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! 1 I I l • , I . I . t 1 1 8 . — . w DRY TOASTS FINE VICTORY r LONDON. England. April 25— R. B. Davi-I . sons Dry Toast, a four-year-old son of Cicero , and Dinner, beat Anthony le Rothschilds ? Roman Fiddle by a neck in a hard drive in ! the City and Suburban Handicap at Epsom , this afternoon. Mrs. a. Bendir*a Coodorer . was third. Dry Toast tallied 110 pounds, 1 while Koman Fiddle had up 116 and Condover . 115. At the end of the mile and a quarter Townsend was riding the winner hard to , win by a neck. Koman Piddle held Condover safe for second place by a length, J. P. Hornungs tnpyright was the favor-. ite at 7 to 2. but failed to fin [h in the B money. Dry Toast was at 20 to 1. Roman j Kiddle at 10 to 1 and Condover at 100 to 14. i, Following is a summary of the race: U. It. DaiM— *l Pry To.ixt. eh. e. 4. by Cicero — Dinner. 110 pounds iTownsend ; "JO to 1 1 * A. J* llothschilds BMM Kiddle, ell. |i. ."». by Valens Catgut. Uti pounds Cliildsl; 10 to 1. 2 , Mrs. A. ltoudira Condover. h. c. 4. by Uadium — I Mooufleet, 110 oounds lWasley; 100 to 14.. S g