Columbus Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-25


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; I I I I j 1 ! ! j ! j ; ; j I i i 1 i I ■ ■ Columbus Form Chart COLUMBUS. Ohio. Tuesday, April 24, 1923. -COne mile. Third day. Capital City Racing Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, F. W. :erhardy. Associate Judge. C. Stands. Starter, Marshall tassidy. Racing Secretaary. W. It. Norval. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:151. 69420 FIEST KACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Eljuiv. Odd-. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 66311 Zack Trrell 115 lJJ Conway SB-MI 66875 Invigorator 108 21 E Atkinson 2100-10O 69363 Consort 113 3« M Mountain 110 -100 69300 Panjandrum 108 4 R Holloway MB Ml 68454 -.Nav.s. .. 113 P.up.W Hughes 370-100 68336 Troubhr 115 P.up.A Ammann BB-Bt mutuels paid, Zack Terrell, 0.60 straight. .00 place. 40 show Ic.vigorator, 4.80 place, .20 show: Consort, . M show. Equivalent booking odds Zack Terrell, 430 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Invigo-rator. 640 to 100 place, 160 to 100 show; Consort, 40 to 100 show. Time, 1:18%. Track fast. Winner — J. R. Alexanders br. g. 4. by Zeus— Henotic, by Heno trained by M. Dieurl"; bred by Mr. John Alexander. Went o post at 2:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Troubler. Won easily: second and third driving. 69 421 SEC0ND RACE— 5-3 Mile. Purse S5C0. " 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Bjatr. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C9361 -Kinsman 114 B W Dunkson 1 B 1 B 66785 *Be Tr man 108 2J G Dy.son SB-MI 69361 Flyg Boat 112 B* M Mountain MM-MI 66793 Nowata 114 *| H Molters MM-MI 69361 Susiana 107 51 T Burns 570-10 69361 Runleigh 116 6 C Eames S!D-1 « 69010 Josie M. 110 7s R Bolton 519: 0 66010 Paula 113 8 J C nvay MM 1M mutuels paid. Kin-man. .60 -trtiglc. 7 » place, .00 show; Be Trucman. .00 plat*, M show; Flying Boat. .21 show Equivalent .looking odds Kinsman. 130 to 100 ■tiaigkt, 35 to 100 place, M to 10O sho : Be Truemari. 50 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Flying Boat, 2J0 to 100 show Time. 1:03%. Track fast. Winner H. Herrons b. c. 3. %f Prince BcnaB — Little J-i ne, by Cannpns 1 trained by H. Herroti; bred by Mr. Ceovge L. Blackford. Went to post at 2:37. At post 2 minites. H* «Tt good anil slow. Won driving; second and i....d the same. Scratched— 6s9sO?Lawn Mower. 109. . gQ "«,, 422 TO11111 EACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim-I ing. Net value to winter 75; second. 5; third, 0. L|U;v. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 1 66530 Dancer 115 1«| S Atkinson ::4H-!00 68790 Dainty Lady 111 2 V Horn MM-MI 169011 M.tehiavelli 113 V J Bobbins :.4-10 69363-Arrah Go On 111 4 G Dyson OB-MI I 68863 Brookfiel.l. 1C9 K| T Bor.iiam MM-MI 693653C.ypsy Bl.iir 1 V. 6i C V M.ihotiey MM Ml 68920 Gaaiatoaaa 109 7: .1 .1 Walak MM-MI 65743 Connecticut 111 S I Cira-TDii 4sT.i-i. 69082 Kling 114 : II Batten DM-MI mutiiels paid. Dancer, MJ.BJ straight. J. 4 .00 place. MJ.MJ sl.ow; Dainty I-ady, 4.00 place, .20 show; Machiavclli. 00 show. Kpiivaicf.t booking odds Dan-er. 310 to 100 -triight. 130 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Dainty lady, 600 to KM pi:. , 210 to 100 show; Machia- ralU, 100 to 100 show. Time. 1:10%. Track fast. Winner Missouri Stables b. g. 10, by Isidor— Damseara. by t lifford trained by O. Johnson; bred by Mr. John San ford. Went to post at 3:07. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second aad third driving. Continued uu twelfth page. COLUMBUS FORM CHART Continued from third page. Scratched 08404 -Spring Vale. 107: 60401 IVan-s.vlvia, 109; 09283 Sandy II.. 119; 08958 Ruggles. US. 69423 FOtfTH RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wiacer 75; second, 5; third, 0. Krpiiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69399 3* Miss Em M 1" I. Partgton :UO-100 C89203*Ray Atkin 112 ? F Horn 1940-100 65614 Neenah 115 35 E Atkinson 193-100 69401 Billy Connor 117 4 M Mountain .680-100 68335 K. Chatham 117 I* W Hughes nwVM 67220 Jake Sehas 117 fink h Chappell fi:O-100 09401 Job Thayer 117 7s J Allen ?791-100 68863 -*r.ri.lgette 108 S= T Honham 1D2O-I0O 69363 Not Yet 115 9 H Molters 179.1-100 . muf.iels paid. Miss Em, .L0 straight. .00 place. .20 show: Bay Atkin, 5.40 place, .0 J shiw: Neenah. . ID show. Equivalent ! ooking odds -Miss Em. 310 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Kay Atkin, 070 to 100 place, 300 to 100 show; Neenah, 00 to 100 show. Time. 1:25*4. Track fast. Winner— C. . Wrights b. f. 3. I y King florin— Miss McNeill, by Assagai trained by C. It. An-deison; bred by Messrs. Speith, Phelps and Jackson. Went to post at 3:38. At pest 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tin! same. Scratched— 09401 -Lura. 110; MM* Primitive. 115; 09304 Ferrum. 115; 69400 Little Niece. 115. RQ424 FTH RACE — 1 Mile. Doersam Res-" taurant Purse. Purse 00. 3-year- olds a-d upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 5. Kniiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69402 Uack F man 105 1J J Majestic TJi lo 68739 ; Loveliness 103 25 T Burns lJM-IOO 66114Friz 105 3* J Conway 13 HMO 69362 -Mui ray 107 4i ■ Atkinson 210 100 69362 Drc.bfounder 105 o1 J Bryne 11 IX 69403,Tamper 110 61 R Bolton M Ml 69362 Magician 112 71 T Wayt IB-MI 69139 North Wales 105 8* R Holioway 2".!-li0 68783 Ballotcar 111 9 W Dankinson 7720-100 1 nmtucls paid. Jack Fairman. 0. It straight. place. .00 show; liveliness, 2.40 place. .00 show: Friz, .00 show. Kquivaent booking odds Jack Fairman. 720 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show: Loveliness. 520 to 100 place, 280 to 100 show; kriz. 250 to 100 show. Time. 1:43%. Track fast. Winner - S. N. Holmaus b. c. 4. by Ihrta Santa — Bettie ODay. by Peep oDay trained by C. D. Frakes; bred hy Mr. tiarrett Watts. Went to |ost at 4:07. At post 2 minutes. Start gooi and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 9403KoyaI Dick. 105: 09403 Verdi Lata, 103; C940.VStevenson, 105; 08742 tirace Daugherty. 103. 69425 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. w u Perse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Clavniini*. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. EVpiiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. NtNt rm nia ■win i« n Hoiioway mmm i 69363 viva "uba lftti V ■ Demayo SOO-100 68652 Lord Herbert 112 3* M Mountain 2100-1W 69364- •Old Chap IB 4 J Byrne :UO-100 M1WIiri m HO 5"» c Wmmm 740-100 69401 -Mallowmot 118 6* T Burns ".40-100 69157 Mark W«t 108 7» i Dyson 5M0-100 08799 Dairyman ill 8 W Hugh.-s GCO-100 69362 Ace 111 I.up.R McCrann 410-1X miitUls paid. The Foreigner. 3.80 straight. .00 place, 54.80 show; Viva Cuba, place, .20 show: Lord Heibert. slow. Equivalent booking odds The Foreigner. BM to 100 straight. :!00 1. 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Viva Cuba. 230 to 10O place. 110 to lOo show; Ixjrd Heibert, 240 to UK show. Time. 1:50%. Track fast. Winner- W. E. Hunters br. h. 5. by Star Shoot — Pedigree, by Ogdcn 1 trained by E. S. Wallace; hied by Mr. John E. Madden I Went to post at 4 :3S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 09404 Search Eight III., 10.8. 69426 SEVENTH KACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second, 5; third. 0. Ejuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 66393 J Hoffman 117 11 K Atkinson 140-100 68885* Flying Orb lJ8 2 Ci Sutton 1230 100 68885 • Ruth Wehle 106 SJF Horn 1310-100 69360 Zoona 110 4» C Eamea PfiO-100 68697 Plain Bill 110 5« J Byrne 500 -1C0 68905 Rosie H. 100 6« I. Partington 1780-10 69304 Orandee 113 7* R Holioway 2020-100 67242Dioeletian 108 8» T Bonham 1540-1"C 66051 Baby Evelyn 111 9 A Kroger CUO-IO miltuels paid, Joyce Hoffman. .80 straight, .20 place. .40 show;- Flying Orb, .40 place. 20 show: Ruth Wehle, So. 01 show. Equivalent booking odds Joyce Hoffman. 140 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Flying Orb 320 to 100 place, 210 to 100 show; Ituth Wehle, 150 to 100 show. Time, 1:03%. Track fast. Winner Missouri Stables ell. f. 4. by Prince Hermis- Mary Cenevieve, by Dick Welles 1 trained by O. Johnson; bred by Mr. Ceorse E. Blackford. Went to post at 5:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 09402 Pat Hampson. 108: 09307 Huron II.. 113; 00087 Cousin o Mine. 113; 09403 Crest, 123.

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