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DA PC Srile and TO Yard Oyearoldn and upvard Claiming Jan nAUtl 21 1923 142 33 8 US VETERAN b g 111 By His Majesty Nectary oy Dlnneford DlnnefordH Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Bred in England by J J Parkinson G7978 Tijuana 1 14 215mud 215mudlm0y 145 113 8 5 f 4 G Rose 8 LonePiue LitDear Tawasentaa Tawasentaa8f 07927 Tijuana lm0y l52hvy 8f 110 U 8 6 4 G Rose 11 HorLerch NliSliore Pltagenet ina inaijnana 1 1S l57fast l57fastImTOy 2310 113 8 S T3 5i W Martin 9 Khymcr Bessie Young Dora ijnana ImTOy l45fast 14 113 6 5 7 7J W Martin 7 Tasentha SumSigh LMnnning ijuana 34 l14 fast 175 119 Left at the postG Rose 7 Mannikin II Herder Pueblo Pueblo195f 66624 Pimllco 1 1S l53 4fast 195f 105 3 14 141 15 G BreunglS FySneezy MayHouse NWalea NWaleallf 6G424 Laurel 1 18 l56fast llf 103 13 13 13 132 W Martin 13Clmron WStger TCkincnder TCkincnder8f GG104 Laurel 1 116 152 good 8f 107 11 13 13 13 W Martin 13 Phalaris CurtEvents LadsLora N K BEAT ch g 9 9Trainer 108 By Glorifier Puritan Girl by Yankee Trainer R E Lcvcll Owner H T Palmer Breeder J H Shrove 67997 Tijuana Im70y l53mud 185 113 8 G ff G11 J Pevlc 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benccla 67981 Tijuana 1 l4Srnud 14f 114 C 3 31 431 G BrdfootlO NthShore GdBryan ChIeyBoy 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 62 626774S 110 5 7 7s 61 J Shaffer 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 6774S Tijuana 34114fast ISSf 116 11 n U 11 J Shaffer 11 MMaulsby Horinga Hs nebr 66502 Akron 34 118 slew 55 556G077 117 811 A Richcrk 8 Enos Right Angle MarseJImmy 6G077 Hthorne 34 l25mud 12 12GG014 116 4 4 4 15 A RichcrklO Railbird May Girl Vansylvia GG014 Hthorne 1 l51hvy 10 54 c A Richcrk S Money Edna D Madrono 65972 Hthorne Im70y l55slop 8 Op10S 166 7 4 7 54 E Owens 8 Grayssian Friz Walk Op 65834 Hthorne 1 316 204fast 8 10S 7 S 6 6 H S Jones 7 BWatchlL SpecGirl Whippet 65691 Hthorne Im70y l474 fast 4 107 6 7 8 8 N Barrett 8 War Penny Sea Way Pledra 25 Omaha 1 141 fast 7 112 2i E Barbara 7 DtyLady Flortlne WGMcCk PLOW STEEL ch c 4 103 103Trainer By Honeywood Dacoency by Martinet MartinetBreeder Trainer V7 Walker Owner W Walker Breeder L Christenion 8000 Tijuana 5S l04mud 8 IOC 5 21 21 F Stevens 10 Yukon Billy Jo Vera Rita 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 6 102 6 67f 6s 7 1 G Rose 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCr1 67805 Tijuana 58 101 fast 7f 10310 8 1 81 F Stevens 11 Pay Off Vibrate Noonhour 67210 Tijuana 13 lOi S 5i EBJ F Stevens fi Bill Head Cafeteria Romulus 67119 Tijuana 61 f l10mud 18 104 8 6s 6 F Stevens 9 Toombeola Romulus LocliLevea 67037 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 10 104 1 3 3 i F Stevens 7 ChfBarthell Romulus MadgeS1 66977 Tijuana 24 117 hvy hvyEl 30 107 8 3l 4 F Stevens 8 BBIkwell HontGrge Bitten G6900 Tijuana TijuanaTAWASENTHA El f lOSslop 30 105 7 8 811 F Stevens S KingUke Incognance Cncutter CncutterBy TAWASENTHA ch m 6 108 108Cooper By Vulcain Belle of Arcadia by Plaudit PlauditBreeder Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring Herring2s 67978 Tijuana 1 14 215mnd 5 108 5 2s 3 J Thomas S Lone Pine Little Dear Yeteraa 67928 Tijuana Im70y l53hvy 4 110 5 4 643 C Rails 8 San Hedron Lariat Uackamora 67S15 Tijuana 34 117 mud 185 101 2 31 5s H Long 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 67791 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 31 102 1 41 GJ H Long 11 Dniiatelln ClrieyUoy Fireworth 67767 Tijuana Im70y l44fast 63 103 5 5IS 7 7IB G Cooper 7 JohnSReardon Serapis Bastille C7C78 Tijuana lm70y 1 45f ast IS 110 2 2llf V 2 H Long 7 SumSigh LManning WalDant 67642 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast llf 10S 8 71 631 F Stevens 9 PhroneWard Icon DarkAges 67600 Tijuana Im70y l44fast 90 102 2 42 412 H Long 9 FrkFogarty SnmmerSIgh Vic 65078 Hastings 61 f 125 mud 14 105 1054J 71 F Cantrell 7 CBoyle HontGeorge FlorDeen G4999 Bghouse 1 116 l49slow 4J 101 323 H Long 9 GMiut Cafeteria LLachmunJ LLachmunJBy PLURALITY b c 4 103 103Trainer By Pluvious Farewell by Ossary OssaryBreeder Trainer J Johnston Owner 7 Johnston Breeder T W 0 Brien 67954 Tijuana 34 l17hvy SC 107 3 3G7914 21 2J E Fator 9 JackLedi HansTopaz YouBet G7914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 44 112 1 521 G E Fator 8 Delhimar JustRight Pretender 67703 Tijuana 1 l13fast 13 112 3 42 41 E Fator 10 Fireworth Starlike San Hedroa 67617 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 13f 112 S SC7574 81 G5 E Fator 11 Midian Cancion Delancey C7574 Tijuana 51 f lOS 4fast 139 112 S S6G083 S1 Plunger3T 75i E Fator 12 Ispliam Tillotson Plunger 6G083 MHghta 34 119 mud 7 102 102G6022 3T M Garrett 7 VanDresr FwellTaps SkSoz SkSozGi G6022 MHghts Im70y l53 ihvy 21 103 Gi J Allen 8 AmSoldier ISooneville Rhynwr 65844 MHghts 34114 fast 135 106 5 1 M Fator 7 LadyHeart JIIoffman Briarcf 65243 Dorval 1 116 150 fast Sf 100 6 41 34 M AndsonlS Mouette PGKing ThtleQneea ThtleQneeaCJ 65172 Dorval 31 l20hvy 8 101 2 CJ is M Andson 9 Bcngalcse MarGold Shcnandoaa OLD McKENNA b g G GTrainer 108 By Transvaal Kuhla by Gold Heels or Trentola Trainer K H CTiandler Owner G TrentolaG Boakay Breeder 8 K Nichols 67891 Tijuana 34 l18M mud 107 7 G Cl u7 C Studcr 11 VledColn Cauvasbk MnFlnk 67547 Tijuana 1 18 l53fifast 110 6 63 6i F Stevens 8 IWHarper AlWick Meteor G7453 Tijuana 112 4 8 72i 75i W Wiley 11 WiseJndge TomCraven Flame 67337 Tijuana 1 113 fast 108 7 10 8 7 3 F Stevens 11 Baisy Ollie Wood Argcnto 66948 Tijuana 34 117 slop slopGG899 110 Left at post J Thomas 7 John Jr Whippet Shoreacrca GG899 Tijuana 1 116 l51slop l51slopCG530 113 6 6 6 6 M Andson G Bill Head Leta Dolph CG530 Toledo 1 140 fast fastGG328 fastGG328 111 6 B 6 512 T Burns G Dnncer Hnndfull Plum Bloasoat GG328 Toledo 1 116 l47faat 113 3 4 41 4 i T Wayt G Hope Whippet Old Chap GG186 MHghta Im70y209 hvy 109 I4 N Burger 7 JohnAibor Pierrot OlliePalmei 66088 MHghts Im70y 155 mud 112 2 T Wayt 9 Blazonry Little Dear Ferrum GG620 MHehts 34 il7 4hvy 113 2 T Wayt 10 Blue Wrack Miss Dixie Cuba LICHEN ch f 3 M MFarrell 85 By Patand Woodnitch by Octagon Octagonarrell Trainer H Farrell Owner OwnerIm70y H FarreU arrell DaingerfieldS5 Breeders S Ross E Daingerfield 67997 Tijuana Im70y l33i mud 40 S5 4 5 5h 5 L Creery 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Bcnccia 67827 Tijuana 41 f 54fast 33 97 9712 12 12 12 12 H Long 12 Norfield NorHoney QuncupII 67701 Tijuana 51 f lOS7ifast 37 93 U US3 12 12 1211 P Walls 12 Kirkwood Plunger Caamano 67615 Tijuana 51 f l09fast S3 97 9710 10 74 74i C Rails 12 Raf ferty SwpUpIL PonzaRay 67574 Tijuana 72 97 9711 11 12 12 12 C Rails 12 Ispharn Tillotson Plunger 65438 Lex ton F C 111 good 413 103 7 7 74 72 H Gray 8 MissMeise UGraham RonThn 65334 Lexton El f l10hvy 72 1081 5 6 5 5 R Harton 5 AilVernor Mammon Finday 65235 Lexton 61 f l07fast 2f 108 12 122Sf 12 12 12 R Harton 12 Pustcm Ciiildslhiy RompMarj 63245 Latonla Bl f l07fast 2Sf 106 11 12 II4 U2 H Gray 12 Dearie First Ward MartOHara 62912 Latonia El f l09mud 80 103 7 7llf 10 91 9 H Gray 10 MOIIara MCarrel Stone Ag 62GGO Latonia Ea f lCSfast llf 112 6 8 S1102 H Gray 12 Ft Ward MayCarrel Admirer HANOVERS TOPAZ ch g 8 8Trainer 113 By Abe Frank Duchess Phillipe by Sam Phillip Phillipr Trainer F B Irwin Owner r F B Irwia Breeder J R Locks C7954 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 5 107 5 4 4l 3 H Flynn 9 Jack Lcdi Plurality You Bet 67890 Tijuana 34 llS llSsmul = smul 6 112 10 9 8 C13 G Studer 10 DbleEyc Ixmeline MdieWila 6778G Tijuana 51 f l08rast 23 115 6 9 91 S i C Studer 11 GoldBryan Delancey KosaAtkla C7243 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 13 109 U 12 12 12 II Moltcrs 12 WGMCfk GByng Obstinate 67190 Tijuana Im70y 152 hvy hvy6709G 27 113 9 8 9 9 J Sing ton 9 Rcgreso Wise Judge Argento 6709G Tijuana 1 116 153 hvy 14 113 6 7 7 7 J Sington 7 Conichon Judge David Poacher 67077 Tijuana Im70y l51 hvy hvyG703G 10 106 2 1 3 3i J Sington 9 RlMrd LitOrphin JohnArbor G703G Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy hvyGG999 12 111 4 8 8 92 J Singtonll Silk Sox It Choir Master GG999 Tijuana El f Ida mud 25 113 6 6 61 451 J Sington 8 Neg Planta genet Gadlius 66973 Tijuana 58 l03Uhvy 16 114 S 5 64 5 J Sington 8 Harry D It Ternette 34 l20iislow 25 112 S t 8 8 H S Jones 8 Nenette Calcadourll Rivulet DEHRA b m 10 10Trainer 106 By Sir Huon Rosemcado by St Gatien GatienBassett Trainer G Bassett Owner Bassett Dawson Breeder G J Long Long63C 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OS7tfast 63C S8 8 8 8s 7 W Dean 9 Fireworth YorkLassie LiLDear LiLDearISf 67318 Tijuana 1 116 l43fast l43fastG71G7 ISf 110 8 8 8 8 W Dean 8 WaltcrDint Dkhand Caamana Caamana37f G71G7 Tijuana Im70y l56hvy 37f 103 5 6 61 51 W Dean 8 Poacher Drifting Argento 67035 Tijuana El f 112 hvy 100 114 9 9 9 Sl F Andson 9 Count Boris Jerry Chrome ChromeEf 01319 Tijuana 1 l44V fast Ef 111 1 I 8 8 II Long 11 Quinam Mex Cancion CancionS4 61195 Tijuana 1 l4tt fast S4 103 3 7 T 7 C Rails 8 Toombeola Go Oil Toyoa WILTON ABROW ci f 9 113 113Trainer By Fcrola Adelo Rose by Eon EonBreeder Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeder G P Finnesan 07849 Tijuana 51 f l10murt 68 115 1 721 7 J Pevic 9 MissDunhar Review PhylllsK G5615 NKton i f l24fast 12 113 5T T Drumnd G Old Pop Our Alice King Worth 65418 NKton 1 116 l53f ast 7310 107 4s T Rae 5 Rog Cockroach Prospector 65249 NKton 1142 fast 121 108 32i Prospector32i T Rao 5 Prospector Cockroach Clip 65149 NowKeii 1 l4Sfa3t 10i 113 113G4768 2 T Rae G Clip Dewitt Nelle Yorke Yorke2l G4768 ConLake 1 l47good 11 108 2l T Rae 7 Wodan Nclle Yorke Miss Orb 64678 ConLake 1 IMafifast G 103 34 T Uae 7 FkShannon MinU KCbhJua 4598 ConLake 1 116 154 fast 11 106 106SILES 32 T Rao 0 Rog Hoover Will Soon SILES II ch g 6 113 113Trainer By Verdun Safety Pin by Adam Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Ba Baldwin Bred in France iy Baron H i Both child 6780G Tijuana 1 14 2095ifast 30 115 7 9 71 J Pevlc 11 Dominator Reydo John Arbor 67674 Tiiuana 1 1S lECfast 28 115 7 9 8 741 J Pevic 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 67471 Tijuana 1 18 1 6fast 41f 115 5 9 10 101 J Pevic 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 67409 Tijoana 118 157 fast 12f 113 8 m E43 J Pevlc PevlcCi 9 Drifting Argcnto John Arbor G7277 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 9 1M 7 Ci 5l M Fator 10 Madge F Judge David Drifting G7153 Tijuana 1 18 20 20Tihvy Tihvy 16 111 6 4 4J J Pevic 7 Dolph Jnige David Gen BynS 67097 Tijuana 1 116 153 hvy 18 113 7 62 3 J Pevlc Pevlc4s 8 Frank Fogarty Dulph Lola G705G Tijuana 1 116 l54hvy 43 103 5 4s 3 J Pevic 7 Torsida Poacher Kiiyaier 67002 Tiiuana 1 116 l53mud 35 110 6 6 64 J Pevlc 7 Torsida Poacher John Arbor 6C935 Tijuosa 1 l4Sihvy 43 113 7 4 1 3 J Pevlc 7 Torsida Fireworth Lola GC897 Tijuana TijuanaCAVE Im70y l47islop l47islope 9f 110 10 S2i J Pevlc 11 CavalcadrII Torsida Yermak YermakBy CAVE MAN ch e 8 M 113 113H By Celt Jamma by Delhi DelhiBreeder Trainer H Wells Owner H Wells WellsIS Breeder G Starr StarrE C392G Tijuana 34 las ihvy IS 113 2 2Ch E tl 10 D Hurn 11 ChoirMaster JackLedi Balfoor G7809 Tijuana 58 l034mud Ch llfi 10 7 I2 612 P Hurn 12 Careen Xainer Cicely Kay C7722 Tijuana 58 l02fast r 115 2 2n 2 61 10 i D Hurn 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K C7C59 Tijuana n lie c ccr 2 l 321 D Hurn 10 LyBrbon RosaAtkin Pinaqn 67574 Tijuana CI J CS ast cr us i 2 ZJ 4i D Barhaml2 Ispham Tillotson Plunger 67338 Tijuana 1 l43fast 84 MS 2 3 62J n2 D Hurn 9 Leta Cancion Au Revoir 67187 Tijuana 1 l49bnry 41 HO 3 3ZMorni 2 21 2l D Hurn 7 Bcnccia Norfords Last JayUae 67076 Tijuana 34 1 1 hvy ZMorni i 2 I 3 D Hurn 12 NTdsLasr ArsFort DrCund 67050 Tijuana 34 120 hvy 17 112 1 3 n 44 D Hum 8 Al Porter Midla Circulate GG914 Tijuana 13 E 4 S J SJ U Lone H MarnZorn ArneFort Clenzaz Continued on tenth pace TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page FIZER h h 9 116 116Brent By Transvaal Foundling by laizarono Trainer A Brent Owner A AImTOy Brent Breeder W P Johnson G7997 Tijuana ImTOy l53Vsmud l53VsmudIm70y 20 111 9 9 9Sf 9 9 F Stevens 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benecia 67927 Tijuana Im70y l52hvy Sf 110 10 10 10lOf 101 9t R Flynn II llorlorch NhShoie PltHKcnet 67890 Tijuana 34 l187imud l187imudIm70y lOf 10G 7 10 10 S F Stevens 10 IVblcEye LonePine MdieWiln 67637 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 135 113 S S 7 7 W Dean 8 Theresa Starlike Keydo 6734 1 Tijuana 1 142 fast 63 105 6 7 7 7 E Petzoldt 7 Iill Hiad Yermak Just Right 65242 Dorval 1 116 149 fast 31 101 2 10 10 10 W Organ 10 SMoney Prrcliff HMStevens 65142 Dorval 1 14 221 mud 10 181 6 7 7 7 W Organ 7 Tok March Hercules JohnArbor 65020 Dorval 1 116 l4S fast 23 101 13 13 121 H1J W Organ 13 SPciirll Lavaga ThistleQueen 04698 Connght 1 18 l5ffast 15 105 4 7 7U 71 71 v Organ 8 Kentish Boy Secretary Piedra 64550 Connght 1 316 202good U 106 3 7 8 S W Organ 8 UilStetena NWales SpGirl