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Latest Workouts 423 LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 18. Todays workouts here Included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eirhths Mile. 413- Bni OFlynn ..35 421-Nogales 35 419- Dcvil Ghl .....36 412-0 verfire 3G 418- Flllbnster 35 413-Peter Maloncy.30 421-HonorMaa 36 419-San Vicente ...30 420- Mason Towla ..35 419-Tokihime 36 414- Mctaon 33 Half Kile. 421- Alchemy 47 419-Flower Shop ..48 414-Bobs Folly ...49 410-Longboat 49 414-Com. Amour ..49 408-Shlndy ,..48 421-Dobsoa 48 417-W. Knows Me.. 50 Five -Eighths Kile. 383-Bobs Mary ..1:02 407-rest .... 1:02 408- Centimeter ..1:03 417-Silvergrift ..1:02 411-Deflant 1:02 391-Schottische ..1:02 419- KriBlina 1:01 249-Tom Telia ..1:04 410- MIss Mazie ..1:02 162-Tambon 1:02 411- Modna 1:01 400-Wcstwood ...1:04 409- Permarco ...1:03 399-Worthmore ..1:03 389-Post Dispatchl:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 414- B. and Shoesl:15 420-Mill Boy 1:16 420- Cyprienne ...1:17 418-Miss Muffins.l:18 421- De Luxe 1:10 414-Moorfield ...1:16 420-Dudley 1:16 410-Medina 1:17 417-Easter Bells. 1:16 420-Miss Frtune.l:17 420- Energy 1:15 419-Omnipotcnt ..1:15 421- EI Astro 1:14 409-Polite 1:16 421-Four-o-FiTe .1:15 418-Pearl Mesta..l:16 416- Qent. Julia .1:16 418-Pegasus 1:18 420- Hitrump 1:17 418-P. G. Brown .1:15 407- Indian Trail.l:15 420-Qutvero .1:18 421- lsaman 1:15 416-Quinine 1:17 415- J. Q. Kelly ..1:16 410-Saraband 1:17 Lady Fox ...1:13 Sun Spot ...1:10 420- Lugs 1:15 417-Whiskaway ..1:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. 403-Chaplet 1:32 One Milo. 415-Alex Jr 1:47 419-Noonhour ...1:48 421- Amanda 1:44 422-Kadio 1:43 413-Duaty Mary .1:47 422-Simpleton ...1:43 422- Giblon 1:45 421-Stagc Coach.. 1:44 417- Great Luck .1:43 Mile and a Quarter. 418- Lieut. Colonel2:15 421 -Wild Ufe ..2:C9 Alchemy did a high speed gallop impressively. Lady Fox worked extra well. Whiskaway galloped kindly from the barrier. YONKERS, N. Y.. Oct. 18. Todays train-ing gallops at Empire City included the following : EMPIRE CITY. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 397-Blackwand 40 410-Feysun 39 419- Buster Keaton.40 415-Randolpu 37 Half Mile. 420- AHeden 52 370-High Priestess.50 408- Anniversary ...51 417-Lady Jtosa ...49 420- BIack Knight .53 417-L. ItOYeille ...49 409- By Play .. 53 359-Noon Fire ....50 338-Confetti 50 420-Pikros 52 335-Cave "Woman ..50 412-Roseate II. ...55 409-Caligula 50 3G3-IUngtalo 52 412- Curtis 49 710-Salmon 49 417- Daydue 48 417-The Almoner .48 413- D.s Daughter .52 4 14 -Tease 52 413- Good Time 54 352-Variation 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 402-Achievable ..1:05 416-Jolly 1:09 421- A11 Americanl:04 414-Janet Blair .1:06 420-B. Buchanan.l:07 414-Lady Bijur .1:04 415-Gene Austin. 1:02 422-Overtake ...1:02 40S-Goldmark ...1:05 421-Shamrock ...1:01 420- H.T.Waters .1:02 420-Ticklish 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 389-Passport ...1:18 422-Skirmisher ..1:18 80-S. GalahadII.l:17 417-Trite 1:17 One Mile. 415- Cork Elm ...1:50 Daydue showed good speed. Overtake was not extended. Lady Hose was in hand. H. T. Waters and Gene Austin worked on i even terms. Noonfire, Cave Woman and "Variation galloped together. Lady Bijur was under restraint. The Almoner worked from the barrier. LAUREL, Md., Oct 18. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL. Weather clear ; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 3G6-By Jiminy ....33 Mensis 35 421- Carlton 37 418-Opperman 39 421-Frumpery 37 417-Roinan Girl ..39 420- Flying Fur ...37 417-Iloman Girl ...39 414- Joseph Brant .36 397-Sea Tag 3S 397-Lady Zeus 38 41 7-Spot Cash 36 227-Majority 36 400-Trcvelyan 39 416- Memento 37 Half Mile. Ajax ..........51 403-Mustard Seed 51 418- BeIle K 50 414-Keparation 51 405-Dimmesdale ...49 403-KaffIes 51 402-Honorable 52 421-Silk Tassel ...49 408-Heeltap3 55 398-Treviscot 51 416-Johnny Overton50 359-Thorny Way ...55 Five-Eighths Mile. 421 - Mercury 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile 420- Cote dOr ...1:1S 420-Mock Orange 1:19 421- Duc dc Mornyl:18 421-Night Eaider 1:17 367-Eval. Sawyerl:17 409-Shuf. Along 1:20 410-F. Monroe ..1:19 420-Scotch Brooml:19 418-Gen. Thatcherl:22 372-The KoU CaU 1;16 338-May Buddy ..1:18 Seven -Eighths Mile. 414- Moonstar 1:34 One Mile. 410-Batonnier ...1:44- 421-L. BtimoreII.l:48 415- Clean Gone .1:45 413-Maximac 1:43 421-DunIin 1:48 417-N. Hampshirel:45 402- DoubIe Tip .1:44 420-0. Birthday.. 1:46 420-Fcylance ....1:45 107-Toodles 1:47 403- IIarmonious .1:46 408-Transmute ..1:45 420-KIondyke ...1:45 417-Turnberry ...1:41 Mile and an Eighth. 401-Fr. Sneezy...l:59 Mile and a Quarter. Not Much .42:12 Turnberry and Batonnier ran well together. Maximac galloped handily. New Hampshire and Feylance ran well toother. Transmute and Klondyke worked together, Mensis showed speed. Spotcash was hard held. Lord Baltimore II. and Dunlin were hard held ; . I