untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-19


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116 Nassau St., New York City. Room 401 UNITED TURF NEWS Scmi-wookly. Price .00 pries .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale leading out-of-town newsstands. Mailed anywhers .00 monthly. New issue out today Saturday. CODE SPECIAL TODAY: 12-17-14-31-Winner YESTERDAYS CODE SPECIAL WITHDRAWN Daily Occasional .00 Dally 0.00 Weekly Out-of-town clients -wiro ?20.00 weekly, .00 daily. Use Western Union or Postal. DERONDA 8-1 WON was yesterdays Code Special. If you want the BEST get NEW BOOK on silo now, containing code good for all next week. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct. 3 copies for .03. Terms for our DAILY ONE HORSE WIRE: .CO FOR 6 DAYS. Todays Code 8pecial No. 910. Book 871. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, I1L t CAltS CIIIKl OHSKHVKR 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FREE CODE: Fair Grounds Wyoming-White-RIver-Scd THE Monthly Racing Form containing charts o all races run on recognized tracks in North America during tlio month of DECEMBER. NOW ON SALE PRICE, .00. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-150 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305-207 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. . j I i Terms: 0 One Winner 0 Seven Winners M. CAMPBELL Schuyler Arms Hotel, 98th St. and Riverside Drive, New York City. Absolutely One Horse a Day Yesterdays Absolutely One Horse : POPPYE 9 to 2 WON Todays Absolutely One Horse Must Win Or You Receive Next Three Winners Free Thursdays Absolutely One Horse: DUCKY 8 to 1 WON Wednesdays Absolutely One Horse : DUSTABOUT 7 to 1 WON IT AVOri.D TAKE A FVTA. PAG 13 TO WRITE AVIIAT I KXOAV ABOUT TODAYS OXE HOUSE. I am advising a "far as you like" play today and all M. Campbells clients that took advantage of past advertisements should be in front far enough after beating: three in a row. So take my advice and make it a "far as you like" play. TELEGRAPH 0.00 ONE WINNER, 0.00 SEVEN WINNERS ! I . I 1 I i j ! I SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS pfT$ CLEANED UP AGAIN $ Yesterdays ?2 OCCASIONAL: CENTIMETER 7-5 W0NI "CHIEF CLOCKERS" advice -was "PLUNGE, WIN j I ONLY" as he KNEW all about this one. "CHIEF CLOCKER" followers getting: "RICHER ; : AND RICHER" day after day as the "CHIEF" I is now BACK ON HIS WINNING- STRIDE. lWhy Lose Your Good Money j j when YOU can become a "GOOD WINNER" fol- i j lowing: "CHIEF CLOCKER" every day. i ! -Y0UVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE "BEST" NO SURPRISE if the "CHIEF CLOCKER" gave W2Q "STRAIGHT WINNERS" because the "CHIEF" is at the track getting the BEST of "INFO." : Thousands Are $ Big Winners $ following "CHIEF CLOCKER" day by day. IF . YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THESE "BIG WINNERS" I j you still have time to bo one by starting TODAY 1 and be sure YOU follow "CHIEF CLOCKER" every ; day. i -30 YOU WAXT TO BEAT A 10-1 SHOT "TODAY"! Hero is your chance to "CLEAN UP" today as t very few know anything of this "GOOD THING" t?day. Thats why this one should pay 10-1 or better. "OCCASIONAL" "FIIEE" This one also expected to pay "SMASHING BIG PRICE" so "CHIEF" is giving this OCCASIONAL "FREE" today with the ?2 OCCASIONAL copy.. S-SPEXl S2 TODAY AND SCLEAX UPS IF you let this get away from you today "YOU NEVER WILL FORGIVE YOURSELF." RUSH to your newsdealer before he SELLS OUT and get ; "CHIEF CLOCKER" OCCASIONAL copy. ?5 , copy gees with it today "FREE." j j "CHIEF CLOCKER" sold everywhere RACING i j FORM scld. HARVEY AMES EAllI.E 11UII.DING Broadway at .121 Street Boom 407-S NEAV YOltK CITY "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Telegrams received from various parts of the country contained practically the same message. "Make It Four Straight" Needless to say this office voices the sentiment and is straining every endeavor to record another winner today. One Hundred Dollars Payable strictly in advance, by telegraph or in person. p. S. I have no agents or representatives anywhere. To receive the authentic information I strongly advise dealing directly with this office to avoid unnecessary regrets. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 I ABSOLUTELY FREE SPECIAL Just to prove we are "right." Goes when conditions warrant. Sent by mail if you send stamped envelope or by wire if you send .0O. Forwarded from our Western office. Address: "SERVICE" BOX 2G1 SPRINGFIELD, ILL. i $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ Tlio SUKAC1.K SYSTEM is nnliunnlly known $ $ as "ensy for player liartl for layer." Solil on $ $ installment ; payments paid from your profits. $ 5 Absolutely FREE 73 -page manual and review. ? $ Investigate today ami make your buuklc obey. $ J 1ubllc relations nianaccr 5 $ S. E. ARTHUR $ $ liox 49, It. 1 Tonson. Mil. $ ?555051493955 j I ; I : j j i j i ! : . I j 1 ; i t ; , j j i j ESTABLISHED 1905 New York Turf Exchange 1416 BROADWAY NEAV YORK CITY SUITE C02-10 Yesterday All Clients Received: CENTIMETER 7-5 WON AVe will operate today with a live wire who assures us that everything is O. K. This event lias been pending for some time and the right spot has ueen made for today after a few postponements in order to make no mistakes. Wire us 0.00 for one weeks service or .00 for one day. Our 00.00 Saturday special goes today and .we received word to-! night to go the limit. TERMS 00.00 IN ADVANCE AND NO PROPOSITIONS CONSIDERED As there were a few of our clients last Saturday who did not send their correct ad-; dress upon subscribing to our 00.00 Saturday special we wish to state that same will be returned or Saturdays 00 special sent instead. Kindly notify this office at once of your correct address. Our List of llccent Winners: BOLSTER 312-1 Won WAPITI- 6-1 Won BENCH MANAGER.... 8-1 Won MARY DEAR 5-1 Won WAPITI 6-1 Won GOOD TIME 10-1 Won IDLE THOUGHTS ...18-5 Won FROSTY BOY 30-1 Won TAMB0N 4-1 Won LUCIDUS 15-1 Won Wire 0.00 today for one weeks service, or .00 for one day to above address. "ANONYMOUS" Secret Information ONE HORSE DAILY A Sensational Record: Yesterday I Wired My Clients DEROXDA S-l WO Thursday I Wired My Clients DUCKY S-l WO" Wednesday I Wired Hy Clients DUSTABOUT 7-1 WOX Tuesday I Wired My Clients PAUL 3IICOU S-l WON" Monday I Wired My Clients DAYDUE 7-1 WON My information is causing a sensation among the layers, Subscriptions are pouring in and I may be fcrcsd to limit my subscription list to 530. "FOLLOW A HORSEMAN One that is well connected, although unable to use my name for reasons best known to myself. NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE than through my New York Office. Expect better than 8-1 today and an almost certain winner. Also have word that throe extra good things are waiting to bo sent over this coming week. Terms: .00 daily; 0.00 weekly. Tso W. TT. Money Order and send all communications to my New York Representative, A. SHILLING 597 Gates Avenue Brooklyn, N". Y. IF YOU WERE OFFERED an opportunity to invest one or two thousand dollars with the assurance of making at least tan times this amount with all risk practically eliminated WOULD YOU agree to give ms half of your profits! This proposition can withstand thp most rigid investigation. The details will convince any practical business .man. Private interview arranged with responsible parties only. Application must stats amount willing tD invest as well as references. No time can bo lest. Write or wire at once. Communications held in strictest confidence. E. B. Care of Western Union BHOADWAY AND 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of plnying the race will lie mailed you for one uppUs trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale or iIay. TOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your name nml address, to J. K. WILLIS 203 Third St. Miami Beach, Ela.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924011901/drf1924011901_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924011901_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800