2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-16

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RAPP B 2 FnrlonffK SyearoIdH and upward Claiming June 28 nAUt 1010 105 15 i 118 CAAMANO ch t 8 110 110Trainer By Celt Cantaloupe by Hastings Trainer A M Gray Owner A M Gray Breeder W Garth 07409 Tijuana 1 1S 157 fast 6 108 4 1 11 4i H Moltcrs 9 Drifting Arpento John Arbor 67339 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 29 111 2 7 7 7i V Seremba 7 Bitgcnia K Vic Dolpli 67318 Tijuana 1 11G l49 fast 12 110 4 6 6G7230 4 351 W Davis 8 AVterDant Dkband CliHoltcrs G7230 Tijuana Im70y l4G good 9 102 3 fiC7191 fi 61 5 i H Long 8 ICecreno Poiclipr Dissolute C7191 Tijuana 1 116 l54ihvy 16 104 6 4 4 4 i 4 H Long G Vic Yermak Torsida 67097 Tijuana 1 116 153 hvy 39 1C8 4 4 4 4 5s W Davis 8 Frank Fogarty Dolph Silex II 65079 Hastings 1 14 214 mud 26 10S 8 W Davis 8 PrinceDirect Sample DbleVan 64999 BRliousc 1 115 l49islow 13 107 711 F Seremba 9 J Mint Cafeteria Tawascntln 4814 Bghouse 1 18 l5 sfast 61 102 102G4781 I1 F Seremba 6 Itcyilo Miss Herrmann Hay G4781 Brhouse ImTOy l14fast 30 104 9 F Seremball Cafeteria YkLassIe T Brooks 54295 Hastings 1 lf liS fast 5 105 105MISTAKE 8 i F Seremba 9 Dora Day ofWrath TomBrooka MISTAKE ch g 7 115 115Trainer By Uncle Nethersole by Tournament Trainer W OBrien Owner W OBrien Breeder Headley Miller 67575 Tijuana 115 9 6 61 5 i R Carter 11 Duo do Guise Jazz Alazon 67451 Tijuana VS l01 = ifast 70 112 7 8 7 61 R Carter 8 IlIOwen SpUpII DdeGuise 67298 Tijuana 51 f liOS ifast 64 109 7 7 7 6 R Carter 8 Milda Neg Klga 67279 Tijuana rS lOIfast 63f 113 9 9 9 9 R Carter 9 HiltonA HazelDale BWelch 66972 Tijuana 5S 1 03 hvy S lit 8 5 S S R Carter 9 Barriskane SilkSo Ella Waldo GS428 Reno 51 f l07 ifast 29 108 6 I P Caron n BBlkwell Ringlder Col Matt C3422 Reno 5 t 103 fast 9 110 5 J P Caron 8 SMacgie Mflower IWHarier 62897 Reno 51 f l09ifaat S IDS In p Caron 9 GrnMiiit ITtagenet J Gorman PLUNGEE br m 113 By Ben Trovato Sweet Marjoram by Dinna Forget Trainer J OSullivaa Owner J 0 Sullivan n Breeder J Madden Madden4l C7574 Tijuina fJ f ltfast S 115 7 E 4l 3l F AmVsonl2 I pham Tillolson Care Man C7393 Tijuina 4 l14fast 171 115 3 2 2EiSS 2l 33 F AndsonlO TirvSeven RLOwen OHstd EiSS Tljuan i 34 lS slow 7 109 6 78 8 Ss J Htamer 8 EIIarrigan WiseJndge Lavaga 69VJ7 Tijuan i 5S 04 slow 6 10S 5 66 61 651 J Htamer 7 Karlymn WCDooly MadByng E9IOS Tijuan i ImTOy slop 15 110 3 3 6 6 6 6 E Noble 7 AuiIreyK Sdoali Mtaln Girl E9J5T Tijuan i ImTOy 51mud 23 110 6 3 4 4 61 771 E Noble 9 lJla Slienaudoali Bhymer E91CS Tijuana 1 11G rJ = tsop 13 107 6 4 7 71 7 H Saladln 11 Hhymer Lola Nebraska E9047 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tifast 710110 3336 71 6rJ J Htamer 8 Balarosa Shenandh nsTopa ES93D Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 5 105 1 1 1 1 I1 I J Htamer 9 Shandoah BFavorlte CBkley E8779 Tijuana 51 f luyfast 1310 112 7 66 6k B J C Gross 8 UUuuiesiM UtJake ClcelyKaj MIDIA b m 6 103 103Trainer By Bock View Galaxy by Star Shoot Trainer J Mannale Owner V Mannale Breeder Gallnher Bros 67157 Tijuana 1 l4S l4Sihvy = ihvy 17 107 2 7 C12 J Thomas 7 Whippet Luvaga North Tower 67117 Tijuana 1 11G l52mud 10 93 1 41 4 P Walla 6 Prince Direct Rajah Bill Head C7050 Tijuana 34 120 hvy 115 107 3 5l 2 M Fator S Al Porter Circulate Cave Man 67036 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 8 109 1 4 45i M Fator 11 Silk Sox It Choir Master G978 Tijuana Im70y l49 hvy hvyC6938 85 106 4 4 5 J M Fator 7 Double Van 1avaga My Laddie C6938 Tijuana 1 143 hvy 4 10S 2 21 2s M Fator 6 Yermak Millursburg Jay Mac 05122 Hastings 1 11G l52 slow 20 109 9 J Dawson 9 Lernice D Capon Weinland 04951 Bghouse 34 l14rigood l14rigoodC1327 43 IOC IOC2S 71 P Hurn 7 Money BBlackvrell FIorDeen C1327 Hastings 11 f l2 Lfast 2S S9 6 W Miller 0 Grayson MabclUule DrCorbett 63233 Reno 1 l41faat 17 104 714 Seremba 7 OileansGirl Cafeteria HotFoot 62800 Reno Im70y 149 good goodKIRK 11 106 31S R Duggan G CommMer Orlns Girl Madrono KIRK WOOD ch h 5 115 By Leonid Kate Dorman by Mo beri beriBreeder Trainer E Howe Owner North Bows Breeder C B Daniels G7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 10 115 4 10 11 J GJass 12 Lobelia Delancey View ft 532 Tijuuna 51 f 163 fast 2310 112 5 5fS 3J 4 J Glass 12 MyrtlcA Delancey FrchNursa 67414 Tijuana fS 101 fast ISO 113 6 C = 7 J Glass S Joe Blair Pay Off Corncutter 07361 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 60 113 7 S S J Glass 8 Herder Honest George John Jr C9S1S Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 99 108 7 8 8 S C Gross 9 Trusty MeLane Don Dodge E5227 Reno 58 l01V fast 15 103 6 Neal 7 WildThghts JFredrick 1Jsnrro E3SOO Tijuana Im70y l45fast 7 6 1 E Noble 6 WMgomery Trophy Piedra E3GG4 Tijuana 5S S 1C1 fast 11 107 4 7Ti E Taylor 7 Toinulieola HarryD My Mazle 733 Tijuana 51 f l07Wast 19 104 57i E Taylor 7 Jlloshor WThoughts BDewey HUNTERS POINT b g 5 By Von Tromp Zorita by Cerito II fTrainer D S Fountain Owner D S Fountain ain Breeder E Ccbiian 67596 Tijuana 5S l2fast 5 115 3 3 = 1 33 M Andsonl2 Alajah Yukon You Bet 67165 Tijuana 5S lOC ihvy 9 109 1 1C7113 21 4 = M Andson 9 BilJoe Pinaiinana FtChurchill C7113 Tijuana 58 l04 imud 20 112 4 9 1011 M AndsonlO Merry Lass Baisy Fond Hope 67019 Tijuana 5S l03Hmud 25 111 5 5R6896 4 41 5 M Andson 9 Pueblo HnMajor Goldie Kose R6896 Tijuana 58 101 alop 12 114 2 2fcr737 2 23 C M Andson S MJMa Plantagciiet Jerry fcr737 Reno 5i f l077sfaat 11 105 105C35SI 6s II Long S JyTMoc EtigeniaK Sacmento C35SI Reno 34 113 fast 3 109 4 1 B McEncn S Miirlstet YorkLassie Gadllng 63622 Reno 5 f 105 fast 6 107 3 B McEwen 7 Ixnc Pine Contriot C Canneli 63431 reno 51 f l07sfaat 29 111 111IJCHEN 9 3 B McEwen 9 Bookworm Velvet Limerick IJCHEN ch f 3 M OctagonI 87 87Trainer By Pataud Woodnitch by Octagon Trainer H Farrell Owner H I Farrell Breeders S Boss t E Daingerfield 87615 Tijuana 51 f l09faat 89 97 10 10IJ7574 6 7 7 i C Rails J2 Ksffertr SwpLpII PonsaHay IJ7574 Tijuana 5J f lOS fast 72 97 11 12 12 12i C Rails 12 Inpltini Tillotson Plunger 65438 Lexton F C 111 good 413 103 7 7 7 ° 7 II Gray 8 MissMeise HGraham RonTime 6133 J Lexton 51 f l10ihvy 72 1081 5 C C C R Harton 5 AilVcrnor Mammon Finduy 65235 Lex ton 51 f I07 fa3t 62f Finduy62f 10S 12 K5 12 125 It Harton 12 Uustcni ChildsPlay RompMarj 63245 Latonla 51 f l07 ifaat 2Sf RompMarj2Sf IOC 11 12 11 11 = H Gray 12 Dearie First Ward MartOHara 62912 Latonla EJ f l09rimud 80 103 7 10 91 95 H Gray 10 MOIlara MCarrel Stone Agr 62660 Latonia 6i f lOS = ifaat llf Agrllf 112 C CC2517 8 9110 H Gray 12 Ft Ward MayCarrel Adaiirti Adaiirti36f C2517 Litonu rS iOI = 4hvy 3 36f f 115 4 6 6 6 II Gray 11 Tokiiiime Bendita Minnie B 61714 MHcightn 12 491ifast 23 109 S R Holway 7 MBenlah nighTca St Shooter 61660 M Heights 12 4SJjgood 34 107 6 T Wayt 7 FCanadn StylMisa Btrtaute CLEARFIELD b g 7 115 By Textile Grizel by Aintree AintreeB Trainer B B Bond Owner B B Bond Breeder B Smith Smith7f C7616 Tijuana 51 f l09 ifast 7f 110 4 8 d 4 1 F Stevens 10 JParnicr Tillotson GMMilebch 67575 Tijuana 5i f liOSfsfast 75 110 4 477 Gi K Pctzuldtll Due cle Cuise Jazz Alazon Alazon34f 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 34f 110 S 9 El 7s F Stevens 12 UulySmall Bookworm Olympd 65412 Kempton Bl f l09r fast 9 117 C51 B T Moore I Theresa Hush Mike 65323 Kempton fS l04 = faat 31 107 107G4485 7 J F Bullman 9 Fait Accompli Crest Bab G4485 KlngEd G f l24 fast 14 115 115K43S7 2 ° P Madeira Wire Uidy Blaok Pat Smite K43S7 KlngEd 01 f l29 slow 32 107 67 P Gross 9 Crest Topllung Tokalon March 64198 Delmier Ab 7S l31ifast 4 107 107S4057 4s C Eanies 9 Propaganda Cavalier Crest S4057 Delmier Ab 5S l05V hvy 16 113 7 F Buliman 9 Diocletian Itiposta Just Fancy 63919 Kempton 68 llClrifast 11 112 112CHOIR 1s F Bullman Starkailur Mess Kit No Trumps CHOIR MASTEB ch g 8 115 115Trainer By Uncle Nothersolc by Tournament TournamentKern Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern Breeder Headley Miller 67133 Tijuana 58 l04hvy 11 103 8 T 7 GS E Petzoldt S Cuba Pinaqiiana Celebrate 67078 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 5 107 6 3 3 i 3 A K Petzoldt 9 KyeBright Mllollins Cl hratc 67049 Tijuana 34 l19 ihvy 85 107 2 1 31 3 i E Petzoldt S CBarklcy KHarrigan lWUr 67036 Tijuana El f 111 hvy 21 111 8 4 Sl 3 = 1 T Wilson 11 Silk Sox It Midia 66934 Tijuana El f 111 hvy 11 109 9 6 41 4 = 3 E IVtzoldtlO OlliuWcoil VernHita Al Porter 66915 Tijuana 34 llGvimud 7 110 I e 7 7 J II Moltcrs 11 Kimono Clf kllarkley TjOrplian 65219 Hastings 3 31 l197sslov l197sslov651K7 1C 109 G3 W Miller S Jerry HosGcosv MissFraiiland 651K7 Hastings Im70y l53hvy l53hvyC5116 10 111 1s W Miller 7 CloverJunia Desnose NebLad C5116 Hasting 34 IrlSrislow IrlSrislowC1996 21 110 2 1 T Wilson 10 Toyon ViolaPark Black Spray C1996 IJghousa 34 l17 slov 2 103 21 II Long U LittloAbe CenCzar LlttlcGink 64871 Ughouse 58102 fast fastC4776 4 109 S F Serembal2 Chrome Squash Bontiebelle C4776 Urbouso 58 l027 fast fastFOUKLEAF 13 109 43 II Molters 11 Torsida LIttleOne BessleYoune FOUKLEAF ch m 5 108 By Dulse Cousin Martba by Pirate of Penzacce Penzacce1C Trainer M Sanders Owner M Sanders Breeder J W Parrish Parrish7f 67573 Tijuana 61 f lC9 fast 7f 113 3 7 111 125 E Barhaml2 Von Czar Mldlan Review Review12f 67470 Tijuana 34 ItHTJfaat 12f 111 1 3 Gl C l E BarhamlO Van Welles View Plantagcnet Plantagcnet23f 67432 Tijuana 6S l01iiast 23f 108 3 6 03 G 3 H Long 11 Fond Hopp Vora Klta Angela 67165 Tijuana 6S lCCihvy 16 107 998 71 II Long 9 BillyJof PiMiiiuana FChurchill 6144 Hthorne Ei f l14islow 25 113 1 6 0 C L Gray 6 Wnr Pennant It Bonero Blue 66110 Hthorno 61 f 117 hvy 20 1121 8 8 7s 7 E Virgo 8 Mary G MDemmzIo MclMan 65831 Hthomo El f 109 fast 20 111 6 9 10 L Gray 12 Van AVelles Jacobina Woolclay 65736 Hthorno 51 f IOSfaat 10 110 8 11 n ll5 D Hurn 12 PIniitooii De Laml Bill McCloy McCloyC 63581 Ashland Ab 5S l01icood C 113 3 S Wholm 4 Sifter Susie Woodpile Rivulet 6SOU5 Connet Ab 58 l00 aat 115 11 A Kroger 8 British Isles Drllull LMCIU SANTHIA C br m 5 X 113 By Lay Low Santhia by 8ant uo Trainer K Cooney Owner H Cooney Breeder O Cconey 67531 Tijuana 34 lI4fast 41 112 fi 7 7 7 W Martin 11 LManning 1eaceFlag Contriot 67454 Tijuana 58 l01fast 260 110 3 311Cr 3 3 41 E Donhue 8 RLOwen SpUpII DdeGuisa 67336 Tijuana 24 llGVsfast 11Cr 119 6 E 7 iA Claver 12 Nimm Norfield Glenzar 67205 Tijuana 51 flllslow 8 114 8 8 11 11 A Claver 12 Trinket Glensar Make Haste 6S727 Reno 5S l0 fast 6 109 21 S Smith 10 DLMills Bonnebellc RRogon 63630 Reno 5J t lOSfast 15 109 6 J S Smith 8 Vodka Glad News Pewaukec C3588 Reno 1 l41faat 42 100 8 W Davis 9Kimberly Weinlaud PinkTenny 63522 Reno 58 l01fast 12 109 4 1 S Smith 9 El Sabio Olive D Plantagenet C3417 Reno 34 l15fast 2110 104 7 2 1C Fator 9 Bridgette Glad News DcvrField DcvrFieldBy JACK LEE br g 5 115 115Trainer By Jack Atkin Lady Gftlopin by St Serf SerfBreeder Trainer H Tnllett Owner H Tnllett Breeder HP Headley 5720S Conght 51 f 109 good 25 106 3 3 41 El F Murphy 7 Al Pierce Kinetic Rib 5707S Connht 34 115 fast 62 103 5 6 6to H Stearns 8 PropaMa Gorilla GallonBerry 56702 Dorval 34 I14ifast 29 100 S 6 7TJ K Parton 10 Ladylvan Pinard Diamd Data 56622 Dorval 34 l12fast 38 101 1 1El 7 6 H Stearns 10 MGarner TtheMark IlWilldo 66290 FtErle El f l12Hhvy E5 106 S 7 7 A Rlchcrk 7 Gratian GallouBerry Nenett 56137 Hamton 34114 fast 291 104 9 9 I Gordon 9 Gallipot Al Pierce OnrBlrthday 55104 Connht ImTOy l47fast 8 8 J Wallace 8 BrBill GFrlngc SportCkanc

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011601/drf1923011601_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011601_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800