2nd Race [2nd Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-03

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DA PC 34 Mile Conans Purse 3yearolds Allowance Feb 9 191S nAlt 111 13 O 110 VENNIE b c 3 101 By Colonel Vennie Princess Kathleen by Sain SainTrainer Trainer J D Adkins Owner Kirkfield Stable Breeder J B Bespess BespessC7772 C7772 FGrnds 34 113 fast 10 112 6 6 7 82 L Morris 9 BIueNose JohnQ Kelly Jupiter 67732 FGrnds 34 113 fast 13 1C 7 5 1 55S L McDott 7 Colando Sunny Girl Orcus 67556 FGrnds ImTOy lnsood S 105 4 3 21 lt H ThomaslO RoseatcIL SetgSun Supcrbum SupcrbumG7440 G7440 FGrnds 1 l45 4hvy 85 109 4 3 3 3 J Owens r SetgSun PunGorua Spllawk SpllawkG7306 G7306 Jefferson 1 l42fast 135 105 2 2 1 1 J Owens 7 Roseate II Lasly Inez IrisU Pat 67239 Jefferson 34 115 good 5 110 5 5 32 2J J Owena 0 Anyinoiis RocUSilt Blue Nose 67140 Jefferson E f 110 hvy 136 110 1 3 21 2 J Owens 7 Leslie Selling Sun Hillhouse G7090 Jefferson 34 l16bvy 186 103 1 3 31 3 C Lang 8 StiimpJr Snperbiiin SettingSun CG995 Jefferson 58 l02mud 5 104 4 4 2 2 C Lang 7 Ablaze Sea Jlint Metise GG927 Jefferson 68 l00ifast 4 105 6 4 32 31 J Owena C Contour PuntaGorila MildRuth G6890 Jefferson C8 l00fast 15 110 1 3 3 3 J Owens 7 Anonyms let Times Goldcnct 60484 Latonia 34 I13faat I13faatJOHN 6 101 10 9 9 8 L Gregoryl2 Siiperbam Chlva Leslie JOHN Q KELLY b c 3 3Trainer 112 By Ultimus Event by Adam AdamTrainer Trainer L Cain Owner T J Pendergast Breeder W B Miller 67986 FGrnds 1 l40 fast fastG7899 115 109 4 2 4 4 E Pool S BddGray SctSun ProfUmbria ProfUmbriaG7899 G7899 FGrnds 34 113 fast 115 1081 2 1 1 1 E Pool S Shamrock PofLmbria Jupiter JupiterG7772 G7772 FGrnds 34 113 fast 165 106 9 2 2 2J H Thomas BluiNos Tupiler Better Times 67687 FGrnds 34 l14r fast 146 116 4 2 1 1s H Thomasl2 First Blush Alluring Rupee 07550 FGrnds ImTOy l45good 15 104 1 5 8s 8 J Owens 10 Vcunic Roseatell Setting Sun 07470 FGrnds 34 115 hvy 50 164 783 3 J Owens SJ Anonymous Blue Nose Ielinn 6741 G FairGds 51 f l09hvy CO 103 8 10 10 10 J Owens 10 HSiRNose Aiiuiiviiioiis PrSport 63243 Latonia 51 f 103 fast 60 113 11 11 11 11 E Pool 12 Vieloire Prince TH Til LilyM By Plaudit Fair Atalanta by Knizht of the Thistle Trainer H 7 Murphy Owner S Louis Breeder Xalapa Farni G79G4 FGrnds 34 lltfast 6 90 1 1 V 4 H Tliomisl2 Admirer Chiva Major Chilton 67803 FGrnds 34 l14Vtmud 12 101 523 4SJ H Thomas S Shamrock Macbeth Rork 07090 Jefferson Jefferson6GR57 34 llGhvy 6 105 3 2 21 53 H Thomas S Stump Jr Superlium Vennie 6GR57 Bowie BowieGG815 7S l2Sfast 23 103 2 6 6 7 ° G ilein KingSoLVSeiil Fplside LMyra GG815 Bowie BowieGG072 34111 fast CT 10210 11 102 103 II Thomasll Best Uivo Fir by Day Fclside GG072 Laurel LaurelfiCOOS 34 l16hvy l16hvyfiCOOS 10 105 4 4 Ch 5 E Smwod 7 NIlpshire ClBinptor Wdland fiCOOS Laurel 51 f 108 fast fastG557G 14 115 4 5 6 6J J Rowan G Heeltaps Vnlmlor rochet G557G HdeGco 51 f lOSfaat 14 100 3 2 31 ol G Mein 8 Vigil Daniel Dunlin G539G HclcGco 5J f 107 fast 10 102 3 4 5 6i H Thomas 7 SoMTIights McKnn Wellfder C5392 Belmt 34 MC l12fast 6 1C6 1 1 11 2 L Fator 8 BlancSoing Sliayltest SUawk WAYWASSAMO ch g 3 102 By Dick Finnell Helece by Hcrmis Trainer B C Bunbury Owner W E Applsgate Breeders J D Carr ft Bro BroGGG41 GGG41 Latonia 34 l13fast 4110 112 4 3 1 1 J Corcoranl2 Pce Tii Tii Bedazzle VnnBoy VnnBoyGG602 GG602 Latonia Bl f lOTfast 85 112 4 1 I1 31 E Pool 12 Brunei Spinball Chief Curry 66549 Latonia 34 l13fast 10 112 112GG1G2 9 7 1 2tl J Heupel 12 Pompous Bedazzle GordShaW GordShaWGG1G2 GG1G2 Latonia 34 34114 114 fast 49 IOS IOSGG034 10 10 10 10 J Zoeller 12 Caslv Power Lucky Run RunCG034 CG034 Latonia 34 l13hvy 15 112 112G5950 7 6 41 4e5 A Wilson 9 Pequot Gail Ford Tender Seth SethG5950 G5950 Latonia 34 114 fast 38 112 7 8 85 8 A Wilson 9 1ostUaste Pompous The Clown tDisqualificd tDisqualificdOLD OLD TOP ch c 3 102 102Owner By Theo Cook Osootah by Ornament Ornamentass Owner Four Oais ass Stock Farm Stable Breeder H P Keadl y yS4 67815 FGrnds S4 l15 l15hvy Lhvy C 101 101G7710 4 S 11 21 G Mein 13 FIjgDevil Wrangler Kinsman G7710 FGrnds 34 l13ifast 20 103 103C7602 1 4 6 S A Abrl 13 I slie Elizabeth Bean Chiva C7602 FGrnds 34 l15fast 7 97 976G440 6 7 8 S9 J Corcoranil iCntllant SwandPty GMount 6G440 Latonia 34 112 fast B2f 109 109GC348 4 10 11 11 It Hartonll AliielGown BlossTime Metric GC348 Latonia 34 l12fast 11 97 97G572G 2 9 11 11 L Gregory1 Right m Time Rustem LilyM G572G Latonia 51 f l07 = ifast 6f 1C6 3 1 21 2 H Steal Stearns 12 HGraham G of Honor F Cook 65450 Woodne 34 113 fast 6 103 2 3 3J 2l I WallG5130 Walls G KirkLidy SsLemon Dghoren DghorenBl G5130 Thnciiffa Bl f IrtS slow 2 110 2 2 22 2 E Iotj IotjG4USI Petzoldt S Tycoon Vennie Van Patrick G4USI Thncllffo 51 f l07fast 8 107 1 3 41 4 = 1 L Greg GregC4G23 GregorylO Tycoon KirkLndy Speedy Girl C4G23 Devshiro 1 f 110 hvy 21 109 2 2 31 1s L Greg GregG4214 Gregory 7 Argo Van Patrick Dapper Daa G4214 FortErie 34 l14Jifast 4 110 1 4 3 = I1 L Gres GresVANDEBBUBG GregorylO NSkcundus HotCoal AuntieEm AuntieEmc VANDEBBUBG VandergriTrainer g c 3 102 By Vandergrift Avo Russell by Russell RussellPorretto Trainer A C Porretto Owner Vf J Kramer Breeder B Viley Sons 67239 Jefferson 34 115 good 15 104 4 2 6 C J C Lant i Anonymous Vennie Rock Salt CorcoI 67029 Jefferson 51 f 112 mud 4 116 2 6 51 6 J Corco CorcoGG834 Corcoran 7 Untried Permarco SuttingSnn I GG834 Bowie 61 f 103 fast 21 114 9 8 82 S i F Weir Weiner 12 Rgllomc Noel DEOSullivan 66054 Plmlico 34 1 127Jfast 13 117 423 4Ji L Lyke 9 Gadfly Crochet Scarlet Bugler COS IS Laurel Bl BuglerBl f 109 fast 2 IOS 2 2 1 = 2 R Jlari JlariGC221 JlariollllO ESawycr WTakcAll SPausy GC221 Laurel 51 l09tifast 5 115 1 2 2 Il B Mari MariGGOG9 Mariclll i SogArcon Druidllill Kghthood GGOG9 Laurel 51 f lll 4bvy 75 111 5 3 2 2 B ilari ilarii ilarielli S BofBlueRidge Crugie RosicII RosicII5S i G5385 Aqueduct 5S DSrsfast CO 115 4 6 B C l R McD McDoUlS Osprey Rlgcl 1uriiy GI335 Saratoga Bl f lCjTifast 16C 113 3 4 6 R McDott 5 Lutidy Purity Ruulelgh ANONYMOUS b g 3 116 116Trainer By Llaintcuant Valentino by Harta Santa Trainer W Shields Owner J L Holland Breeder J E Widcnrr C7938 FGrrds 1 l2Xfast 920 1031 1 1 2J 21 E Pool SetSnn Anonyinons Goldcrest GoldcrestG7COO G7COO FGrnds 1 l40vifast 32 118 2 3 2J 2 E Pool 4 SetSun Better Times Admirer 67179 FGrnds 34 115 hvy S5 112 1 1 I2 1 C Lang 9 BIueNose John Q Kelly Pelion 674 1 a FaitGds 51 f l09 hvy 1110 109 2 4 2 2J E KummcrlO BIueNose Poor Sport Briand 67230 Jefferson 34 115 good 85 113 2 1 Il Il F Weiner 0 Vennic Rock Salt Blue Nose Nose6G930 6G930 Jefferson 34 113 fast 95 101 2 3 3 3 F Weiner 0 MarMuy FIftyFifty JBerger 66890 Jefferson 68 l00ifaat 31 106 2 1 1 1 F Weiner 7 Better Times Veanie Goldeuct SOKK b r 1M By Assagai Affinity by Star Sheet Traiaer C A Avplecate Owner 0 A ApyUffata Breeder W S Kilmer 67936 FGrnda 34 l14faat 185 101 7 7 C J G Babla 9 AlOcbu WlnTakeAU IyRew IyRewUS 67878 FGrnda S4 l14faat 8 US 6 3 4 34 G Babln 11 ChildsPla PoorBport Admirer 67889 FGrnda 34 l14V4mud 15 110 1 4 34 G Babta 8 Shamrock Macbeth Tbewaly 67772 FGrnda 34 113 faat 15 1091 8 9 9 G Babln 9 BlueNose JohnQKelry Jnpiter 67685 FGrnda 1 116 148 faat 7 105 6 6 7 H Thomaa 7 Superbum BchBeanty Glabella 67555 FGrnda 34 l13good 41 101 7 6 54 J Wallace 13 May Bodlne AJex H Spnga 67458 FGrnda 34 l13Hnvy S 114 5 3 G Babln 7 Macbeth Flying Devil Leslie 67381 Jefferson 34 115 faat 7 113 31 21 J Owena 11 Bedazzle Urmont MJorieWood BETTER TIMES ch c 3 1M By Berrilldon B nnty by Celt Trainer T 3 Shannon Owner G Konigswald Breeder Vf Garth GarthC 67964 FGrnda 34 l13fast C 113 10 6 4 VI C Lang 12 Admirer Chiva Major Chllton 67772 FGrnda 34 113 fast 135 109 4 3 3l 4 C Lang 9 BlueNoso JohnQKelly Jnpiter C7690 FGrnda 1 l49fast 21 108 1 1 S 3 C Lang 4 SettingSun Anonymous Admirer 67584 FGrnda 1 IMO jfaat 41 109 1 11 3 i O Lang 5 PceTHTll Calcutta RoseatelL 67365 Jefferson El f l07fast 4 106 2 2l 1 C Lane fl Ieslie AllieOchs Sweep Hawk 67029 Jefferson 1 f 112 mud 31 US 4 4 4 C Lan 7 Untried Permarco SettingSnn 66987 Jefferson 51 f l07fast 135 108 2 21 24 L McDott 8 KockSalt StampJr Felicitous 6C890 Jefferson 68 l00jfaat 3 106 i 2 2 L McDott 7 Anonymona Vennle Goldencrest 66637 Plmlico 34 l13ifaat 10 105 1 2 54 C Lang 13 Feliclfus LadyMyra HomeiFch 66554 Laurel 34 l13 l13ifast fast 23 115 7 6 61 7 1 C KummerlO GcnThatclier Comlxa Scribble Scribble1J 66350 Laurel Laurel6C223 51 f l07 fast 1J 108 3 S 5 4 G Walls 7 Heeltaps Comixa Woodland 6C223 Laurei 5 f lOS lOSsfast sfast 14 113 4 S Sl 4 C Turner 7 Moonraker GoldenRnle Comlxa 66072 Laurel 34 l16Kbry 196 109 3 C 6 C Turner 7 NHpshlre CtAnptor Wdland 65815 Laurel 5 f 107 fast 14 115 4 1 Il I1 C Turner 9 Moonraker My Own Noel MAJOR LaHyTrainer CHTLTOH b c 3 M 103 By Horron Carreno by LaHy Trainer A Thomas Owcer W Perkins Breeder J B Gorbam 67964 FGrnda 34 I13 ifa3t 20 100 8 7 6 3 R Doyle 12 Admirer Chlva Tbessaly

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020301/drf1923020301_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1923020301_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800