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PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY Jockey Club Sends for My Own Wnen Fears Are Entertained as to Fitness of Zev. NEW YORK, N. T., Oct 19. There, was a suspicion that all was not -well with Zev during Thursday afternoon and Harry F. Sinclair, his owner, informed the Jockey Club committee. It was then that Admiral Grayson was instructed to ship My Own, so that he could be on hand to take his role of j defender in the event that ev was unable to keep the engagement with Papyrus. The committee provided a special train to bring the Grayson colt over. This train was switched over to the Pennsylvania tracks at Baltimore and from New York continued by the Long Island Railroad without any change to Belmont Park. In the meantime there was no end of speculation down at Belmont Park, where there was a considerable gathering of horsemen in the early morning hours. The Jockey Club committee, with the exception of Walter S. "Vcsburgh, visited the Sinclair stable and had a look at Zev, which had broken out with some slight swelling that were the result of some digestive trouble. Hildreth said that these swellings all went away after; a work and he did not consider them in any sense serious. Later Zev was brought out and in company with Rigel he was sent along for a half mile in 47. He accomplished this easily enough and when he was returned to the stable the committee again had a look at him, after he had been cooled out. T3arlier Papyrus, accompanied by Bar Gold, had. been indulged in an easy canter, but he was not asked to show any speed. -He still looked the picture of robust health and he Is? evidently in prime condition for his mile and a half journey tomorrow.