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; TIJUANA ENTRIES TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 Tast performances of horses entered in Tuesdays races at Tijuana -will appear in Tuesdays edition. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time, 3:50. Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprenticu allowance, b Blinkers. First Race 3-8 Mile. Purse S600. li-year-olds. Fillies. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924 35 2 IIS. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Roc A.Wt Han. 76739 Moon Child 115.. 725 7C8911 Scquan 115. .720 76789 My Destiny 3 15.. 715 7G7E9 Girl Scout 115.. 710 76789 Shasta Rapids ... 115.. 703 76789 Poppina 115.. 705, 76474 Miss Alessi 115.. 703 76789 Myne Moe 115.. 700 76891 Solimente 115.. 700 76748 La Una 115.. 700 76626 Wiltrudc Wood ... 315..7C0 Miss Lane H" Dutch Girl 115 Frances Victoria . 115 Second Rase 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ?GC0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924 1:046 1 10G. 7G749 Rosa Atkin 109 1:08 0 10SX723 76749 Delancey 113 1:08 11 110X720 76892 Sweet and Low ...111 l:12m 4 105.. 715 76790 blueblo 109 1:07 7 105x715 76692 Blanche Meyers ..10I1:0S 10 10SX715 76692 Roscoe Goose luSI:09 12 1100710 74498 bRed Man 115 1:03 10 115X710 76824 Flypaper Ill 1:09 7 10S:i:705 76761 bPlantagcnet 112 l:0S3 12 110X705 76498 Lady Winfrey 111 1:C9 3 97.. 703 76714 Mildred Ruth 100 1:03 4 100x705 76039 Zjriu 104 1:10 4 100.. 700 76849 Pink Teuny 113 1:09 S 103X700 76576 Dinna Fash 101 1:03 7 103.. 700 76573 Mabel Kripp 5 103.. 703 69179 Lady Marac II.. 5 113.. 700 76072 Bookworm 110 1:08 G 108.700 Cancellation 3 97 Third Racj 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: March 8, 1923 1:11 S 128. 76856 Brandeis 93 1:13 108X725 76893 Queen Catherine.. 90 l:15h 100X720 76893 Mi s Nantura .. 106 1:14 101.. 715 70791 Little Thistle 111 l:lGh 105X715 76893 Finis Gloriosus ... 101X710 76574 Whiff 110 3:15 99X710 76893 Bess Man 107 1:14 10G. .710 76747 Tranquil M 108.. 705 76851 Pretty Mally 101 1:14 107.. 700 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924 1:04 1 10G. 76747 PARVENU 107 1:06 115X725 76870 Keegan 105 1:05 112X715 7682GT Iluon Tine Ill 1:06 115.. 715 7687G Program Ill 1:07 115. .710 71425 Spellbinder 115X710 75761 Voorgold US l:13s 115.. 705 76664 Cypreme M 3 05.. 705 71124 Freebooter M ... 108.. 705 75794 Publicity M 103.. 760 76893 Herby Coles M . . 105.. 700 75620 Skoki 105 l:13h 112.. 700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards, rursc ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: March 10, 3923 1:42 G 118. 76377 Prince K 100 1:41 4 109 X 750 76376s Deep Thought 3 94.. 745 76853J Billy Star 108 1:11 5 104 X 740 7GS531 Victoire 105 1:45 4 10GX7C0 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse . 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10. 1923 1:42 G11S. 76897 Eelman 309 3:47s 5 111.. 725 76894 Lawrence Manning.110 1:45 5 111.. 720 76852s bPeter Pierson 101 1:45 4 104X715 76894 Fnyelle 10G 1:45 5 101.. 715 76894 bBy Right 105 1:44 S 109:1:715 769095 Plow Steel 104 1:47 5 10SX715 76578 bBrceze 109 1:44 30 111X715 76852 Louis 100 1:44 7 111.. 715 7C9091 Woodie Montgomery 113 1:45 11 111X710 76S71bVirgo 107 1:45 7 106X"10 76852s Chippendale 106 1:47 5 106.. 705 76873 Theresa .1111:46 fi 104X700 , 76871 Encrinite 300 1:42 7 109700 76392 Dovesroost 109 1:49 5 111X700 76856 Calgary Lad 8 111.. 700 78295 Laura Cochron ...10S1:47 G 309. .700 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse . 4-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: March 27, 39213:525337. 7G9131 -Hyanpom 110 1:53 G 110X725 76913J Bosh 97 1:53 4 103.. 720 76897 Mart Bunch 4 100X715 76828 bThe Wit 112 1:52 7 105X710 76897 bLocust Leaves ...100 3:55 7 100X710 76718 Lady Lillian 103 1:52 G 103x705 76913 Bayonet 4 103X700 Eighth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. March 8, 1923 1:11 S 128. 76912 bLord Allen 109 1:12 5 110X725 73559 Canmore 122 1:13 4 103.. 720 769123 bKnighthood 9G 1:12 4 107X713 76244 The Dictator 92 1:12 5 133.. 735 76854 Turbulent 310 1:13 4 10S..710 76827 bBullet Proof 107 1:11 7 113X710 76766s Ruddy 101 1:12 4 113X710 76911s Al Hotfoot 95 1:15 3 103 X 705 76912 Doctor Corbett 111 3:12 11 110X705 76855 Canyon 30J 1:12 5 111.. 705 76829 The Falconer 120 1:13 5 118X7CO