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uiiivard Claimin June 37 1J HJ INSPECTOR HUGHES b g S 113 113Trainer By Assagai Louisanse by The Commoner Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder W 0 Parmer 68910 Tijuana 51 f l084ifast 35 113 2 1 1 = 1 1 P Martinez MrKruter Mid Bell SHawki G8849 Tijuana l 5ifaat 9 US 3 35S 2 P Martinezl2 Harrigans Heir Lndine Fiesta Fiesta4f 08710 Tijuana 5S lflrifast 4f lS 6 3 3J 31 R Carter 12 KrylUliMis MrKniler PliLugo G7787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 113 TheVgeaiiceS 3 117 3 2 31 G R Carter 12 Hkamore 11ger TheVgeaiice 67724 Tijuana 34 l14tefast S 115 S 7 9 9U G Rose 10 Purl Horace Urih It G7495 Tijuana 51 f l05ifast 312 12 IIS 4 6 G1 51 C Rose 9 JudgePryor Fireplace MesjiineJ ARGENTO br g 9 113 By Jake Argent Ardenes by Amigo Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin Breeder Estate of E J Baldwin 68752 Tijuana Im70y l4S ifast 121 J13 10 S C3 45i R Carter sy Joe Kirkwood Car 08681 Tijuana 1 l l fast 5Sf 108 10 11 11 9i L Armsfg 11 Col Snider Tom Owens Flame G8C28 FlameG8C28 Tijuana 1 1S l33Vsfast 19f 105 11 12 12 121 L ArmstK 12 Itarelius Balfour Firewortli FirewortliG8483 G8483 Tijuana 1 l42ifast lOSf 10311 S 6 5 I Armsfg 11 Yukon Midhin Little Gink 68341 Tijuana 1 1S l55 = ifast 43 115 S 5 G1 GJ M Slghter 8 Shoreacres LitDear NKBeal 08261 DoipliG8186 ijuana 1 1S 202iihvy G3 113 4 3 3J 43 F J Baker S Cabn Creek Iiriat Doipli G8186 Tijuana 1 12 242Wivy 2S 111 5 S S S C Tlfpson S Dominator NKBeal Tag Day DayCANCION CANCION MargraveTrainer b m 6 111 By Meelick Regea by Margrave Trainer C 1 Dickersoa Owner M Hudson Breeder G L Blackfcrti 68875 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 93 100 G 6 41 2U II Long S Herder P Pierson Uovil Maid 68751 Tijuana ImTOy 1 46HjfaHt 10 111 4 7 a 4 1 Merimeo 9 Plunger Water Willow Modiste 68685 Tijuana 1 1 MlJVafast sfast 77 UK 7 1 7 T3 T E Kenger 10 Walterlint Car GMmliibarli 08422 Tijuana 34 ln ifat 23 29f f UK 7 S 9 9 9T M MHrlek H Amkassin KmWilmfi HKudr G8222 HKudrG8222 Tijuana 51 f Ull mud 5f 112 9 11G8118 11 IP S C Thpson 12 Baisy SthnGeiillenian Midian G8118 MidianG8118 Tijuana 1 IMTSmud IS 111 6 4 4CALITHUMP 4 551 3 C Thpson 0 Pueblo Olympiad Jack L di diCALITHUMP CALITHUMP ch m 5 111 111Trainer By Charivari Bay of Pleasure by Kingston Trainer J Morris Owner Pueblo Stable StableC8926 C8926 Tijuana 1 l Hfa Hfast t 3C10 111 7 7C8890 1 I1 1 E Fator 10 Warm Girl Tripnawa Cave Man C8890 Tijuana 51 1 f lOS fast 6 111 11 i S 51 5 F Veiner 12 BIndian PlessOne Bonnelwllo 68716 Tijuana 34 1 11 l143ifast lt leftist ifast Gf 1IG 11 11 11 II1 F Weiner 12 OllicWood Deanrev KWilliami 08182 Tijuana 34 34114 lU jfast 4 113 7 6 6 6 i W Pool 11 M Manage GladNews IyTipton 08398 Tijuana 51 1 f l SHfaat 14G 111 2 4 4LARIAT 3l 2 J Maiben 12 BetStuart SanthiaC Trippawa LARIAT br g 1 113 113Trainer By Rapid Water Tourmaletta by LUsak LUsakrani Trainer J Edward rani Owner V Cloud Breeder G W J Bissoll Bissoll0y 68754 Tijuana ImTOy 0y Ili MiJ i4fast fast 8 113 G 5 5G8608 11 lt ltJ J D Powell 11 Don Van WGMrCYk Tavrtha G8608 Tijuana 1 144 44 slow 9 IT 2 2 2G82BI 21 31 D Powell S Wai Dant Double Van P Steel G82BI Tijuana 1 1S J02Vihvy K 113 1 1 lh 2J C Rails 8 Cahin Creek Dolph Arsenh 08 105 Tijuana 1 43faat 6 107 5 5 8s S P Martinez 9 Doti Joue Mis Kmrau G llalny 8056 Tijuana 1 ul hvy 21 114 4 3 2 2 W Pool 8 Lewislt GMlilebueh lyui M 67998 Tijuana ImTOy 5I mud 3910 103 5 2 V 7 R Flynn S ITtagenet CabCreek KedMan 1 l4Smud 41 103 2 S 7i T G Rose 10 NthShore GdBryan Clileylloy CLEARFIELD b c 7 113 By Textile Grizel by Aintre AintreTrainer Trainer B B Bond Owner 3 ts Bond Breeder B Smith SmithCR824 CR824 Tijuana 1 l43fast 32 133 443 3 = i K Kenger 8 J Campbell BFIower Woolday WooldayC8730 C8730 Tijuana 1 l42sfiist 19 10S 4 8 S 7 K KenfierlO Ollie Wood Kirkvrooil Kifferty KiffertyfiSCSH fiSCSH Tijuana 34 l15 = fast 2f 101 1 1 I1 I1 E Kengcr 11 Porn V C Dooly Canvasbiick Canvasbiickr8542 r8542 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud RS 113 7 7 6 = i 5 J H Molters S MissEdna Trimpboll LitSmile LitSmileCR358 CR358 Tijuana 34 li ifas t 20 107 9 10 5 = 1 9 J II Hauer 10 Woolday KmrnnWeller Modiste ModisteC8313 C8313 Tijuana Im70y l47 = ifast 27 110 336 11 C Thpsonl Plunger York Lassie Balfour BalfourDOLPH DOLPH b r 6 113 Uy Brnmrcel Thrilled by rotomac rotomacTrainer Trainer X G Marlrnan Ovmer A lieiib Breeder A L Fergruson 08317 Tijuana Im70y I46ifa5t Ci 101 S K 7 = U Flynn K WDant ColSnidcr FGCorley FGCorleyfiSSSi fiSSSi Tijuana 1 l42 ifast 22 113 C 4 41 23 C Rails 9 Warrod ColSnider QucyWard QucyWardC8C83 C8C83 Tijuana I i42 ifast 2710 IDS C 9 S1 S W Martin 10 WaltorDant Car GMuchlebncn 08545 Tijuana Im70y 14D mud 31 107 4 2 2 2 W Martin 7 WalterDant DoctorTuubs Lcta Lctafi8438 fi8438 Tijuana 1 12 Zir fast 7 106 5 5 4 3 = J Merimee C CharleyBoy Walter Dant LeUi LeUiGR400 GR400 Tijuana 1 1S l5bjtiast 2110 113 3 2 3s 32 C ThpsonlO TOwcns Ellloblc LiltlcDcar LiltlcDcarLITTLE LITTLE ORPHAN ch e 9 113 By Brigade Amelia B by Sain Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan Breeder E E Buchanan 08808 Tijuana Irn70y l47fast 110 10S S 6 71 Sls K Kenger S Rnlfour Maysville Walter Diit 08083 Tijuana 1 113 fast 17f 10 11 S 10 9 O Rose 11 Lcnieve She Devil Louu Pine PineS 08400 Tijuana 1 1S S l531sfast 7S liO 10 7 S S G Rose 10 TcmOwens Kl Koblc Dolph 08219 Tijuana FJ f UllHmud 9f 10S 898 711 U Flynn 10 StAiiRelini Conichon Caunzel CaunzelC 07377 Tijuana 1 11C C l47 l47ifast ifast 11 110 4 G 5 5 E Petzoldt S ByRight Waller Dnnr Dolpli 07244 Tijuana Im70y y 14S fast 6 10S 2 4 2 Il C Rails 10 Rrydo Deckhand Dora LAVAGA br m 8 111 By Prospero Charleys Annt by St Florian Trainer G W Crlppen Owner Blackwell Cripp n Breeder S A Beckham BeckhamO88i0 O88i0 Tijuana fJ f l0ifast 4f 110 10 9 S1 3J T Wilson 10 Dare Candorosn Perch 082SO Tijuana 51 1 f 1C9 slow 215 106 2 5 7 = 7 71 F Watrous S KreBriKht Iotib Kye i ShelbyIe ShelbyIeCK222 CK222 Tijuana 5J f lll = imnd 3f 106 6 9 9 O1 G Rose 12 Baisy SthnOcntlcman Midian 07531 Tijuana ImTOy l47sfast C 113 9 10 61 5J E Fator 10 By jligbt Tom Owens Vic 07435 Tijuana 1 11C 100 fast 3310 115 7 6 2s 2 k A Claver 7 WDant CBarkley FireworUi FireworUiAL AL WICK ch E 10 113 By Albula Rubywick by Hawkswick HawkswickTrainer Trainer A M Gray Owner A M Gray Breeder W J list 08754 Tijuana Ini70y l4G ifast 23 IPS S 7 CJ 6 = 3 F Scrcmhall DonVan WttMvCck Tawtha 08423 Tijuana 24 l14Hfast lOf HS S 12 10 Sci F Scrernbal2 Inly Kir Delaneey Virg VirgfiSl9 fiSl9 Tijuana 1 1S lE5 3fast 23 110 2 4 3U 2 F Scrtmba 9 UMhlebli 7 Datiil Montana f7956 Tijuana 1S 02vshvy 11 112 4 51 3 F Seremba S Ponzn Hay Lewis B Railbir i7C74 Tiiiana 1 1S l55 ifast 3110 110 2 4 J 11 F Seremba 9 Little Gink Obstinate Dora C7C18 Tijuana 3 1S l5S ifast 1110 110 5 2 2J 2 k F Seremba S Swenson Tag Day Steve DISSOLUTE Th e II 109 109Trainer By Theo Cook Marian Gay by Celt Celtripcs Trainer A L Bripcs ripcs Owner A L Briggs Breeder Z P Simras 08912 Tijuana 1 IGrifjist 9 ICO 4 1 1CXGOo 2 = J 25 Mr Tickers fi CMattAntcsSistpr Shenandh Shenandhl CXGOo Tijuana ol l f MO slow fj 112 14 13 301 7 C ITipson 14 irunseorce Contriot UIK Indian 085KO Tijuana 1 147 47 mud 2310 lltf 1 155 5 811 E Fator 9 Alazon SGentleman Cansuack CansuackG84G G84G Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 1C 100 3 2 6 C F Watious 0 Piedre Keydo Orleans Girl 08402 Tijuana Im70y I4i fast 15 105 5 4 4 410 F Stevens 5 ScotldYet Bastille Saeremento 08083 Tijuana 1 143 slow 7 103 Refused to KOF Stevens G CMtarthell GPryan LitFlorce LitFlorceDOVESROOSTr DOVESROOSTr ch e 4 109 By Maintenant Dovecote by Kingston KingstonTrainer Trainer G J Miller Owner J McKay Breeder G D Widener 08712 Tijuana Im70y l4o cfast IS 109 5 7 7s S J SinstonlO Cippv Joe Kirkwood Car 08404 Tijuana 1 144 f t 1C3 10S 25 li i J Sinston 7 SCtleman Plurality Canback CanbackG8381 G8381 Tijuana 1 l435ifast D 10S 7 2 Li 3s J Sington 8 Nizrim GoldBryan SGentleman SGentlemanGK219 GK219 Tijuana 34 llCsIov f 107 S 4 2 = 1 1 SingtonlO Cyamano Cannonball Norain i814r Tijuana 34 119 mud It 107 4 5 5t ol 1 SingtonlO CloverJuuia Plunjrer AuRcvoir AuRcvoirC78r C78r 3 Tijuana 51 f 1OS mud 415 92 7 7 7 = 1 71S II Howan S HarryD Incosuance John Jr JrPROPHECY PROPHECY ch g 7 113 By Astronomer Fleda B by rVlsetio rVlsetioTrainer ShippCI894G Trainer D Dcnnison Owner D Dcnnison Breeder K P Shipp CI894G Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 5Jf 10S S 5 7 7 J 1C Ericksn July Fly Joe Tap Pueblo 08813 Tijuana Im70y l46 fast 24f 108 5 7 Fell E Petzoldt 8 TomOwens SlieDevil JudDavid 08754 Tijuana ImTOy l4C ifast ISf 10S 10 10 = 10 W Dean 11 DcuVan WGMcCck Tawtha Tawtha08S87 08S87 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 3Tif 113 5 S 7s 7s 1 Glass S Due fUKiniye 1onePine Conichou 08130 Tijuana 1 1S l5Vifast D 110 1 1 2J 5l E Petzoldt 7 Charley Boy Dolph Dominator DominatorG7721 PlantagenetC7G15 G7721 Tijuana 5i f l034fast 13f 10S 5 5 4J in E PetzoldtlL Nonsuit Flame Plantagenet C7G15 Tijuana 5J f l05fast 11 110 3 4 4 5l E Petaoldtl Kafferty SwpUplL PonzaUay