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Latest Workouts 18 . NEW ORL.EANS, La., Jan. 18. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIR GItOUXDS. Yeather clear; track good; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 4-Anaprisa 42 14-Madam Vennie 40 15-Attoo 39 17-Oui Oui 3S 14- Billy Klair ...37 Trice Hill 42 13- 15anker Brown 40 15-Pcnuarco 3Sand 15- Best Pal 39y5 17-Quinham 38 14- Chiet Curry ..39 10-Itoyal Turple ..38 14-Frank G 39 7-Bedwood 39 14- Fclicitous 374 15-Rustem 38 12- Fire Boy 40and 13-Roman Girl 40 3- Frankinan 38 9-Bupee 41 10-Guvnor 40 Super Frank ..3S 17-Lester Doctor. .37 14-Sctting Sun ...41 9-Mawrcoron 40 10-Translate 40 13- Muskallonge . .3S Half Mile. 4- Annamary 53 15-Longboat 54 15- Col. Winn 51 14-Milton M 53 15-Colonel Baker .51 14-Xorseland 52 15-Edith Hall 53 C-Orlova 51 15-Eventide 50 9-Pr. of Umbria.56 15-Fantoche ......54 15-Quccn Charining52-f4 15-Good Night ...53 12-Uhinegold 51 15-Bocket 53 411-Say It 53 4G0-Hoy 57 17-Tab. dHonneur.54 13- Honor Man 54 13-The Boll Call.. 53 492- High Tea 51 15-Troutwick 52 14- Isosce!es 52 14-The Leopard ..52 10-King John 54Vs Five-Eighths Mile. 13-Advocatc 1:07 13-Radio 1:11 13-Brother. Lovcl:07 16-Rapid Day ..1:07 10-Blue Nose ..1:10 13-Sis. Josella ..1:07 12-Kxtra Kditionl:OG 15-Shine On 1:14 493- ltock Bottom 1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Antonia 1:18 15-Gcm 1:16 lG-Broomflax ...1:19 11-Gcorge Starr 1:20 14-Childs Play 1:17 12-Jake Bcrger .1:17 14-Cherry Tree .1:18 14-Rcvenge 1:18 14- Dr. Clark ...1:27 15-Searchlit 111.1:18 7-Dunoon .....1:19 1-Sunny Ducrowl:23 Seven-Eighths Mile. 4G7-Mormon Elderl:3G 15-Vitamin 1:34 One Mile. 15- Anonymous ..1:47 15-Red Arrow ..1:45 15- BreechIoader 1:51 9-Silcnt King. .l:45i 14- Georgette ...1:48 14-Sam Frank ..1:51 13-Kew. ONeill 1:53 16-The Peruvian 1:45 16- Lord Wrack 1:49 9-Tempting ...1:40 17- Procccds 1:51 15-Vendor .......1:47 . 11-Quivero 1:48 11-AVestwood ...1:53 Mile and a Quarter. 10- Boot Black ..2:29 Lester Doctor ran well. Eventide has her speed. Antonia was not fully extended. Gem worked well with light weight Revenge and Cherry Tree galloped together. JEFFEKSON FARIC. Weather clear ; track good ; "dogs" up Three -Eighths Mile. 47G-Lady Celia 41 4S9-011ie Palmer ..39 257-Full o Fun ...39 17-St. Michael ...38 lG-Ormleigh 39 14-Seths Flower 41 Half Mils. 12- Begonia 52 3-Huckbry Finu.55 El Jessamine ..59 Five -Eighths Mile. 15- Colored Boy .1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 11- Bright Lightsl:23 12-Fifty-Fifty .1:23 15-East Indian .1:23 14-Move on Sethl:22 Ono Mile. 15-Delante 1:59 Milo and an Eighth. 13- Kimpalong . .2:14