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Master docker s Weekly 25 Cents at All Newsstands Everywhere Keir Issue For Sale Now. For Sale In New York City About Friday Afternoon. A TREMEMDOUS SUCCESS Thats all yon can bear them shout. Letters from everywhere are POURING IN every day PROCLAIMING THE MASTER CLOCKERS INFORMATION THE GREATEST ever offered to the public. And NO WONDER! Here Is the Reason: LAST WEEKS WINNERS WINNERS WEEK BEFORE Normal 2.60- Won longboat S28.50- Won Whetstone 9.10- Won Fancy Free 7.90- Won Colonel Gilmore $ 7.30-S2 Won Isosceles S30.30- Won Chilhowee $ 7.70- Won WongBok 5.80- Won Donges $ 6.10- Won Tony Beau 1.80- Won Sympathy 1.80 Won Thimble 2.80- Won Lady Boss 0.70- Won Strut Miss Lizzie. . . .9.50- Won Shuffle Along $ 4.30- Won Pindar Peel $ 7.70- Won Metric ? 5.10- Won Heeltaps 3.10- Won Homestretch 15-1 Won Childs Play 3.90- Won Colored Boy 8.40- Won Baffling .70- Won Soggarth Aroon 0.30- Won Transom .70 Won I Ask You! I Ask You! Is it any -wonder that EVERYWERE they are JUST FRANTIC to ret a COPT of the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER? If you want a COPT of THIS WEEKS you had better hustle right now to yonr newsdealer, or elso get SHUT OUT. EUSH EIGHT NOW AND GET THE WEEKLY "MASTER CLOCKEK." For salo at your newsdealers, and remember: 00 SPECIAL-FREE! NEXT FRIDAY! to all that send in S2 for 3 months subscription to the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER. Present subscribers may send in additional subscriptions, which will bo credited after their present subscription expires. Address MASTER CLOCKER, SUITE 310, 333 SOUTH DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILI. LOOK! LOOK! " Wednesdays Advertised "Grand Colt" Was WHETSTONE 9.10- WON Thursdays Advertised "Smart Filly" Was BREAKFAST BELL 8.40- WON Both were fjiven on the MASTER CLOCKERS DAILY LETTER. , FOR SALE AT NEWSSTANDS, . BE SURE AND GET TODAYS SPECIAL FREE TODAY WITH DAILY LETTER JACK LYONS ROOM 1009 1819 Broadway NEW YORK CITY All horses filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. Smart Money Horses To know when the smart money is wagered is what brings winning results. Fridays Money Horse: MISS MEISE .80- Won Thursdays Money Horse: COLORED BOY . 8.40- Won Wednesdays Money Horse: ERLANGEB 4.40- Won Tuesdays Money Horse: DARE SAY ?13.30- Won Mondays Money Horse: PROGRAM .10- Won Saturdays Money Horse Lost. Fridays Money Horse: MAKKILUNA 6.00- 2nd Thursdays Money Horse: TULALIP .80- Won Wednesdays Money Horse: TEN SIXTY ..2.30- Won Tuesdays Money Horse: RIGHT ON TIME .20- 2nd Mondays Jloney Horse: PEGASUS 0.90- Won OHE A SAY AND LIVE FOREVER. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS 0 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY. I Advise a Weekly Subscription Wire Your Order via Western Union. THURSDAYS Advertised Special Won MAKING THREE STRAIGHT WINNERS NEXT BIG PROPOSITION MONDAY Also when winter comes, Tijuana. Win lame at once. joe Mccarty Saratoga Sjpjings, ,N. Y. . Jack Howard The Original "Sandy" Jack Howard. Room 056, Gibson Hotel, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Another Long Shot Goes for the Money TODAY-SATURDAY I cant tell you the inside details of what I know about this" "transaction, but advise you not to miss it, as I have seen this horse all but fly. It seems as good as anything I ever handled. Thats saying a lot TERMS: 0.00 FOR ONE WINNER 0.00 FOR THREE WINNERS Remember, each horse covered by this ad. must win or you get another winner free. I will go further than that on Saturdays proposition. Wire twenty dollars for three winners. If for any reason Saturdays horse falls to get home in front I will give you my wires all next week without f nrtbtr payment. I am on the ground and know when they are right. OH, BOYS ! OH, BOYS ! This system is still picking tha lone shots. MAXIMAC, 5.40-52; CRAYON, 2.10-52; HONORABLE, 1.40-52; LEATHERWOOD. S20.00-S2-BRIGANNA, 5.40-; GLOOM, 6.00-52; CALE. DON, 44.65-; BATTER UP, 6.70-; DR. HICKMAN, 5.80-; DRUMBEAT, 15-1; M ASCI UE RAD O, 10-1; HIGH CHIEF, 8-1; THE POET, 8-1; LADY ASTOR, 5.40-f2, and a largo number of others. SYSTEM No. 2 THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM only had 4 losers in the last meetings at Jamaica and- Thorncliffe combined. Best Bet only, had 2 losers ia 20 days. The first 15 days at Latonia, and the first 13 days at Laurel, same system only had 14 losers out of 83 bets. The best bet only had 2 losers in 28 days. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. After you get these systems, then look them up and if they havent done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. PRICE IN EULL FOR BOTH ONLY .00. J. H. CROSMAN 654 S. 5th STREET :: :: LOUISVILLE, KY. Pay From Your Profits . The Master Key System of playing the races B will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the $.1 scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mall this ad, with your name and address, to J. K. WILLIS 948 Windsor St. Cincinnati, O. WHAT DO CLIENTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPERSAFE O FOURPLAN METHOD ! Wot merely ONE system or method, but a set of FOUR system. You play only one system at a time the right system at the right time. You need only nominal capital to start. I wire you the system play every night for the next days races. . j Ill let my clients write most of this ad. What they say Is of vital Importance, because they KNOW the results. Following are excerpts from UNSOLICITED letters written by my clients. Originals of .these letters, with envelopes attached, are on file in my office. .They were shown to this PUBLICATION before this ad was inserted. MANY OTHER LETTERS, equally enthusiastic, can- be seen at my office any day by anyone interested. FROM LETTER NO. 1 THIS CLIENT ALMOST BROKE HIS BOOKIE "I wired you 0, -which, according to my figures, is commission due on first two days play of your system. The success thus far is far beyond expectations and anything that I ever dreamed of. X was unable to collect until this morning, as my book was caught short." FROM LETTER NO. 2 THIS CLIENT GOT THE THRILL OF HIS LIFE "I find it almost impossible to tell you that you gave me the greatest surprise and biggest thrill of my life when Larchmont won "Wednesday. The magnificent price of 5.80 was almost unbelievable." FROM LETTER NO 3 "On the 20th I wired you 8. I won 60. If this is not correct let me know and I will rectify it." Note It was not correct; but clients error was unintentional. FROM LETTER NO. 4 "Am enclosing 0 to cover commission due on your system. Am satisfied that you have the right stuff." FROM LETTER NO 5 HES NOW PLAYING WITH THE BOOKS MONEY "Find enclosed money order for 0 and statement for five days. I won 49.80 in five days. I waa a little afraid at first that my capital was too small, but can play with the bookies money." FROM LETTER NO G "Well pleased with your information. The bookmakers aro beginning to wonder where I am getting my information." FROM LETTER NO. 7 "Am enclosing check for 0 commission. This has given me and new start. Trusting that you may continue your phenomenal success, I remain." " Clients pay a commission of 0 out of each ?60 net profit made on the smallest scale of play, after deducting cost of wires. The daily play of the Supersafe Fourplan Method, just as wired to clients, is filed with this paper every day. : - I suggest that you write at once for details regarding the Supersafe Method. . Post cards not answered. But it will cost you duly two cents to learn why my clients are writing and wiring congratulations. GEORGE E. STEWART 323 REAPER BLOCK CHICACO, ILL. THE MIRACLE SYSTEM"pr , , Fully Copyrighted and Protected. fCK Jft THE SPIRIT OF THE "SLUGGER" Wk QandZmX FACT TALK NO. 1306 felandk riujapBa The world mores steadily on, forward and upward with the gajm I spirit of the "plugger." Only one in a million is endowed with 1 ,""J the gift of genius or is moved by inspiration. The majority who attain SUCCESS are those endowed with ambiticn who .Figures "When ever stand -willing to acquire KNOWLEDGE! and SKILL as A System That Properly taught by the experienced and matured. The remainder are Exceeds All Applied spectators, most likely criticizing thoso who aro acquiring That You Dont Lie knowledge and love the task in hand. Hope For The genius may furnish the idea the spectators may prod, - but the "pluggers" keep the world in balance, moving .forward. -The. Miracle System equips YOU with the Turf Investors most valuable asset the ability to do things in the right way. Leave the crowd. Make a start. Begin to climb. . Write today for complete prospectus of the Miracle System. Our Crystallized Racing Manual, containing 73 pages of the most enlightening and valuable turf data ever published, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, result charts, the 21 famous Walter Success Maxims, and a review of the best known Systems published will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. For once -you receive something worth while. Postals are ignored. All inquiries treated in absolute and Implicit confidence. i j M. P. WALTER and CO. 1 tt TJ. S. q A. a FVrTAyn ENGLAND CUBA Where Your Dollar Proves a Real Friend MEXICO CANADA , S. e. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mgr. AUSTRALIA I I Private Lock Box 40F : t Towson, Md. 1 " HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-8 NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transactipn,, TODAY No "Harvey transaction" this year, appeared as sure winner as todays. The Odds should well compensate you and warrant a heavy investment. Terms: 00 Payable Strictly in Advance by Telegraph or In Person; WARNING. I- ave no agents or; repre-sentatiTesanyWhcre. Deal directly with this office and afold being imposed upon. TELEPHONE .CIRCLE; 5790 "Long Shot" Brady Dally; 0 "Weekly One Horse "Wire. ONE HOUSE WIRE. .00 DAILY; 0.00 "WEEKLY I am the "Long Shot King." Clean up today. Again yesterdays Special won: KAY JIt. 4.60- "WON Latonia is my winning ground. The meeting is drawing to a close and I will startle everyone with my "long shots" day after day. ONLY ONE HOUSE advised each day. I will confine my operations to Latonia during this meeting. Thursdays "Winner: PLUS ULTRA $ 6.S0-S2 "WON Wednesdays Winner : BEAU NASH 1.70-52 WON Tuesdays Winner: i UNTRIED 5.00- WON Mondays Winner : MARINE CORPS 7.C0- WON Rush a weekly subscription for the coming week. Six days, 0.00. Soft spots expected. TERMS: .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY Wiro money Western Union or Postal. Nothing sent open. Enclose correct street address. " . . Long Shots a Specialty. Mr. BRADY 23 Dnane Street, third floor," New. York City FANTOCHE 7.40- AVON "Never better than riht now. Look for a- bis-clean -up next time seen with th3 colors up." This is a sample of what you get in tin" STANDARD. Why not get the best; all it costs is 35 cents at all newsstands. Hailed direct 3 copies SI. GET new book: ON SALE NOW. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Harch-Apple-12-18-27-73. STANDARD TURF-GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, HI. WON AGAIN FRIDAY. " SCOTCH BROOM .80-52 WON Thursday COLANDO .50-S2 WON Tuesday CAMOUFLAGE 4.50-?2 WON Two more specially prepared coups one today, another Tuesday. Reliable people -who can handle 2 or 3 plays weekly. Dont hositate. Rush your name and address. TERMS, WINNINGS OF 0. Ji F. "LUOKY" BALDWIN" 1303 Lexington Avenue S New York -City Phone Lcncx 6110 ..