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"7J.L. DAOC 1 !~4 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiiuins- Nov. M, 1922 llM ilAUL 2:OI» 1-5 « lOO. AUriTRAL. b. g, ft 105 By Dalhousie — Australina, by Montana. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. MisR M. C. P. Chatterlv. 69154 Howie 1 1-2 Z:4ft%faat 5 99 6 5 4l 3» R Costello i Attorney Muir. Warlike. Dr.Rae 69134 Bowie 1 1-8 1 JB%faat 46 100 9 9 9 6i R Costello 9 Day Lilly. Tom assidy, L Kate 9091 Howie laVTIi 1 ~lXa|tw 14 102 5 5 5 51* R Costello 5 Tingling. Ashland. King Tiojan 08073 F Gr nds 1 1-16 l:50 shvy 5 112 9 9 6« 6"! H J Burkell Bully bell. Buxom. Foinovo 07841 F.Grnds 1 1-2 2:403shvy 9-10 103 7 5 5 5" J Ponce 7 Dr.Rae, Bneville, IIwilBound C7813 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:57 -5mud 8 107 8 7 3 21 J Ponce 9 Demos. SaniFiaiik, Wads.M.ast 67735 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02Vsfast 25 107 2 9 8 4* J Ponce 9 Wad.s Last, TiieWit, DtorJim SMARTY, b. g, 5 100 By Theo. Cook— Canny Miss, by Oden. Trainer. J. Beamish. Owner, J. M. Collins. Breeder, W. and L. Garth. 69171 Bowie lm70y 1:49 fast 31-10 1031 1 2 21 21 G Mein 9 Tulsa. The Lin.l. Liltle Ammie 69137 Bowie lm70y kftft fast 3 103 5 2 2J t| G Mein 9 Zouave, TlieKoieiguer, Serv Star 69129 Howie 7-S 1 :29 fast 6 110 6 6 6» 6» G Mein 11 St. Donard. Antills. Wrangler 69076 Bowie lm70y l:".lDslop 33-10 102 4 1- 25 21 ■ Flstitch S Baaflre, Neapolitan. Radical 04096 FortErie 1 1-16 l:54Shvy 31 112 3 5 5« «-* H J Burke 7 Austral. Lit.Ammie. Skeer Face 64056 Hton 1 1-8 OT 1 :54ofast 1 104 1 4 3» 4!i E SmwodlO Sailor. King Trojan. Leta 63914 Hamton 1 l:44=smud 17-5 ir7 7 3 31 21 M Schvtzl2 Greenland, Debadou, Lit.Ammn 63298 FortErie 1 1-16 l:472ifast 21-5 105 5 3 3 !» A Claver 0 asterlok, Burgoyne, Murray LUCY KATE. ch. m. 5 102 By Uncle— Royal Lady, by Royal Plush IIL Trainer. P. J. Miles. Owner. P. J. Miles. Breeder, A. L. Rorers. 69172 Howie 1 1-S 1 STtfcfaat 6 97 2 4 4-" 4"! W Milner S Biavo. Wylie. Jeeaajaa 69134 Howie 1 1-8 1 :53fast 7 105 4 5 41 3"* G Mtin 9 Day Lilly. T..111 assidy. Natural 09103 Howie 61 f l:21Sfast 7f 104 9 10 103 V It Costellol2 lamf lag.-. T.leiuvn, Joa.piina 09058 Howie 7-8 l:2S-;;fast 11 105 9 9 6! 5" B Mcl.ane 9 Mizar. Zouave. . .1. Ciaigmile 68739 Jefferson lm70y l:47Sfast 10 105 8 5 2i 1 G Mein 13 Loveliness, Uaarite. Diana 08036 Jefferson 1 14 1 :54fast 15 101 4 7 SHIP5 B Harvey 12 Primo, Tex. Repeater 08617 Jefferaoa 1 1-16 ! :49*«ifast 8 104 2 9 72 C«J W Beid ;t Kirkgton, Bgoyne. I. Sinker 68176 Havana 51 f l:06S;fast 15 94 7 7 7 4-J W Milner 7 SmiBrae. Moun.Lis ie, leeoceaM TOM CASSIDY, b. g. 4 104 By Wrack— Sobriquet, ty Toddington. Trainer, C. Sanford. Owner, H. Acker. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 09157 Howie 1 1-16 l:51Vast 8-5 110 1 4 3s 3* E Smwod 7 Bonfire. Moody. Mizir 69134 Howie 1 1-S I Marat 33 109 7 3 21 2 G Babin 9 Day Lilly. Lucy Kate. Natural 09077 Howie lm70y l:51*islop 14 105 1 5 6» 5i G Mein 7 MainRoNell.. Satana. illHanaM 68657 Jefterson 1 3-16 2:01Sfast 8 107 M 2 41 3 W Reid 12 Bravo, Stanley. Buxom 68617 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:19fast 8 108 8 5 6 77i R Doyle 9 Kirkgton, Bgoyne, D Sinker WARLIKE, ch. g, ft 105 By Ivan the Terrible — Rebellion, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. Fennell. Owner, R. Cook. Breeder, H. P. Headley. 69154 Bowie 1 1 2 Z:4*%faot 19 Ml 2 2 f V* F Smith ft AttonieyMuir. Austral. I Baa 09134 Bowie 1 14 1 :".9"-5fast 21 Ml 6 7 61 8" F Smith 9 Day Lilly. Tom assidy. L.Kate 69092 Bowie 1 IS 2.02 slow 16 105 2 7 6 3J F Smith 8 St. Germain. Day Lilly. Wylie 09046 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52~T,fast 19 HO 3 4 31 3 G Babin 7 Moody. Service Star. Radical 8719 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:03ifast 12 115 I 8 D» 3" A Frieshonll Anlito, Old Chap. Harvest King 08592 Jffer.son 1 1-2 2:36Tifa3t 5 112 1 5 5* 5" J Chalmrs 7 At. Muir, FredKinney, FawlitH LA KR0SS. b. g, 7 105 By Martinet — Chemulpo, by Ben Strome. Trainer. R. L. Hanna. Owner, E. L. Graves. Breeder, Willianrs Eios. 06882 Howie 114 141 fast 7r" 99 11 12 8s 61 H Howanll3 Boara, L. Herbert, Tiie lockmer 66X61 Howie 1 1 M 1 :51*.-,fast 2 116 1 8 91 S" T Will.msir, Phalaris, Natural. Koyallieu i68 10 Howie 1 1-16 1 :52%faat 32 112 10 6 31 55i G Manganll l"ran ieiit. Betty J.. Bravo 66826 Bowie 1 3-16 2:07 fast 25 lit 4 6 3J 41 T Rice 10 DollyC, Bravo, Attorney Muir 06790 Marlboro 1 1-16 1 :.".7*fast 23-10 111 5 1 ll U F Moore 7 Bogart. Dottasltest. Burlingme 66763 Marlboro lm20y 1:54 fast 2 109 4 1 11 2J F Moore 7 Prospector, LeBleaet, Blingama 05599 X.Kton 114 141 fast 7-10 113 1 T Wliams I Pierrot, Short Stop. Ilovnir 65510 X.K ton 1 l:47Vifast 24 5 115 l- T Wliams 6 Wodan. Old Pop. Canny Lady PR. RAE. b. g, 7 107 By Sea King— Stake and Cap, by El.isdalu. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, B. E. Chapman. Breeder, W. Garth. 69151 Howe- 1 1-2 2:4ft%faat 2110 b2 4 3 3 ft»» G Mein ft Attorney Miiir, Warlike. Austral 9Mil Howie I J-M 2:o6 fast 11 110 8 8 8 7" M S.hwt/. I Bravo, Natural. Kttahe 08250 Jefferaoa i !-ll 242%faat 4 no I 7 7* 7» G Mein s J.Oeertea, LtWiae, Iiflifhiil 08072 ICrnds 1 14 l:7lr.hvy i 107 10 10 10 9«J G lOFitahe. Eatanolette, Ballotcar 0 7811 F.Grnds 1 1-2 2:4ft%avy 1S-5 103 2 2 1 G Mein 7 Bneville, Hwdlfiid, Am.Sdier 07415 rairO ds 1 I -16 2 . :. hvy 6 Ml 6 2 21 1 G M-in ft MiiRom- IL, HluBoy. Bli.-viUe 07367 Jefferson 1 1 4 2:0S«6fast 4 Uft 2 2 21 1 C Lang 6 MtainKoselL, Huonec, At. Muir ANNIVERSARY, b. g, 6 105 By Celt— Discipline, by Greenan. Trainer, R. McKeever. Owner, D. Barzilay. Breeder. J. N. Camion. 09108 Howie 1 1-16 1:52 fast M Ml 8 7 7 7 » R OoOteUe I O.Btlulay. I.ttahe. T.Clknider 67289 Jefferson 1 1-2 . :;6 „:ast 15 108 6 8 71 1*1 G Mein 111 Sagaink, I.dllerlHrt irass!re« 67223 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 ."•OV.slow 20 109 12 11 M" 1-" K ParrtonlJ Natural. Briti-.ii Liner, Amanda 66894 Jefferson I 1-16 l:47%faat 12 11110 8 61* 517 K Parr ton 12 MyAgnesS.. Serv. Star. "kronen 66652 Pimlico 1 12 2:36%faat 13f 110 0 M 61 ST M And sonl3 Freezy Sneeiy. On High, Huonet; 66024 Iimlico 1 1 8 1 :53Vast 19-if 108 6 12 ll1 ll» J Rowan IS FySneezy. May. House, N.Wale» 06526 Laurel 1 1-16 last 7 109 5 7 4«* 31 G Meiu 15 Kings Belle, Hickory, LadyZeue MYSTIC, ch. c, 4 100 By Magic II — Sobrane. by Polymelua. Bl Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. .9156 Bowie I 1-16 IsMMtut 5 100 5 7 7 * 7" G Mein 8 Wrangler. Lidslve. BlneBrush "9 69141 Bowie 1 1-8 1 :59%fast 12 112 3 6 6 6" J Zoeller 0 Moun.Hose II.. Kltahe. Ashland 68 69108 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52 fast 16 103 7 6 6« 4«J G Mein ■ O Pthday. Kit a he. T.Tkmder 64 •9062 Bowie lm70v 1 5 103 3 7 7 7" G M«in 7 Whoar s. Ashland. St.Goimain 64 69046 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52Vast 11-5 110 6 7 7 6,6t- Mein 7 Moody. Service St:ir. Warlike .4 66868 Bowie 11-16 1 :53V,fast 23-10 111 4 3 B» V G Mein 13 TtTkniili r, JnMorrill. Tlirilier 64 66854 Bowie 1 1-4 2:13%fast 7 Mi o 2 1« 1" II Shillickll Rouen, Betty J.. Dolly C. I 1 THE CLOCKMENDER. ch. g. 4 100 By Sea Kiag— Amphoraria. by Amphion. ; Trainer. C. F. Place. Owner, J. Nechamkin. Breeder. T. F. Ryan. *•- 69192 Bowie 1 I M 1 t1Tfl«|l 20 103 J 5 7 7 6-1 II Stutts 7 St. Germain. laCSJSSa. Zoiavo ■ • 69141 Bowie 1 1-8 1 :£.»sfast 13 112 4 6 3* :."J II ShiUick ■ MtainKosell.. Ettahe, LI LE 69108 Bowie 11-16 1:52 fast 8 103 5 3 3= K H Shilli. k lOn Birthday. Ettahe Mystic HM Bowie lm70y l:M%ftast 8 101 6 6 4; 432 H Shilli, k 7 WhoCaros. Ashland. St Ollllll 69 66882 Bowie 11-8 1:59 fast 7 98 6 5 5= 3 H Shil.ick IS Uonen. Lord Herbert. Pari i t 66868 Bowie 1 1-16 1 10 106 12 6 61 21 II Baullickll Mvstic. .lolm Motrin. Tlirilier 68 66847 Bowie 1 1-8 2:00Vifast 27f 98 3 3 3= 14 II Shillickll MnUosell.. DecKniate. At.Muir 68