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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 3 3WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Bee In tha entries below show the best time of each horso at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fact or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mud runner X Good mod runner runnerJ J Fair mini runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Bace 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3v arolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1018 11114 6 110 Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Bee AWtIIan 67858 Kirklevington 111112 5 115 725 72567SSS 67SSS hRobby Allen 103112 G111X720 G111X720678S7 678S7 bHilUdalc 100 114 4 103X715 67835 Mom 97 113 4 105X715 105X715678S7 678S7 Green Gold 107112 8112X715 6773D Itcliability 10t 113 4 102X715 67837 Camouflage Ill 112 7116X710 67943 FcDdor 115111 6110X710 67837 bShaffer 103113 4107X710 67837 Whalebone 109 112 7 116X710 67878 Childs Way 1M 113 3 90X710 67963 Oraleggo 103113 C 107X710 67943 Wireless 115114 6110X703 67857 bDelhi Maid 102 114 4 102X700 102X700Second Second Bace 34 Mile MileComus Comus Turse TursePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Allowance Track record Feb 9 1018 111 J 116 67772 Vennic 102112 101 725 72567986s 67986s John Q Kelly 1081113 112 720 72067S61 67S61 Thcssaly 100 112 97 715 7156GS41 6GS41 Waywassnmo 112113 102X715 678151 Old Top 103 113 102 715 67239 Vanderburg 117 113 102X705 102X70567938s 67938s Anonymous 101 l13 o 116X710 67930 Rork 118 114 104X705 67961 better Times 105 114 100X700 100X70067964s 67964s Major Chiltou M100 114 102 700 700Third Third Bace 34 Mile MileOld Old Glory Iurse Iurserurpo rurpo 1000 4yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 9 1918 111 C 116 67944 Elmer K 108112 6103X750 6103X750C7D853 C7D853 LKffarc 118 112 7 105 745 678591 Barracuda 97 111 4 107X745 107X74567773s 67773s bllidden Jewel 110 112 7 103X740 7732 = Sunny Girl 110 111 5 100X740 67000 bCeatimetcr 117111 5109X735 G76S9 High Cost 110110 8103X730 67985 Harry B 111113 6103X730 6103X730Fourth Fourth Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsCrescent Crescent City Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1200 3ycarolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 11367S01 67S01 IEISH KISS 111142 8112X750 67965 Paradcr 108143 5103X740 5103X74067S01 67S01 Sir Thos Kean 109145 5103X740 67965 Comic Song 107 145 M 4115X740 67966 bRovcc Rooli 103143 81040735 67859 Boy from Home 109143 4 9773C 9773CFifth Fifth Bace 1 116 Miles MilesFnrs Fnrs 1000 4yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 679661 bRama 99 147 5 109X72 67946 bVnlor 124145 9 10G72 67945 Fantoclie 107 146 5 114x72 C8007 Gem 103 145 5 97 71 67966 llunquoi 104144 5 102 71 7167945s 67945s Cap Kock 103 145 4 99X7K 67880 bAmcricau Boy 112 146 6 111X71 111X71Sixth Sixth Bace 1 Ilile and 70 Tards TardsPurse Purse 1000 4vearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 67547 Sam Frank 4 102 72 679462 bFnnnie Bean 9G 143 4 101X721 67499 Noddnm 99 142 6 106X71 106X71678S2 678S2 bRnmkin 110145 5 109 71 67882 = Tody 102144 5105X71 5105X71e7 1 e7 6Ss bServitor 100 100144 144 6 114 711 710 109 144 5 110X710 67811 bBiff Banff 107 107144 144 6 6110x710 110x710 67860 Tulalip 100143 4102X705 4102X70567682s 67682s May Bodine 101 146 5 97 705 70567838s 67838s bK n i B h t of the theHeather Heather 107 144 5 104X705 67944 Archie Alexander Ill 147 7100X700 67985 Hermis Kemblc IOC 145 4 110X700 67946 bQuesada 99145 4102X700 4102X700Seventh Seventh Bace 1 316 Mfles MflesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 27 1904 158 5 107 67636 = Hickory 105201 4107X725 67939 bRepeater 6104x720 679042 bWylie 104 206h 4 99ilo 67883 Eihortcr 100200 9104X715 67940 Kncrinite 6104715 67735 Spectacular Girl 105 159 6 103 710 67841 bAusfral 111201 8109X710 67904 1helan 104202 5 10SX705 10SX70567S68 67S68 Radical 104 201 4 99 705 67940 bToreador 5 101X705 67389 Solid Rock 105159 10109700 67947 bTUe Wit 100 201 6 109X700 67641 bKebo 1C8 212m 9 106X700 66547 bAshland 98 159 4 107X700