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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXIX. NUMBER 104 Kntered as second-class mutter. April 2, 1S90, at tlie post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3. 1879. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ra 74 EXCHANGE STREET - BUFFALO, N. Y. — — |9 W. J. MrMurrav, Publisher and General Manager. 1_ 1— Daily During Winter Months. 2 2- — P.iily Except Monday Balance of the Year. " o_ — A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph V 4 — SntSCRlITION HY FIItST-iEASS MAID: 5— May to Novemtvr, inclusive $ 4.00 per month December to April, inclusive S T .00 per monlj C- G — PAYAKEE IN ADVANCE. 7 7_ — P.ACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 15 CENTS EACH. TELEPHONE 20S7 HARRISON For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news j_ 1— or editoii-il depai tinents and cannot be used to communicate with them. 2 „_ — To be considered : nd answered, all queries to Daily Racine Form must be sent over the full 3 3-nunie and with the address of writer. The names 4_ 4— and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 5 67415 is- first index of 1923 *- G