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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA SATURDAY, APRIL 14 MEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on oth«r than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track cenditions. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:" . ® Superior mini runner. X Good mud runner. ■,- Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse .00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 20, 1920 — :59— 4— 107. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt Han. 69201 Hobalt 108 1:02- 8 1*6X729 69119 •T.mpv Human K 1:01--. 12 lbSXT2B 69179» bJames G 1*5 1:05-3 9 113X71.". 69925 bSteve Ill 1:03 6 113x715 69080 I-antern 110 1:01 «-. 8 113. .715 ! 69201 Oaaa US IM% 9 113x715 ! 69169 Mary .lav lot; 1:02 M ill. .701 69180 Kl Sabio 102 1:01 13 1 13X705 | 69201 *Skv Lark Ml 107 1:02. 4 107.. 700 | C9109 •Lomond Jr. Ml 112 1:04"o 4 107. .700 i 691801 Mamie Van Ml .. 10 111. .701 69121 Argoaae ForestMlaB Um% B 111x700 69179 Dewey Field Ml . .104 1 :034- 4 112.. 700 69080 Jack Hee 101:02-* B 113.. 700 69109 Stirrups M 6 116. .700 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. Pur«e 00. 3-year-olds ami upward. Claiming. Track record: May 20, 1920 59 — 1 107.1 69121 Marion Fluke .MB 1:02 «.-, B MB. .729 69078. *l.Marv D 105 1:02«-, 4 108. .720 G9081» Ba Admit IM l.vlK 8 111. .715 69180 •I.atlv Betty 104 1:03--, 9 ]«i®715 65081 Pretty Doll SB 1:03—. 3 98.. 7 15 69201 Bookworm MB 1:02-. 5 111:1:715 6S943 •Make Haste 1111:03 7 108. .710 67450 r.Ick Foun.iin iMH07 1 :03G 7 1i:i..71e 69179 105 1:03.-, 11111x705 69160 •Charlotti Smitl.i M 1105 1:02--. 4 1Mix7i».t 69078 •SktK.kum Ml MB 1:03*.-. 7 108. .700 69109 Alice RkhmondM 1 1 12 1 03-i 5 111.700 69169 Malanetto M 107 1:05 5 11.!.. 700 69180 Little Abe 106 1:14-,; 11 113x700 68926 Kabani tM lEJ.l:03"i 8 113. .700 Third Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse BSeB. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 8, 1921 53 % — 10— 105. 691 60 - Rem i t 93 :55 ■ - 107.. 725 69016 Que. n. up II Kit :55-- 107.. 720 6S099 bMelchoir 112 :5»,r. KI7..715 68892 Norford Homy ..106 :55i 119x715 69047 Little Smile 107 :56 IBB 710 61032- Hutv Rov iM 102 :56 "■-. 1»9. .705 691792 Vaalae Ml 102 :56~ 109.. 710! 69290 Regular Girl Ml.. 88 :57 l 7..70;l! j 69200 Lady Lioness iM 100 :57:;i Hl7..7Ki| ! 679S6 Iris Girl 107.. 700 | Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiming. Track recoid: May SB, 1920—59 — 4—107. ! 69161- •Ilaztl Dale 110 1:00.-, IB 114X729 69096 I obt !!■ 108 1:01*., 9 113 72ii 69144 •Boat Atkin Ki7 l:01s 5 108x715 692042 Pay Off Ids 1 :01 8 113 715; ; 69097 aMayflaerer H2i:oii 5 113. .715 68003 Robert L. Owen... 112 1:01.-. 8 115x715 69084 Review 19 1:01- 6 115 710 I 69145 No Wonder 106 1:02;;, 8 115. .710 I 6S1L8 »Gold Brynn 6 10SX710 ! ! | | i j ! | ! ; I I 69203 Don Jose 113 1M% B 115:705 69096 Stanley II 107 1 :H»V. 13 115x705 69016 View 107 I:i25 9 115-700 68730 aCbatf Master Ill l:ii3 8 115;i:700 69127 Pokey B MB 1:03lf. 7 118x7X 68627= bDue de Guise 115 1:01- 7 121.. 700 Fifth Eace— 3-4 Mile. Purse 1923.sh00. 3-year-oltls. Claiming. Track reccrd: Doc. 20, 1»1«- -1 :1 1%— . 3—110 69117- •©. HENRY 97 1:14-, 105. 725 69207 Scraps M IBS 1:14% 112. .715 68962 Norfield MS 1:14% 111.. 710 69117 •Hayseed Ul SB 1:19% 103. .705 69207 Nan.y Winet IBB. .IBS 68991 •Stylish Miss Ml 1:19% 93. .700 6S186 Faber 101 1:14 £ 118x705 09207 •Maaia Harvey M io3.700 Sixth Eace— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming Handit-ap. Track record: March 10, 1923— 1 :42?i— 6— lis. 691263 Reap 8. 1:43-. 3 Ino 7.5 69163 Van Patrick SB 1:44% 3 101 -720 69115 Sundial II 108 1:44 7 111. .720 69150 bleter Pierson M 1:4B 3 K .720 6r;C98 War Penny MB 1:44% 9 MB. .719 68949 Frank Fogarty ...lib 1:49% 5 117 715 69163- Power 3 !Mi - 715 691642 Cavalcatlour II 1111:44% 7 SG 710 690833 Little Reach 8 1B0..7M 691641 Bill Head 110 1:45 7 MS • 710 69163* Hen Well 95 1:45% B 95 • 705 69207 Allie .1. lis BS 1:44% 3 90. .705 69164 Wedding Prince ...120 1:48 4 102a7uO Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 01. 3-year-oltls and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 27, 1921 — 1:52— 8 — 117. 69116- »Glad News 102 1 :54r, 4 107 -725 6916 •R.-.tthus BB 1:55-. .1 !i-7_» 69116 *Gipsy Joe 194 1:99% 4 103.715 69184 Torsida 4 MB X 713 69123 •I»uis MS 1:92% B MB. .715 63205 bRegreso 1011:53*-. 9 118-715 69116 •Firewoith Ion 1:39% 8 MB ■ 710 69164 •Fitz-Roodle 109.156 B 117X7BS 69182 Yernak 119 1:54% 10 114®7O» 69150 Fannie Nail MB 1:94% 7 120x700 Eighth Race— 1 Mile. rurse 00. 3-jear-o!ds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17, 1915 1:38—3 BO. 69204 biitrder 119 1:42% 8 108 . 725 69100 Colonel Matt 107 1:49% M 189x729 692032 St. Angelina 3 95 .715 89199b*lfay Maulsby 199 1:42% B MS. .713 69150 •Turn Craven lis 1:42% 4 IBS.. 713 69153 bFnli Mean 112 1:41% 8 111X713 69116 Hu.enia K 101 1:42 5 111 715 69184 *b Double Van ...... IBS 1 : 12 8 198x719 6914S3 Donatella Kin 1:41 • ;r; 7n. 69162 P.t.r Iuss 89 1:49 8 89x799 69182s,blueblo 112 1:47 t; Kis • 700 b91S4 Bowsprit 94 1:41% S 118 -To". 69148 Ecr Hold i.M ... 4 110.. 700 Ninth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1923.sh00. 4 year-olds :,ntl upward. Claiming. Track iccord: Feb. 25, 1923 1:05 — 9—122. 692C1 bllarp of the North. 113 1:075 5 119X738 69160 Sa. ramento 105 i is 7 lit;.. 720 69202 •Smiling Maggie ...108 1 :I7;-. 0 MSX713 69165 •Wild Thoughts ...MB MM- 5 106X715 69054 •bOl.Miipian King ...114 149% 8 189.. 713 69160 LaBy Tiptoe MM 148% 5 111.. 715 69160* •Romulus 114 1:99% 5 111x710 67831 biting Rose 119 149% 8 119. .799 69148 •Doctor Tubbs MB 1 095 4 107x705 69111 bCubu 110 1:W C111X700