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Bowie Form Chart i , - 6 BOWIE. MD.. FRIDAY. APRIL 13. IMS. Princr rjeoree Park 1 mile. F.leventh day. Southern Mary ■ land Agricultural anil Fair Association. Spring Meeting of 12 days. Weather wet. Steward Representing Maryland Itacing Commission, Oeorge Brown, Jr. Stewards. Oeorge Brown. Jr.. H. P. Conkling arid Maker Waters. Judges. Jo.-cph A. Murphy. Kdward Tribe. J. 11. Anderson and George T. Miller. Starter. Marshall Cassidy. ltacing Secretary. Joseph Mclennan. | IUrins starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. m . W indicates whip. S spurs. It blinkers. Fig- I * to MM in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ii £*Q-g Qr7 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4. 1921— 48" j— 2— 114. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. a OiFJO 4 Maidens. Claiming. Ket value to winner 00: second, 00; third, 00. n Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners »|uiv. Odds Strt | I J li9128»VANITY BAG w 103 2 1 l| li 1J G Mein I* Towers 355-100 «9151 JlI.lA M. w 107 4 T 5s a1 2* A Abel F Foley C60-100 I9i.i:i iil.AlVS V. wb 107 S3 3* 2"! : J Wallace W H Firer 171O-100 nWI DlKI.MA w 107 3 I 2» W m r Smith ■ M Dever li»3-100 ;905fi MARY 40m wb 112 7 « 6* 4*5 C i-ang P Burch 835-100 J9133 FK1IJAY 13TH v. 113 5 4 4* 6« 6s H Lainsfd Audley Farm Stable 240-100 69128 lil.ACKOI.IA w 110 1 I 7» 7» 71S K Martz W Robinson 3945-100 69128 AcHIEVABLK wu 110 S t 8 8 8 J Zoeller C A Appl=?gate 4080-100 Time, MX, 50*». Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Vanity Rag, .10 straight, .20 place. .80 show; Julia M, .70 place, .20] show: Gladys V . 70 diow. Kiiuivalerit booking odds Vanity Bag. 355 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 pla e. 90 to 100 sliow; Julia M., 85 to 10 pla.-. iM to 100 show: Gladys V., 233 to 100 show. Wiimer B. t. l y Crimper Mary l.ydia, by The Commoner trained by M. . Kelley; bred by Mr. | William i.artii. ! / Went to post at 2:10. At past 3 minutes. Start grod and slow. Won easily: recond and third drir- j lng. VANITY BAG took t!:e lead at Ml and was taken well out from the rail in search of the best s going, set a good pace and. racing DtKLMA into defeat, held the race afe through the last eighth. JIT.IA M. ran well in the going and finished fast ami gamely on the inside. GI.ADYS V. outgamed III KI..MA at the end. The latter showed a good order of speed in Hie going, but tired in the stretch ■ drive MABY AGNES was going well at the end. FRIDAY 13TH had no mishaps. Srit.h.-d -ta»l.-.l iehrah, 107. , __k"| CO SECOND RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21, 1916— 1:26**— 4— 116. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds, o OJI-OO Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. * Index Horses AWtPPSt K M St r Fin Jockeys Owners F.ouiv. Odds Strt f.9131 ST. LAWRENCE wb 114 5 4 11 1« l« V V* C Iang J H Stotler 125-100 ! 69152 MADSON wb 114 2 2 3* 3" 24 2» 2s E Scobie C A Applegate 1500-100 - 09156 CARPATHIAN w 114 3 5 5« i" j" 5 B* J Zoeller J J Farifll Jr. B030-100 - 69152 NIGHT IJdHT w 114 7 1 4* 4« 4* 4* 4 D Stirling V Kaiser 5X65-100 - 09152 WARBCRTON w 114 6 6 6* 6« C* 6" 5 S Mrf — W Newman 250-100 I DOROTHY POP wb 110 1 3 2i 2» 3° 3s 6* ■ Martz ■ Denham 4:170-100 i A 66869 WEST PITTSTON wit 109 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 R Romelli Triple Springs Farm Stab 37.--100 Time. 26. 51*4. 1:17. 1:31«±. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. St. Lawrence. .50 straight. .80 place. .20 show; Madson, 0 10 place, . SO show; Carpathian. 3.20 show. ! s F.iliiivalent booking odds St. I.awrence, 125 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Madson, 405 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show. Carpathian. 500 to 100 show. Winner Br. c, by Rapid Water Meltie Bereaud, by Jean Bereaud trained by J. H. Stotler; bred , * by Mr George W. .. Bissell. Went to post at 2:47. At post 1 minote. Start good and slow for all but WARBCRTON and WEST ! PITTSTOX. Wou easily; second and third driving. ST. I.AWRKNCK began fast and. running well in i the going, quickly raced into a long lead and won in a canter. MADSON raced forwardly throughout I and was hard ridden in the stretch. CARPATHIAN raced gamely. DOROTHY POP quit badly. WEST j PITTSTON reared up ia the air at the start and WARBCRTON began slowly, neither having any chance. . Scratched MSI Santley. 114: 69152 Buddugie, 114. i Overweights Dorothy Pop. 1 pound. __ffc-| QQ THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. 1917— 1: 19 5— 4— 112. Purse ,200. 3-year-OtlOt/ . . o!ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. . . _h ■ Index Horses AWtPPSti Ii st Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.quiv. Odds Strt j i 68286. B I.EIC.HTON w 3 101 5 2 44 3h 2» || 1» J Wallace H Roseacher 250-100 . 68327 * WHALEBONE wb 7 107 7 1 1» 2» 2* 3* 24 S Mcl.ane T E Crist -10-100 ! ! 69136* IEOUOB *b6 107 3 4 »* l| li 2s 3* G Mein S Eouis 1155-100 i C 9073m;a!.ETA wb 4 100 1 7 5 4* 4= 4* 41 R Costello A Swenke 290 100 J 66861 irXK MONROE w 9 115 6 3 31 5« 5» 5 51 M Schwtz B E Chapman 4235-100 ! 65820 - SWORD W 4 109 2 5 6» S* 6* V* 6* A Abel F Farrar 1S80 100 J 6686»»CORK KI.H wb 3 101 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 H Shillirk J M Zimmer 2790-100 I Time. 2525. 51*s. I*MK 1:22%. Track sloppy. I » mutuels paid. Bessie Leigtitoa, .00 straight. .90 place, .30 show; Whalebone. .40 place, . ; i .70 show; Fe.xlor. .00 show. ji lijuivalent booking odds -Bessie Ieighion. 250 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; ; | Wli:ilelxne, 70 to 100 place, b5 to ItW show: F H dor. 130 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f, by Wormleighton Bessie Moore, by Hastings .trained by H. Roseacher; bred by Mr. * , L A. I..vue. , Went to post at 3:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the I sam-- BESSIE LKKiHTOX was oulrun to the stretch, but closed a gap and. in a long drive, had to be , j J brought around FEODOU in the last sixteenth, hut got up to win in Hie last stride. WHALEBONE set ; the early paci- and came again right at the end to ouitinisli FKODOB. The latter raced into the lad nud outpaced WHALEBONE to the head of the stretch, but tired badly in the final eighth. OALETA I began slowly and was always far back. Overweights Frank Monroe. 3 pounds; Cork Elm. .". ■ = : ] ■QCi~l QA FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. 1917— 1: 19 5— 4— 112. Purse ,200. 3-year- OtJ AtJVF olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. , I Iudex Horses AWtPPSt K i st Str Fin Jockeys Owners l uiv. Odds Strt imiD rmnnn icu wb 7 119 4 2 2* i«.i* 1* rm smwoj a c wmfrey 175-100 , 89IM BAOAHOKM vt « 110 G 5 5* 2 2* 2* 2= A Abel J Arthur 115-100 I 69136 T. PERirVIAN w 4 116 Z 1 31 3! 3* 3» 3 F Smith J H Tevis l-80-lX J WM**MtMUTK MAN wsn I UT, 2 3 1» 4* 45 4» 4« R Costello A Swenke S.55-100 °. «;84I5TlItBCI.KNT w3]0Jil 6 4* 51 51 5* 5* H Wakoff J Kejilty 30SW-100 " 69136MARGT WHITE wis 1 M 5466666H Shillick J White Jr. 2060-100 Time. 25. 51, l:163s. 1:22. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Camouflage, .50 straight. .70 place, .40 show; Sagamore, . SO place, .10 0 ■how : The Peruvian, . SO show. Equivalent hooking odds Camouflage. 175 to 100 straight. 35 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Sagamore, . 40 t . BX place. 20 to 100 show: The Peruvian, 90 to 100 show. ; Winner B. g, by Star Shoot Busy Maid, by Meddler trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. John n B, Maddeul. Went to post at 3:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- - I lng. t AMOIil.Ai; K took the lead soon after Ihe start and. setting I good pace, never left the result in ■ I doubt. SAOAMOKK was rushed un on the outside into se.-ond place and made a game tiuish. THE 1 PKBCV1AN ran well and had no mishaps, but was doing his best to oiiliinish MINCTK MAN. The latter was favored by the going and showed a flash of early speed in pact-making, but tired. TURBULENT 1 and MAKi.AKKi" WHITE were always outrun. Scratched 64443 lie well V. I . 103. Overweights- turbulent. 1 lj pounds. : ! £jM-g Q"| FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— l:45l5 4 107. Owners Con- " j O J JL xJ A solation Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 00: second. 00; third. 00. " Index Horse* AWtllSt,* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt _l I 69171MIRACLE MAN wb 4 102 8 5 3* l1 1- V V A Abel D L Richards 45J-100 10 b9I53 -•SUPER wu 6 103 S 8 4« 3 21 2* 2« G Mein 1 W Foreman fiO 100 ■ 4.9156 MA17.E W 6 101 3 7 7 7» 51 l»| 3» J Wallace W H Fizer 31S5 100 66875 TICACKT W 6 107 1 2 li 2» 3» 3» 4* R Romelli. Triple Spring Farm Stb 1135-100 i0 69171 UKJLtm wit 4 105 2 3 21 4» 4« 5* 5» J Zoeller J L Coy;,- 4485-100 ii915Cs*BLUK BRUSH wb 4 105 7 1 51 6 6* 6- 6 S Mcline E J Shewbridge 1695-1-JO m 69I37,KEZIAH wb MM III 8 8 8 71 H Shillick C W Gasser 39T0-100 j 69140 DELLAIIM wb I 107 4 4 6» 5" 7s 7 8 E Ambrose Kenton Stable 2200-100 A Time. 26. 51«5. 1:17. 145. 1:50. Track sloppy. j mutuels paid. Miracle Man, 1 10 straight. .40 place. 90 show; Super. .00 place, .60 10 1 show: Maize. :;o sjow. Equivalent h.»okiog odds Miracle Man. 455 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Su;.er. " 30 to MS pl.i.-e. 30 to 100 show; Maize. 215 to 100 show. Winner B. c. by Sweep- Biscayue. by Rensselaer traini-d by J. Arthur; bred by Mr. W. C. Good- " ! loe. Wen! to post at 4:16. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the * , »nme MMtAil.i; VAN, favored by the going, ra.e.l TIlAlKV into defeat in the first three-quarters s and. saving ground on the stretch turn, held SUPKR safe at the end. SITEH t eg:ni slowly and was IS for-ed t nie w:de on the slret. Ii turn and tin-d badly in the stretch drive MAIZE closed a gap and d inish-d r.solut-ly IK At EY -howed speed, but tired. j S.ratcheil liove. 101; tlSIHl Ashland. 110; 59129 Zennotta. H. I Overweights Mirucle Man. 1 pound: Super. 2: Ticacey. 1: Ukase. 4: Keziah. 5; Dellahm. li. I = j £*%-* Qf SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. .Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds [s DJ/lt/ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. S100. — Indel Horses AWtllSt Vi M % •** Wtm Jockeys Owners E ]Uiv. Odds Strt 1 _ 4.9155ST C.KRMAIN w . M I 7 5 5 4* .".» H* A Ab-1 F Holman 470-l.» * | m4W *JACQCB8 wb i 108 4 1 3* 2 -* I* 2* B Mcl.ane W S Murray 37.".-109 HII7 »1QQ ATM wb 9 l 3 7 2 Ill" 1 2J 3 H Shillick M Ha. Uett Mft-M W 69I4T 1HI.AZONRY WB 103 5 6 6» S» 65 6= 4» ; Mein Q II Masjn 12S0 100 » .9133 DAMTHC «n 10S 1 3 41 4s 5« 5* 5« W Wilcox T K Edwards 1240 100 H 4.9111 T. I. K.MNDE.R w t HB| :; 5 7 7 7 7 6* H Siutts J Ne. hamkin m. 100 69152-*HlLLHOl SE wn :; K| 0 4 21 3* 3» 4» 7 R Costello W J Kramer 2S5 100 W Time. 25*5. 51. 1:16«5, 1:45. 1:51V Track sloppy. mutrels paid. St tierm.iin, 1.40 straight. .00 place. .50 show; Jacques. place, 40 ., Show. Zouav. S3 30 show. Equivalent bo.. king Ids St. Cermain. 470 to 100 straiglit, 130 to 100 place, 75 to 100 how; Jacques. . 140 to 100 pi i.e. 70 to 100 show. Zouav.-. 115 to KM show Wi nner B. h, by Sea King guccn Dixon, by Sir Dixon trained by F. Holman; bred by Mr. John E. ■ Madden. Went to post at 4:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ,e ■am.- ST. OKK.MAIN recovered 1:N sp«-d suddenly and. afte;- being rocrved through the early miming. MovimI up rapidly turough the la i .|iLirlcr and. Iiui-lniig v. :th a lush. . -aught the ri.l.r nap|ing on ii , JJAOQUBH ind won goir-.g away in the list stride. JACyUES was au.ler e.irly restraint and. racing past st ZOI.AVE when .all.-d on. had a lcar lead when ST. CUBMAIN -tole up on |ka ..ut.-nle. ZOUAVE E showed excellent speed in UtC going, but quit before Uie stretch was reached. BLAZONRY was going ig well Bl the . ud HH.UIUI Si: quit badly. Scratched 09157 -Moody. 10i. O.erwc.ghts Blaaoury, 2 pounds, Dantzic, 2; The Clockmender. 2; Hillliou e, 3.i. i 6 ■ | I * to ii a n | I J A01QQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Milea, Hot. 26. 1915— 1:48-4— 116. Purs» ,200. 3 year -C J A *7 O olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 90; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt lA Vi % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 691 57 BONFIRE w 3 10J 5 4 2« 1* Ill1 1« J Wallace W A Rosen 250-10* 69155 TINGLING wb 5 112 6 6 6 6 6 5» 21 S McLane E K Bryson 4S0 10» 69155 WAR VICTOR w 7 103 3 3 4* 4« 3 2* 31 G Mein S Louia 4310-104* 69l33,»OUR BIRTHDY wb I 112 2 2 3 3» 2» 2 4» ■ Smwod ■ J Salt 145-109 69155 "CITATION wb 4 101 4 I 5 51 5» 4» 5» A Abel F Farrar 7S5 M 69136 HELEN ATKIN wb S 112 1 1 1» 2 4» 6 6 E Scobie H E Criat 1690-104 Time, 26, 52, 1:17. 1:4554. 1:53. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Bonfire, .00 straight, .80 place, .10 show; Tingling, 00 place, .30 show. War Virtor. 0.10 show. Equivalent booking odds Bonfire. 250 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Tingling. 95 100 place. 65 to 100 show: War Victor. 405 to 100 show. Winner -Ch. c. by Campfire — Honeymoon, by Matchmaker trained by G. Peterson; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. • Went to post at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. I.ONFIKK raced to the front under restraint when the half-mile post was reached and. drawing awar steadily, won in I canter. TINCLING began slowly and was far back to the last turn, but rarae with a belated rush through the stretch. WAR VICTOR ran well, but tired and just lasted to save third place. OUR BIRTHDAY was close up in the early racing, but quit in the last quarter. ITIil ATKIN showed a flash of speed in setting the early pace. Scratched -6915-1 Attorney Muir. 10S. Overweight. — War Victor. 1 pound; Citation, 4.