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Entries and Past Performances FAIR GROUNDS - SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK GOOD. 72724 Sweepstakes 106 1:12 4 111.. 730 The figures trader the heading "Hoc." in 76812s John Finn 105 1:12 5 104 X 730 the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1,- t-it.-do-.-i .Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 1921, r.o matter where it finished. In case Rex. Handicap. where record was made on other than a fast ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. or good track, abbreviations show track Track record: Feb. 9, 1918 1:11 61 10. conditions. 76735 Rinkcy 103 1:12 116X750 7C613 Uproar 115 1:13 10SX745 76559 Lester Doctor 118 1:15 115. .740 Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. 76G4S King ONeill II 113 1:14 113.. 740 Superior mini runner. XGoimI mini runner. 76617s latlian 107 l:13s 100..4-10 :!:Fair mud runner. lM Maidens. Apprcntlcf 70735 Idle Thoughts 90 1:13 110X735 iillownncc. LUUnkor. 76484 Queen Charming ..111 1:13 103.. 735 76406 Gee 101 l:17h 106. .730 First Race 3-4 Mile. 76735 Tambon 103 1:13 100. .730 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76811s Mali Jons 106 1:12 105.. 730 Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1:11 C 116. Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Todayts 7M45S .Jo,.ni.C 108 "l r,Yoiran S1200 3-yorS and "upward. Allowances. 7MOT Aner linker ...IM?: 6 1WX720 Track record: Feb. 7. 101S-l:42-7-llC. 76778 bFelicitous 100 1:13 4 102.. 715 76812 Relante 4 113X750 7681GS Captain Costigan. .106 1:13 4 105 X 715 76560 Second Thoughts ..105 1:46 5 103 X 745 76778 Paul Micou 109 1:13 5 106 X 715 76009 Lady Madcap 112 1:42 C 105.. 740 76701 Carnarvon 112 1:12 7 1120715 7673G liest Pal 10911:43 7 110X740 76615 Admirer 110 1:12 4 112 X 710 76736s Barracuda 100 1:43 5 303X740 76615 Ix.ngboat 110 1:13 4 110X710 76651 Folvo 3 90.. 735 763S6 Roman Girl 100 1:13 3 S6X710 76772 Extra Kdition 3 100. .735 76702 Without 105 1:14 3 93X705 . . Sixth Race a 1 1-8 miles. 75474 Rubv 10" l-lt 7 11"X700 76810 Grand VaVdV:::::il5 lilSm 0 102..7O0 000- Track record: March 14, i 190S-l:51-3 -PV 122. 75269 Royal George .... 3 90.. 700 76249 Peggv 0 97 1:17s 3 SSX700 76773 Miss Meise 4 107.. 725 76465 Freezy Sncezy .10111:53 5 103X720 Second Race 1 Milo and iO Yards. 767C0 Margarct "Ware ... 4 101X715 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76611 liRamkin 110 1:53 0 113.. 715 Track rrcord: Feb. 7, 19181:42 7 116. 7C562bEast Indian 99 1:52 7 111X715 76815s Duke John 113 1:43 8 103x725 76773 Pequot 110 1:53 4 103X715 76153 bGeorgetto 100 1:44 5 103 X 720 76314 Honolulu Hoy 110 1:52 9 107X710 76774s King John 109 1:41 9 113715 76187 lild Faithful .....1011:52 6 102X710 76810 ltoval Dick 0 103X715 76S13 Vcnnie 100 1:56 4 100. .710 76778 bSuiiny Duerow ....1011:44 4 106X715 76611 Brotherly Love ...1011:51 7 107X705 76408 Cash 10211:44 4 111. .710 76650 The Archer 112 1:57 7 108X 700 76738 Anaprisa 90 1:40 4 101. .710 76651s Winner Take All. .101 1:54 4 101X700 Voou liow lint 90 l:4i,t.s 4 101X705 , ,r., , ,, , i-cZti Ssventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. mi 11 iu i.j"- i imvw :js ffidoi-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.s M mandS I-? 76 o s iw::TbMf iSis -clutr ira record: Fcb- 7 1018-1.-!JS i 110. 76S42 Camoufieur 110 l:40h 8 10S700 76094 bRrunetto Ladv M S 103.. 700 767805bJuno M 10-11:44 5 98X725 76315 Reel Foot 10011:40 4 101X700 76514 Bastille 1111:45 G113X20j 76776 Mike MorrisscvM 3 87.. 700 76185 l.roomflax Ill 1:44 5 113.. 715 1 76774 Bunquoi 100 1:44 0 103.. 715 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 76770 E1 Astro M 4 101.. 715 Aero Handicap. 766471 Vultilla 3 90X715: Purse ,003. 4-ycar-oIds and upward. 7C615 t;0o!l Night 94 1:42 4 111.. 710, Track record: Feb. 9, 1918 1:11 C 116. 7634! r.easide 101 1:44 5 105.. 710 76771 MERCURY 97 1:11 G1O1X750 76192 Insulate 4 106.. 705 76812 Moonraker 101 1:10 4 115 X 740 76782 Little Ammie 96 1:43 5 106X 705 75375 Guest of Honor 103 1:12 4 119X74D 7G314 Fleeting 98 1:47 4 101.. 700 7673G Rest lal 108 1:11 7 113 X 735 76647 Rigwig 3 95. .703 76736s ISarracuda 97 1:11 5 107X735 76228 Dnclma 3 85 X 700 76649 Oui Oui 107 1:11 4 102 X 735 76S36 Kington M 3 85.. 700 FAIR GROUNDS JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 192K, to January 1924, inclusive At or At or Over Over Jockey. F.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. "Vt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tarkc, I .25 97 785 195 119 106 Holmes, II. 10 102 88 9 4 5 Lang, I. 22 90 S3 18 12 4 Byrne, J 10 102 244 24 19 32, Rutwell, J 19 119 81 15 15 15 Carroll, G. W 09 103 165 15 11 21 Mangan, G 18 101 136 24 18 18 Ambrose, E 09 10S 117 11 13 16 Martin, E. IS 105 442 80 58 44 Accardy, A 09 107 100 9 15 16 McDcrmott, I, .18 100 017 111 103 88 Nicholson, 0 00 102 35 3 3 2 Pool, E IS 109 417 SO 87 62 Oruneisen, J 09 103 23 2 2 1 Abel, A .17 102 431 75 00 57 Corey, G. .... OS 107 155 13 9 15 Lee. F 17 93 417 72 42 55 Kaiser, II OS 9S 141 11 13 18 Marinelli, 1J 16 306 423 68 47 53 Murray, T OS 110 132 11 8 17 Morris, I. .10 109 166 27 21 25 Owens, J 03 100 314 26 25 35 OMahoney, C 10 10S 251 41 31 31 n0se, G OS 106 365 31 37 40 Lang, C 16 1 09 625 98 88 SI .Smith, F 03 100 221 19 21 23 Pevic, J 16 101 487 77 89 78 Thomas, J 08 101 93 7 10-8 ISarrett, N 15 110 07 10 5 8 iSreuning, B 08 91 36 3 1 4 Fraley. A .15 103 130 20 21 17 Jones, 1 06 94 154 9 9 9 Heupel, J 15102 217 38 33 32 Cooper, G 03 85 52 3 3 4 Kc-obie. E 15 112 398 58 76 52 Reilly. F 06 102 16 1 2 0 Walls. G 15 111 201 31 20 27 I.illey, W 05 116 59 3 8 8 Garrett. M 14 100 343 4 9 4 1 29 Harbournc, E 05 111 37 2 0 1 Rurkc, J. II 14 110 103 15 18 10 Saucier. L 01 99 26 1 2 2 Mooney, J. 1 13 113 371 47 41 50 I.eyland. J 01 100 27 1 3 3 Harvey, IS 13 103 700 91 74 91 Smith, 1, 03 105 31 1 4 1 Romunelli, R 13 105 233 30 32 20 Thorndyke, F 03 95 92 3 9 0 Jonce. C 13 108 119 16 20 16 ISreuning, G 02 10S 43 1 3 1 Robinson, C .13 116 68 9 7 4 Kederis, J 02 103 41 1 6 3 Wallace, J 13 98 903 114 114 141 Mergler, D 01 95 70 1 8 9 Farland. II 13 103 317 40 67 50 Allen, C .. 105 4 0 0 0 Btutts, II -. 12 107 505 62 60 78 Fisher, D 90 10 0 0 0 McCoy, J 12 103 473 57 40 47 Forstcrer, L 100 8 0 0 0 Hunt, A. 12 97 51 6 4 1 Hamilton, II Ill 2 0 0 0 Hell, E 12 113 202 25 24 32 Hanson. "W 95 4 0 0 0 Chalmers, J 12 98 489 61 71 49 Noel, G 100 5 0 0 1 Zander. II 11 107 301 40 38 49 Piehon, I, 106 13 0 0 1 Schwartz. M 11 111 122 13 15 15 Rodney, T 100 2 0 0 0 Roehm. E It 10T 133 14 13 13 Rodriguez. J 110 3 0 0 0 McDermott, R 11 111 285 30 37 33 Taylor, H 95 G 0 0 0 Fields. G 11 101 023 70 81 22 Thompson, G ..100 4 0 0 0 Corcoran. J 11 101 601 06 78 61 Uslan, R .. 95 6 0 1 0 Wind. E .10 100 315 33 -29 45 Vilmore, A 100 5 0 0 0 Milner. W 10 07 269 28 24 42 Yelton, R 93 29 0 1 1 1 pt DA PC tt 1 IS-year-old anil upward. Claiming. Feu. 9, 191S I SI HAUL. 1:11 1-5 ii 11G. Index Course Dist Time T"ck Odd:i Wt St i Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish JOU JOU, b. m, 5 101 By Yon Tromp Jourdin, by Watercress. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 75245 latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 9-5 118 3 C 3 3" L IcDottl2 Ioppye, Windg Through, Hullo 74773 l.atonia 1 1:10 fast 19-10 102 2 3 2k 31 F Smith 0 Runauoi, Attorney. Gem 74279 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 9 115 C 2 3l 2i L McDottlO HonorMan, ColoreillSoy, Bcgrarn 72797 Kcnilwh 3-4 l:llfast 17 101 7 Fell. A Claver 11 Brunswick. Mercury, SpeedvGirl 52291 Hawlhne lm70y l:44fast 3 103 2 1 11 lh H Zander 8 Courtship, Sportsman, Wrangler 72026 llawthnc 3-4 l:12fast 41 95 7 8 8s 6 II Farland 9 Jakiellay, Mt.Rose. L.MarceIlla -COLONEL BAKER, b. h, 6 104 By Ben Brush Pleasant Puss, by Orlando. Trainer. B. J. Brannon. Owner, B. J. Brannon. Breeder. V. S. Threlkeld. 70887 Latonia 1 1-16 l:53hvy 31 110 1 1 Is Is H Gray 7 FewAcrcs, T.Swimer, WarPrize 70814 latonia 3-4 l:lSmud 17-10 1121 1 1 ll 2 E Martin 11 Hullo. Guvnor. Com.dAiroiir 70474 Churchill 7-S l:23fast S 104 5 2 3i 7S1 It Doyle 8 AV.Ldy. Dimcd, IS.ofEbethtwn 70351 Churchill 3-4 l:14mud 11-10 IOC 5 2 3h 37 J Corcorn 8 Glyn. Kubv, Lottie Lorraine C9958 Churchill CI f l:22livy 23-10 11C 5 1 11 31 L Penman 9 Hadrian. Glyn. Nenette C9870 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 11 109 2 4 5l 717 J Owens 8 My Reverie. Skeezix, Rapid Day C4880 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 9 103 3 2 21 21 F Smith 6 Pin. Peel, ISarracuda, Pegasus FELICITOUS, ch. c, 4 102 3y Ultimatum Felicitation, by Delhi. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. C. P. Winfrey. 3reeder. S. Ross. 76778 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 2C 102 5 1 4l I J Chalmrs 8 F.Micou, Sagamore, Thr.Squa.-e 76680 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 5 112 1 1 Is 21 K Tool 11 Doe.GIenn, RpgHome. F.Deen 76557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 10 ICC 9 9 101 9" B Harvey 13 TimesUp, Corallteef, DtorGlenn 75730 Bowie CI f l:22fast 7 113 8 5 10 rl G Babln 13 Ticacey. Sea Sand, Coral lteef 75228 Pimlico 3-4 l:14mud li 109 10 2 2l 7 G Babln 31 Finalitv, Theleruvian. M.Maxim 74321 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 111 7 2 21 5 G Babin 11 P.ucado, JosephlSrant. Rhinegold 74145 II.deGcc 11-16 1:48 fast 4 107 6 5 D 5 J Corcoran 8 Peiphrizonia. PoorSport. Untried 73987 II Oc-Gee 3-4 l:13slov 31 105 4 6 ek c6J J CorcoranH Royal Charlie, Tidings, Poppye CAPTAIN COSTIGAN, ch. c, 4 105 By VandergTift Bastanto, by Oddfellow. Trainer, J. M. Collins. Owner, J. M. Collins. Breeders. Keene and Black. 76810 KGrnds 3-4 l:lGmud 41 IIS 1 2 3 3i J DennisonlO Slip.Elm, Sea-Woir, RoyalDick 75742 Bowie 61 I l:21fat 15 107 5 C 71 C C Taylor 13 Uock ISottom, Ianda. Eager 75011 Bowie 61 f l:21fast 7 IOC 12 6 7l CJ II Holmes 13 Mou.Ilosell., Jyntee, D.oft.Vley 75562 Marlboro 1 1:49 good 11 101 1 4 C Cls K Wdstck 6 ISil.AVatts, CareFree, KingAlbert 15481 Marlboro CJ f l:27mud 11 103 2 1 l 3 F Wdstck CareFree, K.Albert, JcweltV.l. 75357 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 mud 7 1C9 1 10 10 10" F CollettilO Itst Reveille. Poe, Bucado 75130 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21 112 6 7 9 9" L McAtee 10 ISucado, RoyalCharlie, Camflage 75069 laurel 3-4 l:15slow 17-10 107 2 1 1 1 L McAtee 12 T.Pruvian, Whebone, C.Rthell PAUL MICOU. b. g, 5 106 By Theo. Cook Miss Micou, by Aureus. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. W. H. Coonr. Breeder. J. D Stark. 76778 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 8 106 4 2 2i 1 H Failand 8 Sagamore. ThreeSqre, PrSport 76734 F.Grnds 3-4 l:laslow 10 107 7 6 6l and51 II Farlandll Ilamra, Antonia, Guvnor 76615 F.Grnds 3-4 la.T-jsfast 20 105 11 10 91 83 II Farlandlll Tainbon. MiKKFrtune, Kingsrlere 76444 Jefferson 1 l:41fast 7 107 3 3 3 31 II Farland 6 Eastludian, Simnlisit v, Ncd-t.ii-i 78385 Jefferson 3-4 l:15good 16-5 114 6 S 3l 2a H Farland 7 D.sDaughtcr. R.Dick, Venizelos 76184 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 3 110 3 5 31 24 11 Farland 7 C.Ilenry, Koiblv, IS.McIaughlin 75955 Jefferson 3-4 l:19hvy 9-5 107 3 3 ll Is II Farland 5 Dr. Joe, Korblv Fleer 75818 Jefferson 3-4 l:17s!ow 13-5 101 S C ,3 2 II Farlandll C.Ilenry, Uncle Velo, Avispa CARNARVON, b. g, 7 112 By Llangibby Hemlcok. by Spearmint. Trainer. T. F. Devereiux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in Eneland bv J. Sanferd. .76701 KGrnds 3-4 l:15shvy 16-5 112 4 2 21 1and B Harvey 11 Far East. DanBolling, Hysteria 76B57 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 8 114 2 3 Si IJ II Kaiser 13 TimesUp, CoralReef. DtorGlenn 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 21 115 3 1 21 ll H Kaiser 11 Dumbfonnder. Peace Pai. Rork 76232 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 8 112 7 6 Cl 31 II Kaiser 10 RegPardon, Dr. Joe. Lord Allen 76185 Jefferson ll:46hvy 7 110 4 3 C 5n J Corcoran 8 Sedgefield, Rroomflax, Col.ISoy 75860 Jefferson El f l:10hvy 8 108 3 1 2s Is H Kaiser 12 Gen.Cadorna, R.Dick, IS. Pardon 78818 Jefferson 3-1 l:17slow 12 106 4 4 6 Gl II Kaiser 11 C.Henry, PaulMIcou, UncleVelo 75411 Churchill 7-8 l:27good Cl 112 9 4 4 7J J D Mneyl4 Lbas.IIenry, Giuseppe. Sburstll. 67904 F.Grnda 11-16 1:48 fast 12. 113 1 2 6l L McDottl2 Magician, Wylie, Tulsa ADMIRER, b. c, 4 113 By Prince Hermis Fanny KemV.e. by Sempronius. Trainer, A. Gaignard. Owner, C. A. Coyle. Breeder. O. L. Blackford. 76615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 2 112 5 4 5 41 1 Parke 13 Tambon, MissFrtune, Kingsclere 76368 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 eood S-5 106 4 3 ll 1 I Parke 9 JohnJoseph, CareFree, R.Pardon 76268 .Tefforson 3-4 1:18 hvy 3-2 103 1 6 4 BJ H Farland 10 Simplicity, Valentia, Aladdin 76096 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 4 107 4 3 3and Sl F Lee 10 UhLJewcl. Tncsola, Red Arrow 76023 Jefferson 3-4 msialow 13-5 108 2 1 11 2TJ Pevic 7 Colored Boy, Wapiti, Rustcm 75856 Jefferson 3-4 l:16hvy 19 1C5 2 1 1 2T J Pevic 7 John Finn, Thorndale, Newm kl ".3138 Cnaught 61 f l:10slop 27-10 113 4 2 21 2 W Pmrose 0 Ablaze, K.of t-Heather, OKeliy 73015 Cnaught 51 f l:07i;ood 11-5 lift 2 4 2 3J P "Wells 0 Knighthood, Ablaze. H.Artillery 72676 FortErie 3-4 l:13good 6 104 6 4 4s 5s G Fields S Wraith. Selhs Lemon, Jacques 71991 Empire Ab 3-4 1.10 fast 4 115 11 S 41 6 B Marlnlllll LdyRose, BenWood, StllaMaris LONGBOAT, b. g. 4 110 1y Wrack Marathon II.. by Thrush. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner, W. H. WhitehouseL Breeder. C. T. Grayson. 76615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 15 110 2 5 71 51 F Lee 13- Tambon, MissFrtune, Kingsclere 7603 Jefferson 3-4 l:13slov 6 105 1 5 Gl 591 E Martin 7 Colored Hoy, Admirer, Wapiti 75815 Jefferson 3-4 l:15slow 12 116 S 2 2l 2 J D Mneyll Rustem, Stump Jr., Sequel 75306 Latonia 1 1-2 2:35fast 10 104 1 1-5 5 B Harvey 7 Pumps, CaptainMac, Paris Maid 75027 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 35 105 2 2 21 li F nstingslO Adventure, Kingsclere, JScnlSolt 71688 Latonia 11-16 1:47 fast 61 110 2 5 10l 5"L McDott 12 Bosh. Wild Life, Little Hope 74315 Latonia ImTOy l:41ifast 13 107 6 1 11 ll L McDottlO Loc.Lcavcs. Mar.Corps, Hainan ROMAN GIRL, ch. f, 3 86 By Petsr Quince Lilly B., by McGee. Trainer, J. G. Wagnon. Owner, Pastimo Gtabls. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 good 15 101 10 10 9l S R CostellolO Welcome, Bigwig, MlssFortune 75807 Bowie 7-S l:29mud 17 103 1 4 21 3 R Costellol3 B.Artiste, Fridayl3th, EbylJelle 75708 Bowie 61 f l:21fast 27-10 104 5 4 3 3 R CostelIol3 RoyalMiss, Deputy, LuckyStrike 75630 Bowie 3-4 l:13fast 37 104 5 3 4 41 R Costello 9 Leopardess, Exploit, Mar.Martin 75459 Pimlico lm70y 1:49 slo 43-10 102 1 1 25 21 F Thdyke 8 Aggra.Papa, Bl.Streak, W.Lynch 75398 Pimlico 3-4 l:llgood 17 10511 2 1" 6i T Burns 14 Eb.lSelle, P.IIamlet, Aggra.Papa 75234 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 9 106 2 4 4 E5 A Roach li Yankee Princess, Xixia, Sarl:o 75097 Laurel 3-4 l:15?tBood 41 ICC 7 8 61 25 G Rose 10 Idle Thoughts. Neptune. Fehrah 75036 Laurel 3-4 l:15mud 5 104 4 1 1 1 E LegerG 11 SarahGinger, Without, SpearShot WITHOUT, ch. g, 3 93 By Von Tromp Crankie, by Charles Edward. Trainer, R. R. Wilson. Owner, J. E. Wilson. Breeder. S. Ross. 76702 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 4 108 1 2 5 G C Lane 11 Byron, Norscland, Telescope 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 pood 6 104 1 2 4 51 L Lang 10 Welcome, Bigwig, MissFortune 76150 Jefferson 1 1:46 slow 31 101 4 1 51 5" F Leo 8 SethsFiower, Fehrah, B.Wright 76021 Jefferson 51 f l:G9slow 7 102 4 3 2i 21 F Lee 10 KgONeilllL, Payman, Ph.Snow 75750 Jefferson 5-S 1:04 mud 15 104 6 1 21 2s WT Fronk 9 Thorndale, Mad.Vennie, Payman 75354 Pimlico 51 f l:0Smud 17 116 4 5 6 S10 G Fields 14 Ebony Belle, Our Star, Jackson 75254 Pimlico 51 f l:07fast 23 104 2 3 41 41 G Fields 10 F.Flower, I.Thoughts, Parthema 75030 Laurel 3-4 l:l-3niud 15 11111 2 5 3s E Smwodll Uom.Girl, Sar.Ginger, SpearShot RUBY, b. m, 7 112 By Golden Maxim Kiva, by Sempronius. Trainer. J. Umensetter. Owner. J. Umensetter. Breeder. J. Umensetter. 75474 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast r,J 110 2 3 31 41 E Blind 9 JohnQ.Kelly, BillyBrush. Yalta 75158 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 110 13 6 C E Martin 7 llillOFlynn, J.Q.Kelly, Ferguson 75090 latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 12 105 6 7 71 6 J McCoy 12 Marsdale. Untried, Glyn 75062 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 61 105 1 3 21 l"t E Martin 10 Sew.Combs, ColoredBoy, Modna 74894 Latonia Im.Oy 1:45 fast 14 110 5 2 21 Cl W Fronk 8 Miss Meise, OoLnLa. TedsPIiim 74632 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 21 102 2 2 4 41 W Fronlc 12 Centimeter. Honor Man, Patricn 74252 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13-10 109 1 2 21 In I Parke 12 Redwood, Little Hope. Orlova 73827 Lexgton 2-4 l:13fast 8 109 4 2 lt 1 J Byrne 10 Gol.Floss, C.dAmour, Permarco 71711 latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 31 103 1 2 2 2s A Wilson 8 R. E. Clark, Antonia, Guvnor GRAND DADDY, ch. h, 6 102 By Everett Miss Panmure. by Panmure. Trainer, J. Amend. Owner, H. C. Murnan. Breeder, I. E. Clark. 76810 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud 15 115 7 9 9 9" T Murray 10 Slip.Elm, Sea-Wolf, Cap.Costin 63092 Delmier Ab 5-8 1:09 mud 23 116 SM J Connors 8 ISonstellc, Houokus, Lillian G. 62818 Dorval 3-4 1:23 hvy 31 113 3 6 7 Ci F Chiavta 8 EagcrEycs, Waae, Perigourdiue 62611 B.Bnnets 1 l:41?fast 10 107 2 C C 6" II B Bwer 0 Joaquina. JewellV.D.. Bromclia 62157 Churchill 1 1:40 fast 6 113 4 1 VI 11 W W Tlorl5 Fly.Prince, FrkBoyd. Hermoden 62042 Churchill 7-S 1 :2G!sBOod S 115 3 3 4 481 J Owens 9 ISarracuda, ISd at Home, llamet 61938 Churchill Cl f 1 :19andfast Cf 113 10 11 10l B Jackson 15 Approval, Youneed. Lues 61855 Churchill 1 2-1 S 2:01 hvy 110 114 6 8 S 8s 1 B Jackson 8 Legal. Alex J.. British Maid C1775 Churcnill 1 1-16 l:467fast 44 113 6 7 7 7IS IS Jackson 9 TonyBeau, British Maid. Corson ROYAL GEORGE, b. c, 3 90 By Everest Effie Paton, by Ruskin II. Trainer, J. W. Forman. Oxner, E. Floyd. Breeders, A. E. Hundley and Son. 75269 Huntgton 5 S l:02fast S7-10 112 I2 G Walls 9 AuntieMillin, LyCelia, R.Court 75109 Huntington 5-S 1:05 hvy 11-15 1C9 4 G Walls 5 Sasper, Bethlehem Steel, Quota 75014 Huntington 5-S l:00fast 7. 112 2 G Walls li G. Finisher. F.Church, S.Pacific PEGGY O., br. f, 3 " 88 By Boots and Saddle Arrowwood, by Ja-elin. Trainer. L. Cahn. Owner. T. J. Pendergast. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 76249 Jefferson El f 1:12 hvy 21 106 5 4 41 4s I Parke S Bamra. Don Juan, Bessie Wright 76150 Jefferson 11:46 slow 11-5 98 6 4 4 4s I Parke 8 SethsFiower, Fehrah, B.Wright 75997 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 2 97 4 2 11 11 I Parke 11 S.sFlowcr, Ph.Snow, M.FoIlics 75861 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 1 106 4 4 3l 1 I Parke S Tomtla, Mid.Follics, BusinsFke 75786 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 41 106 5 4 4 2 B Harvey 9 HcnryS., MidtFollics, T.Rper 75473 Churchill 7-S l:27fast 27 10G 13 13 11 141 F Smith 15 Bchlder, Nrscland, B.nndShocs 74810 Latonia 51 f l:07rast 10 101 3 7 6" 41 J McCoy 12 Quotation, BonaVera, RolI.Wave 74414 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 13 104 4 7 5l 53 I Parke 12 Glide, Pr.Politician, Mad.Venniu 74284 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 7 102 S 7 61 7 J Heupel 12 C.Giimorc, Q.Charmg, Quotation Onrl DA PC 1 -Mile anil TO Varils. "-ycar-olils and upward. Claiming-. Eel. CUU nAOt 7, 1!1S 1:4a 1-5 7 1KJ. DUKE JOHN, b. h, 8 103 By Ivan the Terrible Lassie, by Knight Errant. j Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skiner. Breeders, Williams and Radford. 1 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:L9mud 11-10 110 4 3 4i S J Heupel 6 AlStebler, Cur.Events, ReflFoot 76706 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:5S hvy 13-5 102 4 3 3 2s I Parko 8 Wessie B., Pete Foy, Torsidd 765C-3 F.Grnds Im70y l:47fast 21 110 1 4 51 5i J Pevic 8 Tulane, Fleeting, Bendita 76487 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47fast 4 ICG 4 5 51 G" F Lee 9 Lucidus, Neddam, Smarty 71654 Devshire 1 1-1G l:40:;ss!ow 14-5 103 21 F Stevens 5 Gondolier, Old Faithful, Yorkist 71433 Devshire lm70y 1:43 good 4 106 47 F Stevens 9 Wrangle, Clansman, Tender Beth 71179 Dorval 1 1-16 1:45 fast 12 103 4 2 21 4 R Rom;llil2 Baby Grand. Planet, Wil.-I!arr 71040 Dorval 1 1-1C l:43fast 51-10 104 4 3 2n S J Chalmers 7 Cahidiuni, Rama. Oppciman 70825 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:13fast 1S-5 114 2 6 5 3" J Chalmers 6 Clansman, L. Dearie. Mus. Seel 70710 B.Bnnets l:43slop 5 108 3 2 31 4" E Smwod 4 Trajamis, Wkes-Bane. Joaquina GEORGETTE, ch. m. 5 103 By The Manager Janica. by The Scribo. Trainer. M. Shields. Owner, M. Shields. Breeder. T. J. Clay. 76153 Jefferson 1 1-S l:."9slow 6 10G G G 10 10" E Blind 10 Rep, Repeater, Jake Berger 76030 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:."0good 4 100 2 5 7 C" E Blind 10 Dbfounder, CtEvents, Y.Adam 75274 Latonia lm70y l:44fast lOf 103 3 6 51 4s W Losee 12 IritishLiner, BenValet, Ncddain 75186 Latonia lm70y l:49?smud 13 110 5 S 7 7: D Connlly 9 Rep, Tody, Little Hope 71854 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47slow S-5 105 1 G C 5J F Hstings S TonyBeau, Randel, BlueStone 74661 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast 13f 97 6 2 21 2r- F Hstlngsl2 FancyKrce, Kimpalong, K.Mary 74457 Latonia lm70y l:14fast 10 113 4 S 61 Gl W BogskilO Reliability, Lifellope, FlrS.iop KING JOHN, b. g. 9 113 By Sir John Johnson Deviltree. by Top Gallant. Trainer, M. Foster. Owner. J. T. Buckley. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sgood S 105 1 4 4 3 J Wallace Bevenvyck, Rupee, Runquoi 75460 Pimlico 1 1-1G l:41slop 5 116 3 1 ll 2 E Smwodll Lads Ixve. Valentia. Majority 75310 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:17fast 9 US 1 2 2s ll E Smwodll AVhalebone, North Wales. Zealot ;48C3 I-aurel lmVy 1:46 fast 4 110 6 6 C 6 E Legere S TheForeigiicr, DayLilly, Mir.Man 74645 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 114 4 4 5 61 I Walls WarMask, Sedgefield, Roy.Duck 74469 Laurel 1 1-16 1:17 fast 21 109 5 1 1U 1 F Lee 7 Smarty, Sea-Wolf, Col.Whallen 74323 Laurel lm70y l:43fast 5 109 1 4 5 2nt E Legero 8 MtnRosell., C.Whallen, Valtia ROYAL DICK. ch. g, 6 103 By Dick Finnell Eunous. by Marta Santa. Trainer. D. McDermid. Owner, W. M. Cain. Breeder. G. Watts. 76810 F.Grnds 3-4 1:lCmud 41 117 G G 5l 471 H Stutts 10 Slip.Elm, Sea-Wolf, Cap.Costin 76680 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15imud 11-5 107 3 4 41 fi11 F Lee 11 D.Glenn, Felicitous, Rpgllomu 76525 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 10 101 9 5 Gl C5J B Harvey 12 Kingsclere. P.Sport, Rvltharlie 76385 Jeffeison 3-4 l:15good 9-5 111 2 1 is 3"" I ParKc 7 D.sDgliter, P.Micou, Aeni.eloa 76324 Jefferson 51 f l:C9hvy 8 97 3 2 2l l"t F Lee 8 BegPardon, Antonia, KnotGrass 76190 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 12 111 6 2 21 2 J Wallace 12 Sling, Piedmont. Anticipate 75800 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 11-5 10S 2 3 31 3 I Parke 12 Carnrvon, G.Cadorna, B.Pardon 75781 Jeffeison 3-4 l:lShvy 5 112 5 4 3l 31 E Petzoldt 7 Trooper, Guvnor. Brown Check SUNNY DUCROW, br. f, 4 106 By Black Toney Acheron, by Rapid Water. Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, M. tc J. Lowenstein. Bred by estate of O. F. Steifel. 7678 F.Grnds 3-1 l:15mud 20 93 3 7 and 710 R Yelton 8 P.Micsu, Sagamore, Thr.Square 76248 Jefferson 3-4 1:19 hvy 7 1C9 S 4 41 4s 13 Harvey 9 MiVs Em. Glenconoko, Antonia 76095 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 4 109 8 5 7l 641 J Corcoranl2 Avispa, Flor. Dcen, Reliability 75959 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:55hvy 13-5 103 6 6 5 55i R Yelton 0 FrzySneezy, Loveliness, Fleets 75859 Jefferson lm70y l:52hvy 12 107 3 4 31 3 R Yelton IS S.Ciow, Recomd;it:on, Fleeting 754S2 Churchill 1 l:39fast 8 112 6 3 10s 1014 D Connllyll N.Secundus, RompingMy. Cash 75392 Churchill 1 1:40 slow 23-10 10S 4 3 3ii 4" E Blind 8 Kindred, Lrchmont, Glenconoko 74692 Latonia lmOy l:43vifast 8 91 5 2 51 5s I Parke 11 Norma, Ten Sixty, Widgeon CASH, ch. e, 4 111 By Ogden Priscilla. by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, E. Mooar. Breeder. 3. E. Madden. 76408 Jefferson 11-10 1:49 good 31 ICG 7 7 7s 714 B Harvey S Jack Faiiinan, Rork, non. Boy 76389 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 kooU 13-5 101 C 4 C 411 Parke 7 Repeater, CurtEvents, Piedmont 76131 Jefferson 1 1-13 l:337hvy 1 9S 3 2 2s Ins E Blind S Bowsprit, Al Stobler, Old Blue 76028 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:5good 10 1131 4 3 3s 3s EScobie C St areCrow. FlvgDevil. StumpJr. 75558 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 108 4 3 7s 7" P. Harton 9 Elias O.. Halu, Randel 75492 Churchill 1 l:39fast 10 110 5 6 3l 3 E Iool 11 N.Secundus, RompgMy, Kdred 7541 1 Churchill 7-S l:27good 19 104 7 7 7 f.aJ 13 Blind 11 Clias.Henry, Giuseppe, Sburstll. 75218 Latonia lm70y 1:52 hvy 10 114 2 4 2 2 K Martin 8 Dernier Sou, Cap Rock, Chaplet 75089 Latonia 1 1-1G l:51hvy 3 110 S 6 75 76 E Martin 8 Stump Jr., Redwood, Wrangler ANAPRISA, b. f, 4 104 By xiamer Aprisa, by Kismet. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Ownsr, H. Cohn. Breeder. J. C. Fletcher. 76738 F.Grnds 1 3-IG 2:C5slow 15 100 1 5 7 7 D Mergler 8 Scare Crow, Superbum, Ettahe 76685 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:04mud 41 103 2 4 5 4" I Parke 5 Sup-rhum, Bolster, Bepeater 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 10 99 4 8 Sl I Parke 11 F.Sueezy, Highspeed, MissMeise 75733 Bowie 1 1-1C 1:51 fast 11 102 7 6 51 4s L Lang 10 Rejection, Humboldt, Insulate 75634 Bowie 1 3-16 2:0Gfast 10 9S 1 2 2 1" L I.ang 14 Bonfire. OldFaithful, Sir Leonid 75257 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:53fast 25 92 3 4 41 3 R Pierco 13 Billy -Watts, Guelph. N. Raider 75134 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 22 99 2 5 6 61 C Lang 8 JewiV.D.. Pas. Swain. Glentilt 71526 Thcliffe 1 l:41fast 12 99 7 6 31 1 S Hicks 12 Ten Can, Tribune, Trail Blazer 14294 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:17fast 8-5 100 7 4 3s 1 F Stevens 12 JuneFIy, L.ChanccII., FoxGlove BOWSPRIT, ch. r. 4 101 By Berrilldon Baupre, by Ogden. Trainer. G. Phillies. Owner. 7. McMillen. Breeder. W. Garth. 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:39imiul 12 10S 2 C 6 C" G Fields I! AlStebler, Cur.Events, DukeJohn 76705 F.Grnds 1 1-S 2:00 hvy 10 103 2 S 71 S F Lee 10 FrankMouroe, Hickory, Dr. Joe 76308 Jefferson 1 1-8 2:01 hvy 4 110 4 4 5" 5 E Ambrose 9 Repeater, HlululSoy, O. Birthday 76213 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:36hvy 16-5 106 1 3 3 2 J CorcoranH Reliability, M.Orange, Str.Shot 76131 Jefferson 1 1-15 1 :5!hvy 12 101 4 11 2s F Leo 8 Cash, Al Stebler, Old Blue 76028 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:30good 15 1031 S 5 55 5Jl II Shillick 6 Scare Crow, Flying Devil, Cash 75687 Bowie 1 1-S l:59fast 12f 97 2 X 21 4i F ThdykeBS Majority. Sea Monarch, Austral 75615 Bowie 11-16 1:52 fast 19f 100 1 I 71 ll F Hst:ngsl2 DucdeMornv. W.Cares, Majority 75098 Laurel lm70y l:4Sgood 118 106 4 8 S 8" G Fields 10 CoI.Whalen, Rouen, North Wales HERALD, b. c. 9 103 By Coy Lad Angerona, by Sir Diien. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Potter. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 7684 1 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:57is!ow 15 112 S 10 J S9 E Maitin 10 Smarty, Day Lilly, Stump Jr. 76508 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51-V,mud S 112 4 1 3 3 K Martin 5 St. Donard, Six Pone?, Pete Foy 76271 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:5Shvy 20 103 4 1 1 3 F Thdyke 9 Waukeag, DanBolling. M.Oranxe 76232 Jefferson 3-4 l:lshvy 20 112 C S 71 7" F Lee 10 Beg Pardon. Dr. Joe, Carnarvon 76026 Jefferson 3-4 l:15good 12 110 9 7 4K 7" F Lee 12 Modesty, Kgsciere, C.J.Cgmile 75783 Jefferson 3-4 l:19hvy 10 114 2 4 21 1 W Fronk 9 Hutchison, Manokin. Permarco 72638 Aurora 1 1-16 2:C0 hvy 6-5 1051 2 1 ll 2 A Roach 5 Lendonia, S. Light III., EddieJr. 72511 -Aurora 61 f l:23fast S 10S 2 3 35 3 A Roach 5 Marg. Ware. Slabel Rnle, Spods WAR IDOL, ch. g, 8 103 By Star Shoot Blue Grass, by Hamburg. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76706 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:58 hvy S 102 3 5 S S4 F Lee . 8 WessieB., Duke John. Tete Toy 76652 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 18-5 108 2 3 21 3i I Parke 12 Nuyaka. La Orb, Kennmare 76530 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:Us!ow 12 103" 3 1 11 3 B Harvey 11 GrassTree, RylCrown. S.Crow 76486 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 12 106 2 7 4 4i B Harvey 8 Rork, Yalentia, Attorney 76345 Jeffeison 3-4 1:15hvy 8 110 S 10 10 9 E Blind 15 LdAllen. Proganda, J.Falrman 76304 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 20 110 9 5 3 31 F Smith 10 Piedmont, Dentaria, Monsoon 74413 Iitonia lm70y l:Mfast 14 120 1 C 6 G M Garner 7 Queen High, Hainan, By Golly 737 7.7 Lexgton 11-16 1:49 good 6 109 4 J E 5,s M Garner 8 Lt.Colonel, Randel. Fair Orient 73120 Dev shire 1 1-S 1:56 fast 27 110 1 1 2 4 J McCoy 8 M. Rose II., HilhnanC, Lothair CAMOUFLEUR. ch. g, 8 108 By Astronomer Penitence TJ.. by Great Tom. Trainer, H. Fallohy. Owner, R. Barksdalo. Breeder, S. Bedford, 7G842 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:31ts1ow 100 109 7 9 31 9" G Breningll Repeater, Dr. Joe, Drummond 76211 Jefferson l I-1G l:56andhvy 30 112 4 10 9 9 G Brehlngl2 FkMonroc, Waukcag, YgAdam 73087 H.deGco 3-4 l:13slow lOf 110 S 13 13 13" G 3Iafganl4 Royal Charlie, Tidings, Poppy- G9873 Jlap.Hts 3-4 1:20 mud C 110 6t: J Maiben 7 Jago, Vansylvia. Queen Esther 57149 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 12 104 It 10 10! 10ls E Kummr-rll Jago, Snugs, Reknb 03402 Empire 1 1-16 1:50 good 12 112 0 10 10 10" J D MnoylO riiornhorige. Moody. Tieaccy 02988 Aqueduct 1 1:41 good 8 112 2 4 G 6" L McAteo 0 Ilalu, Beckua. Kirllo ;!. .oucduct 1 3:r.nul 3 110 7 5 5 71 C Ponce 7 Cnarvon, Calialan, Mount Hops C2290 Belmont 1 l:40Hmud 7 105 C 7 7 7 H Moora 7 Crystal Ford. Cromwell. Title ERUNETTE LADY, blk. m, 8 M 103 By Colinet Black-eyed Susan, br Marclimont II. Trainer. F, Battiste. Owner, C. Zanco. Breeder. J. W. ruiier. ! 70094 Jefferson 1 l:44fast 50 110 C 6 5 51 G Walls 7 Gold Mount, Leontcs, Sea "Wrack 75955 Jefferson 3-4 l:193Lhvy CO 1C9 5 5 5 5" J Carroll 5 Paul Micou, Dr. Joe. Korlily 08131 F.Grnds 3-1 l:16kslow 30 113 11 10 11 11" A "Wilson 13 C.A.Khnrt, Reformer. K.Crown 07708 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast SO 110 It 14 14 11" G BreungU L.Lhtenhm. Knmnrc, Gdolier 0G513 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 29f 10S 12 12 12 12" N Swart 12 Sir, Bullion. Sam Itch 51463 Erie Ab 5-S 1:02 slow SO 122 G N Collins O Mary Mallon. Dinty, Xorth.Belle HEEL FOOT, ch. g, 4 101 Bv Rapid Water Nlgella. by Ornament. Trainer. J. A. Smith. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Breeder. W. E. Caskey, Jr. 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:59mud 8 104 5 5 5 4 F Leo O AlStcbler, Cur.Evcnts, DukcJolin 70305 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:51 good 7 110 11 9 13 13" I Parke 13 Dontaria. Juno. IIkleberryFinn 75900 Jefferson 5i f 1:13 hvy 11-3 9S 7 4 3l 2 I Parke 9 Wireless, Itoyal Maid. Silence 75783 Jefferson 3-4 l:19livy 12 ICS 4 G 6J CJ L Smith 0 Herald. Hutchison. Manokin 75247 Latonia lmTOy l:J6hvy 14 109 10 S 7: 7" T KoeinerlO ColdBoy, Ferguson. FlowerShop 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 good 11 1USJ 2 3 5 51 E Pool S Runquoi. Ilalu, Brotherly Love 750C3 Latonia lin70y l:50andhvy 26 105 9 2 21 33 F Hstingsll Gold. Billows, Blue Stone, Hoy 75032 Latonia lmTOy l:46mud 13 104 C G a 5 B Harvey ? Tan Son, Ilalu. Dernier Sou 74854 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47slow 25 107 G 5 730 6" W Fronk 8 TonyBeau. Rnndid, BlueStone MIKE MORRISSEY, ch. c, 3 M 87 By Sea King Eelle Clem, by Contestor. Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. Breeder. L. Garth. 70776 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15andmud 23 116 9 9 S3 S,s B 31arelll 9 W.theWizd. FircBoy, Exchange 76617 F.Grnds 11:40 fast" 50 95 7 10 10 10" G Cooper 10 Boy O Boy, Blotter, Pathan 76182 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fasl 20 118 7 6 71 91S J Butwcll 11 Brilt Cast, W.t.Wizard, Fausto 6822 1 Jefferson 31 f 44andfast S 115 2 51 631 L MoDott S MiltonM., FortyTwo. I..Monday 08188 F.Grnds 3-8 35?thvy 30 103 1 61 7 H Thomas S Black Gold. Edna V., Itepiy 07877 F.Grnds 3-8 34fast 30 106 10 Sl 10" J Merimeell Wcrtlimore. Edna V.. BlackGold OnrI DA PC : Mile. Aero Handicap. 4-year-olds and upward. Feb. O, ora raoe, iis i-.n 1-5 g no. MERCURY, ch. g. G 104 By Vulcain Rose of Pink, by Pink Coat. Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. J. H. Woodford. 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13good 6 113 7 3 21 1 G Fields 10 Centimeter, JuliaM., Muskalge 76681 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 15 109 3 3 3s 2 G Fields O Clghjordan, Caligula, WarMan 75066 Bowie lmTOv l:4Sgood 15 10S 2 5 G3 63 G Fields 7 Top Sergeant. Paddle. Peddler 75591 Bowio CI f l:20fast 5S 10S 4 6 5 31 G Fields S Avisack, Tester, Fly by Day 75401 Pimlico 3-4 l:Hvsgood 9 112 5 6 9l 7 G Fields 15 Whalebone, Bucado, Care Free 74330 Thcliffe 3-4 l:13?sfast 9-10 107 3 4 SI 11 G Fields 0 EthclCIajton, JoellaJ.. TonySue 74202 Thcllffo 51 f 1.07fast 2 ICC 4 4 1" l3 G Fields 10 E.Clayton, JoellaJ., Knighthood 74176 Woodne 3-1 l:13mud 9-10 10S 3 3 33 31 D Stirling S Knlghthd, Whalobe, R.DrnmM 74000 Woodno 3-4 l:12rast D-10 114 7 4 31 "fJ F Watrous 9 JoellaJ.. Muskalngc. Kghthood MOONRAKZR. ch. c, 4 115 By Broomstick Alster Cress, by Watercress. Trainer. C. Phillies. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentreo Stabla. 76812 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 mud 9-5 116 1 1 1 21 B Mrinelli 4 Delante, John Finn, Amole 76649 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12sfast 8-5 114 3 1 ll in J Corcoran 4 Best Pal, Certain. Oui Oul 76560 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 3-2 115 3 3 3 3l J Corcoran 5 S.Thoughts, Certain, Dr. Clark 76463 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 119 7 2 21 12 J Corcoranl5 Delante, Barracuda, Revenge 70367 Jefferson 51 f l:07good 2 113 2 2 l1 ll J Corcoran 8 Hid.Jewel, Centimeter, Tuscola 75745 Bowie 1 3-16 2:02sfast 41 107 5 1 2 2 J Corcoranl2 K.SolK.Scal. Flagstaff, Exodus 75665 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51good 1 107 2 1 1 l5 F Colletti 4 ForcstLore. SetngSun, Hyperion 75632 Bowto lrn70y 1:46 fast 7 103 1 1 l1 2l J Corcoran Flstone, G.Thatchcr, IlellGate GUEST OF HONOR, ch. c, 4 119 By Pataud Bright Start, by Star Shoot. Trainei. J. McPherson. Owner. Fair Acres Farm. Breeder. D. T. Matlack. 75375 Churchill 1 1-S 1:53 hvy 21-10 10S 1 3 2l l"t M Garner 5 Audacious. Cher.Tree, L.Granite 74976 Latonia I l:3Sfast 2 109 3 4 l ll M Garner 8 Dongcs, Barracuda, Ch.s Play 74636 Latonia lmTOy l:42Vifast 4 103 1 4 2 2 J Wallace 7 Chacolet, Audacious, Best Pal 74459 Latonia 1 1-15 l:13fast 8 103 4 7 21 Ill Parke 8 LadyMadcap, Belroni, Barracuda 73996 Lexton 11:33 fast Gl 94 1 5 JM l I Parke G Bairacuda, Pin. Peel, L.Granite 73871 Lexton 3-4 l:Uimud 14-5 101 2 3 3 31 J Heupe! 5 Dr.Ilkmn. ILpnTimc. a.Kuffan 1682 Latonia 1 l:37fast 1S-3 101 4 5 5 55J B Kennedy 7 J. BowUrc, Itevenge, PindarPeel. 71174 Latonia lmTOy 1:12 fast 9 100 4 2 21 11 B Harvey 9 Jouctt. Lidy Myra, Make Cp BEST PAL. br. h. 7 113 By Helmet Padula, by Laveno. fTrainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. HolmanL Brppder. E. Sc. Bradley. 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42slov 3 120 2 4 4s a13 G Brening 7 Triumph, Sedgefield, Barracuda 7GG49 F.Grnds 3-4 l:121Jfast 4 117 4 2 21 21 G Brening 4 Moonraker, Certain, Oui Oul 70560 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast G 126 1 4 4l 5s J Pevic 5 S.Thoughts, CVrtain, Moonraker 76463 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:4Gandfast 6 12G 13 G 71 S K Barrett 15 Delante, Barracuda. Ilevengc 7 6107 Jefrcrson 1 l:41good G-3 113 3 1 Is l1 J Pevic G Flintstonp. H.Keiuble, Bracuda 76326 Jefferson 11-15 1:51 hvy 5 118 9 2 21 3i L Morris 9 Delante, Rama. O. Henry 76029 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 31 118 5 4 41 5i L Morris G Amole, II. Graham, Hid. Jewel 75277 Latonia 1 1:33 fast 5 103 2 2 2s 2 L McDott 5 Ten-Lee. Barracuda. Whiskaway BARRACUDA, ch. h, 5 J 107 By Trap Rock Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Brep-. A. Belmont. 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42slov 3 1C9 3 2 2 3!i J Pevic 7 Triumph, Sedgefield, Solisa . 76616 F.Grnds lm70y l:433fast 16-3 106 4 5 4 3 G W Carll G KoscatelL. FlintStone. Dr.CIark 7G561 F.Grnds 1 1-16 lMGlsfast 41 108 1 2 21 31 J Pevic 7 FlintStone, O. Henry, Revenge 7G4G3 F.Grnds 1 1-16 lMGandfast G 109 15 8 5 2 J Pevic 15 Delante, Revenge, Rama 76443 Jefferson 1 l:40fast 21 111 1 5 2l 31 N Barrett S Roseate II.. Thimble. Vennie 7G407 Jefferson 1 l:41good G-3 1C91 1 4 4s il N Barrett G BestPai, Flinlstonc, Her.Kemble OUI OUI, ch. f, 4 102 By Sir John Johnson Parisian, by Ogden. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. M. Jones. 70G49 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast. S 106 2 4 4 41 H Stutts 4 Moonraker, Best Pal, Certain 76609 F.Grnds 1 l:40-andfast 18-5 110 5 12 3-i II Stutts 5 Thimble, L.Madcap, PhocbeSnow 76462 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 10 107 5 4 4 41 II Stutts 5 S.ThcughLs, Triumph, JohnFinn- 75534 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 33-10 S9 4 4 3 431 J Wallace 5 East.Bells, Glyn, BradsToney 75454 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 17-10 1011 6 1 2i 3S1 J Pevic 0 A.BlueGown, WildLife, Dustabt 75433 Churchill 3-4 l:llrast 51 96 7 4 5l 5 D Jones 8 EastcrBells, GreatJaz. M.FoxII. 75276 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 41 99-4 4 2 2 .1 Wallace 4 Crayo Al.B.Gown. Sweetheart 74977 Latonia 3-4 l:ll?fast 14 102 7 a 51 531 F Hstings 7 Dr.likman. GrtJaz. Whkaway 74601 latonia 11:33 fast 3-2 107 5 2 2ok 2s E Scobie 6 Heremon, Buster, Pindar Peel SWEEPSTAKES, b. g, 4, 111 By Sweep Gold Ten. by Goldcrost. Trainer, E. J. Hodgson. Owner, J. L. Hollaed. Breeder. A. L. Aste. 72724 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12-3 115 3 2 31 43 L McAfee G Ten Minutes, SunQuest, Valador 72485 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 10-3 106 4 1 iu 1 L McAtee ! A.Patiiae. Woodlake, CapeClear 71872 Empire Ab 3-4 l:lQfast 5 106 4 3 21 l1 L McAtee 14 Pictrus. Marionette. Lady Koc 71749 Empire Ab 3-4 1:1Q fast 1S-3 10G 4 1 l3 l3 L JlcAtoe 13 CaptainCostigan, Tarn, LBffare 7I1G7 Aqueduct 61 f l:19fast i0 110 7 4 4 41 L McAtw 15 Skyscniper. RosaYeta, H. Hand 70J25 Belmont 3-4 MC l:12fast S 10111 10 11 121 H Thurberlo CumSali. D. of the Vley, lt.Salt 70161 Jamaica 3-4 i:12"good ?0 10213 a a3 HJH Thurber 7 Osprey, Aladdin, Body Guard 70011 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 60 115 5 5 G 5 H Walters 12 Jacq.Jtilian, MacLir. TheCorsair JOHN FINN. ch. h, 5 104 By Dick Finnell Coruscate, by Chorister. Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner, E. Trotter. Breeder. T. Piatt. 76812 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 mud 21 105 2 4 4 Z"l J Wallace 4 Delante, Moonraker, Amole 7G5G1 F.Grnds 1 1-16 lMCvifast 15 1C5 7 7 7 713 J Wallace 7 FlintStone. O.Henry, Barracuda 764G2 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 13-3 112 1 2 21 331 E Pool 5 .Sec.Thoughts, Triumph, Oui Oul 76269 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 16-5 112 1 3 21 1 J Wallace 4 Tuscola, Tandowdy, JsF.OHara 76186 Jefferson 3-4 1:16 hvy 13-20 111 2 3 3 31 J Wallace 3 Delante. James F. OHara 7599G Jeffeison 3-4 l:16slow 2 110 3 2 l1 ll J Wallace 7 RoseatelL, Brunell, Muskallonge 75856 Jefferson 3-4 l:16hvy 31 112 1 3 2" ll J AVallace 7 Thorndale. Admirer. Newmarket 75785 Jefferson lmTOy l:4S?shvy 15 103 3 3 .31 43 J Wallace 4 U.Kemble, TenderSeth, MakeUp Rex Handicap. 3--ear-olds. Vch. O, 101S 1:11 1-5 4-th RACE RINKEY, b. f. 3 116 By Pennant Ballet, by Ben Brush. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, Greentro Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 76735 F.Grnds 51 f l:0Sslow 13-10 110 5 3 ll 1 I Parke 9 Devil Girl, Mali Jong, Tambon 76648 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 103 2 2 1 lk I parko 6 Thorndale, KgONeilllL, B.Cast 76461 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 7-10 101 2 3 21 1 I Parke S B. O Boy. Er.Edition, Frankman 70300 Jefferson 3-1 l:16Vsgood 2-5 109 9 4 4 43 J Corcoran 9 Frankman, Deronda, llcrbcrtus 70325 Jeffeison 3-4 l:16hvy 3 113 4 3 21 3s J Corcoran 7 Fredcriektown, Blotter, DobJOii 75810 Bowie 1 l:45mud 33-10 93 5 2 ll 21 R Pierce JO Tree Top, Donaghpc, Pepp 75709 Bowie . 51 f 1:09 fast 3 116 2 3 2 1and F Collettill SUndrift, Polyxeua, HautyLail.- UPROAR, ch. c 3 108 By Thunderer Queen of Hearts, by Hamburg. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 70GI3 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ifast 9-5 116 4 1 1 1 I Parke 11 Fausto, Quivero, Watch Charm 75028 Latonia 51 f 1:09 mud 6 113 3 4 4 4" F Smith 12 Phil McCann, Equity, Everglade 74410 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 19 113 3 2 21 2 I Parke 12 Baffling, Corinth, W.thcWizard 70122 Churchill 41 f 53fast 21 113 10 9 10 10 L Penman 12 Flax, Kecgan. Graeme 70040 Churchill 41 f 53fast G 115 5 2 21 21 L Penman 11 Earl Pool, Bour. Boy, P.Maloney i9468 H.dcGce 1-2 49 fast G 116 8 1 3i L McAtee 14 Neptune. Without. Spear Shot 09430 H.deGce 41 f 54fast 37-10 116 11 11 10 10ai G W Car1114 J.FIowcr, Dr.OMara, BcauNash 0924 1 H.deGco 1-2 51 mud 3 116 5 7 71 GJ L McAtee 15 Star Cloudy, Neptune, BeaujbS LESTER DOCTOR, b. g, 3 115 By Uncle Ellora. by Mazagan. Trainer, F. Burlew. Owner, B. Block. BreVpr. W. S. Pavne. 70559 F.Grnds 5J f l:06sfast 10 108 6 2 4! F Lee 10 I.Thghts, B.OBoy, K.OXeillH. 72764 Saratoga 51 f l:07good 5 103 6 2 ! 2J M Garner 10 Rival. Sunayr. Scarab 72446 Saratoga 51 f l:0Shvy 20 113 4 4 5 63 II Garner 9 L.Bli.norell., Fluvanna, Parasol 71425 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vigood 34f 113 2 5 S 8 C Kummerl2 W.Csellor. BlackGold, Befuddle 71172 Latonia 5-S 59 fast 29 119 11 10 10 11-- L McDottll WiscCscllor. Wthmore. Hunter 70597 I-atonia 41 f 54 fast 1G-5 115 4 4 4 l"i E Pool 8 Kecgan. ButifcdAddie. Willland 70012 Churchill 41 f 53 fast 8 122 5 S 8 Sl M Garner 9 Black Gold. T.S.Jordan. Digit 69961 Churchill" 41 f 55hvy 31 111 2 1 l1 Is 31 Garner 6 King Tut, Sunspero, Orlox C96G4 Lexcton 41 f 54Vfast 13-10 1C3 7 3 11 ll B Kenndy 9 S.Bzabeth. Eventide. G.Nthern KING ONEILL II.. ch. c, 3 113 By Huon Duchess of Savoy, by Uncle. Trainer. G. Land. Owner. J. C. Milan-.. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 7G648 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12i4fast 6 113 1 1 21 Zl F Leo G Rinkey, Thorndale, Brilt Cast 76559 F.Grnds 51 f l:0Gfast 31 110 7 4 4 3J I Parke 10 I.Thghts, Il.OBoy, Les.Doctor 76097 Jefferson 3-4 l:13slow 11-5 113 2 3 4l 21 I Prke 6 Pathan, Dreamer, Blotter 76021 Jefferson 51 f l:C9Sislow 3-5 100 1 1 l1 ll I Parke 10 Without. Puyman. Phoebe Snow 75854 Jefferson 5i f l:10shvy 6-5 113 2 1 11 I3 I Parke 7 Gee. Zanzibar. Antiquity 75552 Churchill 7-S l:26V,fast 21 112 a 1 11 2 M Garner 14 Com. Artist. W.theWizd, T.Runt 75123 Latonia 3-4 l:13Sgood 19-3 11a 4 4 41 41 J Pevic 11 Morgan. Muldraugh, Calvin 75028 lxtonia 51 f 1:09 mud 31-10 115 7 7 S? 951 L McDottl2 Ihil McCaiui. Equity, Everglade 74728 Latonia 3-4 l:13andfast 3-5 115 5 Fell. N Barrett 12 Program, Devil Girl, Polvo PATHAN, br. g, S 10S By Short Grass Elfinhart. by Pla-dit. Trairer. G. Zeigler. Owner, L. J. Carey. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 76017 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 11-5 100 6 3 41 3 I Parke 10 Boy O Boy. Blotter, Dreamer 70526 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 2 112 5 6 4 33 J CorcoranlO Polvo, Fredericktown, M. Vennie 70097 Jefferson 3-4 l:15slow 1S-5 106 4 5 3 11 J Corcoran 6 KingONeill II., Drmer, Blotter 75211 Empire 51 f l:07andslow 5 112 1 3 21 1 L Fator 7 M.Domino. All in All. Ombr.ige 75082 Empire Ab 3-i l:10good G-5 104 2 4 3 31 M Fator 7 Ombrage. Belcross, All in AH 7192G Belmont 3-4 MC l:13ta!op 5 108 S 5 41 44 L Fator 10 Ducky, MissDomirc, Dante 74803 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 12-5 113 3 3 1 1 L Fator 9 F.Flower, Apology. It. and Rye 74501 Jamaica 1 f 1:07 fast 7-5 118 4 5 2 S E Sande 8 Deputy, LadyGaffney, S.Silent 74355 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 5 110 3 4 2 ll L Fator 10 Hilarity. BastWind, BlackWand IDLE THOUGHTS, ch. f, 3 110 By Dick Finnell Lady Manager, by The Manager. Trainer, J. Q. Wagnon. Owner, Pastime Stable. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 76735 F.Grnd 51 f l:03slow 1S-3 116 1 6 71 33 C Rob"son 9 Rinkey, Devil Girl. Mali Jong 76559 F.Grnda 51 f l:06fast 18-5 103 5 1 ll ll L Lang 10 B.OBoy. K.OXeillH., L.Doetor 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 12 9S 2 1 1 1 I Lan 9 Lugs, Aladdin. Knot Grass ;737S1 Bowie 3-4 l:14XfaHt 61 103 I 7 9 S" K Costello 12 EbonyBelle, H.M.Dietz, Tolima I 75438 Pimlico 2-4 l:13Hfast 4 103 1 4 2 2 M Fator 12 M.Domino. Eagerness, A. Claim i 73254 Pimlico 51 f l:07Hfast 4 104 1 1 2 21 G Rose 10 For.Flowor. Parthema, Without 75097 Laurel 3-4 l:15?icood 41 107 4 11 ,1 A Roach 10 Roman Girl, Neptune, Fchran I I i I QUEEN CHARMING, ch. f, 3 103 By Atheling II. Island Queen, by Dick Welles. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner, W. H. Whitehouse. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 76484 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 11-5 102 2 1 2 2 F Leo 10 Payraan, WaukuIIa. Julia M. 70097 Jefferson "3-4 l:15slow 2 93 3 1 11 G E Blind 6 Pathan, KingONeill II., Drmer 76027 Jefferson 5-8 1:02 good 13 103 7 7 5 44 E Blind 12 V. Vennie, EbonyBellc, Pthema 75302 Latonia 3-t l:13fast 29 111 1 1 l3 l3 J Wallace 12 Bamra. IS.Grackle. B. and Shots 74855 Latonia 3-4 l:14andslow 7 107 11 10 8 913 D Jones P! LadyJane. Norseland. Ocirena 74508 Latonia 51 f l:07fast IS 109 3 5 4" 4i J Pevic 12 Poland, Beau.Addie, BkGrackle 74284 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 32-5 108 3 2 24 2i L McDoU12 C.Gilmore, Quotation, It.Grackla 71G39 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 10 94 2 1 61 71 I Parke 9 Cher.Lee. PirbcSnow, Ex.BJitlon 71185 Latonia 51 f l:0G?ifast 11 103 1 4 5 51 I Tarke G Alchemy, Swift Water, Paloma 70475 Churchill 5-8 1:00 fast 7 106 3 1 Is l3 E Dcnry 8 Peggy O., PostDisp.itch, Arabls GEE, ch. c, 3 106 By Master Robert Lady G., by "Peep oDay. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, W. J. Potter. Breeder. C. B. Head. 76406 Jefferson 51 f l:07good 3 107 4-2 1 P E Martin 8 Carlton, Lieut. Fa rrell. Herberts 76323 Jefferson 3-1 l:17hvy 11-3 104 3 2 3 21 F Lee 7 Polvo, Businesslike, Bigwig 6148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 10 105 6 5 31 3 F Lee 10 Thorndale, VeraVennic, Payman 76060 Jefferson 51 f l:03fast 41 115 4 3 11 Is P Lee 12 Waukulla. LittleAlfred. Tambon 75854 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 41 118 3 4 23 23 W Fronk 7 K.OXeillH., Zanzibar, Antiqty 71345 Latonia 51 f l.OSmud 3G 115 5 5 4s 3 T Brothers 8 ValleyLight, GoFoin, Frcelland TAMBON, br. f, 3 106 B7 Peter Quince Whats Left, by Wadsworth. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner. F. E. CoursonL Brepder. T. B. Jones. 76733 F.Grnds 51 f 1:0StsIow 7 103 4 4 41 4 B Harvey 9 Rinkey, Devil Girl. Mah Jong 7G615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 15 103 6 6 4 ll B Harvey 13 M.Fortune, Kingsclcrc, Admirer 76304 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 mud 18-5 104 2 1 P 11 B Harvey 9 Goldmark, Apology, Attilia 70461 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 20 103 4 1 3 5 B Harvey S Rinkey, Boy O Boy. Ex.Edition 76344 Jefferson 51 f l:10,hvy 31 115 2 2 21 3 J Gruber 8 Wauklla, AmityClaim, Bal.Lake 76060 Jefferson 51 f l:0Sfast 15 112 8 14 4 J Gruber 12 Gc-c. Waukulla, Little Alfred 75000 Latonia 51 f 1:03 fast ISf 112 3 6 G Gl J Gruber 12 Diadem, Annie Lyle, Minus 74728 Latonia 3-4 l:13andfast 120 114112 S 8 S" J Gruber 12 Program. Devil Girl. Polvo 67934 F.Grnds 3-3 :35 fast 41 113 7 6 6 E Pool 10 SuoDonovnn. Sunayr. SunLassio MAH JONG, b. f, 3 105 By Sir Martin Tea Party, by Watervale. Trainnr. J. Lowe. Owner, E. Cebiian. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 7631 1 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 mud 2 106 1 2 23 3 J Wallace 9 Invietus, MissFortune. Everglade 76735 F.Grnds 51 f 1:0Stes1ow 7 103 3 1 2 33 J Wallace 9 Rinkey, Devi! Girl. Tambon 75535 Churchill 7-3 l:26Vtfast 12 103 2 1 1 2 W Lancet 14 DareSay, Break.Bcll. P.Politicn 75436 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 6 3051 3 8 7i 64i L McDottll Pr.Doreen. Clarence. SgeCoacU 75416 Churchill 3-4 l:12good 33-10 106 I 2 3 3t L McDott 9 PssDoreen, Beau.Agnes. S.Spot 74937 Latonia ci f Itfoifast 15 106 2 6 6 51 F HstingslJ M.Lawrence, LadyFox, P.Mesta TIL DA PC 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Ascot Purse. "-year-olds and upward. Oil I nrtUC Allowances. Feb. 7, 1J1S 1:4a 1-3 7 110. DELANTE, b. g, 4 113 By Seth Keep Moving, by Yankee. Trainer, B. F. MeClain. Owner. B. F. IlcCta in. Ereeder. E. A. Jones. 76812 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 mud U-5 114 4 2 21 ll J D Mney 4 Moonraker, John Finn, Amola 764G3 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Gifast 10 116 1 1 1 H P Lee 15 Barracuda, Revenge, Rama- 76326 Jefferson 11-161:51 hvy 21 107 3 1 l3 1 F Leo 9 Rama, Best Pal, O. Henry 75231 Jefferson 11:43 hvy 9-5 103 5 1 1 Is F Lee 5 PostHaste, L.C.ranite. Dtabout 7618G Jefferson 3-4 1:1G hvy 21 101 3 2 2 ll F Lee 3 James F. 0H;i!tT-iin Finn . 76132 Jefferson 3-4 l:13hvy 13-10 100 3 2 l3 Is F Lee 3 JamcsF.OHara. WinnerT.ikcAH 75957 Jefferson 1 l:43hvy S 109 4 3 G 615 H Zander 6 O.Henry, TderSeth, Dustalout 75752 Jefferson 1 l:41mud 15 103 5 5 21 41 J Carroll 7 CherrjTreo. Rama, Tcnrter.Seth 74221 Omaha 1 1-16 1:30 mud :i-5 10S 5 1 l3 in H Zander 5 Sec.Thghts, B.Star, TailorMaid SECOND THOUGHTS, ch. m, 5 103 By Ultimas Lydia II., by Luke Blackburn. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 765G0 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 119 2 1 lh 11 F Lee 5 Certain, Moonraker, Dr. Clark 7G462 F.Grnd3 3-4 l:13sfast 9-5 107 2 1 Is 1 F Lee 5 Triumph, Joint Finn, Oui Oui 74221 Omaha 11-10 1:50 mud 13-10 117 2 2 2 231 E Petzoldt 5 Delante, BillyStstr. Tialor Maid 74010 Omaha 3-4 l:12andfast 1-2 120 4 2 23 3 E Pctzoldt 0 Pud, Delante, O. Henry 73693 Omaha 5 f 1:06 fast 2-5 117 2 1 l3 1;1 E Petzoldt 7 L.Marcellia, Pinehurst, Delante 72351 Hawlhno 3-4 l:13mud 2 110 1 1 1 ll E Petzoldt 3 Lord Granite. White Star 72136 Hawthne 3-4 milifast 7-10 110 1 1 l1 P E Petzoldt 0 Wh.Star. Bul.Proof. L.Marcellia 71917 Hawthne 3-4 l:12fast 10 113 3 3 21 2s II Zander 3 Actuary, Bracdalbane LADY MADCAP, br. m, 6 105 By Dick Finnell Affable, by Hastings. Trainer, G. Land. Owner. D. Breckinridge. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 7G609 F.Grnds 1 l:10sfast 11-10 112 2 2 3s 2 I Parko 5 Thimble. Oui Oui, Phoebe Snow 7G063 Jefferson 1 1:10 fast 31 113 3 4 G G I Parke 7 Kama. Barracuda, O. Henry 75515 Churchill 1 l:377sfast 9 103 a 6 63 Gl B -Harvey 7 LadyAstor. Ten-Lee. ChcrryTrce 75434 Churchill 1 1-1G l:16Vifast 11-5 102 5 3 3 43J J Pevic 0 CherryTree, Whiskaway, Belzonl 75124 Latonia 1 l;39;good 61 104 G 3 4 J Heupel 6 InMymorni, Ten-Lcc. Barcuda 75003 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 19 303 6 6 G 52 J Pevic 0 ClioCho. F.Phantom, Dr.Hickman 74895 Latonia ll:38tast 33-10 110 1 2 11 1 E Scobie 0 Triumph, J.Bowdie, Barracuda 74459 Latonia 1 1-16 l:!3fast 17-10 113 2 1 lk 2J N Barrett S GstofHonor, lielzoui. Barracuda 74317 Latonia 1 1-1G l:44M;fast n-5 104 4 2 1 ll A Wilson 5 Chacolet, Oui Oui, Cherry Tree BEST PAL. br. h, 1 110 By Helmet Padula, by Lavcno. Trainer, C. Howard. Owner, S, N, Holman. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 7G736 F.Grnds 1 1:42ts1ow 3 120 2 4 4- a13 G Brening 7 Triumpli. Sedgefield, Barracuda 76649 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 4 117 4 2 21 2i G Brening 4 Moonraker, Certain, Oui Oui 76560 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12sfast 6 126 1 4 4 5s J Pevic 5 S.ThoughU, Certain, Sloonraker 76463 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:46i4fast 6 126 13 6 71 S N Barrett 15 Delante, Barracuda. Revenge 76407 Jefferson 1 lMlrsgood 6-5 113 3 1 l3 l1 J Pevic C. FlintStone. II.Kcmble. Bracuda 70320 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 5 113 9 2 21 31 L Morris U Delante, Rama, O. Henry 76029 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 31 113 5 4 41 541 L Morris 0 Amole, II. Graham, Hid. Jewel BARRACUDA, ch, h, 5 " 10G By Trap Rock Balancoire. by Meddler. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder, A. Belmont. 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42slov 3 109 3 2 2t 331 J Pevic 7 Triumph. Sedgefield, Solisa 76G16 F.Grnds lm70y l:43fast 1G-5 106 4 5 41 3nt G W Croll 6 RoseatelL, FlintStone, Dr.CIark 76561 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 103 1 2 21 3i J Pevic 7 FlintStone. O. Henry, Kevcnga 704G3 F.Gr"nd3 1 1-1G l:4G;fast G 109 13 S 5s 2i J Pevic 15 Delante, Revenge. Rama 76443 Jefferson 1 l:40tifast 21 111 15 2 3J N Barrett S Roseate II., Thimble. Vennie -76407 Jefferson 1 l:41good G-3 1091 1 4 4s 43i N Barrett 0 BestPai, FlintStone, Her.Kembla 76326 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy G IPG S 6 GJ 5 J AVallacc 9 Delante, Rama, Best Pal POLVO. br. c, 3 90 By Sweep First Peep, by Dicudsnne. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, W. J. Potter. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 76051 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 6 97 1 1 ll 1" J Wallace G AVin.TakeAll, Dustabout. Othus 7G526 F.Grnds 3-1 l:14slow 7 110 2 3 2 1" E Pool 10 Frederickfn, Pathan. M.Venn:a 76407 Jefferson 1 l:41good 20 90 4 6 6 6 H Taylor 0, Flintstoce, Her.Kemble 76323 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 13-3 100 5 5 11 ll I Parke 7 Gee, Businesslike, Bigwig 76267 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 40 101 7 S 41 3s! G Noel 9 Julia 31., Seths Flower, Arabia 70149 Jefferson 51 f l:0Sslow 50 90 7 7 8 7" II Taylor S Kingsclcrc. Guvnor, Aladdin 75088 Latonia 1 l:4lrihvy 9 112 12 8 8 71 E Soobie 12 SunSpot, DevilGirl, Phyl.Louisa 74891 Latonia 3-4 i:13andrast 15 115 10 10 61 4" E Scobie 12 KayJr., Starbeck, Graeme 74728 Latonia 3-1 l:13rtfast 21 115 4 3 43 3s E Scobio 12 Program, Devil Girl, Gibbons EXTRA EDITION, ch. g, 3 103 By The Manager Attentive, by Allan-a-Dale. fTrainer, J. W. Young. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder. T. Piatt. 70772 F.Grnds 1 1:42 good 10 102 4 6 6 11 G W Croll S Dreamer. Dobson, Blotter . 70G17 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 4 100 S 4 G Gl F Lec 10 Boy O Boy, Blotter, Pathan 76559 F.Grnds 51 f l:063fast 4 106 9 6 6l 51 B 31rinellilO I.Thghts, B.OBoy, K.OXeilllL 76401 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 15 106 6 5 5 3l F Lee S Rinkey. Boy O Boy, Frankman 75456 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 59 109111 11 10 10Ti E Martin 11 Pr.Doreen. Clarence. SgeCoach 73278 Latonia 3-4 l:12!5ifast 22 113 5 7 7 713 T JIurray 7 Calvin, Cloister, Bob Cahill 72028 Kenilwh 5-S l:00fast 103 4 5 6 63i B Kennedy 7 Remnant. I. Thought, Fast3Iack 71G39 Latonia 51 f l-andfast 21 109 9 9 51 33 K Pool 9 Cher.Lee, PhocbeSnow, Eventide 71239 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 9 107 3 2 23 21 E Pool G Blk.GoId. Befuddle, Delectable 71130 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 1 109 3 2 21 2 E Pool 0 Sanola, Little Clair. Malt C4-U DAPC 1 1-S Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Olarcli 14, Din nAUL 100s i:5i 4-5 12. MISS MEISE, b. f , 4 . 107 By Ormondale Margaret Meise, by Star Shoot. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner, H. L. Crain. Breeder. M. Jones. 7G773 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49!4K00d 1 103 4 a 33 1 I Parke 9 Pequot, Xeddam, PastoralSwain 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:43 fast 4 107 S 5 51 3 F Lee li Fr.Sneezy, Highspeed, Fan.Bean 75513 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 9-10 103 3 3 21 3i E Blind 5 Isosceles, Elias O., Tea Sixty 75477 Churchill 1 3-1G 2:00 fast 21-10 106 2 2 1 l"t B Harvey 7 ParisMaid, OoLiLa, Brotli.Ixva 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4Ggood 51 100 5 5 4 23 E Blind S GrcatLuck. 3Iist.Mary. TenSixty 75157 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 7-5 107 1 1 1 1 I Parke S Giuseppe, RpgMary, Larchmont 74894 Latonia lm70y 1:45 fast 9-10 90 1 1 I5 lh I Parke S OoLaLa. Tcdsllum, 3Iegan 74600 Latonia 3-4 l:12Hfast 41 109 7 7 71 7 E Pool 12 Ten Sixty. Donges, Anonymous 7;987 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fast 12 109 7 A -53 2s F Colletti 15 Orcns. Capt. Costigan, Savoy 72887 Saratoga 2-4 l:12ifa3t 8 108110 4 51 7 F Colletti 16 Donges, Rosa Yeta. Daydue FREEZY SNEEZY, b. m 5 103 By Ljvetie Frosty, by Eockton. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 76405 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:4S fast 3 97 5 2 2U l1 L Lang 11 H.Speed, 3Iiss3Ieise, FannieBean 70409 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:49 good 1S-3 107 6 4 51 631 L Lang 8 3Iargarct Ware, Tody, Highspeed 70307 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:537jhvy 13-5 102 4 2 11 l3 L Lang 0 3Iarg. Ware, Wrangler, Ettaha 70233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 5 102 3 3 -Sl l3 L Lang 7 Smarty, Bastille. Spugs 70065 Jefferson 1 1-S l:53?sfast 31 107 5 1 l5 1 L Lang 7 Aladdin, Rep, Kimpaloug 75959 Jefferson 1 1-13 l:35hvy 3 105 3 1 lnk 11 L Lang 6 Loveliness, Fleeting, Lit.Ammia 75713 Bowio 1 3-16 2:06ifast 61 101 2 3 7l 51 L Lang 11 Dellahm, WhoCares, T.Foreigner MARGARET WARE, b. f, 4 101 By Astronomer Pin Feather, by Dalhousia. Trainer, F. A. Sharkey. Owner, Derby Stable. Breeder. E. B- Cassatt. 7G780 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Sismud 4 101 1 2 1 l3 F Thndke 9 Our Star, Juno, Fehrah 76704 F.Grnd3 1 1-16 l:51?hvy 11-3 991 3 3 2 5 I Parko 1 Raffles, Escarpolette, Richcliea 70562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00fast 10 103 3 2 3h 44 F ThornkolO Eastlndian. Ramkin, Gondolier 70409 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:49 good 15 100 5 3 3 P F Thdyke S Tody. High Speed. Gondolier 7G307 Jefferson 1 1-16 lhvy 31 102 3 3 3 23 I Parke 6 FreezySneezy. Wrangler. Ettaha 76192 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53andhvy 31 110 2 11 ll F Lee 3 Lit.Ammie, BelleAmie, WessleB. 76064 Jefferson 1 l:12fast 12 101 5 5 41 53 F Lee 12 Leaside, Gn.Cadorna, SilcntKinj 75813 Jefferson 3-4 l:16slow 16 107 11 8 7and 6" J Carroll 11 Rustem, Longboat. Stump Jr. RAMKIN, ch. g, 6 113 By Olambala Carinya. by William the Third. Trainer. A. S. Woodliffc. Owner. C. L. Downs. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 76611 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53fast 3 110 2 3 21 l3 B 3rrinelli S St.Donard, Tody, Brotherly Love 7G3G2 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2.00fast 4 106 7 1 21 23 B 31rinellil0 E.Indian, Gondolr, Mar.Whita 70405 F.Grnds 1 1-16 li4S fast 20 106 11 9 7 5i A Hunt 11 F.Sneczy. Highspeed, 3IissMeisa 70348 Jefferson 1 1-S l:57hvy 10 108 7 9 7s 73 J Corcoran 9 Gondolier, Smarty, Attorney 76099 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:55?i3lovr 15 104 3 7 7 53 R Mthews 7 Tony Beau, Richelieu. Kent L. 75181 Empire 1 1-4 2:07sfast 3 1061 2 5 31 2l R, 31thews 9 T.Sgcant. S.GaldlL, Bevwyck 7511G Empire lm70y 1:43 fast 41 107 S 5 9 Si R MthewslO Mclachrino, L.Antoine, T.Sergnit 74311 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Gifast 8 108 5 6 6 5i R 31thews G Wynnewd, E.Indian, MldBella 74099 Aqueduct 1 I-1C 1:46 faandt 10 113 4 6 6 CjjM Fator 0 High Prince. Sweeny, E. Indian EAST INDIAN, br. g, 7 111 By Delhi Killiecrankie, by Kilmarnock. Trainer, A, Zimmer. Owner, J. Flaherty. Breeder. J. W. Co mean. 7G5G2 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00faat 3-2 103 5 3 l1 l1 I Parke 10 Ramkin. Gondolier. Mar.Whita; 76444 JeHerson 1 l:41fast 2 112 4 3 21 ll I Parke 6 Simplicity, Taul Micou. Ncddam, 76388 Jefferson 1 1-S l:55igopd G-3 10S 4 3 2 2 A Accardy 8 St.Donard, G.Cadorna, Attorney 76327 Jefferson 1 1-1 lal hvy 15 103 7 4 4l 3 A Accardy 7 Sog.Aroon, Tony Bean, Yennia 75998 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49slow 103 2 6 5 5 A Accardy 7 Sog.Aroon. TonyBeau, BelleAmie 75751 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5Jmud 5 115 6 4 4 33 A Accardy 8 Bastille, Tony Beau, Wrangler, 74C27 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:ISfast 11-10 109 6 2 21 11 B, Carter 0 S.Klng, B. Watts, MylandBella- 74505 Jamaica lmTOy l:4tfast 16-5 1131 5 4 31 31 E Sando 7 Masquerado, Zealot Sea Core 174311 Jamaica 1 1-16 lUGXfast 4 1121 4 3 2 2- E Sando G Wynnewd, 31yrdBelle, H.Chlei. PEQUOT, ch. c. 4 103 By Hilarious Halesia. hy Martinet. I -Trainer, J. Booth. Ownor. R. T. Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 76773 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49good 20 110 9 1 ll 2n J Owens 9 Miss Meise, Ncddam, Past.Swain 7 75453 Churchill 1 1-S l:53fast 4 110 4 2 11 1 M Garner 10 Tay.IIay, RompingMary, Licrre 7 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46good 24 107 7 8 8 S" J Pevic S GrtLurk, MissMcise, Mis.Mary 7 74774 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 105 6 6 6 6" T Brothers G Wliolv.Mc, K.Timo, G. Billows 7 74692 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 15 102 1 9 10 1CI: T Brothersll Normal, Ten Sixty, Widgeon 74062 Lexton lmTOy l:fast 6 105 1 1 1 14 I Parke 0 Korap.Mary, Casli, P. G. Brown 7 73948 Lexton 3-4 l:14hvy 130 1111 8 8 7 1 7 J Owens 8 Certain, Dongcs, Glyn 7 72774 Lexgton 3-4 l:13good 127 112 9 9 9 713 J Owens 9 Certain, Dongcs, Arendal " 73688 Lexgton lmiOy 1:44-Vfast 11 108 6 7 7 7s4 M Garner 7 Ncddam, K.Charmg, Klnburn HONOLULU BOY, ch. g, 9 107 By Salvation Zerita, by Cerito II. Trainer. A. Swenkc. Owner. A. Swenke. Breeder. Lawrence and Comstock. 7 76814 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 7 104 2 7 4i Ol B Harvey 9 Holster, Bastille, nickory 7 76562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00fast 20 103 10 8 8 8 G ManganlO Eastlndian, Ramkin, Gondolier - 76408 Jerferson 1 1-1C 1:49 good 3J 103 6 6 4J 3s I Parke S Jack F.-iinnnn, Rork, Trooper - 76349 Jefferson 1 1-1C l:51hvy 7 113 8 4 3 2 G ManganlO Reliability, D.Holling. Drumnd - 76308 Jefferson 1 1-S 2:01 hvy 13-5 108 6 5 34 25 I Parke 9 Repeater, Our Betsy, AlSteblcr , 76271 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5Shvy 6 103 9 9 El 53 E Blind 9 Wankcag, DanBolIing, Herald - 76213 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:56hvy 4 112 11 8 6l 55 G Manganll Reliability, Bowsprit, M.Orangc 76098 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:52 slow 25 108 10 8 6s 610 G ManganlO Current Events, Tex, Repeater 75686 Bowie 1 1-S 1:5S fast 14f 103 14 13 131 11" G ManganH D.andDkes, Dr.Wkht, Magicn 1 75634 Bowio 1 3-1S 2:06fast 61 112 12 14 lll 1012 G ManganH Anaprisa. Bonfire, Old Faithful .OLD FAITHFUL, b. g. 6 102 By Horron Smirr, by Carnage. - Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. " Breeders, M. Young and J. B. Gorham. - 76187 Jeffeison 1 1-S l:59hvy 20 10S 1 4 5 5" J Corcoran 5 Tony Beau, Kichelieu, Gondolier I 1 ! 75747 Bowio 1 1-2 2:39fast 41 106 3 4 31 3s G Fields 7 D.andDrakes, Guelpli, SirLeonid i . 75714 Bowie 1 3-16 2:05sfast 41 109 7 4 2 2a G Fields 9 SirLeonid, ComnicCi. RoyalDuck J 75634 Bowie 1 3-16 2:06fast 7 112 S 9 7 3 G Fields 14 Anaprisa, Bonfire, Sir Leonid ! 1 75314 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:35 fast 13 110 10 7 5 5i G Fields 11 Guelpli, Billy Watts, Irish Pat j - 75101 Laurel 1 1-2 2:3G good 11 112 3 7 6s 52 G Fields 7 RoyceRls, BlyStone. O.Wclbn? ! 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09slop 30 10S 7 6 4- 3T G Fields 7 Roy.RooIs, JcwcllV.D., O.Timer . 74741 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 13-5 113 15 6 6i P Walls 7 Irish Pat. Bolster. Day Lilly j VENNIE, b. c, 4 100 By Colonel Vennie Princess Kathleen, by Sain. Trainer. J. D. Adkins. Owner. Kirkfield Stable. Breeder. J. B. Bespess. 76B13 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50mud 12 9S 4 5 6 6J F Thdyke 7 Dustabout. Fly.Devil, TonyBeau 76443 Jeffeison 1 l:40fast 12 105 7 6 51 44 J Wallace S Roseate II., Thimble. Barracuda 76387 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 good 7 ICO 1 3 24 21 J Wallace 4 O.IIenry, BygoneDays, Anonyms 76327 Jefferson 1 1-1C 1:51 hvy 6 93 1 3 3l 4T E Blind 7 Sog.Aroon, TonyBeau, E.Indian 76270 Jefferson lmTOy 1:54 hvy 15 102 1 5 4 34 J Wallace 0 FiyingDcvil, Rupee, Anonymous 7G152 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5.slow 4J ICE 1 5 5 5,J F Leo 5 II.Kembio, Sedgeficid, Anonyms 7G061 Jeffeison 3-4 l:13fast 12 ICS S 8 6l 51 L Lang 12 Rupee, PoorSport, LordAllen BROTHERLY LOVE, b. g, 7 107 By Helmet Santa Anna II., hy Martagon. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner. Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 76611 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:5Jfast 12 111 8 6 6l 4 J Heupel S Ramkin, St. Donard, Tody 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:4S fast 12 105 3 7 81 7" J McCoy 11 F.Sncezy, Highspeed, MissMeise 75477 Churchill 1 3-16 2:00 fast 7 111 7 5 5 il T Murray 7 Miss Meise, Taris Maid, OoLaLa 75414 Churchill 11-8 1:55 good 23-10 115 7 7 4s l1 T Murray 7 St. Paul, Tulalip. Rep 75306 Latonia 1 1-2 2:35fast E 111 5 6 4l 416 J Wallace 7 Pumps, CaptainMac, Paris Maid 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1.55 good 3-10 107 8 5 31 34 J Fevic S Runquoi. Brotherij Love, Bosh 74815 Latonia 1 1-2 2:33 fast 3-2 96 7 4 2 4 21 I Parke 10 Fan.Free. Sagamook. Kiinpalong 74729 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 3 109 5 7 3 l 2k D Connlly 9 Marine Corps, Sway, Ten Can 74562 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 fast 31-10 108 10 8 4 2 M Garner 12 FarisMaid. OoLaLa. T.Leopard THE ARCHER, b. g, 7 103 By Uncle Busy Lass, hy Meddler. Trainer. J. Moore. Owner. R. A. Uason. Breeder. H. P. Headloy. 76650 F.Grnds lmTOy l:41fas v 40 105 2 3 4 4,a J McCoy 5 Romany, T.RollCall, TonyBeau 76099 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:56slow 30 113 6 6 61 C" J D Mney 7 Tony Beau, Richelieu, Kent L. 75996 Jpfferson 3-4 l:16slow 40 107 7 7 7 712 L Smith 7 John Finn, Roseate II., Brunell 74050 H.deGce 51 f l:05fast 60 111 1 7 7 T11 W Lilley 7 Comixa, Wellfinder, Sun Quest 72253 Kcnilwh 1 1-16 l:50slow 16 115 5 4 41 :o J Rowan 5 MakcUp, BgoneDays, Brilliance i8330 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 106 5 6 " 4l J Mooney 6 Kew.ONeil. Plucky, Bridesman 68207 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:43 good 8 931 7 7 61 61 J Mooney 7 Servitor. Runquoi, Episode . 08007 F.Grnds lr.-.TOy l:44fast 10 103 5 5 4: 31 J 1 Mney C Gem, Episode, Canyon WINNER TAKE ALL, br. f, 4 104 3y Fair Play Free Love, by Chouherski. Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner, S. Singer. Breeder. P. T. Chicn. 76651 F.Grnds 11-16 1:46 fast J3-10 100 5 2 22 2" I Parke 6 Polvo, Dustabout, Olynthus 76485 F.Grnds lmTOy lMSfast 41 10C 3 4 44 31 F Smith 5 Dustabout, Tony Beau, Episode 76132 Jefferson 3-4 l:15hvy 8 103 2 3 3 3IS F Smith 3 Dclante. James F. OHara 75303 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 37-10 108 6 5 34 lBk L McDott 8 GrtLuck, RtgTime, Anonyms 74811 Latonia lmTOy 1:41 fast 23-10 103 7 3 2" 1" I Parke 11 Tulalip, Green Gold, Huen 74665 Latonia lmTOy l:42fast 16 99 6 6 4l IJD Jones 7 Dongcs, Lady Champ, Lily M. 74562 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 fast 7 lOf 5 3 Tand SJ B Harvey 12 ParisMaid. BVrlyLovc, OoLiLn 74367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:451itast 26 95 5 5 61 44 R Bladau S W.KnowsMe, T.Sahib, Isosceles 1 Slile :ml 70 Yarrts. -year-olds and uiirard. Claiming:. Feb. mnpr- nAlC 7, 191S 1:4 1-5 7 JUNO. h. m, 5 M 98 By Ultimus Prunella, hy Ornament. Trainer. C. A. asplegate. Owner. C. A. Applesatei. BreMer. Keadiey and Miller. 76780 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4S!mud 20 99 7 7 31 34 F Lee 9 MargaretWarc, OurStar, Febrah 76705 F.Grnds 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 25 108 5 1 6 611 E Martin 10 FrankSIonroe, Hickory, Dr. Joe 76508 F.Grnds 1 1-16 USl-Tsmud 7 102 2 4 4 5" F Lee 5 St. Donard. Six Pence. Herald 76365 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 25 111 9 2 2- 2l W Fronk 13 Dcntaria, IlklebryFinn, Nohow 76189 Jefferson 3-4 l:18ihvy 15 112 1 C 5J E E Scobic 12 Tomtella, Saldino. Frontrsinan 76094 Jefferson 1 l:41?ifast 6 UCT 4 2 31 44 J Corcoran 7 Gold Mount, Lcontes, Sea Wrack 68326 Jefferson 51 f l:09andfast 7 111 11 4 41 31 G Babin 12 Panasain, Amelia S.. Recoup 68131 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lfiandslow 12 113 3 4 6l 532 J McCoy 13 C.A.Rhart, Reformer, R.Crown BASTILLE, ch. g, 6 113 By Voter Oppression, by St. Serf. Trainer. O. B. Akers. Owner, Pastime Stable. Breeder. J. Sanford. 76814 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:59rsmud 7 114 4 1 2l 2 J Heupel 9 Bolster. Hickory. Honolulu Boy 76738 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:05s!ow 5 108 7 8 S ST J Wallace 8 Scare Crow, Superbum, Ettahe 76466 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:54fast 16-5 111 7 7 73 7" C Lang 8 J. Fairman. Tan Son. Repeater 76251 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:44 hvy 13-5 105 1 3 21 3 I Parko 5 Richelieu, Lord Wrack, Kent L. 76233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 9-10 111 4 5 4 2s I Parke 7 Freezy Sncezy. Smarty, Spugs 76134 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:C6andhvy 1 109 4 2 14 1 I Parke 5 St.Dond, G.Trce. Waywassamo 1 76022 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:D01islow 9-5 111 3 4 24 24 I Parke C Tody, Lord Wrack, Stump Jr. BROOMFLAX, ch. g, 5 113 By Uncle Broomleaf, hy Broomstick. TraineT, F. Burlew. Owner, F. Burlew. Breeder, W. B. Miller. 76185 Jefferson 1 1:46 hvy 5 110 6 5 3 2 I Parke S Scdgefield, Col. Boy, Aggra.Papa 76061 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 7 118 7 7 41 41 J D Mneyl2 Rupee, PoorSport, LordAllen 65757 Jamaica lmTOy l:44fefast 11-5 111 3 2 ll 14 B Marielli 0 StyTeller, Prelude, Bit oBlack 65644 Aqueduct 1 l:37?fast 30 95 9 9 9 5" E Bell 9 Flan.Shirt, Missionary. Lit.Chief 65261 Aqueduct 1 1:38 fast 7 112 E E 5 6" R McDott 5 Flan.Shirt, Pir.Gold, ScotldYet 64210 Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 10 100 7 7 7 6" A Collins 7 JuneCrass, FirmFriend, Emotion 64105 Saratoga 1 l:44Vhvy 4 112 3 3 3 3 C Kurnmer 3 Northcliff. Ciiesterbrook B.UNQUOI, ch. h, 6 108 By Runnymcde Pourquol, hy Star Shoot. Trainer, D. X. Hisle. Owner, L. Kay. Breeder. A. B. Spreokels. 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 3 100 3 2 21 4 I Parke 8 Beverwyck, Rupee, King John 75558 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast C7-10 112 1 1 21 54 B Harvey 9 Elias O.. Halu. Randel 75537 Churchill 1 9-5 105 3 3 lh 32 B Harvey 8 Ferguson, T.Lcopard, Simpleton 1 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46good 41 104 2 3 32 5" B Harvey 8 GreatLuck. MissMcise, Mis.Mary 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1:55 good 3 107 4 1 11 ll B Harvey 8 Halu, Brotherly Love, Boslt 74974 Latonia lmTOy l:41fast 13-10 107 3 3 5 63 I Parke 11 Sway, Golden Billows, Ncddam 74773 Latonia 1 1:40 fast 3-2 100 1 1 Is l1 I Parke 6 Attorney, Jou Jou. Gem 71348 Latonia 1 1-S l:35mud 6 108 4 2 2s 2s W Pool 7 Lady Astor, PlusUltra, SeaCourt 71131 Latonia 11-16 1:43 fast 6-5 108 4 2 li 2 W Fronk 8 TippoSahih, Neddam, JakeBerger 70993 Latonia 1 3-16 l:5S?ifast 7 102 1 1 l1 2"k W Fronk 7 David llanun. Hey, LadyLilliaa 1 EL ASTRO, br. g, 4 M 101 By Star Shoot Elmaha, hy Ogden. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner, T. H. Bernhardt. Breeder, Xalapa Farm. 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 15 96 S 4 3h 44 F ThdykclS Daydue, Orlova, Westwood 76021 Jefferson 51 f l:C9?islow 8 110 6 5 5- 54 J Wallace 10 KgONeilllL, Without, Payman i 71910 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 25 103 12 13 13 13" I Parke 13 ThePeruvian. GdTime, Driftwd I VULTILLA, h. f, 3 90 By Vulcain Umatilla, by Clifford. Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner, S. L. Burch. Breeder. C. T. Grayson. 76647 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14-ifast 20 98 8 4 21 3l B Breningl2 8targo, LadyChoco, Zanzibar 75808 Bowie 3-4 1:16 mud 40 911 4 2 4s 53 B Breningl3 Kirah. Despair, Spugs 75708 Bowio 61 f l:21andfast 26 103 10 6 6 7 G Fields 13 RoynlMis. Deputy, RomanGirl 75398 Pimlico 3-4 l:14gooa lTf 93 7 C 6t 94 It Pierce 14 Eb.Bellc, P.IIamlet, Aggra.Papa 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:145fast 10 102 5 4 31 44 J Callafcanl.l Normana, Fehrah, Jackson 74565 Laurel 3-4 l:14ifast C 102 7 3 3 8i J Callahanl4 Belle K., Parthema, Our Star 74368 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 2T-10 112 12 3 41 44 J Callahan 15 Humble, Our Star. AVithout 74142 H.deGce 01 f l:07fast 4 105 7 3 E 30k J Callahanl.". Carajo, Dowry, Sligo 73179 Saratoga E-S l:0ljthvy 12 110 7 6 6l G11 J Callahan 9 Defiant, Sophy, Madam Vennie GOOD NIGHT, h. g, 4 111 By Rickety Slippers, by Meddler. Trainer. F. J. Kearns. Owner, S. Gooch. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 76615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 30 115 13 12 111 121 H Stutts 13 Tambon, MissFrtune, Kingsclere 6 75274 Batonia lmTOy l:44fast 7 93 12 12 :2 11" E Blind lu j.ritishLiner, BenValet, Neddam 75091 Latonia 1 1-16 l:31andhvy 7 1 03 6 6 5 55 L Steinhrt 0 RompgMy, MissMazie, Elanger 75005 Latonia 1 1-S l:C3fast 4 97 1 C 6 6J I Parke C Fantochc. Tip.Sahib, Capt. Mac : 72206 Empire 1 1-16 l:46fast 10 911 6 5 EJ 55 I Parke 7 Firm Friend, Costigan, Tuftcr 72117 Empire 1 l:40Hfast 30 108 9 8 6 54 I Tarkj 10 Skyscraper, Jac.Julian, StoneJug ; 71946 Empire 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 98 4 5 5 44 I Parke 7 WillmTcll, LyMyra, Mary.Bclle 1 71873 Empire 1 1:40 fast 30 98 S 9 61 4 I Parke 9 Atherstonc, Tuxedo, Horologe 71680 Latonia lmTOy 1:42 fast 13 94 3 4 5s 44 I Parke 7 Chacolet. Fantochc. Tippo Sahib 3 LEASIDE, br. g, 5 105 By Anmer Saintolat, by Sain. Trainer. J. D. Adkins. Owner. Kirkfield Stable. Breeder. R. J. Mackenzie. 76841 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51slow 15 115 3 0 51 10" G Fields 10 Smarty, Day Lilly, Stump Jr. 76368 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 12 106 6 6 Sl 8" E Martin 9 Admirer, JohnJoseph, CareFree e 76064 Jefferson 1 l:42fast 20 105 8 4 21 pi H Farlandl2 Gn.Cadorna, SilentKing, Smarty f 75777 Bowie 7-S 1:30 mud 12 108 9 6 51 74 F Collettil.l Far East, Poor Sport, Sea Sand I 75667 Bowio 1 1-16 l:5:good 51107 7 4 42 6T F ThdykelO Due deMorny, Whalebone, Soviet .75614 Bowie lmTOy 1:49 fast Elf 107 7 6 61 44 J Corcoranl5 Cooncan, Belphrizonia, Rupee 74525 Thcliffe lmTOy lMliifast 23 103 5 6 P4 5 L Aron 8 Procyoa, RoyalVisitor, PushPin II 74331 Thcliffo 1 1-16 1:46 fast 5 103 3 2 21 31 J Maiben 0 Proeyon, Azrael, St. Paul .74216 Woodne lmTOy l:457fcSlow 7 103 4 3 2 2 T Wilson 9 Baby Mine, Brynthona, Azrael INSULATE, br. f, 4 106 By Black Jester Electric Fuso, by Henry the First Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 76192 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53ihvy 10 103 3 5 5 5 W Harvey 5 M.Ware". Lit.Ammie, BeUcAmie e 75733 Bowio 1 1-16 1:51 fast 4 104 6 5 4 3s M Fator 10 Rejection, Humboldt, Anaprisa .75654 Bowio 1 1-16 l:51slow 13 105 4 5 44 2 G Rose 10 Who Cares, Fornovo, Honorable e 75595 Bowie 1 1-8 l:59fast E 110 1 2 81 10 G Babin 14 Irish Pat, Magician, Ashland J5227 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:02Vimud 21 108 1 2 35 34 G Babin 4 BclleAmie, Brilliance, S.Spricgs s 75096 Laurel 1 l:43good 9 112 1 1 l2 14 C Lang 12 MayBitddy, Simoon, WtPittstoa a i 74945 Laurel 1 1-4 2:10?sslop 32 93 6 7 8 El R Pierco 8 Smarty. Fitzrue, BclleAmie 74862 Laurel 1 1-16 1:4S fast 13-10 104 4- B El 44 P Walls 7 Bonfire, PoorSport, Humboldt 74668 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 5 97 4 4 3l 2M G Bond 8 Haidec. Bonfire. Col. Whallcn LITTLE AMMIE, ch. m, 5 105 By Pataud Aralia. by Handsome. "Trainer, W. Livingston. Owner. L. T. Bauer. Breeder. J. D. Neet. 76782 F.Grnds 11-16 1:51 mud 12 107 E 4 4 44 J Heupel 5 TanSon, Scare Crow, Drummond d 7C388 Jefferson 1 1-S l:66Hgood 8 105 7 8 6l E B Harvey 8 St.Donard, Etlndian, G.Cadorna - 76233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 6 103 E 7 7 72 G Rose 7 Freezy Sneezy. Smarty, Bastille e 76192 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53hvy 3 107 C 3 31 24 G Rose 5 Mar. Ware, BclleAmie. WessieB. t 75959 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53 9-10 106 B 4 41 44 I Parke G FrzySneczy, Loveliness, Fleets . 75862 Jefferson 3-4 1:18 hvy 15 108 7 7 6l 54 B Harvey 8 Guvnor, Rajah, Peace Pal 75010 Laurel 1 1-16 1:50 mud 7 111 1 6 El 42 G Rose 12 F.Monroe. Cote dOr. M.Maxim 74800 Laurel lmTOy l:45fast 6 103 3 4 42 44 F Lee 8 AllFair, -Stonewall, Hellsolar 74672 Laurel 1 1-4 2:0Sfast 18-5 105 3 2 32 34 J Callahan 6 OldFaithfuI. Bastille. RoyalDuck k FLEETING, ch. f, 4 101 By Manager Waite Independence, hy Ballot. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner. Mrs. C. S. Lemieux. Breeder. T. C. McBownil. 76814 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:D9mud 25 103 1 4 E3 S" A Fraley 9 Bolster, Bastille, Hickorv 76739 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:06slow 7 93 2 5 El 513 D Jones 7 RoyalDuck, RoyalCrn, Attnoy y 76563 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Tfast B 98 5 5 42 21 L Lang 8 Tulane, Bendita, Magician 76488 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 4 99 2 4 2s 22 I Parke 7 Tulalip, Lord Herbert, Bolster 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 30 101 7 9 9 9" A Fraley 9 Idle Thought?. Lugs, Aladdin 76185 Jefferson 1 1:46 hvy 30 102 3 7 8 724 A Fraley 8 Scdgefield. Broomflax, Col.Boy y 75959 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5554hvy 20 103 2 2 21 34 A Fraley 6 FySneezy, Loveliness, L.Ammie ie 75859 Jefferson lmTOy l:52hvy 12 107 4 5 E 42 A Fraley 6 S.Crow. Recomdation, S.Ducrow V 76815 Jefferson 3-4 l:16slow 40 103 2 10 10 10" A Fraley 11 Rustcni. Longboat, Stump Jr. I 7 7 7 7 7 7 " 7 7 - - - , - 1 - - I 1 ! . i J ! 1 j - ! j . BIGWIG, b. c, 3 95 By The Manager Fragrance, hy Greenan. Trainer. A. Morgan. Owner, A. Morgan. Breeder. L. B. Combs. 76647 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast G 108 10 8 T2 B Harvey 12 Stargo, Lady Choco, Vultilla 76557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 7 99 4 6 71 64 J Wallace 13 TimesUp, CoralRccf, DtorGIenn 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 20 105 8 3 2i 24 E Martin 10 Welcome, M.Ftune, Businslik 76323 Jefferson 3-4 l:lThvy 30 1061 6 4 22 44 E Martin 7 Polvo, Gee, Businesslike 75295 Hunfgton 5-8 l:01fast 14 lll S W DunsnlO Auntie Millin, Zanzibar, Quail 75145 Hunfgton 51 f 1:10 slow 13 114 54 W Dunsn 0 Bkrond, Ph.Mayers, LkyStrike 74700 Akron 5 f 1:09 fast 4-5 108 l2 W Taylor 5 NorthernStar, Homer, L.Cripplo 74530 Akron 51 f 1:03 fast 3-10 113 l2 G Wliams 7 Damage, Climb, Sasper DUELMA, b. f. 3 85 By Phillipic Positive, hy Cocksure II. Trainer, C. jN. Freeman. Owner. B. M. Dever. Breeder. B. M. Dever. 76228 Jefferson 3-4 1:20 hvy 33 102 10 S 9 94 H Farlandll W.Lynch, Gt Northern, Dowry 74857 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 160 107 9 12 S3 105S II Farlandl? MuchAdo, Sligo, OurStar 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 6f 101 4 8 Sai- S31 II Farlandl." Normana. Fehrah. Jackson 74565 Laurel 3-4 l:14fefast 10f 100 6 9 10l T32 II FarlandU Belle K., Partlicma. Our Star 74368 Laurel 3-4 l:14Vfast T5 10T 10 11 122 12" II Farlandl5 Humble, Our Star. Without 74142 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 60 3 05 2 4 92 723 J Chalmersl."i Carajo, Dowry, Vultilla 72593 FortErie 51 f l:0Sfast 37 10S 9 8 Sl 713 H FarlandlO Runaway, GrayGirl, FI. Princess 72055 Hawthne 5-S 12 96 8 7 T 74 H Farland 9. Pret.Politieian, Snowdcn, Whiff KINGTON, ch. g, 3 M 85 Sy Sea King Chilton Queen, hy Chilton. Trainer, J. G. Wagnon. Ownsr, M. J. Reid. Breeder. L. Garth. 70836 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slow 20 IOC 10 10 O 104 R Costellol2 Goldmark, The Reaper, Baldine 76679 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lomud 10 112 9 11 2 102S N Barrett 11 B. Manager, Antiquity, Bugler 76303 Jefferson 3-4 l:19hvy 20 116 9 S 62 54 F Leo 10 Dunoon, Baldine, LadyBurrows 75648 Bowio 51 f l:09andslov 21f 104 10 12 10l 3JR Costellol2 Bess.Gcrshel, FloBrown, Stevens 75068 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow lOf 113 13 14 13 13" A Roach 14 Li Vague, Stevens, Leonard G. 74368 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast Tf 107 14 14 13 13" A Roach 15 Humble. Our Star, Without 73985 H.deGce 51 f l:0S?slow llf 104 13 12 12 12 A Roach 13 Carajo, Bramton, Vehement 173820 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 144 116 1 8 71 12" A Roach 14 Sunmagne, MoonStar, BeauXash 173188 Devshire 5-S l:01fast SO 109 12 12 12 12" A Roach 12 Prin.Amo. F.Rufflcs, Pollymara 72242 Hawthne 51 f l:09slow 10 107 7 7 6" 5" H Farland 7 Dowry. Clever Seth. Frosty Boy