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NECROLOGY OF THE TURF Men Prominent in Breeding and andRacing Racing Circles Answer Last LastSummons Summons in 1922 In 1922 the life accounts of many men long familiar figures in racing were closed for good and all Of thoso prominent as breed ¬ ers of noted horses Henry T Oxnard Major Thomas T Carson Richard Croker Captain W II May George W J Bissell and E B Cassatt were the most widely known in their days of activity Hugh McCarren one of the wits of the turf was a noted figure on the tracks of New York and Chicago Of the dead jockeys John Bullman Justly held high tank and twice figured In winners of the American Derby Henry Shields was a cap ¬ able rider in his youthful days and a suc ¬ cessful trainer in France as well as his home land None better known passed than Harry F Breivogcl and Edward Jasper highly com ¬ petent track officials The most tragic case was that of the promising and amiable Leon Ving who was murdered while in discharge of his duties as judge of the racing at Reno by an insane jockey who killed himself also Men who wrote entertainingly of horses and their deeds and ways were Captain W H Williams and M M Leach the latter best known for his writings about pedigrees and his theories about breeding Leslie Slosson was a quiet studious brother of the famous billiard player George Slosson Shining figures were lost abroad Lord Marcus Beresford intimate friend of the pres ¬ ent King of England and his royal father died late in the year bequeathing his horses to King George Charles Archer brother of the famous jockey Fred Archer was himself a capable rider and in late years a successful trainer John Osborne who died at the ad ¬ vanced age of 89 years was in his young manhood in the front rank of Englands great riders John Porter was about the most famous and successful trainer of all time Joseph Oiler was the father of the pari mutuel method of betting now used in con ¬ nection with racing in many lands William Saxby was one of the best and most popular of Englands jockeys of but a few years back backHere Here is a complete list of breeders owners trainers jockeys and others connected with the turf here and abroad who died during the year 1922 Owners aad Breeders BreedersUOXY UOXY ANGAROLA Owner and trainer Saranac Lake N Y October 28 tuberculosis tuberculosisGEORGE GEORGE W J BISSELL Owner and Breeder December 10 suddenly suddenlyD D T BOHN Breeder Harrodsburg Ky February 25 pneumonia pneumoniaMAJOR MAJOR THOMAS J CARSON Breeder Jackssn Hi SB December 4 4COLONEL COLONEL E B CASSATT Owner breeder and member of Jockey Club Berwyn Pa January 31 heart disease diseaseRICHARD RICHARD CUOKEK American and Irish owner and breeder Glcncairn Dublin Ireland April 29 29H H B CORIN Owner Lexington Ky September 27 27HERBERT HERBERT II HEWITT Owner and breeder Buf falo N Y December 19 19JAMES JAMES JOHNSTON Owner and trainer New Or paralysisCHARLES leans La January 14 paralysis CHARLES KOEULER Owner Baltimore Md MdJanuary January 28 murdered FRED MARTIN Owner San Diego Cal April 7 complication or diseases diseasesJOHN JOHN MASTEKSON Owner and trainer Coving ton Ky October 23 23CAPTAIN CAPTAIN W II MAY Former breeder Lexington Ky April 4 4HUGH HUGH McCARKEN Owner and breeder Brooklyn N Y July 2 2JOHN JOHN H McDONALD Oxvner and trainer Balti ¬ smallpoxJ more Md ApKl 8 smallpox J L McGINNIS Owner Brooklyn N Y March 23 23CHARLES CHARLES V MOORE Owner and breeder Indian ¬ apolis lud May Si SiHENRY HENRY T OXNARD Owner and breeder New York N Y June 8 acute indigestion indigestionF F S PEABODY Owner Uirisdale I1L August 27 heart failure failureL L P SIIARKEY Former owner Wilmington Del August 4 4HENRY HENRY SHIELDS Trainer former owner and Jockey Saratoga Springs N Y April 0 0WATTERSON WATTERSON SHOWALTER Owner and breeder Georgetown Ky February 3 3EDWARD EDWARD STEKD Former owner and trainer Bal ¬ timore Md MdW W I THOMPSON Owner New Y rk N Y Sept 20 20THOMAS THOMAS PBARSALL THORNE Owner and breed ¬ er Paris Fnmif January 12 12CAPT CAPT JOHN RRECKENRIDGE VI LEY Breeder Stonewall Stud Farm Woodford County Ky October 10 10ALEX ALEX U WALDIE Member o Ontario Jockey Club Toronto Out February 3 A C CAFFERTY Former trainer Dallas Tex September 1C 1CALLIi ALLIi GATES Former trainer Toronto Out Mav 14 CHARLES OXX Former trainer Brooklyn N Y YMny Mny 12 SIDNEY WHITE Former trainer Louisville Ky KyFebruary February 5 complication of diseases diseasesJockey Jockey Deaths W BLAKE Hamilton Ont June 30 result of a afall fall JOHN BULLMAN Former Jockey Saranac Lake LakeN N Y March C tuberculosis GEORGE BURNS Former jockey Havana Cuba CubaJanuary January IS heart disease n DAVIES Ashland Ky July 1C result of a afall fall fallWILLIAM WILLIAM H HENRY Former steeplechase Jockey and trainer Baltimore Md January 12 soi soichle chle chleWALTER WALTER LANG Former Jockey Stroudsburg Pa May 14 auto accident accidentB B MARCO Coviugtou Ky September 23 result of a fall fallJOHN JOHN MULCAIIY Tijuana January 12 killed by being struck with debris during windstorm windstormR R RYAN Former steeplechase jockey Buffalo N Y April 11 11HUGH HUGH SHILLING Aboard a passenger train No ¬ vember 0 tubercular pneumonia pneumoniaAMOS AMOS STRETCH Steeplechase Jockey Baltimore Md Mny 12 result of a fall fallH H HUMTER Former Jockey New York N Y December 12 12LEE LEE WEDDI7RSTRAND Former jockey Latonia Ky November 5 5ARTHUR ARTHUR ZEIGLER Reno NCT June 28 suicide after killing judge Leon Wing WingOthers Others Connected with the Turf TurfEDMUND EDMUND J BAXTER Assistant secretary Wind ¬ sor Jockey Club Ford Ont January 19 apo ¬ plectic stroke strokeTIXCHNT TIXCHNT BONERSClcrk in Kentucky mututl de ¬ partment St Louis Mo October 21 21JAMES JAMES BRANHAM Plater of race huns Chicago 111 August 1 1HARRY HARRY F BREIVOGEL Turf official Detroit Mich March 27 27BOBERT BOBERT DREW Race track employe New York N Y Marcli 31 31WILLIAM WILLIAM C EUSTIS Member of Jockey Club February 13 13JAMliS JAMliS FARNUAM Race track official Charles ¬ ton S C February FebruaryMAY MAY FRANK Bookmaker Long Island N Y April 23 WILLIAM HOUSTON Manager of breeding farms Lexington farmsLexington Ky February 13 M B SMOKEY JAMES Race track employe employeSan San Diego Cal April 11 EDWARD JASPER Handicapper and race track trackofficial official Cincinnati O April 9 operation W J KANE Race track employe Baltimore Md April MdApril 20 Brights disease PRESCOT LAWRENCE Member of Jockey Club February ClubFebruary 13 DR M M EXILE LEACH Veterinarian and YorkN writer of thoroughbred breeding New York N Y July 25 pneumonia pneumoniaWILLIAM WILLIAM J LYNCH Race track employe Balti ¬ more Md April 3 heart trouble DANIEL LYONS Handicapper New York N Y May YMay 21 WALTER McCREERY American owner France FranceNovember November 8 EDWARD JamestownN NOEL Clerk and bookmaker Jamestown N D August 9 EDWARD BrooklynN J RYAN Turf follower Brooklyn N Y December 16 16ARTHUR ARTHUR SLAUGHTER Mutuel department em ¬ ploye Lexington Ky May 8 LESLIE I1LDecember E SLOSSON Handicapper Chicago I1L December 18 E F SMITH Jockey valet Bellevue Ky October OctoberCHARLES CHARLES TRAVIS Clocker of horses New York N Y December 22 diabetes diabetesCAPTAIN CAPTAIN W U WILLIAMS Turf writer Brook ¬ lyn N Y May 5 5JUDGE JUDGE LEON WING Race track official Reno Nev June 28 shot and killed by former jockey A Zeigler ZeiglerForeign Foreign Deaths DeathsCHARLES CHARLES ARCHER English trainer and jockey pneumoniaBENNIE Newmark Eng September 1C pneumonia BENNIE BARR Former bookmakers clerk Ha ¬ indigestionLORI vana Cuba November 29 acute indigestion LORI MARCUS BERESFORD Stud master Lon ¬ don Eric December 15 heart disease diseaseM M CHANTEMERLE French owner France March MarchJOHN JOHN CLAYDON Former owner and trainer Eng ¬ land landROBERT ROBERT COLLING English trainer England Jan ¬ uary uaryRARON RARON CREUTZ Dutch owner November 25 25W W E ELSEY English trainer London Eng Feb ¬ ruary 17 17E E DELOLME French jockey Acheres France re resuit suit of a full fullGUY GUY LE CON IDEC French owner and turf writer Paris France April AprilF F F HARDAY French amateur rider Maisons Laffite France November 15 result of i ftill ftillCHARLES CHARLES HAWKINS French steeplechase rd r rAuteuil Auteuil France December 11 killed in a fall RAIT KERR English owner Edinberry Eng July 27 rnuidcred WILLIAM LYNES Former English Jockey and andFrench French trainer Pau France January lung lungtrouble trouble LORI MANTON English owner Stratford on Avon AvonEns Ens March 13 result of a fall fioin a horse A J MOREAU French trainer Maisons Laffitte LaffitteFmncc Fmncc February 8 BAROV HERMAN VON MUENHHAUSEN German Germanowner owner and breeder Goimany SIR WILLIAM NEISON Former owner London LondonEnc Enc July 7 BARON NIVIERE French owner and breeder breederParis Paris France December 12 W JBRIEN Irish trainer December Paris ParisFrance France JOSEPH OLLER Parimutuel machine inventor inventorParis Paris France April 20 20JOHN JOHN OSBORNE English trainer England Sep ¬ tember 10 10G G PALYNCK French owner France March BARNBY PARR Irish breedir Ireland November 11 11HENRY HENRY PIKE English Jockey Lamborrie Eng January ttilerculosii ttilerculosiiJOHN JOHN PORTER English trainer London Eng Febniary 21 ltait failure failureTUEO TUEO RAY French breeder and trainer Paris France March MarchLIONEL LIONEL ROBINSON English owner London Eag July 27 internal gioxvth gioxvthWILLIAM WILLIAM SAXBY English Jockey Bedford Eng March 13 tuberculosis tuberculosisWILLIAM WILLIAM SMITH English steeplechase Jockey Gatwick Eng January 5 fall fallA A SYDNEY English trainer Lewes Eng Feb ¬ ruary 8 8ALFRED ALFRED K T WATSON English turf writer Lon ¬ don Eng November 8 8A A WOOD Former French jockey and trainer Mai KOisLaffitttt France April AprilARTHUR ARTHUR YATES Former Jockey and trainer Lou dun Eug May 19