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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK CITY "Harvey Transaction" Tomorrow How good is it? This question was asked about a dozen times yesterday oAer the Avire. The following message received yesterday morning best answers the above : A Avell-known business subscriber from Montana to the last three "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS says: "Is it possible for me alone to subscribe in its entirety for the next "Harey Transaction" for territory al-loted to Montana. If so wire quota and telegraphic remittance will follow upon your reply." The quota allotted to Montana is eighteen, Avhich has been oversubscribed in the last two instances. But as- it is the policy of this office to prevent, if possible, anyone from cornering the market, as it would hae a tendency to shorten the odds against "Harey Transactions," a reply in the negati-e Avas forwarded with thanks, declining the offer. The receipt of ,800 from one man means nothing to this office Avhen the effect of its acceptance may prove detrimental to the followers of "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS." Every "HARVEY TRANSACTION" is considered equally good or it would not be given, since speculation on same runs into six figures and this office fully realizes how much depends on each outcome. The best answer is a glance at the accomplishments of "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS." Incidentally it may be stated that the last four consisted of three winners at 6 to 1, 12 to 1 and S to 1, respectively, and the last one, Avhich ran second Saturday, PEQUOT, closing at 4 1-2 to 1, beaten a nose, shows a profit of ,250 ON A 50.00 INVESTMENT TERMS : One Hundred Dollars Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. Early subscription is advised and it should bo well understood that all "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" consist of one horse. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 THE SPORTING LEADER 23 Cents at All Newsstands Everywhere- Todays Free Code: Chicago, Parch, Flora, Flora, Launch And Al Gerns says in his telegram. "This is the best thing I ha-e seen for a long time, ripe and ready. I have got the O. K. today. Go to it." Just get the SPORTING LEADER. I At all newsstands e-ery where. Only 25 cents. REMEMBER! Last Mondays Free Code: Extra Edition 10-1 Won AND TODAYS CODE C03IES JUST AS STKONG DETROIT FOR SALE ONLY AT Triangle Newsstand, Griswolil and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theater, Cadillac Square. $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ t The MIRACLE SYSTEM is natinnailjr known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on ? $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Ausoliltcly FREE 73-pace in:iim:il and rvilew. $ $ Iuvti:itc today ami tunkc your bookie ubey. 5 $ 1ubKc relations manager 5 $ S. E. ART11UU $ 5 Box 40, It. 1 Tonson. Md. $ Pay From Your Profits 8 The Master Key System of playing the rncef will he mailed you for one weeks trial, it should show an nver.-isc profit of at least 0 :i day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your naim- am address, to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach, Fla. PLAY SAFE Order Your New Manual NOW And Be Sure!