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Nearly 33000000 in Turf Prizes The tremendous volume of turf prizes in this country is recorded in the tabulation presented here ¬ with The figures in it are kept from day to day and year to year by Daily Racing Forms statistical department and arc authoritative authoritativeThere There have been nearly thirtythree millions distributed in the United States alone since 1914 the figures of which are given only in total below space preventing their appearance in column State 191G 1917 1018 1919 1920 1921 1922 Totals TotalsNew New York 650459 972073 1150299 1317382 lr 98405 1599020 191S28G 10631900 10631900Kentucky Kentucky 670439 736895 75415T 1147390 13C4979 1139342 1589675 8809231 8809231Maryland Maryland 078725 715690 765678 1143542 1374C99 1298408 1349530 8078050 8078050Louisiana Louisiana 169280 273835 274190 423558 522554 401362 04981 2717503 2717503Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 8895 4150 3150 130700 121200 278625 278625Ohio Ohio 46000 64900 303700 419600 419600Nevada Nevada 78500 42350 23240 26i350 77460 59700 71690 419440 419440West West Virginia 9900 35600 45500 45500Nebraska Nebraska 22100 02200 84300 84300Alabama Alabama 3230 9200 30850 43300 43300Virginia Virginia 3360 2265 3325 10825 10100 6400 53285 53285Arkansas Arkansas 42868 90280 122150 114000 3 2GS 2GSWyoming Wyoming 29150 30000 27350 80500 80500Illinois Illinois 57085 7750 80000 146835 146835Indiana Indiana 6000 0000 0000California California 9375 5G970 5G970Montana Montana 133550 133550South South Carolina 213850 213850Oklahoma Oklahoma 2400 2400Texas Texas 7500 7500Colorado Colorado 77695 77695Massachusetts Massachusetts 9135 26010 26010New New Jersey 1525 3225 3225Michigan Michigan 14200 19400 19400Missouri Missouri 24700 217CO 217CODelaware Delaware 6000 6000 Totals for 7 years 2273521 2927933 3135037 4231197 4993607 5426733 6037135 32757793 The totals for 1914 which arc not colmned in the table above wore as follows New York 586860 Maryland 413990 Montana 133550 Kentucky 525495 South Carolina 209 105 Colorado 34600 Virginia 14400 Massachusetts 9825 Texas 7500 Michigan 5200 miscel ¬ laneous states 5325 Total in 1914 2325180 2325180The The totals for 1915 which are not columned in the table above were as follows New York 539170 Kentucky 570881 Maryland 138374 Louisiana 87800 Pennsylvania 9605 Nevada 40150 Virginia 2610 California 47595 South Carolina 4745 Colorado 43095 Massachusetts 7040 New Jersey 1700 Totals for 1915 1792765