2 3 3 311 J Callahan 7 Normal Ira Wilson Spiis G44G1 Saratoga 78 126 fast 8 104 5 8 9s 8 J CallahanlG Wnconne BudFisher ScotChf ScotChfC4334 C4334 Saratoga 1 133 fast 15 91 1 5 5 5 1 J Callahan 7 NOrleans Avispa Kirklcvgton KirklcvgtonANNETTE ANNETTE TELLER b m G 103 By Magneto Milldale by Miller MillerTrainer Trainer J H Buscher Owner F De La tour Breeder J C Milam MilamG7682 G7682 FGrnds 34 lRLrast 103 103 7 G 95 10 i A Wilson 10 Camflage RalChlIe MPodine MPodineC7644 C7644 FGrnds 34 l13ifast ft 95 5 7 S S5i J Hf ImerrlO Fire Cnickcr Pietrus Theo 66992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 30 10S 10 12 12 12 E Martin 12 KoyalDitk MhiavcllI Wnecne WnecneC6955 C6955 Jefferson 01 f 1 OS = if ast 40 109 9 It 11 11 L McDottl2 Mchiavelli ColTaylor IJiiRslen 61264 Bowio 51 f l10mud Tfcf 108 10 11 11 10s1 T Brooke 11 Spuss HappyBuxton MParnell MParnellG0938 G0938 Mobile Ab 5S 5Sfast 10 106 9 8 S1 S A FrieshonlO Assume ChisAlyrue Dahinda 60881 Mobile Im70y l50 = ifast 50 109 1 6 71 9I T Wayt 10 CaptlHirns UJames Bombat GENTLEMAN JOUETT ch g 4M 103 By Uncle Dikes by Sir Diioa DiioaTrainer Trainer W Hurley Owner E S Bradley Breeder W B ZIHIcr 67628 FGrnds 1 13 l54ifast 20 10419 9 D 9 A Wilson 11 WnltHall KwpoletJe StDond StDondG7557 G7557 FGrnds Im70y l good 100 107 3 7 6l 5 J A Wilson 7 MkOranse StDonard Wdtrap 07521 FGrnds 1 11S IMSTsgood GO 104 2 10 10 103 A Wilson 11 CoDawn lUimkin AmerBoy 67343 Jefferson 34 l157ifast 13 IIS 9 9 7 9 A Wilson 12 Free Market LeoKisher YoMcU YoMcUC72S7 C72S7 Jefferson 51 f l KHigood 4 11G 11 S S 9 A Wilson 12 Koona Billy Connor Reformer G3244 Latonia 3i l12fast 9C 110 11 7 3 31 M Gamer 12 Bojul Macikon Mollle King 0194 t Churchill 1 1S I Irifast rifast 36 95 5 5 6 GT J Owens G I gal Marse John 1aris Maid 61875 Churchill 1110147 fast 93 110 G 8 G3 G J Howard 8 Mcgnn Dorins Casey 61789 Churchill 78 l2Cffa t 37 11010 9 11 11 J Howard II Cnstlereagti Pe Good Iojul 61493 Lfeston 14 110 8 S Gl 616 J Howard 8 Proclamation Exceuis Prolotn