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1 3l Miles Ilyonrolds and upward Clniiiiiii r Jan 1 00 5 4 107 BACCHUS b E 3 92 92Trainer By Zeus Annie Singleton by SinglcfoE SinglcfoEBreeder Trainer H Farrsll Owner H Tarreil Breeder Vhite Clibom Clibom2nk G8874 Tijuana 1 31G 202 fast 4 92 2 3 3G8814 2nk 4j p Hum 0 Hepreso Gipsy Joe Finworth G8814 Tijuana 1 12 236ifast 21 S2 7 6 4 2 P Hum S Fiieworth Little Drnr GipsyJoo G8G28 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast CI 95 1 G 4 1 P Hurn 12 Balfour Fireworth Gipsy Joe G85G4 Tijuana Im70y IMD mud S S3 7 7 G1 C = H Loriy 10 Yermak Tawasentha IVacher 68526 Tijuana 1 l41fast 4 f 7 9 fl flG8483 S 7a II l ong a HRudder ColMatt Flame G8483 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 41 So G G GFLHEWORTH 71 G L Creery 11 Yukon Midian Little Giuk GiukBy FLHEWORTH br p G 108 108Trainer By Fireman Rosjworth by Wadsworth WadsworthBreeder Trainer W Walker Owrsr W Walker Breeder J B Clark Clark3J C8934 Tijuana 1 12 23G = fast 115 101 G 5 3J 21 F Stevens 0 Rouen TomOwens WalterDant G8S74 Tijuana 1 21G 202 fast 4310 10S 5 5 4 3J F Stevens G Represo Gipsy Joe Bacchus G8811 Tijuana 1 12 23Gfast 5 105 S 5 11 1 F Stevens S Bacchus Little Dear Gipsy Joe C8753 Tijuana Im70y 146 last 11 108 S 7 r 4 F Stevens 9 SlieDevil WalterDant ColMatt G868 Tijuana 1 12 234 fast 32 103 7 7 f = l 41 F Stevens 8 OldFaithfiil BiickhornlL Halu G8G28 Tijuana 1 1S l55tfast 75 110 10 2 31 3i F Stevens 12 Bacchus Balfour Gipsy Joe JoeBy WALTER DANT ch s 8 112 112Trainer By Harrigan Willie T by Albert AlbertBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder B A Jones Jones4J 08934 Tijuana 1 12 236fast 7 104 3 4J 4J P Martinez G Rouen Fireworth Turn Owens 68917 Tijuana Im70y l46vfast 9 110 G 1 1 P Martinez S CSnider FGl y MMaulsliy G8870 Tijuana lrr70y l46ifast 910 113 6 3h rl P MartinezlO Plunger Balfour SenatorDonlau G8808 Tijuana Im70y l47ifast 710 113 1 21 31 P Martinez S Balfour Maysvjllr Plow Steel G8753 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 1710 114 31 2 ° P Martinez 9 SlieDevil ColcnelMatt Fireworth G8G85 Tijuana TijuanaLOUIS 1 11 P MartinezlO Car G Muehleluch Peace Flag FlagBy LOUIS br g 6 By Leonid Dolly Hayman bv Crighton Trainer W L SUnfield Owner W L Stanfield Breeder W McLemore 08C87 Tijuana 1 12 234 faHt 8 301 4 3 6 7 1 Maiben 8 OlUFaithfnl BiickliornlL Hnlu 68385 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 31 10S S S S 7 = J F Stevens S Philanderer liellnniar Barrisko 68345 Tijuana 1 1S l Hfast 95 111 754 = 5 W Pool 7 McellaBoy RoiMeier Fan Nail 07749 Tijuana Im70y l4i7Jfast 21 104 7 2 24 Il F Stevens 7 KRkin BlTiiong WMtEmy G7707 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 12 109 7 7 7 5 C Buel 7 FKogarty Regreso WMKoiurj G7GG3 Tijuana 7 110 5 4 4i 4 = i C Buel 7 BkbornlL WMtgomy Pieilrj Continued on eisMh page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from seventh page BLACK THONG b g 7 108 108Trainer By Sweeper Blarney or Irish Lad Ascot Bella bj Trainer R B Allen Owner H B Allen Galliard Bred in Franco by H B Duryea CB827 Tijuana 1 18 lS4fast 41 103 6 6 5s 3 n Flynn i Fair Orient JDundcc Yukon 68809 Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 2710 IDS 6 6 4 21 R Flynn G W Penny KUinkin HWriRht 584 G5 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 1110 108 6 6 5 57J F Woiiier 6 Piedro Hcydo Orleans Girl 67740 Tijuana ImTOy l457sfxst 3 10S 5 7 6 3 E Petzoldt 7 Louis KItankin WMontcomy OG739 DadePrk 1 113 147 fast 31 105 5 4 31 21 A Roach 5 HGcar TwtnHluc ItcesWinz 66700 DadcPrk 1 116 l47faat 1110 110 1 6 31 1 13 Petzoldt 7 WadssLast Jake Feld Phelan G6G27 Latonia 1 14 206J fast 41 107 11 8 SI 8 s T Hrothersl2 The Wit Kama Pirate McGce CHARLEY BOY b p 5 110 By Zeus Romania by Peep oDay Trainer F iechielhctracr Owner Sunflower btabloi Breeder Whito Garnett 68874 Tijuana 1 316 2 02 fast 15 10S 6 Fell II Zander G Ilegreso Gipsy Joe Firoworlh 88I4 Tijuana 1 12 236iifast 6 IDS 6 8 8 7 1 F Watrous S Firewortli Itacchns Little Dear C87D7 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 22 112 3 8 8 7 E Petzoldt 8 JDundee Fannie Nail F Orient 08672 Tijuana 6 1C6 3 6 4 21 E Petzoldt S Hreeze Theresa F G Coney G fi8 30 Tijuana 1 HI fast 33 110 K KG83J9 10 9 71 5 J E PctzoldtlO MiGees Pink Power Iloringa Iloringa1S5 685 G83J9 J 9 Tijuana 1 31C 205 mud 1S5 100 7 3 3 3 E Petzoldt S Vic San Iledron Peace Flag PENWELL b in 5 111 111Trainer By Dick Welles Penalty by Marathon Trainer H Neal Owner Kcal cal Eros Breeder J P Edwards G8893 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 16 106 2 2 a 5 5J E Fator 5 FOrient J Dundee Fannie Nail 08G89 Tijuana lm Im70y 0y l43 sfast 3i 104 6 G G S i E Fator G Heap Sundial II IMos House 68527 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 31 95 8 8 8 7 M Edwda S VPatrick Delhiinar SilentKins 66553 Latonia 1 1S l52ifast 45 101 2 8 7 6T1 C Rails 8 ParMaid Itunquoi Piarn Stone 602 1 Latonia ImTOy 14S hvy 63 100 7 71 61 C Rails 8 Yoshimi Easteside Manoerre 650JO Hthorne 1 116 l13faat 41 10S 2 4 t 4 H S Jones 3 Dantzic Coyne Ten Can