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til D VI HIIlc anil TO Yards Slorrlson Cafeloria Pnrsp 15yearolds and 4lSl nAUlI upward Claiming 3IsircU 17 1OU 148 5 1 1OJ JACOBINA br m 5 107 107Trainer By King James Galarta by William the Third Trainer J B Partridee Owner W M Cain Breeder H T Cxnarri 08955 Mobile Ab 61 f 123 fast 125 110 2 4 4i 45 R Doyle 7 Tricks Hot Foot Ely 08837 Mobile A b 5S 103 hvy 6 111 6 4 3 4s R Harton 7 CAComkiv Diihinda PHpson 08835 Mobile Ab 61 f l32shvy 2 107 3 2 4 4 W Reid 7 Serbian Hutchison TokMarch 08722 Jefferson 1 316 202fast 15 103 S SG8592 SG8592 4 2f Jl W Reid 12 Bolster Bonfire Bright Trash G8592 Jefferson 1 12 236fast 10 102 3 4 610 C11 IJ Harvey 7 AtMuir FrcilKlnney Forcstiera 08474 Jeffeison 1 1116154 116 154 hvy 10 100 9 9 S 7 B Harvey 1 1 Fliblygiiibet Herald IKecution 08351 Jefferson 1 316 202ifast 15 103 6 11 11 11 B Harvey 12 The Wit Moodr Hickory 08245 Jefferson 34 l l14fefast Wast S 107 7 7TOKALON 7 S1 Sl F Sharpe 10 M Winks rTaylor WPennant TOKALON MARCH u g 9 117 117Trainer By MarcLmont II Tokalon by Tammany Trainer F R Doyle Owner S Jones Breeder TammanyBreeder J W Fuller 08950 Mobile Im70y l49V5fast 21 110 7 4 C 5 J Bell 8 Fljpaper Ardito British Liner 68902 Mobilo Ab 61 f l2C fast C 112 1 4 3 31 J Bell G Fleer A N Akin Ailliro 68861 Mobile 1 151 slow 4 115 4 4 41 3 J Bell 7 liar King Hutchison Grandco 68835 Mobilo Ab 61 f l32 = ihvy 30 117 7 7G8597 4 2 3 J Bell 7 Serbian Hutchison Jacobina G8597 Jefferson 1 12 236jfast 20 107 G 7 G G R Doylo 7 Stanley FinanclUooster Moody 08351 Jefferson 1 316 202fast CO 113 1 12 10 10 F Kiniry 12 The Wit Moody Hickory 08290 Jefferson 1 18 156 fast 30 111 3 9 9J 9 W Kelsay U Buxom Pastoral Pirate McGco 68074 FGrnds 1 116 l50ihvy 40 10S 10 5 8J S It Doyle 12 Loveliness Execution WCareJl 67413 FairGda 1316203 hvy JO 106 1 S S S1 F Sharpe S DrRae MtuKostll UluBoy STEVENSON MeddlerTrainer b p 8 in By Hilarious Reponiful by Meddler YounjrG8940 Trainer W Barnard Owner R Warfield Breeder W J Younjr G8940 Mobile Ab 6i f l23fast S 115 6 3 31 2s E T Moore 1 Jacobean Ailliro Wii WiiG87IO G87IO Jefferson 1 31G 203Vtfast S 115 4 U 10MO B T Jiloorcll Ardito Old Chap Hsi 00902 Mobile Ab 1 1S l531ifast 116 114 4 5 61 7s R Rice 9 EtdPrincess DkieV DkieVC084C C084C Mobile Ab CS f l2Grfast 4 115 5 6 7l 7 J S Wida 8 North Shore Fleer SPECTACULAR GIHL b m 6 112 By Hippodromo Coin by Collar Trainer J Strode Owner W J McFee Brendor J W Corrim C8722 Jefferson 1 31G 202fast 12 110 9 6 5l G J Owens 12 Roister Bonfire Taeobinn 08397 Jefferson 1 12 236 236sfast sfast 6 107 4 7 7 B Harvey 7 Stanley I inanclRooster Moody C8571 Jefferson 1 1S l55ifast 12 10S 9 11 11 12 I McDottl2 Blue Brush Bravo Chateaugny 8411 Jefferson 1 12 237fast M PC S S SGS351 S S H Costello 0 GJoiiPlt 1dIIoibcrt LhtWine GS351 Jefferson 1 316 202fast 6 IDS 12 8 8KSSJO 4 = 4 I McDottl2 The AVit Moody Hickory KSSJO Jefferson 1 1S lf 6 fast 15 IOC 2 4 4GK22G 4 = 4 I McDottll Buxom Pastoral Pirate McCe GK22G Jefferson 1 11C l49fast 30 107 11 10 11 S ° K Rorhm 11 Ashland lFainnan WIlnven 08031 FGrnds 1 316 202 fast 20 103 10 7 7WINALL Cl 6J G Mein 10 Repeater Wylie Ashland WINALL b m 5 112 112Trainer By Lord Rock Sand Princess Coe by Caughnawasa CaughnawasaBreeder Trainer R L Smith Owner R L Smith SmithG85MO Breeder H P Gardner GardnerC G85MO Mobile Ab 6J f l23fast 30 110 4 5 5t C 4 T Thrailkl 7 Jacobean Stevenson Ailliro t 8878 Mobile Ab 5S 102 Rood 20 116 7 5 5G8832 5 55 T Thrailkl 8 Marjorie Wood Fringe JosieM G8832 Mobile Ab 5S l01hvy 20 116 S S SC0931 S 7 = T Thllkill S Lancelot High Valne Grandee C0931 Havana ImaOy l4Gvtgood 3 99 1 9 9MARSE S 55 J Pevic 10 Hush Frank Burke Datusa MARSE JIMMY b h 8 112 By Cameron Bermuda by Frederick William Trainer C S Wilson Owner C S Wilson Breeder J Sureent G8903 Mobile Ab 61 f 125 fast S 10S 5 7 5 4 A Fraley 9 GypLight Amanda King 08881 Mobile AbGJf 127 Rood 5 112 S 6 7 6 J A Fraley R Pittor Patter Rugglcs T 08857 Mobile Ab 6J f 12S slow 10 117 6 5 6l 2s A Fraley 7 Sandy II Consort Kingli S883G Mobile Ab 5S 103 hvy 12 115 5 5 fil V = A Fraley S Orandeo Pit Patter Ha G8573 Jefferson 51 f l06 l06sfast sfast 0 105 10 10 10 = 10IS A Fraley 11 Sardalxvood Feodor Tago 08449 Jefferson 34 Ii7hvy 30 112 12 12 105 10 G Mcin 12 Marimba Herald Ardito G7943 FGrnds 31 l14 fast 30 110 10 S 9s 9 U Doyle 12 Feodor Advontuie lUkl FLYPAPER blk m 6 112 By Aeronaut Foothold bv Dieudonne Trainer J M Guichon Owner F J Shnmaker Breeder E B Cassatt f8956 Mobile Iin70y IMUVifast 10 105 2 1 1s 1s G Manga n S Ardito BriishtLiner Virn Onba C8880 Mobile Ab 5S 101 good 10 116 7 fi 4eJ G Man an 8 Amanda Ppaganda MkeyMoore OS7G3 Jefferson I 1io I52mud 30 106J S 10 H IO A Wilson 12 Herald Burgoyne Phelan 68G94 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 10 1C9 3 C 10J 10 = A Wilson 12 Illack Hackle Bonfire Corson G8G13 Jefferson 5J f lOS ifast 30 110 10 C 7i 6 A Wilson 12 FIISPO Amanda Spring Vale GG5G2 Toledo Ab 34 103 ifast 97 104 S S S S R Doyle S CotheMain Itattyll CapBurns NOT YET b m 5 5Trainer 117 By Jack Atkin Dentifrice by St Andrew Trainer J DurUir Owner Burkin Breeder S T Barter G88G1 Mobile 1 151 slow 30 105 5 C 6 = 6 C White 7 HarKing Hutchison TokMarch 68832 Mobile Ab 8 l01 nvy 15 11C loo2 47i B Smwod S Lancelot High Vriue urandce C8718 Jefferson 31 lila fast 30 115 9 10 91 10 T Brooke 12 Galeta Hysteria Msy Girl G8G13 Jefferson ol i lS1fcfast 50 110 11 11 94 10 J Owens 32 Kiiseo Ainnnda Spring Vale 07383 Jefferson 1 1S lrifast 30 109 S 10 10 10 R McCrnnl2 Maize Tricks Kill and Co6 07307 Jefferson 1 11C 1 fast 20 110 7 7 9 9 R McCrnn 9 Viva Cuba Radical Hickory 07223 Jefferson 1 116 l50islow 50 106 7 5 4 51 J Chalmersl2 Natural British Liner Amanda