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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA SATURDAY FEBRUARY 3 3WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK HEAVY Tho figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time cf each horse ut the distance since January 1 1820 no matter whore it finished In cases where record was mede on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at l lj j p m Chicago time S Superior mini runner X Gooil mud runner Fair mini runner II Maideus Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Hace 5 12 Fnrlonss FnrlonssPurse Purse T 00 3yearolds anj upward Claiming Track record June iS 191C 105 3 IIS IISTodnys Todnys TodnysInd Ind Horne Wt Rec AWllIan AWllIan6G2GCJM 6G2GCJM IIarry Buruoyne 10S 107 S 110X7i 67570 = Bacchus M 97 110H 3 95X720 95X720C7721 C7721 Anita K 110 109 3 OSX715 OSX715CCSSCs CCSSCs lUames 109 107 9 110x715 110x715C7977 C7977 American Maid 105 1OS 5 10SX715 10SX715C7S54 C7S54 bMistake 107 7 llfiXlU llfiXlUG8018 G8018 Thtills 107 l09 f 8 10SX710 67735 bCnamano 110 109 8 110 705 705C7S91 C7S91 Vorkshire Maid J9 109 1 10 700 67912 hJaza 115 107 G lirXOO lirXOOCG5713 CG5713 Mr Kruter Ill 107 7 liri700 68317 Pokey B 11211 OS 7 118X700 118X700Second Second Race 5 12 Furiongs FuriongsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upvard Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 28 1916 10514 3 US 66018s Tempy Duncan 103 103 12 113X721 113X72167976s 67976s Onwa 109 108 9 110XTJO 67955 Maudie Wilson 108 l10 4s 5 103X715 103X715G7S92 G7S92 W C Dooly 100 108 7 115X715 67977 blluatirs Point 103 108 5 115X715 115X715G7596 G7596 Anna Star 105 103 S 113X710 113X710C5282 C5282 bCobrita Ill 112 8 113X710 66495 bCharlic Leydecker109 107 S 113X7O5 113X7O5CEOiB CEOiB llaj Doll M 107 111 3 US 700 67912 Bonnebtlle 102 109 5 103 700 67912 Black Pat 105 103 5 110700 110700Third Third Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 4 yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 17 191G 138 3 95 67996 The Vengeance 95 141 4 103X725 67703 Steve 92 141 G 100X720 67787 bStarlike 103 144 9 111 715 67871 bToura Ill 142 11 10GX703 67724 Dissolute M 108 141 4 109 705 68021 Southern Gentleman GentlemanMl Ml 5 10G700 67871 Tag Day M 4 103X700 75 Adeline L 109 1JO 9 100700 100700C7979 C7979 Figuration M G 117 700 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPorsc Porsc COO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S 98 G7978 bVeteran 112 144 G79S7 1 X K Beal 103 148 COOCO Plow Steel 97 149 C79783 bTawasentha 102 145 G7S 54J Plurality 104 140 i C7891 Old McKenna 67S7 Lichen M i G7S54 Hanovers Topaz 115 147 8 113X703 67834 Dehra 103 147 10 106X705 1 G7S49 AVilton Arrow 112 150 6 113 700 i G78CG bSilcs II 99 150 G 113X7CO i C702G Wave Man M 113 lC5h 8 113X700 G7997 Fizer 112 144 9 11GX700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purso 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S 98 i C7927 bUORACE LEUCII102J144 C 115X725 j 07080 Little Florence 103147 = 4 4103X7151 4103X715107881s 07881s 6104X715JC8001 Gold Bryan 6104X715J C8001 My Rose 103145 5 103X710 i iC7932 C7932 Fircworth 100 143 C 110X703 110X703C7534 C7534 Dolph C9 144 G 103X700 103X700Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurs Purs 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 28 1910 103 G 118 118C772G C772G Judge Pryor 1C9 100 5 110 725 725C7E52 I C7E52 Lavinia 103 100 3 U9X720 U9X720C7S94 C7S94 Reap 115 107 3 101X715 101X715C753G C753G Black Deer 112 107 4 114 705 67895 Serapis 115 105 = 5 119X705 119X705G7875 G7875 El Roble M 112 103 3 101 700 C7894 Cedric M 3 101 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse GOO 3ycaroliIs anil upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 23 1910 105 3 118 C7957 Milda 109 107 = 3 7 101X725 68009 Yukon 107 107 G 111X720 65033 Count Boris 108 107 8111X715 8111X715GS021 GS021 hJack Ledi 112 109 5 100X710 67838 Lota 8 1 MX 705 705C3003 C3003 UJoe Tag 100 107 5 100X705 07897 Kmma Williams OS 107 4 107X705 67805 Ollie Wocd 109 103 G 111 700 Eighth Rac o l Mile Pnrso 5000 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack and upwnrd Claiming Track record June 1 7 1916 138 3 05 G7B81 North Shore 93 141 5 103X725 j 67981 Doctor Tubba 103 142 4 103X720 110 142 5 110X715 67997 bCafeterla 103 141 7 113X715 67961 Yermak 108 140 10 1150715 67933 bMidge K 100 139 7 113X710 G778 MU Kmnn G 99 113 4 111X710 C7981 bSan lledron 100 144 4 113X705