untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-14


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YOU ARE INVITED TO A FEEE PARTICIPATION IN THE BIGGEST WINNING OF THE YEAR The manufacturer who knows his product to be superior to that of his competitor, or to be all he claims it to be, maikets same with a money-back guarantee or free trial. I am applying that principle to racing, knowing the cla. s and strength of my connections to be second to none. I am willing to prove it to you without any promise or investment on your part. Wednesday, the 18th, is the date selected, and the horse is one that has improved so grea.tly it will require but little effort on his part to be returned an easy winner, although he should be a juicy price due to the public being unfamiliar with his 1923 form. Telegraph or write me at once, giving your correct street address no attention given any reply with-out a street address, and remember. Wednesday, the 18th. is the day, aad it is given free as proof of what is to come later. I know ycu will be fully satisfied with both the. result and tho price, and after you have profited from this free demonstration of my ability we can arrange terms for future transactions on a basis mutually satisfactory. Isnt this a fair proposition? I have the thing you want. I am willing to give you a sample. Come on, you skeptics; make me show my ability. Addrecs ROBERT RICHARDS * RICHARDS BUILDING : : : HAVRE DE GRACE, MD. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS A COPT. 10 AVEEKS .00 TODAYS GETAWAY CODE: BO WIE Brick Sun — Virginia - - - Boy Here are some of last weeks winners: Spugs 6.50 — Won St. Donard. . . ..60 — Won! Day Lilly .60 — Wonl James F. OHara..70 — Wonj Soggarth Aroon ..2 0 — $ 2 Won The Peruvian. ...90 — Won Tingling .80 — Won Zouave .50 — Won NEW ISSUE OUT TUESDAY TODAY GRAND GETAWAY 0 FREE SPECIAL Please get this one. I ask you. I know whats ! up and this is no pipe dream. Ask your newsdealer for GAR S DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER. 50 cents a j copy, mailed 2 weeks 35.00. Remit to GAR PUBLISHING COMPANY 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. JOE McCARTY SARATOGA SPRIGS, H. Y. High-clacs racing information right from track by an expert of thirty years experience and well known from coast to coast. Bowie meeting shows a profit and several unusual plays expectad at Havre de Grace. Wire name at once. BALTIMORE ADDRESS: 816 CATHEDRAL ST., BALTIMORE. MD. TULSA, 8.70-, WON WAS THURSDAYS LONGSHOT FE0D0R S4.60-S2 3rd WAS YESTERDAYS LONGSHOT TWO today that we thiz.k extra well of. 50c daily at all newsstands — 50c Mailed dire;t. 1 week. . ? weeks. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 Baltimore Building Chicago. Illinois SEND FOR FREE BOOK which contains vaulabie information for the race player and shows profits obtained and capital u;ed for past several years with ojr method. We will show you that it is "AN INVESTMENT. NOT A SPECULATION." Mutuel prices are always good. Selections made in ten minutes — no handicapping. Must win its cost in three days. This we guarantee. Address • THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin St. Baltimore. Md. 50 PER CENT- WINNERS -50 PER CENT BY OVERNIGHT MAIL. Our mail specials Saturday. March 31st. to Friday. April 13th. inclusive, gave 5 winners. 1 second. 4 losers. Makes 53 per cent winners. Send and have us mail them to you overnight daily for two weeks, GALLOPS 219 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. FOR REAL INFORMATION GET THE REPORTER Only 35c at all newrstands. or wherever Racing Form is sold. Saturdavs Special: NO. £67. BOOK 953. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Guincy St. Estab. 19C4 Chicago. 111. If You Want a Line on Horses at HAVRE DE GRACE. Get New Book on Sale Today. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct. 3 copies .00 Todays Form Special — March — Plum — 83 — 16 — 57 — 63 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403 22 West ftuincy Street Chicago, Illinois THE Monthly Racing Form contain ins charts of all races run on recog-nize4 tracks in North America during the month of MARCH. NOW ON SALE PRICE, .00. Single copies by mail will POSITIVEL/S only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. M. Y. LOOK! BOYS, LOOK! THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM Th-s system did not have one losing bet the first seven days at Bowie. Gentlemen, don t overlook this system, the most consistent on the market. Last spring at Louisville and Havre de Grace combined sime system only had eijht losing bets. La?t fall same tracks only had nine losers, including tho best bets. SYSTEM No. 2 This rystem is still picking ths winners. Here arc a few: Haizie 1 00 Chris. Holters 0.60- Moody 5.30- She Devil 2 80 Camouflage . .4.10-32 Breeze 20-32 Day Lilly . . . 6.00- Our Birthday . ..20- Kitty Carpenter ....5-1 Jacques S9.40- Brown Belle . . ..40- Fannie Baan ....00- Lady Bourbca 0.23- M. M Isjy pi. ;7.20- Topmast 3C-1 and a large number of others. Get these rystems and pi "k your own winners. Can be played at or away from vhe track. They are good always on any track. Price in full for both 0.00. Then, after you get them and if they hive not done just as I advertise. I will gladly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA. IND. NO PROFIT-NO PAY My syctem must yield an average profit of at lea t 0 a day on ths scale of betting, or it does not cost ycu a cent. Sent on approval for one weeks trial. Apply by mail only to J. K. WILLIS 948 Windsor Street :: :: Cincinnati, Ohio. THE PADDOCK NEWS 1674 Ercadway NEW YORK CITY 25 CENTS PER COPY All Cities — All Stands FREE CODE: Dixie - Saturday - Inishowen - Saturn - Mars - Green Annual Racing form NOW ON SALE ANNUAL RACING fORM The International Authority on American Racing Circulating in the United States. Cuba. Philippine Islands. Canada. Mexico. England. France. Germany. Austria. Hungary. Australia, India, Argentina. Chile. Peru, etc., etc. The Special Attention of Students of Form is directed to the method at indexing the . harts. ; The index shows each and every start ef all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, iliirds and tra.-k conditions designated on the occasion of each [and every start. Ily means of tl,is innovation it is possible for the user of the lrm Hook to instantly determine a horses ability to run on mv sort of track concerning which informaticn is desired. This Book Carries indexed form charts of all reeognired racing in the I Inited States, Canada. Cuba and Mexico, has sup-I planted all others for tbe use of racing officials and is universally used by jockey dubs throughout the world. Compact, accurate. ] erfe.tly piinted. with absolutely correct index, on linen paper, lettered and bound in flexible leather. Contains. Leahies eharts of all recognized racing on American traeks. the American and Canadian time records, scales of weights of various governing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States, Canada and Mexico for the year. ANNUAL RACING FORM haa been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1922 edition is respectifully called to the desirability of placing orders early. PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. ; 441 PLYMOUTH COURT • CHICAGO. ILL. , 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. | 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041401/drf1923041401_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923041401_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800