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Mobile Form Chart Copyright 1923 by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company Reproduction prohibited MOBILE ALA TUESDAY MARCH 27 1923 Half mile Seventh day 1 1 us i ness Mens Racing As ¬ sociation Spring Meeting of 11 days Weather cloudy Presiding Steward Joseph A Murpliv Placing Judges M N Macfarlun and Joliu Carey Starters William Snyder and William Hamilton Racing Secretary M X Macfarlan Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m AV indicates whip S spurs I blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following tlic distance of each race indicate date track record age of licrse anil weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE About 58 Mi2e March 15 1922 SSs 121 Purse 500 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to wiener 350 second 5100 third 50 Index Horses i = i Sir Fin Jockeys O U C V S C8899FLIP C8899FLIPC8511 w 5 JIG 3 3 3w 1 Il I1 IJ E Martin H C McClelland 2 2 C5 12 out C8511 MACHIAVELLI MACHIAVELLIG8899SSEA w 5 121 5 4 4w 3 2 2 = 2 R HolwayA K Miller 4 6 6 2 1 G8899SSEA BOARD BOARDG8878JFR1XGE w 5 121 2 1 1v 4l 4 4 3 O ManganR C Schwartz 4 C 5 SS 710 G8878JFR1XGE G8878JFR1XGEG8937SPROPAGANDA v 5 31C 4 5 5w 21 31 3 4 Jl Rice R Scully 6 7 7 2i G5 G8937SPROPAGANDA w 7 121 S 6 6 5 5 5 E T MooreE Lutz f C C 1 68857 MIDXT STORIES wn 4 121 6 5 C 7 C C OMahy J AV Murphy 10 12 12 5 2i G8880 NYLORAC w 3 IOC 7 7 73 6 7s K ParrtorAV AVoodward 13 15 15 S 3 G8009 TIMBREL WB 4 121 1 S S S S J Bell M Klue 15 20 20 S 4 Time 5Si Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Rr m by Setback Lelia by Leonid trained by II Cavanaueh bred by Mr AAade K Mc Lcmore AVcnt to post at 227 At post 1 minute SUirt Rood and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing FIJI Knowing the most early speed kot a good pace and easily won all the way MAKHIAAKLLI in close quarters while rounding the first turn gained steadily when clear SKA HOARD met with in ¬ terference but gradually improved his position and iassed FRINGE in the last eighth FRINGE thril after going a half mile PROPAGANDA raced creditably MIDNIGHT STORIES was shuffled back in the first eighth eighthScratched Scratched RS779 Spring Aale 11C GS937 Rochambeau 121 121Overweights Overweights Nylornc 1 pound OOft SECOND RACE About 58 Mile March 16 1922 58 9 121 Pnrse 500 3yejir 1GJ O y P a olds Claiming Net value to winner 3 0 second 100 third 50 Index Horses 4 3iStrFin Jockeys SWEET MAMA WR 113 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 E Martin G AV Butler 21 21 2i 1 26 26C8760 C8760 PAXASA1X wsn 113 32 2 212S 2i G Mangan A Regan 21 3 3 1 C8POO FERXAXDOS w 113 4 6 C 5 C5 3 T Johnston J Keating 15 15 13 0 G8489 RLXLEIGH wu US C 3 3 3 SJ 4 = J Bell S Jones 3 1S51S575 68878 T MTLESKIXXER w 111 5 4 4 41 I 5 E T MooreM Gabritl 20 20 la C 3 GS900PAT HAMPSOX w 111 75 5 C5 4 C5 T ThrailklJ L Brannon 21 31 31 t5 12 12GSflOO GSflOO ROCKGARDEN w 113 1 7 7 7 7 7 J Gruber Four Oaks S F S 12 12 12 5 2 fastAVinner Time 574 new track record Track fast AVinner Ch f by Kmerson Cochniu Souvenir by Dick Welles trained by T Scott bred by Mr C A Hutlcr HutlcrAVent AVent to post nt 252 At post 3 minntes Start good and slow AVon easily second and thlnl driv ¬ ing SWKKT MAMA took the lead at once and tctting a rapid pace throughout held it to win in a canter PANASA1N raced in closest pursuit of the winner and finished gamely but could not Improve her position TKRNANDOS outpaced in the early running gradually improved her position on the out ¬ side and outfinished RUNLKHMI The latter showed speed but tired THK MULKSKINNKK and PAT IIAMPSON were iu a tangle in the firut sixteenth ROCKCARDEN refused to extend herself THIRD RACE About G 12 Furlongs March 18 1922 123 8 120 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P G8898ASSUME w 9 124 2 4 4 4 21 21 1 E T MoorcJ Leonard 3 3 1351 out outC89013GRAYSON C89013GRAYSON w S 122 1 3 31 3 1 11 24 G MaaiganG Drumheller 752 2 710out 08738 GUVNOR w512232224 3 31 N Burger AV D Bernhardt 2 11511545 out outG8838 G8838 ROYAL DICK w 5 124 4 1 1 I1 3l 4 4 R Doyle AV M Cain 4 5 1 ° rl r Time 122 new track record Track fast Winner Rr g by Disguise Chancery by Indexible trained by J A Strode bred by Estate of Mr James U Keone KeoneWent Went to post at 310 At post 1 mimite Start good and slow Won driving second and third the J same ASSUMK was saved under restraint to the last turn and closing up on tlie outside of GRAYSON 1 In the stretch wore him down and headed him in the closing strides GRAYSON passed tlie leaders with a rush on the backstretcli and drew into a clear lead but could not withstand the winners chal ¬ lenge GUVNOR showed excellent speed for tlie first half mile and dropped back when entering the backstretcli but came again and was gaining at the end ROYAL DICK set a fast early pace and tired Scratched GSU01 Serbian 122 OSS5SDahiuda 121 GS93S1 Royal Crown 100 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile March 26 1923 144 3 105 Seiss Mercantile Company Purse Purse 500 4yeajolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U s Str Fin Jockeys Owners GS9JO JACOBEAN w 5 115 4 3 U l i 1 2l 1 1 Bell S Jones S 10 8 21 1 6888 1 PIT PATTER WB 6 110 5 1 2J 21 2l 1 21 G Mangan II C Prichard 4 45 08898 TULAXE 3 3 N Burger AV D Bernhardt 4 G8901SFINL ROOSTER w 6 110 3 5 G 6 5 5 4 E T MooreR Warfleld 344 6525 08879 EXHORTER w 9 115 2 4 4 4 4J 4 5 E Martin T Scott 1 c 1 f fTime Time 144 new track record Track fast fastWinner Winner It g by Polymclian Jacoba by Jack Atkin trained by F II Doyle bred by Mr Henry T Oxmird OxmirdWent Went to post at 341 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same JACOIIEAN began clear of interference and taking the lead on tho first turn saved ground where possible and outfinished PITTKR PATTKK at the end PlTTEIt PATTER always in closest pur ¬ suit of tlie winner raced wide on the turns and lost ground but finished gamely TULANE raced well and was taken on the outside for the entire race FINANCIAL KOOSTER lacked early speed but was guiug fastest of all in the linal sixteenth EXHORTER was crowded back when going to the first turn but ran poorly poorlyScratched Scratched S040 Kingling II 115 S FIFTH RACE About G 12 Furlongs March 27 1923 122 9 124 Purse 500 3 3yearolds aid upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 08881 TRICKS wn 4 118 55 21 1 1 I E T Moore J Arthur ArthurKt7 22335 14 Kt7 HOT FOOT w G 115 3 4 4 = 3l 2l 2 D Bauer AV G Schrr 8 12 12 5 2 08881 ELY w G 120 16 5s 2 3 3 = T ThrlkillR Miller Miller08837MACOBIXA 15 15 12 5 2 08837MACOBIXA w 5 110 7 2 3 41 41 4i R Doyle AV M MCai 8521 12591014 08857 SACAJAWEA WSB 5 115 4 7 7 3 5s 5 E Martin T J Jacks 6 S S 3 75 08878 ST JUST w 6 1L0 6 1 Gl 7 7 6s A AinmannK AVarfleU I 12 12 5 2 8880 XORMAXDIE wn 7 120 2 3 6 6s 7 R Rice A AVallin 55432 35 Time 123 Track fast fastWinner Winner It g by Theo Cook Canny Miss by Ogden trained by J Arthur bred by Mr William Garth GarthWent Went to post at 407 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing THICKS saved ground on the turns and raced into a decisive lead after going a half mile HOT FOOT made i game rush after rounding the last turn but could not improve his position ELY slipped through next ti the rail when entering the stretch and finished gamely JACOBINA was pulled up at the start and was not persevered with NORMANDIE displayed the most early speed but ran out and was eased up upScratched Scratched GS941RuggIes US 6S325 Jordan 113 CS03G Miss Sterling 115 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 17 1922 143 4 109 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U J = 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 08880 FLYPAPER wait 6 105 3 2 1 I1 1 I5 I5 G ManganF J Shumaker 10 10 10 4 S5 8879 ARDITO WB G 114 SI 2 2 2 2 2 R Rice B Marmouget 10 10 7 21 65 8902 BRITISH LINER WB 5 112 5 S G 5 V 3J 3 W DkinsnP Bush 8 8 21 1 12 C87S9 VIVA CUBA w G 1C9 4 5 1 71 5l 4l 4 E T MooreR AVarfield 36621 08902 TOKALON MARCH w 9 110 678 8 4l 6l 5 = J Bell S Jones 8521 21 1 12 120885U 0885U = TYRAXXY w 7 112 2 4 3l 3 G 5l G5 J Gruber J AV Laswell 21 4 4 3235 3235C8861 C8861 HARVEY SMARR w 7 110 7 3 4l 41 7 7J 71 T JohnstonA Bel 30 20 30 10 5 5CS903 CS903 SPEARLEXE WSB S 115 1 G 5l 61 S 8 8 A AmmannRice AVillmert 30 30 30 10 5 5Time Time 149 Track fast fastWinner Winner R m by Aeronaut Foothold by Dieudonne traine l by J M Guichon bred by Mr Edward J Cassatt CassattWent Went to post at 430 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing FIYPAPKIt set a good pace for the entire race and won in a canter ARDITO raced in closest pursuit but could never improve his position BRITISH LINKR shuffled back when going to the lirst turn cli ed a gap in the linal threeeighths VIVA CUitA met with repeated interference TOKALON MARCH wus crowded back on the lirst turn and was not persevered with afterward There was con ¬ siderable rough riding on the last six horses horsesScratched Scratched 0887 Amaze 114 C8S5 Kebo 110 110Overweights Overweights Viva Cuba 4 pounds Tyranny 2 Spearleiie 5