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71yearolds and upward Claiming1 June 17 1916 8th RACE RACENORTH 3 05 NORTH SHORE b m 5 103 By Martinet Galinda by Galvestoa GalvestoaBreeder Trainer F Tracey Owner S Elmer Breeder Williams Brox BroxII C7981 Tijuana 1 l4Smud 6 106 1 1 1ImTOy II I1 E PctzoldllO GoldBryan ChIeyUoy NKBcal G7927 Tijuana ImTOy 52hvy 31 10S 4 Z 2 2 E Petzoldtll HorUrrh Pllascuet Velerni G K9G Tijuana 51 f l093smml 3 113 0 Z Z5S 2 F J Baker 8 Corncufr EBrijrht LitPolnter G7872 Tijuana 5S l03imud 9 1CS 4 5 55S 41 43i E PetzoIdtlO Corncutter Milda Count Boris C7537 Tijuana 5S 101 fast TO 111 3 7 7 5j T Wilson 7 Settle Corucutter Don Jose G739G Tijuana 51 f lOT = ifast 23 112 5 6 C 1 6 1 T Wil = on 7 CoIonclMatt CSnider Ccutter G7247 Tijuana 51 f lOT 4faat 4310 113 2 4 5 0s T Wilson 8 Herder Horace Lcrcii Ncg G7000 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 165 115 1 3 31 2 T Wilson 8 Harry D Puehlo Jerry G949 Tijuana 34 l16H3loj 1110 110 1 1 l k i nk E ictzoldt 7 L Florence CKobTts KPearl 609 IS Tijuana 34 117 mud 41 115 2 1 1s I1 F J BakerlO Poacher It Evalyn Harrlgan 34 llS gooil 9C 111 11 T Wilson 7 Hugo K Asher Overstep Toyon 65218 Hastings HastingsDOCTOR 34 119 slow 65 112 21 T Wilson G ColSnider Cascade MissSedalia DOCTOR TUBES TUBESTrainer b g 4 108 By Norford Laura E by Ben Strome Stromeeal Trainer A Neal Owner 2t eal tc Bartholomew Breeder Neal Ic Bartholomaw Bartholomaw14f 67981 Tijuana 1 l4S7imud 14f 110 7 7 El 10 II MolterslO NthShore GdBryan ChleyBoy G7724 Tijuana 34 I144fa8t 79 112 6 6 C 6T G Collins 10 Purl Horace l crch It 67436 Tijuana 1 142 fast 13 110 3 7 7 73 A Claver 7 Regreio Yermak Cafeteria 67357 Tijuana 1 l421irast 1110 103 1 3 1 1i M Fator 0 Proclaniatn Shorcacres GipJoe ina 34 l14jfast 11 10S 5 5 3l li A Claver 9 SlieDevIl Au Revoir Bookworm 67172 Tijuana 5 f lllHlivy 28 92 6 6 6 6 J Tliomas 7 Harry D BBlkwell CBarthell 67119 Tijuana 51 f l10Hmud 102 10S 7 4 41 5 J Thomas 9 Toombeola Romulus LochLeven 67055 Tijuana TijuanaCHARLEY 5S lOtHhvy lOtHhvyt 13 103 5 6 f 5Ti H Long 9 UIirkwell I Leven U George CHARLEY EOT t r 5 5Bcchtelheimer 110 By Zeu Bomania by P p oDs oDsOwner Trainer F Bcchtelheimer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder White Garnuti 67981 Tijuana 1 l4Smud 43 10S 4 5 4 3J1 H Zander 10 NthShore GoldBryan NKBeal 67932 Tijuana 1 316 207 ihvy 14 112 5 6 5 5 H Molters 6 Torsida Whippet Rajah 67 831 Tijuana Im70y l4T ifast 3710 111 6 8 7l 7 C Rails 9 She Devil My Rose Irosity 67791 Tijuana lm0y l45Xfast 3 106 9 8 C T3 C Rails i IMnaiHIo Fireworl PeaceFlaB 67707 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 31 112 3 6 El 4 1 H Molters 7 FFogarty Regrcso WMgomy 67663 Tijuana 1 11C l47Hfast 12 117 3 7 7 7 J H Mnlter 7 Bbhornll WMtgomy Piedra 67493 Tijuana 1 l42Hfat 30 110 4 4 3l 1 II Molters 7 SuuirSlsh ColSnider GipJoe 67393 Tijuana 1 11C 14S faat 24 112 C 7 8 SIS E Dugan S l ituniui FFojrly WMtgoiuy CAFETERIA ch m 7 7Trainer WoolitborpaE 113 By Abo Frank Suffice by Woolitborpa Trainer E McCown Owner OwnerG7997 E McCown Breeder B A Trammeu G7997 Tijuana Im70y lS3 mud mudG79GO 135 111 1 1 1 I1 T Wilson t Olympiad Benecia Shelbyville Shelbyville7f G79GO Tijuana 34 l16hvy l16hvyG7929 7f 105 6 S 7s C T Wilson 0 LFlorce HGcorge BBlackwell G7929 Tijuana 58 04hvy 04hvyC7R31 52 116 8 10 101 S1 T Wilson 11 MissKiuU RAtkln Pinaquuna C7R31 Tijuana ImTOy 43ifast 43ifastG7723 45 109 9 9 9 9 T Wilson 9 She Devil My Rose Irosity Irosity4o G7723 Tijuana Im70y 471ifast 471ifastG7598 4o 110 1 1 I1 1 E PetzoldtlO Mrs Pat Au Revoir Go On G7598 Tijuana Im70y 4S fast fastG743G 65 110 1 2 3 3 = 1 W Martin 8 TomCraven Flreworih Montona G743G Tijuana 1 42 fast fastG73HO 7 103 1 2 3J C Rails 7 Regrcso Yeraink DiKsolntc G73HO Tijuana 34 14ifast 14ifastC7210 9 105 8 8 91 SJ W Martin 11 Arynnna She Devil July Fly C7210 Tijuana 34 UGVislow UGVislowC5280 131 101 1 I I1 2 W Martin 8 BUI Head Horn til in Kimono C5280 Hastings 6fl23 fast fastGSJLS5 14 107 SJ H Molters 7 HCeorge FlorDeen EugenlalC GSJLS5 Haatinca ImTOy 150 cood 160 101 S2 H Moltera 8 AlWlck Dniiatello Besalclouus YERMAK ch g 10 By Ormondale Lady Alicia by Sir Dizo OTai FircworthG7GOO Tijuana Im70y l45 fast 4 115 3 C 2J 5i D Hurn 9 Donntello ChleyBoy Fircworth G7GOO Tijuana ImTOy l43 = sfaat 19 115 7 C C 5 P Hurn 9 FrkFogarty SnmmerSigh Vic 6551 Tijuana ImTOy IHStsfast 14 115 1 2 1 i D Hum 7 SumSigh CavaldrlL MyRosa 6492 Tijuana ImTOy l47Siast C5 109 4 2 I1 Il F Ste ens S WaltDant CtBoris Etlargan 67436 Tijuana 1 142 fast 9 110 6 5 2 21 F Ste ens 7 Regrcso Cafeteria Dissolute 6 111 Tijuana 1142 fast 16 OS 4 5 2i 23 F Ste ens 7 Bill Head Just Right Romulus 67230 Tijuana mTOy l46good 41 107 4 3 41 41 F Ste ens 8 Rcgreso Poacher Dissolute 6191 Tijuana 1 116 l54hvy 65 110 4 1 Il 2 F Ste ens 6 Vic Torsida Caamano MADGE F b m 7 By Voorhees Sxlratriz by Ealvatie = Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millardl Breeder A B Spreckels 67932 Tijuana 1 316 207 hvy 61 110 2 5 6 fi14 C Thpson 6 Torsida Wblpper Rajah 67876 Tijuana 1 14 213mud 3 111 3 1 I1 Il C Thpson 6 Vic Dominator Judge David 67791 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 6 103 4 4 73 7i E Petzoldt 9 Donatello ChleyBoy Fireworth 67663 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 3110 93 2 1 13 5 = 3 W Martin 7 BkhornlL WMIgomy Piedra 67o34 Tijuana ImTOy Ii7fast 13 113 6 5 10 10 II Long 10 By Right Tom Owens Vic 67398 Tijuana 1 13 l345sfast 21 lOS 1 1 2l 3 = 1 M Fator Just Kleht Vic 67277 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 75 108 3 1 1 Il W Pool 10 Judge Divid Drifting Rhymer 67211 TUuana 34 11 slow 38 110 6 7 7 3 J Carroll 7 Pueblo JohuJr BmmaWilliama MISS EMM G ch f 4 By Maiunont Bessie Latimer by Lord Etterlinr Trainer J 8 Steward Owner J S Steward Breeder A Brown 67979 Tijuana 1 IMCXmud 1110 UO 2 2 3 32 C Thpson 7 VcilcdCoIlcen PoorPuss SilkSor SilkSor5S 67929 Tijuana 5S l04ny 21 113 3 3 2 13 Il C Thpson 11 R Atkin Pinaquana HelenMajor 67873 Tijuana 34 l16mud 132 110 1 1 1 1 11 C Thpson 10 Noonhonr MolBarncs CStking CStkingil 67833 Tijuana 51 il f 107 fast 40 100 3 9 9 = 1 9 II Long 11 Tule PhroneWard FlorceDecn 67727 Tijuana 58 l01Hfast 66 115 6 6 6 6 4J3 R Carter 6 PayOff DarkAges FlorctDecn 67621 Tijuana 1 l44Vfast 2 103 9 6 Z 4 = i P Hurn 11 PceFIag Procmation GenCzar 67496 Tijuana 1 l42fast 5 99 3 2 31 4 P Hum 8 MsPink SilkSox Proclaaiation 67380 Tijuana 34 l14siast 4310 107 7 10 7 73 A Claver 11 Aryanna She Devil July Fly 67264 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 3 10 7 4 41 S5 R Flynn 8 CSnider DonJose IWIIarper 63600 Windsor 34 lI5sow 11 94 1 1G2119 12 12 12 12 P Walls 12 Stoto Ultra Gold Helen Atkin G2119 Thncliffe 34 lUfast 2310 101 101SAN 4i J Thomas 9 Sword Selota Griscldn Griscldng SAN HEDRON blk g 4 113 113Trainer By Disguise Katherine G by Dick Finnell Trainer J Manale alei Owner J Maaale Breeder J H Ecsseter 67981 Tijuana 1 l48 = mud 51 108 J 9 6 51 sl T Wilson 10 NthShore GdBrran ChleyBoy ChleyBoy70y 67928 Tijuana Im70y 70y l53hvy C 110 8 2 23 I1 D Hurn 8 Lariat Hackamore Dominator DominatorTOy 67871 Tijuana ImTOy TOy l4Smud 8 114 2 1 1s 131 P Martinezl2 Gen Byng Ilunser StarBanr 67787 Tijuana 1 142 fast S 105 8 S C11 D Hum 12 Hkamorc Plger ThcVgeance 67703 Tijuana 1 l43fast Ifif 114 1 1 23 35 P MartinorlO Pireworth Starlikp Plurality 67661 Tijuana 31 l13fast l13fastC7616 100 112 8 8 7 T = 5 D Hum 8 Grace E Polly Wale Romulus Romulusil C7616 Tijuana 51 il f I09 l09Kfast fast 7f 112 9 9 0 83 D Hurn 10 JParmpr Tillotn GMhltbach 67545 Tijuana 58 l015sf st 13f 112 11 12 12 910 P MartinealS OlWood JCampbcll MayfloVr 67056 Tijuana 1 116 l34hvy IS 116 6 7 7 7 = J OKeefe 7 Torsida Poacher Silcx II 67022 Tijuana ImTOy l30V mud 11 104 9 5i 4 ° D Hurn 9 Lavaga Conklion Double Eye C6974 Tijuana 51 f l10Vthvy S 103 7 7 7 7IS D Hurn LFlncp DrTubhs MiGslink 66918 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 23 108 7 1 3l Mistresslolly Dora Little Dear