Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-21

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Entries and Past Performances FAIR GROUNDS ; MONDAY, JANUARY 21 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK HEAVY. 76838 Devil Girl 112 1:13 104X715 The figures under tho heading "Rec." in 76838 Julia M 101 1:13 104X715 th entries below show the test time of 76811 Miss Fortune 94 1:13 104.. 710 ea-ch horso at the distance since January 1, 76608 Flying Fur 10-1 1:13 104.. 705 1921, r.o matter where it finished. In case 76735 Royal Purple M.115 l:16s 100. .700 where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles, conditions. Peerless Purse. rursc ,200. 4-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 18, 1922 1:44 7 110. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. 76682s 0. HENRY 106 1:46 108 X 750 QSupcrior mini runner. XGood nnM runner. 76616 Roseate II 103 1:48 10S. .740 :!:Fnir mini runner. M Maidens. Apprentic 76736 Solisa US 1:47 103. .735 iillinvancc. blSlinker. 76683 Soggarth Aroon ...IOC 1:47 108X730 7r704 R!l"lcs 1W 105X730 First Race-3-8 Mile. Turse ,000 2-year-olds. Maidens Claiming nfth zce-l Mile. Track record: Jan. 19, 192--J4-2-114. IIIckory rursc. . , TT . ,?.fa;V,f Turse ?1.000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. FuoIl0.rf" Tk Jan "1S-1-.37M-5-114. TOW 118 :35 . 76769 Parole II US :37ft 112.. 720 76648 Thormlale 113X7;.0 76809 P.ockcmar 11G :37m 114. .715 76881 King OXcill II... 103. .74o 76700 Kumonin .118 :37ft 112. .715 76838 Payman 100 1:42 102X710 76646 Lola Lester 115 :39 107.. 710 76860 Deronda 109 X 735 76809 Kitty French 115 :37m 109.. 710 70S81 Gee 103.. 735 76809 Catherine Douglas. 115 :38m 115.. 705 76406 Ilcrbertus 99..ioO 76700 Dean II 118 :38fth 110.. 700 76811 Henry M. Dcitz... 102 X 725 76809 Rmbcth 115 :3Sm 107.. 700 . 110 Sllth Kace 1 3-16 Miles. Dan K. Stewart... Mary Maud Carr.. 107 Pnwe ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Bed Seth 105 Track record: Feb. 2i, 1904 1:5S 5 10. Fannie do Coursy.! 114 75472 Links 4 99X725 Flavia Ill 76840 IIuonec 100 2:00 C 102 X 720 , 76840s bC.ondolier 106 2:01 5 111X715 Second -r, Race 3-4 ox Mile. 76883 Pcquot 101 2:01 4 110X715 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 70774: ltmv-n 4 107X715 Track record: Feb. 9. 191S-l:llft-G-116. 766U ninlriin V 9 100.. 710 76734 Antonia 105 1:12 4 102 x 725 76774 Irish Pat 4 115.. 705 76095 Avispa 1011:121a 5 109.. 720 76883 bThe Archer 7 110X700 74770 Stone Age 102 1:13 4 103X715 76840 Escarpolette 103 2:00ft 7 109 X700 71029 Rapid Day 105 1:11 8 102:1:715 , , 70614s The Franciscan ...105 1:13ft 5 102.. 715 . J?ev!nth-Baf, , M , 76365 Mock Orange OS 1:13 7 102X715 rursc ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76615 Stamp 102 1:13 5 106X710 Trn.k record: March 14, 190S-1:51 3 122. 76614 Froth 99 1:14ft 4 112X 705 76611s Txdy 103 1:51ft C 102 X 725 76614 Monsoon 112 1:14 6 106X705 76814 bllolstcr 105 1:47 9 112X720 76770 Fifty-Fifty 1C9 1:12 5 102.. 705 70782 Scare Crow 105 2:01h 4 10SX715 76389 Miss Em 112 1:15 4 102X700 76861s "Atta Roy II 110 1:51 7 107X715 73115 Hello Pardner 107 1:15ft 7 102X700 76611 Lucidus 104 1:55 4 110. .715 76213 Toddv Toast M..113 l:21h 4 100.. 700 76862 Ilork , 4 110X715 76525 rell Mell M 101 l:18s 10 97.. 700 76841 hCleanGone ... 1 OS 1:45 8 112X710 , ., 76842 bTrooper 113 1:45 9 110X710 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 76842s bDrummond ....... .102 1:57 8 103 X 705 Princess Purse. 75802 Nancy Winet 4 100. .705 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances 76g42 ijivcv ......109 1:53 10 108 X 700 Track record:. Feb. 9, 191S 1:11ft 0116. 7eg61 yorjck 108 1:50 4 103X 700 74664 Privilege 104.. 725 76837 Gold Mount 4 105 X 700 76881s Mali Jong 106 1:12 101. .720 76862 bSoviet M ....... SO 1:59 4 101. .700 FAIR GROUXDS JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, X to January i:t, 1924, inclusive At or At or Over Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tarkc, 1 25 97 785 195 119 106 riolmes, II 10 102 88 9 4 5 Lang, L 22 90 83 18 12 4 Rvrne. J .. .10 102 244 24 19 32 Butwcll, J. 19 119 81 15 15 15 Carroll, G. W 09 103 165 15 11 21 Mangan, G 18 104 130 24 18 18 Ambrose, E. . .09 108 117 11 13 16 Martin, 13. .......... .18 105 442 80 58 44 Ai-cardv, A .09 107 100 9 15 16 McDcrmott, L. 18 100 617 111 103 8S Nicholson, O. .09 102 85 3 3 2 Pool. E 18 109 417 SO 87 62 Gnmeiscn, J 09 103 23 2 2 1 Abel, A 17 102 431 75 00 57 Oorcv, G OS 107 155 13 15 Lee, F 17 98 417 72 42 55 Kaiser, II OS 98 141 11 13 IS Marinclli. 11 16 100 423 68 47 53 Murrav, T. 08 110 132 11 8 17 Morris, L 10 1 09 166 27 21 25 wens". J 03 10G 314 26 25 35 OMaboney, C 10 108 251 41 31 31 nose, G OS 100 365 31 37 40 Lang, C 16 109 025 9S 88 S4 Smitli. F 08 106 224 19 21 23 Tevlc. J 10 104 4S7 77 89 78 Thomas, J 08 104 93 7 10 8 Barrett, N 15 110 07 10 5 8 Brcnning, B . . .OS 91 3G 3 1 4 Fraley, A. .... .. .15 103 136 20 24 17 Jones, I. 00 94 154 9 9 9 Ilenpel, J 15 102 247 38 33 32 Cooper, G. .08 85 52 3 3 4 Bcobie, E 15 112 398 58 76 52 iteilly, F .00 102 10 1 2 0 Walls. G. .15 111 201 31 26 27 l,illev, W. .". .... .05 110 59 3 8 8 Garrett, M. 14 100 343 49 41 29 Harbonrne, E. .05 111 37 2 0 1 Burke, J; II. .... .14 110 108 15 18 10 Saucier. L ..i .04 99 20 1 2 2 Mooney, J. D. 13 113 371 47 41 50 Leyland, J. .01 100 27 1 3 3 Harvey, B 13 103 700 SI 74 91 Smith, L. .03 105 31 1 4 1 Romanelli, R 13 105 233 30 32 20 Tliorndvke, F .i .03 95 92 3 9 6 Tonce. C 13 108 119 16 20 10 Brcnning, G. 02 108 43 1 S 1 Robinson, C 13 110 68 9 7 4 Kederis, J. 02 103 41 1 0 3 Wallace, J 13 98 903 114 114 141 Mergler, D. . 01 95 70 l 8 9 Farland, II 13 103 317 40 07 50 Allen, C 105 4 0 0 0 Btutts, II. 12 107 505 02 CO 78 Fisher. D 90 10 0 0 0 McCoy, J : 12 103 473 57 40 47 Forstercr, J, .. 100 8 O O 0 Hunt, A 12 97 51 0 4 1 Hamilton. II .. .. Ill 2 0 0 0 Bell, E. 12 113 202 25 24 32 Hanson, W .. 95 4 0 0 0 Chalmers, J 12 98 489 61 71 49 Noel, G. .. 100 5 0 0 1 Zander, II .11 107 361 40 38 49 Pichon, L 106 13 O 0 1 Schwartz, M 11 111 122 13 15 15 Rodney, T." 100 2 0 0 0 Roehm, E 11 107 133 14 13 13 Rodriguez, J 110 3 0 0 0 McDermott, R 11 111 285 SO 37 33 Taylor, H 95 6 O 0 0 Fields, G . .11 101 023 70 84 22 Thompson, G 100 4 0 0 0 Corcoran. J. 11 104 604 CO 78 01 Uslan, R 95 0 0 1 0 Blind, E 10 100 345 33 29 45 Vilmore, A 100 5 0 0 0 Milner, W 10 97 269 28 24 42 Yelton, R 98 29 0 1 1 ISt RACE S"VIy1 .:"T"1"?1,ls MiIens Claiming. Jan. 19, 1022 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odda Wt St 5i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish TVO. b. c, 2 M 117 By Ormondale Futurist, by Goldea Maxim. Trainer, K. Sjeire. Owner Audley Farm Stable. Breeders. M. and B. B. Jones. 70709 F.Grnds 3-8 S6good 1 118 1 24 2 E Pool 10 S.Mengel. F.IJelations, Iarolell. 7C60G F.Grnds Z-S 35ftfast 15 118 3 21 2. E Scobie 11 SVlrsure. S.ofTroinp, Fnaught 7G460 F.Grnds 3-S 3C fast 20 11S 9 7i Sl E Scobie 10 S.Along, Ss Treasure, Wheaton PAROLE II., br. sr. 2 M 112 By Setback Bud. by Leonid. Trainer, A. B. Letellier. Owner. Southland Stable. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 9G769 F.Grnds 3-8 36good 15 118 S 71 4s J Kederis 10 SaniMengel, Fuo, For. Relations KOCKOMAR, ch. f, 2 M 114 By Half Rock Miss Orimar, by Orimar. Trainer, J. Romito. Owner, J. Rcmito. Breeder, L. Whiting. 76809 F.Grnds 3-8 3;mud 30 UG S S1 Ccl J Itodguezl2 Evelyn, Mabel C, Night Shade 70503 F.Grnds 3-S 3Gmud 30 116 2 4 5:3 J ItodguezlO Dress Goods, Evelyn, Mabel C. KTJMONIN; ch. c, 2 M 112 By Short Grass Ida Claire, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, R. Scherrer. Breeder, Short Grass Stud. 70700 F.Grnds 3-8 35hvy 60 118 4 7 7i E Harbnell Wheaton, Step Along, Evelyn 7GG0G F.Grnds 3-S 35ftfast 30 US S S 8 E Harbnell Ss Treasure, Fuo, Son of Tromp 70460 F.Grnds 3-S 36 fast 30 118 5 o1 7 E HarbnelO S.Along, Ss Treasure. Wheaton XOLA LESTER, ch. f. 2 M 107 By Handridge Lucky Liz, by Ivan the Terrible. Trainer, J. R. Allen. Owner, J. R. Allen. Breeder, R. Meacham. 76G4C F.Grnds 3-S 3Sfast 20 115 7 71 9le J Corcoranll MyDear, Bit oHoney, MabelC. JQTTT FRENCH, b. f, 2 M 109 By Wormleighton Country Froud, by Deceiver. Trainer, G. R. Brysoa. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder, L. A. Lyne. 76809 F.Grnds 3-S 35mud 50 113 4 7" S,c ! Morris 12 Evelyn, Mabel C, Night Shade CATHERINE DOUGLAS, b. f, 2 M 115 By Wonnle.igb.ton Grace Harlan, by Duke of Or monde. Trairer. D. Douglas?. Owner, D. Douglass. Breeder, L. A. Lyne. 70809 F.Grnds 3-S 35mud 30 115 12 ll1 10" C Robsonl2 Evelyn, Mabel C, Night Shade DEAN H., b. g. 2 M 110 By Horace H.-Conjury, by Conjuror. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner, J. Howell. Breeder, J. Howell. 76700 F.Grnds 3-S 33hvy 50 118 8 9 9" G Walls 11 Wheaton, Step Along, Evelyn BTJRBETH, ch. f, 2 M 107 By Berrilldon Angela K.. by Celt. Trainer, W. M. Sheedy. Owner, Mrs. W. M. Shoedy. Breeder, L. Garth. 7C809 F.Grnds 3-S 35mud 20 115 9 5" 12l" F Murphy 12 Evelyn, Mabel C, Night Shade 16503 F.Grnds 3-S 36mud 8 115 5 8 810 C RobsonlO Dress Goods, Evelyn, Mabel C. First start for the followlne: DAN E. STEWART, br. c, 2 M 110 By Trcutbeck Sain Shot, by Sain. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner, E. J. Wall. Breeder, E. Cebrian. MARY MAUD CARR, ch. f, 2 M 107 By Master Robert Lady G., by Peep oDay. Owner, M. Cox. Breeder, C. B. Head. EED SETH, ch. e, 2 M 105 By Seth Cutaneous, by Farandole. Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, B. A. Jones. TAHNY DE COURSY, ch. f, 2 M 114 By Stockwell Fontarabia, by Oddfellow. Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, McB. Moore. Breeder, McBrayer Moore. FLAVIA. b. f, 2 M 111 By Under Fire Mary Orr, by Orimar. Trainer, G. Land. Owner, C. W. Leonard. Breeder, Xalapa Farm. 2nd RACE 3"i Yl1 ,""GOaYr0lli 1IIMVard Claiming. Feb. 9, 191S AHTOOTA, ch. f, 4 102 By Tony Bonero Pretty Dale, by Hinsdal. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Goldblatt. Breeder. T. B. Jons. 10734 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 21 100 2 4 31 2 I Parko 11 Bamra, Guvnor, Sagamore TC324 Jefferson 51 f l:09hvy 6 102 7 t Si 31 I Parke 8 RoyalDick. KegPardon, KtGrass 16248 Jefferson 3-4 1:19 hvy 11-20 108 1 C 31 3 I Parke 9 MissEm, Glenconoko, SyDucrow T5994 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 alow 11-6 108 1 4 rl I Parke 11 PoorSport, Permarco, Piedmont 15802 Jefferson 3-4 l:20hvy 2-5 106 2 1 1 1 I Parke 8 Piedmont, DicksDauter, OlBliic 1S557 Churchill -4 l:13fast 12 109 2 S 6 6 G W Croll 7 Macbeth, BegPardon. Littlellope 15532 Churchill 3-4 l:13faat 23 105 S C 6i 61 G W Croll 8 Rustem. Mnclietli. Gordon Shaw 75210 Latonla S-4 l:16hvy 4 98 4 2 1" 1 I Farke 8 Macbeth. Kingsclere. ColnFIoss 14457 Latonia lm70j l:fast 22 103 5 C S1 9s W Lancet 10 ltAiability, I.itellopc, FlrShop AVISPA, ch. m, . 5 , . 109 By xiunnymede Kapa Girl, by Solitaire II. Trainer, E. McCown. Owner, E. McCown. Breeder. A. B. Snreckels. 70095 Jefferson 3-4 l:15ftfast 11-5 105 1 4 4 l1 I Parko 12 Flor.Decn, Relliility, S.Josella 75818 Jefferson 3-4 l:17ftslow 5 106 1 1 21 41 E Blind 11 C.IIenry, IaulMicou, TlncleVclo 75432 Churchill 1 1:40 fast 9 101 1 2 8 Sl J Pevic 11 Bob. Shea, AVcstwd, Simpleton 75393 Churchill 3-4 l:13tslow 11 107 2 5 5s 41 J Pevic 8 Lugs, Wcstwood, Ben Bolt 74059 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 6 102110 7 61 7 W Lancet 12 Modna. 15v Golly, Txird Allen 723G4 Map.Hts 3-4 l:12fast 2 97 7 3 31 21 W Martin S ChildsPlay, Antonia, UnclcBert 72137 Map.Hts 3-4 l:12fast 11-10 10G 2 3 4s 22 E Martin 7 Spinaway, Alard, Coax Me "SI 583 Latonia lmTOy l:41ftfast 3 105 3 5 910 9 T Brothersll Green Gold. Mary Ileigcl, Ginger 71173 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 11 105 3 9 9 10i L McDottll Dr.Hickman, Lugs, MarineCorps 70945 Latonia 3-4 l:20hvy G 107 7 7 71 8 J Owens S Guvnor. ColorcdUoy, Buckwheat STONE AGE, b. e, 4 103 By Granite Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Baumgart ner. Breeder. J. K. Louchheim. 71770 Latonia lm70y LUlftfast IS 104 9 7 61 Csl D Jones II Intried, Mistress Mary. Hoy 74597 Latonia. 3-4 1:13 fast 49 102 G 4 31 1 I! Harvey 12 LordAlIen, Redwood, GreenGold -32-14 Bl.Grass 5-8 1:01 fast 7 1041 ll B Harvey 11 Patrician, Froth, Carter 72701 FortEric 3-4 l:13ftfast 7 1C2 7 5 41 5i G Fields 10 Pampas. Th. Way, Teds Plnm 72594 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 8 1111 4 5 4l 2 II J Burke 9 Patchwork. Athanna, Kadin 72455 Hanilon 1 1-16 l:.r0 fasc 22 102 2 2 21 6s T Wilson 10 Tamper. Gen. Average, Mouetto 71922 FortErie 3-4 l:Hfa.st 21-10 10S 5 2 2l 2 J Wallace S TedsPlum, Ptclnvork, Hillhouse JI758 FortErio 3-4 l:16fast 29 101 9 4 3t 432 J Wallace 11 St.Qucntin, FarEast. TedsPlum RAPID DAY, ch. g, 8 102 By Rapid Water Sweet Day, by Peep oDay, Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner. R. KcGarvey. Breeder. F. D. Knight. 71029 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21 107 11 Fell. A Abel 11 B.o.Elizabcttown, Rustem, Lugs 70592 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17 105 S 8 7l 5" J Owen3 9 Honor Man, Caligula, Ararat G9870 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 15 102 7 6 31 3i B Harvey 8 My Reverie. Skeezix, WhiteStar 68G99 Jefferson 3-4 l:14slow 4 105 4 3 21 1 II Thurbcr 4 Hadrian, Translate, Louis A. 68614 Jefferson 5ifl:07fast 11-5 110 4 2 2l 2 E Pool 7 Gol. Floss. T.Franciscan, Hadrian 68513 Jefferson 51 f l:07fast 7 111 7 3 2 3l J Owens 7 Orcus, Barracuda. Sewell Combs C8349 Jefferson 3-4 I:13fast 4 112 C 3 41 5i J Owens 0 Orcus, Canyon, Biff Bang 07985 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12ftfast 7 111 8 6 81 10" d J Owens 10 Honor Man, St. Allan, LEffare 07752 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 108 S 6 21 lh J Owens 14 Monastery, Sagamore, P.Micou 07025 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ftfast 31 107 12 11 5l 3l J Owens 12 Valor, Green Gold, Sagamore G75C2 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ftfast 4 106 7 3 lh 2 J Owens 13 Louis A.. Mom, Sunny Girl C7285 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fast 5 1041 4 3 21 3J J Owens 0 Valor. Hid.Jewel. Jake Bergct THE FRANCISCAN, br. h, 5 103 By Hesperus Mortonia. by Mortlake. Trainer. F. P. Letellier. Ownor. Southland Stable. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. 70014 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14ftfast 6 1031 6 3 21 3i J Kederis 13 Beg Pardon, Dr. Joe, Orlova 75814 Jefferson 5-8 1:02 slow 15 103 2 5 5s 5 J Kederis 0 Centimeter, Post Haste, Amole 08014 Jefferson 5fl:07fast 15 102 1 4 4J 3J A Abel 7 GoldenFIoss, RapidDay. Hadrian 08450 Jefferson 3-4 l:15hvy 13 107 4 5 G10 4T1 A Abel 0 Montcry, Gol.FIoss, Bemcareful f,8108 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fast 20 102 4 5 6s 5ci B Harvey 7 Colando. Guvnor, Canyon 08112 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 15 106 9 9 9 9 II Thomas 9 WolfsCry, Ilarryl!., HidnJewel 07860 F.Grnds 1 l:40good 10 101 4 7 S 8 L McDott S Olynthus. Plucky, Colando 07089 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 15 10S S 4 41 3 L McDottlO Hid.Jcwe!. HouorMan, J.HarcJr. MOCK ORANGE, b. g, 7 103 By Lonawand Orange Lilly, by William the Third. Trainer, R. L. White. Owner, J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 7G3G5 Jeffeison 1 1-16 1:51 good 41 114 8 S 9l Si J Wallace 13 Dentaria, Juno, HkleberryFinn 70328 Jefferson 11-16 1:53 hvy 6 10S 1 7 Gl GJ J Wallace 8 Tingling, Smart Guy, Magician 70271 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:ESfthvy G 10S 6 4 2 43i J Wallace 9 Waukeag. DanHolling, Herald 76213 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:56hvy 12 107 3 2 2 3"w J Wallace.ll Reliability, Bonsmit. StratShot 70098 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:52 slow 20 10S 9 7 81 8 H Kaiser 10 Current Events, Tex, Repeater 70024 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50slow 30 10G 1 6 G G:0 II Kaiser 0 TanSon. Majority. Waywassamo 75015 Bowio 1 1-1G 1:52 fast 33 105 S 7 S 5T1 B Breningl2 DucdcMorny, AV.Cares. Majority 75560 Mlboro Ab31 f l:12ftgood 7 110 G 6 Cl 71 J Dennison S Fcodor, Eliz. Jewell, Finality 75503 Marlboro lm20y 1:51 slow 14-5 111 5 3 41 5s J Dennison 0 Sling, Hickory. Kather. Rankin 75482 Marlboro lm20y l:33mud 7 111- 1 2 4 4 J Dennison 7 OldTimer. HirLeonid. S. Breeze 75310 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:47ftfast 13 105 11 10 10 9IT B. Pierce 11 KingJohn. AVhalebonc, X.Walcs 75073 Laurel lm70y l:49slow 7 109 5 4 51 451 G Fields 1J K.of the Ilr, Bonfire. Ei Jesmar 74985 Laurel 1 1-lC l:19sood 7 114 G 2 3 21 G Fields 14 Superlative. H.Baker. DkHomi STAMP, b. e, 5 106 By Ormondale Post Mark, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Woodman. Owner. J. Marine. Breeder. J. E. Maddea. 7GG15 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 30 110 3 1 2and 72 J Kederis 13 Tambon. MissFrtune. Kingsclere 70525 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow ! 15 106 10 10 9 91 J Kederis 12 Kingsclere, P.Sport, RylCharlie 71850 Latonia 3-4 l:13good 22 104 1 2 VI Ti Jones 12BeriBolt. Chas.IIeiiry, Gold.Floss 74708 Latonia. 3-1 1:13 fast 41 1C3 6 1 3 5i F Smith 11 Orlova, GoldenFIoss, M. Bodine 74059 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21 102 3 2 l" 5S D Jones 12 Modna. By Golly, IjovA Aliert -3303 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:12fast 8 102 51 D Jones 8 Harry B., Rebility, B.Watchll. 73239 Bl.Grass 5-8 l:O0fast 19-5 110 6 R Clifford 9 Virgo, Queen Esther, Ring 73120 B:.Gras3 51 f 1:07 good 5 103 4 N Swart 5 EsterBells, Fleeting, H.Gralam FROTH, b. e, 4 112 By Thunderer Bubble, by AH Gold. Trainer, J. D. Lenahan. Owner. C. E. Lenahan. Breeder. H. P. Whitnev. 7GG14 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14ftfast 15 110 9 6 61 9,s F Lee 13 B. Pardon, Dr.Joc, TheFranciscan 7G3G4 Jefferson 3-4 l:14good G 99 2 5 71 7 J Wallace 9 Simplicity, Recomtion, R.Chlie 76247 Jefferson 61 f 1:12 hvy 4 107 2 1 1 1 F Lee 11 GeorgeStarr, Consort, Adventure 75994 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 16-5 103 G 5 51 G11 II Farlandll Antonia. PoorSpoit. Permarc.i 75974 Jeffeison 51 f 1:10 hvy S 112 6 4 1" 31 J McCoy 10 KnotGrass, GoldenFIoss. Consort 74957 Huntington 3-4 l:13fast 13 102 1" J Eaton 10 J.IIoffmah. F.oFun. Advturcss 74793 Huntori 51 f l:07fast 3-2 107 1 W Martin 7 MkGarner. Ii isliDream, Neenah 74711 Huntori 3-4 1:11 fast 11 107 2 I, Aron 11 Puuta Gorda, Hopcfiil. Ballynew 71110 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:51mud 77 99 6 4 S S R Clifford S Everywom.in, Roy.Crown, F.Freu 73944 Lexton 3-4 1:16 hvy 232 1001 8 S S Ss J Byrne 8 Napoo. Golden Floss. My Valet 73905 Lexgton 3-4 l:16hvy 20 104 2 5 5 5e J Byrne 7 Findaj. Larebmont. Cash 73300 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:I3fast 11-10 104 3l L McDott S Phenol. Margaret Atkin, Flycast ; 3244 Bl.Grass 5-S 1:01 fast 9 110 31 L McDottll Stone Ago. Patrician, Carter 72403 Hawthne 51 f l:10hvy 7 96 7 10 11 lls II Farlandl2 Cuba Encanto. Spods. Ben Bolt MONSOON, b. g, 6 106 By Peter Quince Mattio C, by Out of Reach. Trainer. J. M. Goode. Owner, J. T. Looney. Breeder. B. Combs. 70G14 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14ftfast 20 112 2 11 11 1014 E Martin 13 B.Pardon. Dr.Joe. TheFranciscan 70441 Jefferson 3-4 l:I5fast 20 110 4 7 7 5 W Fronk 11 Dayduc. Far E.ist. Rhinegold 70301 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 12 110 4 4 41 4 W Fronk 10 Piedmont. Dentaria. War Idol 70229 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 50 112 7 6 Sl 5JW Fronk 11 Anticipate. Dtaria, F bertygibt 7G190 Jefferson 51 f l:llfthvy 30 115 10 9 91 10 W Fronk 12 Sling. Royal Duck, Piedmont 75207 Hunfgton 51 f l:0S5fast 10 109 71 N Burger 8 Lt. Perkins, Gold Bank, Pelion ! 75205 Hunfgton 3-4 1:18 mud 2 111 4s N Burger 9 Califa, Crudenas, Swim 75144 Hunfgton 51 f 1:11 slow 51 111 2 N Burger 10 Louie Lou, Dicknell. Loyalty 75052 Hungfdn 01 f 1:11 hvy 5 101 3" R Clifford 0 H.Buxton. Gonwithim, SealSoard 75017 Huntington 51 f 1:15 fast 1S-5 102 41 J Eaton 7 Hughie. Califa, Athlete 74950 Huritincton 51 f l:06ftfast 13 ,104 10 J Eaton 11 ArticKing, MissBeulah. Athlete FIFTY-FIFTY, blk. h, 5 102 By Lough Foyle Haversack, by Martinet. Trainer, T, J, Shannon. Owner, J. J. Hertz. Breeder, S. Roes. 70770 F.Grnds 3-4. l:15good ID 104J11 8 9.V ST A Accardyl.1 Daydue, Orlova. Westwood 70505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 30 110 5 5 5 510 A Accardy 5 H.Jewel. L.Marcellia, J.Joseph 07060 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy . 31 109 5 C 6 G11 J Corcoran 0 AtieMay, J.F.OHara, SeaMint 06930 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 fast 7 106 4 2 21 21 L McDott G Mar.May,. Anonymous. J.Berger 00002 Pimlico 3-4 l:13ftslow 7 105 S 4 41 31 B MariellilS Apex. S.andDootft. ThcAlmoni-r 00034 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 29 10S 8 8 8s 41 M Fator 12 LEffare. Ar. of Gold. Dexterous 00524 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7 106 4 3 3i 41 W Martin S LEffare, Wraith, Hidden Jewel 00422 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 19 103 2 2 4 3 W Martin 8 May Blossom. Apex, Despair CG284 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13 109 8 7 7 73J C Turner 11 Dexterous, IliddenJewol, Wraith 60203 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7 110 3 7 61 41 C Turner S Apex, Wraith, Dexterous 00105 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 12 103 4 2 2s 1 C. Turner 14 Hidden Jewel, Colando, Caligula MISS EM, b. f, 4 103 By King Gorin Miss McNeill, by Assagai. Trainer. C. R. Anderson. Owner. P. O. Anderson. Breeders. Speith, Phelps and Jackson. 7G389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 30 104 3 6 7 7" II Zander 7 Repeater, Curt Events. Pdmont 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 12 109 C 10 91 9" J Wallace 11 Carnarvon, Dbfounder, PcePal 70248 Jefferson 3-4 1:19 hvy 30 109 4 3 1 ll J Wallace 9 Glenconoko, Antonia, SyDucrow 70211 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:56hvy 12 93 11 11 111 11 1 L Lang 12 FkMonroe. Waukeag, YgAdam 7G095 Jefferson 3-4 l:15ftfast 20 99 9 3 5h 7al L Lang 12 Avispa, Flor. Deen, Reliability 75900 Jefferson 51 f 1:13 hvy 20 102 9 9 9 D J Byrne 9 AVireless Reel Foot, Royal Maid 70492 Map.Hts 3-4 l:13ftfast 18 104 5T W Organ 0 P.IIpson, Amelias.. MyLrraine 70288 Map.Hts 3-4 l:14ftfast 3 9G 7 II Farland 7 St. Kevin, Doyle, ISerrctta 70179 Map.Hts 3-4 l:13fast 7 93 31 J Kessner 7 Froth, Futuiette, Flying Boat 70054 Map.Hts 51 f l:09slow 9 SI 4!S P Groos 7 Stamp, St. Kevin, Miss Caltha 09971 Map.Hts 1 1-lC 2:03mud 13 93 7 M Garrett 7 Ardito, Dumbfounder, Bill Head HELLO PARDNER, b. g, 7 102 By Marajax Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, R. McKeag. Owner. E. Denham. Breed-jr. R. T. Wilson. 73115 Cnaught lm70y l:43fast 5 101 4 8 8s 8 P Walls 11 Flint, Our Betsy, Feigned Zeal 72733 FortErie 1 1-16 l:46fast 22 110 3 8 SI 96 P Walls 9 Mir.Man, Roisterer. FredKinney 72528 FortErie 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 5 107 G 7 8s 9 J Wallace 12 Lucky Run, Biddledee, DarkHill 70414 Map.Hts lmTOy l:45fast 5 110 5U J Kessner 7 Tulane, Paula V.. High Gear 09970 Map.Hts lm70y l:5Smud 37-10 101 12 J Kessner 5 Wrecker. Lucy Kate, Devonite TODDY TOAST, fc. g, 4 M 100 By Toddington Water Toast, by Watervale. Trainer, E. Holland. Owner. O. Holland. Breeder, J. Fisher. Jr. 7C213 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:56hvy 100 101 5 10 1010 915 E Blind 11 Reliability. Bowsprit. MkOrange 75783 Jefferson 3-4 l:19hvy 30 113 3 7 7 71S A Accardy 9 Herald; Hutchison. Manokin PELL MELL, b. h, 10 M 97 By Aba Frank Lydia Meadors, by Lord Dalmeny. Trainer, E. J. Wagner. Owner, E. J. Wagner. Breeder, J. F. Newman. 70525 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 50 101 12 12 12 12" B Breningl2 Kingsclere, P.Sport, RylCharlie Onrl DA PC "4 Mile. Princess Purse. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowance. Olll nMOL FeTi. 9, 191S 1:11 1-5 G 110. PRIVILEGE, ch. f. 3 104 By Mont dOr II. Independence, by Ballot. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Ownar, M. Goldblatt. Breeder, T. C. McDonald. 74064 Latonia Gl f 1:07 fast 4 89 3 2 21 2 D Jones 12 Col.Gilme, B.andShoes, Rambler 73830 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 1 106 3 1 1J 31 J Howard 10 Dobson, P.Politician, G. Northern J3198 Bl.Grass 5-8 l:02slow 7-10 109 1 J Howard 12 M. Mornin. P.Dispatch. Melvina 71679 Latonia 51 f l:07ftfast 5 112 1 2 21 5 J Howard 12 Glide, Perrigo. Lady Burrows 71287 Latonia 3-S l:00fast 51 106J 1 4 41 45 J Howard 12 Ann M. Grudge. Spanish Rose 71034 Latonia 6-S l:00fast 34 105 7 8 and 815 J Howard S Worthmorc. Will Land. Hunter MAH JONG, b. f, 3 104 By Sir Martin Tea Party, by Watervalo. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. E. Cebrian. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76881 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13s!ow S 105 4 2 2h 3"k J Wallace 8 K.ONeill II., Rinkey, L. Doctor 76811 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 2 106 1 2 2s 31 J Wallace 9 Invictus, MissFortune. Everglade 70735 F.Grnds 51 f l:08slow 7 103 3 1 2 3s J Wallace 9 Rinkey, Devi! Girl. Tambon 75535 Churchill 7-S l:26ftfast 12 103 2 1 H 2n W Lancet 14 DareSay. lireak.Hell. P.Politicn 75450 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 6 305i 3 8 T ClL McDottll Pr.Doreen. Clarence, SgeCoach 75410 Churchill 3-4 l:12grod 32-10 106 1 2 3l S"" L McDott 9 PssDorcn, Beau.Agnes, S.Spot 74937 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 15 ICG 2 6 61 5JF Hstir.gslO M.Lawrencc, LadyFox, P.Mesta DEVIL GIRL, b. f, 3 101 By Spanish Prince II. Little Devil, by Ogden. Trainer. A. Thomas. Owner, F. Grabner. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 70838 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15ftslov 7 111 5 6 71 910 E Fool 9 Ducky, Payman. W.the Wizard 76772 F.Grnds 11:42 good 21 991 5 3 3 G I Parke S Extra Edition, Dreamer. Dobson 70735 F.Grnds 51 f l:0Sslow 15 UOi 7 6 5 2s E Pool 9 Rinkey, Mah Jong, Tambon 75184 Latonia 1 l:4tmud 1 1101 1 1 l5 1 E Pool 9 B.Vera. W.theWizard. Busslike 7508S Latonia 1 l:4ihvy 4 1C9 4 3 2l 2s E Pool 12 Sun Spot, PhyllisLouise, Graeme 74728 Latonia 3-4 l:13ftfast 7 112 10 4 3l l T F.roth2rsl2 Program, Polvo, Gibbons 74G33 Latonia El f 1:07 fast 8 112 5 7 51 51 E Pool 12 Sizzle, Gibbons, Ray Jr. 72803 Saratoga 5-S 59fast 20 114 4 4 2i 2" F Colletti 14 Anticipate, GrfulCarrie. Deflt 72791 Saratoga 5-8 53ftfast 50 110 S 7 G 73 O Willis 13 Eventide, Postillion. Mitau 72587 Saratoga El f l:09hvy 5 114 7 3 2l 33j E Pool 12 Craigthorne. Convent, By Play JULIA M., ch. f, 3 104 By Theo. Cook Dnm Dum, by Yankee. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur!. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 70838 F.Grnda 3-4 l:15ftslow 8 103 1 8 5 4J A Abel 9 Ducky. Payman, W.the Wizard 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ftgood 15 101 1 5 54 31 A Abel 30 Mercury, Centimeter, Muskalnge 70484 F.Grnds " 3-4 l:13fast 8 103 8 6 5 41 A Abel 10 Payman. Q: Charming, Wankulln 70325 Jefferson 3-4 l:16fthvy 12 104 1 7 4 5s A Abel 7 Fredericktown, Blotter, Rinkey 70267 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 15 102 1 2 l1 11 L Lang 9 Seths Flower, Polvo, Arabis 70212 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 12 102 2 4 E5 E41 L Lang 7 Anne, Blotter, Beautiful Addic 70097 Jefferson ?-4 l:15slow 40 9S 5 4 C E L Lang 6 Pathan, KingOXeill II., Drmer 75807 Bowio 7-8 l:29mud 4f 98 7 8 9 8" L Lang 13 BelleArtiste, Fridayl3th, R.GIrl 75710 Bowie SI f 1:20 fast 179 103 8 8 8 8" H Holmes S Noel, Apex, Wildrake MISS FORTUNE, b. f. 3 104 By All Gold Stickling, by Broomstick. , Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, H. Shapoff. Breeder. H. P. Whitney; 76811 P.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud S 10S 3 6 4 21 F Leo 9 Invictus. Mali Jons, Everglade 76772 P.Grnds 1 1:42 good 7 97 2 5 6and 5s D Jones S Extra Edition, Dreamer, Dobson 7G615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ifast 20 91 S 9 Gt 2 D Jones 13 Tainbon, Kingsclere, Admirer 7C52C P.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 15 110 3 4 51 5" B Harvey 10 Polvo, Frcderiektown. Pathan 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 7 99 G 4 5 31 I Parko 10 Welcome, Bigwig, Businesslike 75S02 Latonia 3-4 l:13andfast 10 111 8 8 Sl 71 P" Collottlia Q.Cliarmfr, Batnra. BlkGracklc 70352 Churchill 41 f 55-Vmud 6 104 1 2 41 A- J Corcorn 8 Altnwood, Test, Xivlag 69905 Churchill 41 t 54good 41 115 4 1 Is 1 L Penman 0 DevilGirl, Wli.Clover, Gcor.May C9267 H.deGcc 1-2 4Stfast 8-5 115 12 11 9 9 II Shillick 13 Remnant. Sunny Light, XoLad.7 , FLYING FUR. b. f, 3 104 By Huon Kolinsky, by Uncle. Trainer, J. Pryce. Owner, "W. J. Salmon. Breeder. W. B. Millnr. ; 7CG08 P.Grnds 3-4 l:13Vsfast 40 105 1 G 9 93 B MrinellilO Ctiineter, Cljordan, L.Marcela ; 75731 Bowie 3-4 l:14iasr. 24 107 6 S 61 7s B MrincllilJ EbonyBelle, H.M.Dietz, Tclima 75661 Bowie 1 l:164good 4 106 1 7 71 55 B Mrinellil5 15. Artiste, Fairlight, lr. Hamlet 75398 Pimlico 3-4 l:144good 6 104 13 11 9l 5i B MarinelliH Eb.Bellc. P.IIamler, Aggra.Papa 75284 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 7 110 G 5 5. 43 E Bell Yankee Princess, Xixia, Sarko 75129 Laurel 3-4 l:13rast 69 112 10 9 S 7 B MarinellilO Lcathcrwood, Batsman, Husky 7446C Laurel Gl f 1:07 fast 5 113 4 7 71 T13 E Lcgere 9 Wlietstone, Elsbeth, Gr. Carrie 73414 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 13-5 104 5 4 4l uhl B MarinIli G B.Warrcn. Humorette, Batsman BOTAL PTBPLE, br. f, 3 M 103 By The Finn Shad Fly, by Hippodrome. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeders. Keene 4: Black. 76735 P.Grnds 51 f l:0Sslow GO 103 S 7 6s G G Noel 9 Rinkey, Devil Girl, Mali Jong 7C559 F.Grnds 51 f l:06fast 30 95 10 S SI 9 H Taylor 10 I.Thglits, B.OBoy, K.OXeillll. 76027 Jefferson 5-S 1:02 good 50 103 5 12 11 ll13 G Noel 12 V.Vennie, EbonyBelle, Ptliema , 75491 Churchill 7-8 1:27 fast 7-5 115 5 5 E 5li J Wallace 11 An.Lyle, Waukulla, X. McCliord . 75391 Churchill 3-4 l:14slow 20f 115 7 8 8 8 E Scobie 15 Medina. Bona Vera. Baldine 75156 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 51 112 3 S 93 8" E Martin 12 Lady Fox, Corinth, Businesslik-.! , 74728 Latonia 3-4 l:13Afast 21 112 8 Fell. E Martin 12 Program, Devil Girl, Polvo 74318 Latonia El f 1:07 fast 7-5 109 G 7 71 7 T Murray 8 P.Doreen, MaliJong, Beau. Agnes , 73320 Belmont El f l:06ifast 30 114 9 8 7l G5J W Pool 11 Fly By, Janet Blair, Nemesis 73073 Saratoga El f l:05fast 60 112 5 7 9l 9s W Pool 14 BobsMary, llourmore, BobCahiJ-72794 Saratoga Sl f 1:06 fast 50 102 11 8 S3 7 H Stutts 13 Swingalong. Her. Agent, Flax Mli DA PC 1 1-1G miles. Peerless 1iirse. 4-ycar-oltls. Allowances. Jan. rlil HAUL, IS, 1:44 4-5 7 110. O. HENRY, b. g, 4 108 By Discontent Ida B., by His Highness. Trainer, E. McCown. Owner. E. McCown. Breeder. H. H. Trowbridge. 70682 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:303mud 9-20 113 3 3 3 3" E Martin 3 Dr. Clark, John Paul Jones 76561 F.Grnds 1 1-1G i:46?fast 15 ICG 4 1 11 2a E Martin 7 FlintStone, Barcuda, Revenge 7646:5 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:46fast 25 115 14 11 14 13 1 M Garrett 15 Delante, Barracuda, Revenge 76387 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :5C good 13-10 116 2 1 1 ll F Lee 4 Vennic, BygoneDa.vs, Anonyms 76326 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 7 111 7 3 4l 4J I Parke 9 Delante, llama, Best Pal 76151 Jefferson 11:41 slow 9-10 10G 4 2 H I Parke 4 Postllasto, Dustabout, Deadlock 76063 Jefferson 1 1:40 fast 11-5 110 2 5 31 35 J ID Mr.ey 7 llama. Barracuda, Deadlock 75957 Jefferson 1 l:45hvy 12 112 3 1 l3 1 J D Mney C TderScth, Dustabout, Anonyms 75752 Jefferson 1 l:44mud 15 94 3 2 51 59?. D Jones 7 CherryTrec, llama, TenderSeth 74010 Omaha 3-4 l:12andfast 14 108 2 4 4 4:i C Gross C Pud. Delante, Second Thoughts HOSE ATE II., ch. c, 4 108 By Sea Sick Eosetta. by Malntenon. Trainer. E. J. Hodeson. Owner. J. L. Holland. Bred in France by M. A. Blavette. 76616 F.Grnds lro70y l:43Jfast 1S-5 112 2 2 11 P F Lee O FlintStone. Barracuda, Dr.CIark 76443 Jefferson 1 l:40rfast 4 105 2 2 ll l1 F Lee S Thimble, Barracuda, Vennic 75996 Jefferson 3-4 l:164slow 12 104 4 6 31 2l T Burns 7 JohnFinn, Brunell, Muskallonge 73072 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 11-5 114 8 7 7 531 L McAtee 8 TlirceSquarc, Savoy, Anonymous 72955 Saratoga 1 l:39andfast 6 105 6 5 3l 2" W Pool 6 Ani.Patriac. Witticism, Aladdin 71788 Empire lm70y l:41fast 7 104 6 4 Gl 5J L McAtcc 8 Dartmoor. Canyon, Pnce Itegent 71061 Aqueduct 1 1-16 lMoTsfast 8 10S 2 6 7 7" F Collettl 10 Sunsini. Dartmoor, Wynnewood 70907 Aqueduct 1 l:39Vfast 13-5 110 5 7 C GJ1 L McAtee 9 Canyon, Mastcrlland, Wynncwd 70588 Belmont 1 1:39 good 15 114 4 5 41 21 F ColIetti 7 Eigel, Homestretch, Fullon 70201 Belmont ll:38,fast 5 102 10 4 4- 2G Bose 11 Prince Regent. Romany, Whisk 69684 Jamaica lm"0y l:413fast 21 104 4 2 l3 l5 L McAtcc 6 Quetrcek, Whisk, Wynnewood 69572 Jamaica 3-4 1:11 fast 10 114 4 4 43 2 C Robsonll Round Robin, Metal. Bud Fisher SOLISA. ch. f. 4 103 By Spanish Prince II. Fresnay. by Meddler. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentreo Stable. 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42slow 41 1C9 G 5 53 47i J Corcoran 7 Triumph. Sedgefield, Barracuda 76616 P.Grnds lm70y l:43fast C 108 5 3 5:0 5i J Corcoran 6 RoscatelL, Ilintllock. Barcuda 76506 F.Grnds I l:43mud G . 104 2 3 1 ll J Corcoran 4 L. Granite, Thimble, Red Arrow 76463 F.Grnds :1 1-16 3:46ifast 5 113 12! 15 13 13" C Lang 15 Delante, Barracuda, Revenge 76326 Jefferson, 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 12 110 6 7 6 C J Corcoran 9 Delante, Rama, Best Pal 75778 Bowio 1 1-16 l:51mud 8 107 5 3 3 21 F ColIetti 5 ForestLore, Shamrock, W.Barrc 75732 Bowie 1 1-1G l:49fast 9-10 1061 a; 4 5 431 F ColIetti 5 Belphrizonia, ForestLore, Vennic 75593 Bowio 1 1-8 l:56fast 43 97 9 6 S3 .4 F Thdylte 9 Kin S.s Seal. Dunlin. Fgstafi 74140 Aqueduct 11:39 fast 7 124 4 4 31 21 F ColIetti 5 Pol.Ann, MissCx-rina, M.Patricia "3106 Saratoga 1 l:36fast 15 114 3 5 43 3"i F ColIetti G My Own. Pr. of Umbria, Oui Oui 72990 Saratoga 1 3-16 l:57fast 3-4 1081 1 2 21 31 F ColIetti 4 ltialto. Pettifogger, Nassau 72550 Saratoga 1 l:3S?fast 31 103 G 4 3 2 J Corcorn 9 P.ofUnibiia. Sunsini, SunThlstie EOGGAETH AEOON, b. c, 4 103 By Bard of Hope Eunning Vice, by Transvaal. Trailer. P. Beuter, Owner, H. P. Stearns. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 76683 F.Ginds lmTOy l:47mud 21 104 2 1 Is 1 I Parke 4 H.Kemblc, ToldBoy. FaneBean 76528 F.Grnds 1 1-16 I:4Sslow 7 10S 2 1 11 ll B Harvey S TonyBcau, Raffles, BygoneDa.vs 76443 Jefferson 1 l:40sfast 11-5 105 5 4 7a 7 I Parke S Roseate II., Thimble. Barracuda 76327 Jefferson 1. 1-16 1:51 hvy 3-2 10S 2 1 l1 1 I Parko 7 Tony Beau. East Indian, Vennic 76270 Jefferson lm70y 1:51 hvy 4 109 5 3 E3 f.,: F Lee C FlyingDevil, Rupee, Vennie 75998 Jefferson 1 1-1G lMSslow 11-5 105 1 1 l3 Is F Lee 7 TonyBcau, BvlleAmie. Kent L. 75754 Jefferson I 1-16 1:53 mud 6 114 4 2 3 33i J Pevic 0 KentL., Belle Amie, Stump Jr. 75443 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:47 fast 14 105 4 1 21 3 B MrinellilO Jac.Julian, List.Dearie. Pilgrim 75401 Pimlico 3-4 l:14andgood 23 112 12 9 7" SU F Hstingslo Whalebone, Bucado, Care Free 74822 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52andfast 4 109 2 1 1 1 B Mrinelli S Gondolier, Belphrizonia, Dellahm 74520 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast El 114 4 2 21 43i G Babin 8 L.Myra, Belphrizonia, Rejection BAFFLES, ch. c, 4 103 By Luke McLuke Phebe G., By Mazagan. Trainer, G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. J. 0. and G. H. Keene. 76704 P.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy 9-5 1C9 2 .2 l3 l4 B Harvey 4 Espolette, Marg.Ware, Rhelicu 76610 F.Grnds lmTOy l:445ifast 15 10S 1 2 21 31 G Fields 0 Brad.sToney. Set.Sun, Ten.Seth 76528 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 10 107 1 4. 31 351 G Fields 8 Sog.Aroon, TnyHcaii, BygeDays 76464 F.Grnds lm70y l:43ifast 5 102,2 2 11 lnv G Fields 5 Fly. Devil, Aladdin, Beverwyck 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 7 107 9 7 51 G F Lee 9 Idle Thoughts, Lugs. Aladdin 76364 Jefferson "3-4 l:14good 15 114 G 7 Gl C G Fields 9 Simplicity, ReOMiitioii, R.CliIie 75685 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 14f 101,7 5 51 71 G Fields 13 King Albert, Cure Fn.. Simouii 75652 Bowio lni70y l:47islow 10 109 5 5 5 35 G Fields 8 BlueHawk. Vennie, FIjingDevil Til DA PC 1 Orile. Old Hickory Pnrse. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Jan. 1, Olfl nALrtl XOIS 1:7 4-5 5 114. THOBNDALE, b. c, 3 113 By Sir Martin Maud B. L., by Star Shoot. CTrainor, F. Burlew. Owner, B. Block. Breeder. W. E. Estill. 76648 F.Grnds :3-4: l:12ifast 21 117 5 4 3s 2"t E Pool 6 Rinkey, KgONeilllL, B. Cast 76148 Jefferson 51 "f 1:C9 slow 6-5 112 3 2 U l3 I Parke 10 Vera Vennie, Gee, Payman 75850 Jefferson 3-4 l:16chvy 9-5 97 3 2 3 2l I Parke 7 John Finn. Admirer, Newmarket 75750 Jefferson 5-S 1:04 mud 7-5 lOt 7 2 11 1 I Parke 9 Without, MdmVennie, Payman 73671 Belmont 3-41:10fast 60 122 18 13 141 12,rT Burns 19 St.James, Fluvanna, Sun Pal 73285 Belmont 3-4 i:lpjfast 12 109 3 4 4 6 T Burns 9 Infinite. llourmore, NellieMorss 72794 Saratoga 51 f 1:06 fast 15 115 S 6 6 531 A Johnsonl3 Swingalong. Rev. Agent, Flax 72150 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 7 115 3 5 63 5"! A Johnson 6 P.King, L.BaltimorelL, NnFiro 71944 Empire Si f l:07fast 5 115 G 8 8 31 E Sande 8 L.Baltimell., Tnsmute, P.King KING ONEILL II., ch. c, 3 103 By Huon Duchess of Savoy, by Uncle. Trainer. G. Land. Owner, J. C. Milam. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 76881 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13s!ow G 113 2 3 3s lh B Mrinelli 8 Rinkey, MahJong, LestcrDoetor . 76648 F.Ginds 3-4 l:121fast 6 113 1 1 21 Zl F Lee 0 Rinkey, Thorndalc, Brilt Cast 76559 F.Grnds 51 f l:06fast 31 110 7 4 43 35 I Parke 10 I.Thglits, B.OBoy, Les.Doctor 7 6097 Jefferson 3-4 l:15slow U-5 115 2 3 4l 21 I Parke 6 Pathan, Dreamer, Blotter 76021 Jefferson 51 f l:09?sslow 3-5 100 2 1 ll VI I Parke 10 Without, Payman, Phoebe Snow 75854 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 6-5 11S 2 1 11 l3 I Parke 7 Gee, Zanzibar. Antiquity 75552 Churchill 7-8 l:26andfast 21 112 5 1 11 2l M Garner 14 Com.Artist. W.theWizd. T.Runt 75123 Latonia 3-4 l:13good 19-5 115 4 4 41 4i J Pevic 11 Morgan, Muldraugh, Calvin 75028 Latonia 51 f 1:09 mud 31-10 115 7 7 Sl 9:I L McDottl2 Phil McCann, Equity, Everglade 7 1728 Latonia 3-4 l:131fast 3-5 115 5 Fell. N Barrett 12 Program, Devil Girl, Polvo PAYMAN, ch. c, 3 102 By Superman Fair Pay, by Fair Play. Trainer, T. F. Devereaux. Ovvuer, S. Cowan. Breeder. H. T. Oznard. 76838 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 7 108 3 2 2i 2"k B Harvey 9 Ducky, W.theWizard, Julia M. 76684 F.Grnds lm70y l:48Kmud 6 110 1 2 lh ll B Harvey 10 Our Star, Fehrah, Frosty Boy 7C617 P.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 20 100 10 8 8 8,s R Yelton 10 Boy O Boy, Blotter. Pathan 76484 P.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 12 110 1 2 B" 1 N Barrett 10 Q. Charming, Wkulla, Julia M. 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 12 100 S 6 Gl 510 W Milner 9 Idle Thoughts, Lugs, Aladdin 76267 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 6 113 6 4 63 6 N Barrett 9 Julia M.. Seths Flower, Polvo 76183 Jefferson 3-4 l:lShvy 41 112 G 3 31 1" N Barrett 0 Arabis, Zanzibar, Hcv.ryM.Dietz ; 76148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 15 108 5 3 4l 4 N Barrett 10 Tliorndale. Vera Vennie, Gee 76021 Jefferson 51 f L09slow 5 1031 5 4 Sl 331 J CorcoranlO K.OXeillll., Without. Ph.Snow 75750 Jefferson 5-8 1:04 mud 7 107 5 5 4l 41 A Accardy 9 Tliorndale, Without. Mad. Vennie BEEONDA, b. g, 3 103 By Vulcain Autumn II.. by St. Frusquin. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oznard. 76860 P.Grnds lmTOy l:46fast 7 10S 7 2 11 ll H Stutts 11 Waukulla, Despard, Attilia 76811 P.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud G 113 5 3 31 51 H Stutts 9 Invictus, MissFortune, MahJong 76702 P.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 21 116 8 4 4 45J E Pool 11 Byron, Xorscland, Telescope 76484 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13ifast 41 110 6 3 3" 5 E Scobie 10 Payman, Q. Charming, Waukulla , 76366 Jefferson 3-4 IMMkooCL 13-5 112 G 3 11 2l I Parke 9 Frankman, Herbertus, Rinkey 76212 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 20 107 4 3 4 l 41 H Stutts 7 Anne, Blotter, Beautiful Addic 76148 Jefferson 61 f 1:09 slow 15 105 9 9 91 9! H Stutts 10 Tliorndale," Vera Vennie, Geo 75495 Churchill 3-4 1:12 faat 5 101 1 7 7 79 J Wallace 7 Prin.Doreen, Chilhowee. B.Creek : 75456 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 3 105 10 10 11 lll G W Crollll Pr.Doreen, Clarence, SgeCoach 1 75278 Latonia 3-4 lilSfast 12 110 3 1 1and 4 E Scobie 7 Calvin. Cloister, Bob Cahill GEE, ch. c, 3 103 By Master Eobert Lady G., by Teep oDay. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, W. J. Potter. Breeder. C. B. Head. 76881 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13tss1ow 10 107 8 8 7i 7J E Martin 8 K.OXeill II., Rinkey, MahJong 76406 Jefferson 51 f l:074good 3 107 4 2 in B E Martin S Carlton, Lieut.Farrell. Herberts I 76323 Jefferson 3-4 l:17livy 11-5 104 3 2 2 21 F Lee 7 Polvo, Businesslike, Bigwig 76148 Jefferson El f 1:C9 slow 10 105 G 5 31 3 F Lee 10 Tliorndale, VeraVennic, Payman , 76060 Jefferson 51 f l:08ifast 41 115 4 3 11 l3 F Lee 12 Waukulla. LittleAlfrcd, Tainbon , 75854 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 41 118 u 4 23 23 W P"ronlc 7 K.OXeillll., Zanzibar, Antiqty , 71345 Latonia 51 f l:09Hmud 36 115 5 5 43 3 T Brothers 8 ValleyLight, GoFoin. Freclland ! HEEBEETUS, b. c. 3 99 By Huon Affection, by Isidor. Trainer, E. McKcever. Owner, E. McKeever. Breeder. J. E. Maddon. 76406 Jefferson 51 f l:07,4good 41 104 5 5 4 4 M Garrett 8 Gee, Carlton, Lieut. Farrell 76366 Jofferson 3-4 l:16andgood 40 112 2 2 3 3 M Garrett 9 Frankman, Deronda, Rinkey 75997 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow SO 112 19 9 Si M Garrett 11 PeggyO.. S.uFIowor. Ph. Snow 75380 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 mud 247 110 8 9 9 9 M Garrett 9 T.Exposure, Smagne, Batter Up 1 ; j 74149 Woodne 51 f l:06fast IT 111 9 9 SJ S81 J D Mney 9 Umbrage. Parthema, LittleClair : 1 73999 Woodne 3-1 l:13fas:t 14 10G 7 8 rl 551 O Fields 11 Fleet Princess, Malvern, OddSeth ; 73076 Dorval 51 f l-.OGXfist 14 10S 8 4 53 31 G Fields 8 Drumstick. Fl.Princess. L.Clair : 73158 IJ.Bnnets 51 f l.nfast 13-5 107 3 1 1 l3 G Fields 6 Halhert. Prin. Jane. Ir.Bachclor : 73290 B.Bnnets 51 f l:0Csfa.n 14 103 2 B 5 51 G Fields 5 Fl. Moments, Margin, Batonnier : 73010 Cnaught 51 f l:073fast 7-10 115 5 5 G 55 G Fields 7 Gra.vC.irl, F.Princes?, Goldltock : 72554 Saratoga 5-8 l:00rifast 6 1131 5 6 Sl 10 C Kummerlo Passport, B. and Red, It.andRye ! HENRY M. DIETZ, b. c, 3 103 By Escoba Plausible, by Plaudit. Formerly ran as Squires. Triiner. W. M. Eyan. Owner, J. T. Luzzi. Breeder. Mrs. M. S. Combs. 7C811 P.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 4 113 7 S 8 7 B Mrinelli 9 Invictus, MissFortune, MahJong : 76183 Jofferson 3-4 l:18hvy G-5 112 5 5 4 4 G Babin 6 Payman, Arahis, Zanzibar 75731 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 31-10 110 7 4 3l 2n G Babin 12 EuonyBelle, Tolima, Fridayl3tb 1 ; ; 74273 Jamaica 3-4 l:124fast 1 110 3 4 4 41 C Turner 5 Dante, Stake Me. Comedy 73036 Saratoga 61 f 1:06 fast 6 110 G 8 Gl 2 J Merimee 15 Appellate, IluonPine, LadyPoIka 1 ! ! 72989 Saratoga El f l:0Gfast 7 11112 9 S3 51 M Garner 15 SunLady. Postillion, PhoebeSnow 1 72501 Saratoga Sl f l:0Cfast 10 113 11 9 91 61 C Kummerl2 Billy Warren. Ducky, Batsman I 71476 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 9-5 110 3 2 23 23 A Schtgerl2 Byron, Billy Warren. Anne 7133G Aqueduct E-S E9Hfast U-5 U4 5 4 31 21 A. Johnsonl3 Postillion, Byron. Billy Warren 1 1 I , , ; ; , . , , . ; , : 1 I , , , ! 1 ; j : 1 ; : : : : ! : 1 ; ; 1 ! ! 1 I 1 1 I 6th RACE 1 "."10l SIIcs "-yenr-olds a"l upward. Claiming. Fell. 27, LINKS, b. g, 4 99 By Short Grass Christophine, by Plaudit. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, Greentreo Stable. Breeder, Shcrt Grass Stud. 75472 Churchill 1 l:4Hfast 4-5 110 13 5 3" 1"- E Pool 14 GrccnBriar, Lcontes, ChiefBrant 75061 Latonia lm"0y l:52hvy 1 HO 2 5 43 2s E Pool 6 Enrico, Green Briar, Lew Pope 74319 Latonia 1 1-16 l:463fast 8 96 7 6 43 31 I Parke 7 Rest.Tinie, TheLpard. L. Wrack 72314 Empire 1 1:41 fast 3-2 110 2 4 41 3 L McAteo 5 The Corsair, MisslJelle, Sis.Sue 72082 Empire 1 1:40 fast 40 100 3 5 5 4" I Parko 5 Atherstone, Sandy 1L. Shamrk KUONEC. br. g, 6 102 By Kuon Anecdots. by Tom Ocbiltres. Trainer, E. McGarvey. Owner, Mrs. E. McGarvey. Breeder. W. S. KHmar. 76840 P.Grnds 1 3-1G 2:03LsIow 7 ICG 4 8 9l 7J B Harvey 10 St.Donard. Gondolier, Superbum 76773 P.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49andgood 12 106 G 6 41 5 J Heupel 9 Miss Meisc, Pequot, Xeddam 76618 F.Grnds 1 l-lo l:47fast 10 105 G 7 7l 4i J Heupel 8 Wapiti, Bygone Days, Brunell 76485 P.Grnds lmTOy lMSfasr 13 97 5 5 5 55 D Mergler 5 Dustabout, Tvlieau, W.TakcAll 75513 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 23 109 5 5 5 53J J Wallace 5 Isosceles, ICIias O., Miss Meisc 75162 Latonia 1 3-16 1:59 fast 15 107 9 10 7 S3 B Harvey 10 Clo La La. Golden Billows. Pump 71852 Latonia 1 1-5 l:54"-sgood 8 110 9 S SU 8 B Harvey 10 PlusUItra, Escarpiette, Dern.Sou 74638 Latonia lm70y 1:41 fast 19 103 S 8 8 S5 W Fronk 8 ChildsPiay, Ten.Seth, Fantoche 74319 Latonia 1 1-lG l:16fast 5 118 G 7 C Gl II Lunstd 7 Rest.Tinie, The Leopard, Links 74258 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4tifast 5 107 G 7 5 53 I Parke S LadyAstor, Fantoche PrecsLula 74209 Latonia 1 1-16 1:16 fast 9 114110 6 51 41 II LunsfdlO Tip.Sahib, Makclp, TendereSth GONBOLHR. b. h. 5 111 By Alvescot -Rosalie, by Oiseau or Sempronius. Trainer, M. Foster. Owner, F. Farrar. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:03slow 5 107 9 4 5l 21 F Leo 10 St.Donard, Superbum, P. Swain 76703 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:50hvy 1G-5 104 G 2 2 23 B Harvey 7 Sea Cove. Simplicity, Rupee 76562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00fast 5 105 G C 4 3e F Lee 10 E.Indian. Ramkin, Marg. White 76409 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 good 41 106 3 G 41 43i B Harvey 8 MargaretWare, Tody, Highspeed 76348 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:57nvv 8 108 2 1 1 l3 F Lee 9 Smarty, Attorney. Kent L. 76307 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53hvy 31 108 1 5 5 59 E Blind 6 FrzySnzy, Marg.Ware, Wrgler 76187 Jefferson 1 1-S l:591ihvy 15 109 4 5 3 3 F Lee 5 Tony Beau, Richelieu, Tan Son 75614 Bowio lm70y 1:49 fast Clf 107 3 10 10 10s3 G Babin 15 Cooncan, Belphrizonia, Rupee 75403 Pimlico lmTOy l:45,igood 17 104 3 4 4 41 F Lee 10 T.Sergnt, Rejection. BlueHawk 75074 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:51 slow 12 110 5 2 2 oi C Lang 0 ThcR.Call. Sedgefield. P.Swain PEQUOT. ch. c, 4 110 By Hilarious Halesia. by Martinet. Trainer, J. Booth. Owner, R, T. Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 76883 PGrnds 1 1-8 l:53?sIow 41 103 G l1 2- D Mergler 0 FzySnzy, E.Indian, Marg.Ware 76773 P.Grnds 1 1-1G l:49,good 20 110 9 1 ll 2 J Owens 9 Miss Meise, Xeddam. Past.Swain 75453 Churchill 1 1-S l:51fcfast 4 110 4 2 11 ink M Garner 10 Tay.IIay, RompingMary, I.ierre 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46good 24 107 7 S S S1T J Pevic 8 GrtLuck. MissMeise, Mis.Mary 74774 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 105 6 G G G5 T Brothers C AVhoK.Me. R.Time, C.Itillows 74692 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 15 102 1 9 10 1C,: T Brothersll Normal. Ten Sixty, Widgeon 74062 Lexton lmTOy l:I3fast G 105 1 1 li ll I Parke 0 Romp.Mary, Cash, P. G. Brown 73918 Lexton 3-4 l:14hvy 130 1111 S 8 7 73 J Owens 8 Certain, Dongcs, Glyn 7"774 I?xgton 3-1 l:13good 127 112 9 9 9 713 J Owens 9 Certain, Douses, Arcndal 73688 Lexston lmiOy l:44fast 11 108 6 7 7 7" M Garner 7 Xeddam. K.Charmg, Kinburn RUPEE, ch. s, 4 107 By Delhi Lucrative, by Mordant. Trainer. E. Wilkinson. Owner, T. Haskos. Breeder. P. T. Ghinn. 76774 P.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sgood S 10G 5 3 3 2 A Abel 8 Beverwyck, King John, Runquoi 76703 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50thvy 7 107 4 4 4 4 B Mrinelli 7 Sea Cove, Gondolier, Simplicity 70318 Jefferson 1 1-S l:57hvy 41 103 4 5 9 95 B Brening 9 Gondolier, Smarty, Attorney 76270 Jefferson lm7uy 1:51 hvy 12 97 4 4 21 2 B Brening 6 FlyingDevil, Vennic, Anonymous 760G1 Jefferson 3-4 l:15sfast 25 110 12 6 5 lh B BreningBI PoorSport. LordAllen. Broomflax 75712 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 fast 7 105 3 4 3l 3 G Bose 14 Quecrcek, Sedgefield. Poor Sport 75614 Bowio lmTOy 1:49 fast 28 93 5 4 33 31 W HarveylS Cooncan, Belphrizonia, Leaside 75135 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54fast 15 107 S 2 2 2" B MaiinellilS Day Lilly, Bendita, online Ci 75013 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:51 mud 4 107 2 5 3 1 B Marinelll 9 Ettahc. Lady Zeus. W. Flower 74903 Laurel 1 1-1G l:51slop Gf 103 9 3 3l S3 F WdstcklS Cote dOr. Zouave. El Jcsniar BALADIN, b. g, 9 . 100 By Negofol Dame Beauty, by Octagon. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Ownor. T. H. Bernhardt. Bred in France by A. Belmont. 76611 F.Ginds 1 1-S l:53fast 12 106 7 7 - 7 C B Harvey S Ramkin. St. Donard, Tody 76445 Jefferson 1 1-S l:564fast 9-10 10S 4 1 l3 l3 I Parke 11 Secretary, RoyalMaid. OurBetsy 76065 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:55fast 7 104 7 2 21 21 I Parke 7 Freezv Sneezy. Rrp. Kimpalong 75816 Jeffeison 1 l:43V4slow 7 105 8 7 75 610 E Blind S Super. Wireless. Tan Son 74815 Latonia 1 1-2 2:33 fast 27 96 S 8 S 8,e D Jones L FnncyFree, RlI.vLovo. Sngamook 74558 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 11 101 1 6 41 43 I Parke 12 D.Buckner, Hainan, Loe.Leaves IEISH PAT, b. e. 4 115 By Berrilldon Mollie Kean, by Bobbie Kean. Trainer, J. Bauer. Owner. J. J. Lyons. Breeder. E. E. Howard. 76774 P.Grnds 1 1-1G l:48good S 1C9 4 6 7s 7i J Chalmers S Beverwyck, Rupee, King John 75595 Bowio 1 1-8 l:59fast 31-10 108 4 4 4 1 G Rose 14 Magician, Ashland. Soviet 75314 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:35 fast Gl 103 7 S 4 3J F Hstingsll Guelph, Billy Watts, Fornoyo 75101 Laurel 1 1-2 2:36 good 10 103 2 5 41 4 "J G Bose 7 Royceltls. lilyStone, O.Welbne 7 1944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09slop 8 107 4 4 G8 G13 G Rose 7 R.llools, JcwellV.D.. O.Faithful 74741 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 9 112 3 1 l3 ll F Wdstck 7 Bolster, Dav Lilly. Comme Ci 74010 Laurel 1 1-S 1:50 fast G 10S 2 G 1 l3 F Wdstck 10 Cote dOr, FrankMonroe, Acosta 74145 II.dcGce 11-16 1:48 fast 23 112 Left at post. W Lllley S Itciphrizonia. PoorSport. Untried THE AECHEE, b. g, 7 110 By Uncle Busy Lass, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Moore. Owner. E. A. Mason. Breeder. H. P. Headier. 76883 P.Grnds 1 1-S l:533andslow 15 108 3 6 G L Smith ! FreezySneezy, Pequot. E.Indian 70650 P.Grnds lmTOy l:44fas " 40 105 2 3 4 4 J McCoy 5 Romany, T.llolICall, TonyBeau 70099 Jefferson 1 1-S l:5Sslow 30 113 C G Gl G3; J D Mney 7 Tony Beau, Richelieu. Kent L. 75996 Jpffcreon 3-4 l:16slow 40 107 7 7 7 7 L Smith 7 John Finn. Roseate II.. Brunell 74056 H.deGce 51 f l:03,ifast SO 111 1 7 7 7" W Lilley 7 Comixa, WoIIfiniler, Sun Ques-t 72253 Kenilwh 1 1-16 l:50slow 1G 115 5 4 4 5:o J Bowan 5 MakeUp, BgoneDajs, Brilliance 68330 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:47fast 6 106 5 C 550 4" J Mooney Kcw.OXeil. Plucky, Bridesman 68207 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:43 good S 991 7 7 Gl GJ J Mooney 7 Servitor. Rumjuoi, Episode 68007 F.Grnds ln".70y l:44fast 10 10S 5 5 4; 37 J 1J Mney 0 Gem, Episode, Canyon ESCAEPOLETTE, b. m, 7 109 By Fitz Herbert Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in France bv C. H. Mackay. 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-1C 2:03slow 7 1C4 2 G 71 9 J Wallace 10 St.Donard. Gondolier. Superbum 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sgood 3 1051 6 5 53 5J L McDott 8 Beverwyck. Rupee, King Join. 76704 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy G 104 4 4 33 2 H Kaiser 4 Raffles, Marg.Ware, Richelieu 76562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00faat 15 105 4 7 C3 5i J CorcoranlO Eastlndian, Ramkin, Gondolier 75223 Latonia .1 1-4 2:12 hvy 9 100 4 4 4 41 B Harvey 7 Wild Life, Lord Wrack, Pumps 75185- Latonia 1 1-16 1:50 mud 13-10 106 5 5 5 53! B Harvey 5 Anonymous, TderSetli, PI. Ultra 75067i Latonia 11-16 1:00 hvy 51,103 7 7 75 G3 F Smith S Postllaste, PlusUItra, Ten.Seth 74894 Latonia lmTOy 1:43 fast G 112 4 4 o3 55 B Harvey S Miss Meise, OoLaLa. TcdsPlnm 74852 Latonia 1 1-S l:54sgood 33 117 4 1 lh 2 L McDottlJ PlusUItra. DeinicrSou, Pumps 74638 Latonia lmTOy 1:44 fast 24 107 2 7 51 6" L McDott 8 ChildsPiay. Tei.Seth, Fantoche 74415 Latonia 1 1-16 l:10fast 16 113 3 G C1 5" L McDott 7 Make Up, Plus Ultra, Attorney 74.1- DA PC 1 1-S Miles. 4-year-olrts ami upward. Claiming1. 3Iareli 14, I III nAUC IOOS 1:31 4-5 a 1. TOBY, ch. m, 6 103 1 By Bard of Hope Telie Doe, by Cyciades. Trainer. E. L. Ttors. Owner. H. L. Crain. Breeder. W. P. Burcli. 76611 F.Ginds 1 1-S l:53?4fast 4 103 4 2 41 35 F Lee S Ramkin, St.Donard, Broth.Love 76409 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 good 21 100 2 1 11 2" F Lee S Mar. Ware, Highspeed, Gndolier 76022 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50islow 1S-5 105 2 .1 l3 ll F Lee 6 Bastille. Lord Wrack, Stump Jr. 75511 Churchill 7-8 l:26?4fast. 2 107 2 5 51 41 B Harvey 15 Ben Valet, Spats, Charles Henry 75186 Latonia lmTOy lMOrimud 1C-3 110 3 2 2 21 H Harvey 9 Rep, Little Hope. Sister Flo 74556 Latonia lm70y l:44.4fast 13-10 111 1 1 Is ll E Pool 7 Tex, Trust Official, Simpleton 72240 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:51slov 3-2 106 5 3 SJ 4i W Fronlt Georgette, Reliahily, Bel. Queen 71794 Ilawthne 1 l:29fast 9-5 110 1 4 51 5 W Frohk 8 Sunny Ducrow. I.ierre, Kindred 71238 Latonia 1 1-10 l:45;fast 10 103 6 4 4s 4 I Parko 9 Xeddam. Rainbowltoy, PluslU.ra 70664 Latonia 1 1-16 lhvy G-5 102 4 2 11 l3 I Parke ! Kklevington. Serbian, Bob.Shea BOLSTER, ch. g, 9 112 By Marcx Permia, by Persimmon. Trainer, M. Trotter. Owner, C. Driscoll. Bred in England by Sir 0. Eobinson 76814 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 31 110 9 5 E1 1 J "Wallace 9 Bastille, Hickory, Honolulu Boy 76G85 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:04?smua 20 112 5 5 3l 2l J "Wallace 5 Superbum, Repeater, Anaprisa 76488 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:48fast 13 111 5 C 41 47 J Wallace 7 Tulalip. Fleeting. Lord Herbert 76025 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:51 slow 20 114 9 S 8 S G Mangan 9 Trooper, Super, Rep 75781 Bowie 1 1-16 l:5timud 35 101 15 15 15 14" II Holmes 15 CoralReef, Col.Whaln, F.Monroe 75686 Bowie 1 1-S 1:5S fast 10 102 13 G G1 47 II Holmes 14 D.andDkes, Dr.Whht, Magicn 75654 Bowie 1 1-1G l:51?slow 6 109 10 9 S3 7" G Fields 10 Who Cares. Insulate. Fornovo 75616 Bowie 1 1-1G l:51fast 10 105 10 G 03 43 II Holmes 10 Rouen, D. and Drakes, Zouave 75460 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49islop 17 106 11 11 81 61! P Walls 11 Lads Love, King John. Valentin 75037 Laurel 1 1-16 2:03 mud 7 1C61 2 5 5 5 G Babin 0 Blar.Stone. Fitzrne. R.Wingfield 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09!islop 11 105 G 7 7 7" T Finn 7 R.Rools. JewellV.D.. O.Faithful SCARE CEOW, b. g, 4 . 103 By Half Eock O. Co. Ee. by Jim Crowd. Trainer, W. V. Casey. Ownsr, W. V. Casey. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 76782 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 3 108 4 2 2 23 F Lee 5 TanSon, Drumd, Little Ammie 70738 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:03slow 12 103 8 3 31 1"U F Lee 8 Superbum, PHtahe, Six Pence 76530 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49slow 6 109 1 7 G1 4 D Jones 11 GrassTree, RylCrown, Warldol 76134 Jefferson 1 3-10 2:06Uivy 41 93 1 3 4l 55 L Lang 5 Bastille, St. Donard, GrassTree 76028 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:501igood 5 102 2 1 11 B A Hunt 6 Flying Devil, Cash, Stump Jr. 75976 Jefferson 1 1-lb 1:52 hvy 10 102 8 7 8 7" A Hunt S Wrangler. Bastille., Gen.Cadorna 75859 Jefferson lm70y l:52hvy S-5 103 G 2 2 1" A Hunt 0 llccomdation, S.Ducrow, Fleets 75787 Jefferson 1 1-S 2:01 hvy 6 105 3 2 2s 21 Ji MthewslO SmartGny, Repeater, St. Paul 75120 Empire 1 1-1 2:09 fast 7 105 3 4 43 7 W Milner 10 Owasco, SirGalahadlL, K.sBclIo 74995 Empire lmTOy IMS mud 4 100 3 1 l3 lJW Milner 6 Bessie Leighton Soviet, Lank ATTA BOY II., ch. g. 7 107 Rv" lUbelais Tanya, by Meddler. iTrainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Bred in Franco by H. P. Whitney. 76861 P.Grnds 1 1-1G l:49f. 1st 1 106 2 3 3h 33 I Parke 8 HarryB., CoralReef, High Gear 7G369 Jefferson lmTOy l:49good S-3 108 3 1 l1 ll I Parke 9 llork, Peace Pal, Magician 76272 Jefferson lmTOy 1:54 hvy 7 103 2 4 E1 41 I Parke 8 Spugs, Smarty, Gen. Cadorna 75247 Latonia lm70y l:463hvy 13 104 4 4 41 47 E Blina 10 ColdBoy, Ferguson, FlowerShop 75001 Latonia 1 i-io l:47fast 13-5 104 5 3 4 G2 I Parke 11 PeteFoy, CapRock, Lord Wrack 74599 Latonia 1 1-1C lMSfast 41 96 5 5 41 4i I Parke 8 Isosceles, Mar.Corps, Bob.Shea 74509 Latonia lmTOy 1:45 fast C ICS 2 2 21 21 I Parko 10 Tandylorllay, Cash, RompingMary 74411 Latonia lmTOy l:44fast 5 109 3 G 4 4 I Parke 9 BegPardon, MarineCorps, Randel 08009 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4T4fast 1 107 2 1 ll ll J Crcoran S M.Roberts. H.Gear, Scot.Chief LUCIDUS, br. g, 4 110 By King James Grace Cameron, by Lissak. Trainer. E. C. Trorler. Owner. E. C. Troxler. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 70611 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53fast 4 111 5 S 8 8 C Lang S Ramkin, St. Donard. Tody 76487 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4T5sfast 15 112 3 2 21 1 C Lang 9 Xeddam. Smarty, Tex 75551 Churchill 2-4 1:14 fast 72 112 4 9 9 9 W Fronk 11 Goidon Shaw. Spats. Tr.intula 74688 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 59 110 3 12 123 F MerimeeUJ Bosh, Wild Life. Little Hope 74562 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 fast 23f 104 3 11 12 11" F Merimeel2 ParisMaid, RerlyLovc. OoLiLi 74313 Latonia lmTOy 1:45 fast 4 107 3 3 31 B F Merirnee 8 Uncle Velo, LewPope. Sea Wrack 73907 Lexton 1 1-16 l:52hvy 19 103 3 5 5 55 F Merimee 0 M.Prosper. F. Blush, Gold Bank 73829 Lexgton lmTOy 1:46 fast 110 101 3 8 9 930 F Merimee 9 Lareluuont, Flow.Shop, BlueBird 73724 Lexgton Z-i 1:13 fast 325 102 9 12 ll1 11" B Cliffords MayBodine. SislrJosella. Orlova EOEK, b. g, 4 110 By Assagai Affinity, by Star Sheet. Trainer. C. A. Analegate. Owner. C. A. Appligate1 Breeder. W. S. Kilns?. 76862 F.Grnds 1 1-1G lMSfast 7 10 1 3 51 71! E Martin 11 Tgling, Dr.Whitehurst, Xeddam 76781 F.Grnds 1 1-1S l:524raud 15 113 3 7 S3 8" E Martin 9 Superbum, Silent King, Repeater 76738 P.Grnds 1 3-16 2:05slow 15 10G 4 2 21 5l E Blind 8 Scare Crow, Superbum, Ettahe 76612 P.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sifast 1S-5 112 Left at post. E Bell 8 SixPence, -ILDuek, Dr. Whhurst 76486 P.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 9-10 99 G 1 Ill I Parke S Valentia, Attorney. War Idol 76408 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:49 good 41 107 3 2 23 21 E Martin 8 Jklairman, HouIiiBoy. Trooper 76369 Jefferson lmTOy l:49good 20 105 4 2 21 21 E Martin 9 AttaBoylL, PeacePal, Magician 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 20 107 2 4 31 41 E Martin 11 Carnnrvon, Dbfounder, PcePal 76247 Jefferson El f 1:12 hvy 31 112 9 S S3 71 I Patk 11 Froth. George Starr, Consort CLEAN GONE, b. g, 8 112 By Olambala Lizzie Gilman. by Fonso. Trainer. R. L. White. Owner, J. J. Farrell. Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 76841 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:53sIow 30 108 10 9 S 7 J Heupel 10 Smarty, Day Lilly, Stump Jr. 76466 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:54fast SO 109 8 8 8 S3 G Fields 8 J. Fainnan, Tan Son, Repeater 76308 Jefferson 1 1-S 2:01 hvy 20 108 9 8 830 S" O Nichson 9 Repeater, Hon. Boy. Our Betsy 76194 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:0SJ4hvy CO 10S 6 6 7 7" R Holway 7 Lord Wrack, Super. Pete Foy 75634 Bowio 1 3-16 2:CGandfast 1G 107 10 7 101 910 K Pierce 14 Anaprisa. Bonfire, Old Faithful 75595 Bowio 1 1-8 l:39?ifast 43 106 11 G 5 531 R Costello 14 Irish Pat. Magician, Ashland 75340 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:09.5good 7 112 11 30 lOllO1 E Bell 11 Ashland, LadyZeus. Sea Monarch 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09ialoj 10 303 C 5 51 5" B Marielll 7 R.Rools, JewellV.D.. O.Faithful 74740 Laurel 1 1-4 2:07 fast 5 111 5 2 2 1 J Callahan 7 ItelleAmie. Lady Lillian, L.Zeus 74298 Thcliffe 1 1-S l:51fast 21 111 7 4 21 ! J Woods 7 TheClockmdcr. Louis. Bengalese TROOPER, ch. e. 9 HO By Trap Rock Ecstacy. by Ben Stroma. I Trainer. 0. Wendell. Owner; 0. Wendell. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 76842 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:ul3low 6 113 2 1 5 51 G Fields 11 Repeater, Dr. Joe. Drnmmond 76614 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14andfast 15 113 10 10 9l S E Blind 1.", B. Pardon. Dr.Joe, TheFraneisean 76507 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51mud 7 114 2 1 2 j D Mney 7 Smart Guy, Kttalic. Walnutllall 76408 Jefferson 1 1-1C 1:43 Rood 8 113 4 4 51 4i F Lee 8 Jack Fairman, Rork, lion, Roy 76328 Jefferson 1 1-15 1:53 hvy 1S-5 1U 2 4 7 711 E Blind S Tingling. Smart Guy. Magician 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 7 115 8 3 51 51 E Blind 11 Carnarvon. Dumbfoundr, P. Pal 76138 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:34 hvy 41 109 4 3 !" 2 E Blind 9 Id Wrack, Dlifnder, Adventure 76025 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 slow 15 109 4 2 11 11 E Blind 0 Super. Hop, Nohow 75863 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:33shvy 7 109 4 4 41 4 4 Et Blind 7 Lord Wrack. SmartGuy, Repeater 75784 Jefferson 3-4 l:13hvy 6 109 1 1 2 U E Blind 7 Guvnor, RoyalDick. BrnCheek DRUMMOND, b. g, 8 108 By Ogden Quebec, by St. Jud. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, L. Gallo. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 76842 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51andslow 4 1101 C 3 2 3k E Pool 11 Ilepeater, Dr. Joe, Torsida 76782 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 3 112 1 3 3 3 E Pool 5 TanSon, SearcCrow, LittleAmie 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13itast C 100 10 5 4 41 I Parke 12 Good Time. Ilvsteria, Rhinccold 76349 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:51hvy 30 113 3 5 5 4 E Martin 10 Reliability, Hon. Roy, D.BolIing 76232 Jefferson 3-4 l:l8ihvy 60 112 10 10 8 8J E Martin 10 Beg Pardon. Dr. Joe. Carnarvon 70096 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 100 108 9 7 7l 10 E Martin 10 Hidden Jewel. Tuscola. Admirer G4331 Saratoga 1 l:31fast 20 103 9 10 10 19 C Hamndll The Peruvian. Brink. Care Free 64235 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 15 104 6 5 4 311 C HamndlO Oreus, Hereafter. Lackawanna C4044 Saratoga 3-4 l:lGhvy 20 112 4 9 CI CJ C Ham ml 12 Sea Mint. The Peruvian. Spugs C3857 Empire lm70y 1:46 fast C 103 6 7 6 511 C Hamnd 13 Pibroch. King Albert, Ruxom 03810 Empire 1 1-8 l:5Gandgood 7 102 2 1 21 41 C Hamnd 9 Moody, Royal Jester, L.Herbcrt NANCY WINET, b. f, 4 - 100 By Watervalc Dixie Marchmont, by Marchmont II. Trainer, It. Vestal. Owner, P. Fuller. Breeder. C. Van Dusen. 75902 Jefferson 3-4 l:20hvy 30 109 5 G CI G B Norton S Antouia. Piedmt, DicksDautcr 69226 Tijuana 2-4 l:139ifast 7 10S 7 7 7 45i D Hum 7 Faber, O. Henry. Scraps C9207 Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 37 105 7 7 7 715 P Hurn 7 Allie Ochs, Mt. Rose. Scraps 69125 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47sfast 5 S3 3 2 3 31! AV Dean 7 Penwcll. Kath.Rankin, Sample 69117 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 30 103 10 9 91 1 J Merimec 10 RlkMonkcy. O.Henry. RrnRelle 68935 Tijuana 1 l:13!fast 133 99 1 8 7J 5s C Ralls S Lady Leonid. Silk Sox, Faber 68G67 Tijuana 51 f l:07afast 6f 103 11 12 11 9i J Merimee 12 Pud. Faber. Icter Pierson 61134 Tijuana 1-2 4Sandfast 12 107 4 7 7 6" G Willlms 7 DickTerpin. Faber, PeterPierson 61103 Tijuana 41 alXfast 29 119 1 6 ti 611 E Fator C Eraande, Lady Myra, Dick Tcrpin UVELY, ch. g, 10 108 By Ballot livonia. by Star Shoot. Trainer. T. Costello. Owner, T. Costello. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76842 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51slow 100 111111 11 11 10" AV Hanscnll Repeater. Dr. Joe, Drnmmond 76349 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:51hvy 50 113 4 3 9" 9 B Harvey 10 Reliability. Hoa.Roy. D.Bolling 75504 Marlboro ImTOy 1:;6tss1ow 34 103 4 4 5 5 O Nichson 5 EUesmar, Mir.Man, MayRobcrts 75484 Marlboro 1 1-16 l:5SVsinud 45 113 6 6 6 G L Jenkins S Rekab, Our Betsy, On High 74919 Stamford CI f l:25fast 29 113 G F Cullman 7 Rabeltulh. Dftsman, KatlilnK. 74801 Stamfrd lm70y 1:50 fast 22 115 - C,s F Bullman 7 H.M.Stevs. J.Muma. Kinglingll. 73539 Dorval 1 l-S 1:56 slow 73 107 G 8 8 S" P Groos S Holiokus, SaiidyBeal, PIr.McGce 73091 Mneuve 1 1-16 2:01hvy 10 107 2- E T Moore 6 Cant .To in, TwtySeven. Houiain 73053 Mneuve Ab 3-4 l:214good 12 112 41 R Ball 7 Idylonc. Morn. Face, Din.Moore 72994 Mneuve Ab 5-8 l:07mud 16 111 6" C UndwM S Miss Flora, Kinetic, Lady lone 72940 Mneuve Ab 5-8 1:01 good 17 117 V J Kennedy 3 Fly.Reauly, Tw.Scven, J.Healey "rOEICK. gr. c, 4 108 By Meelick Agnes Dale, by Hinsdale. Trainer. J. Randolph. Owner. J. Racdolnh. .Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 76861 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:19andfast 20 104 4 6 ! F Thdykc 8 HarryB., Coral Reef, A.Boyll. 76782 F.Grnds 1 1-U 1:51 mud 50 105 3 5 5 5,J F Thndke 5 TanSon, Scare Crow. Drummond 76525 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14ssIow 50 99 8 9 81 S2 A Hunt 12 Kingsclcre, PoorSport, R.Charlie 73784 Omaha ImTOy l:53Vmud 7 99 3 7 710 7 G Sutton S P.illHead, II.o.t.North. Docod 73601 Omaha 3-4 l:16slow 11-5 105 55J R Doyle 7 JoldenRed, Full Again, Corto 73542 Omaha 1 l:40andfast 3 105 5 J Owens C Donatello, Arravan. Bill Head 72404 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:52Vshvy 10 95 4 3 31 31 H Farland 7 MollieRarnes. Trooper, RillHead 72290 Hawthne 3-4 1:14 fast 10 108 1 7 51 54i W Fronk 9 P.G.Brown, Froth. Put andTake 72125 Hawthne 1 l:40rfaat 4 101 1 1 11 2 W Fronk 7 Courtship, Grisclda, San Pablo GOLD MOUNT, ch. g. 4 105 By Mont dOr II. Fantam Bala, by Olambala. Trainer, G. B. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 76837 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 slow 40 114 6 7 7 Si L, Morris 12 BeglMon. CrnOold, DanBolling 76530 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49slow 15 10S 8 11 10 10 J Leyland 11 irassTree, R.vICrown, Warldol 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 7 107 5 7 71 S1- F Lee 11 Carnarvon, Dbfounder, PcePa: 76094 Jefferson 1 l:44fast 16-5 113 2 1 1 Is L Morris 7 Ieontes. Sea Wrack,- Juno 75994 Jefferson 3-1 1:17 slow CO 103 S 10 10 S" J Leyland 11 Antonia, PoorSpoit, Permarco 75729 Bowie 7-S l:29andfast 15f 114 7 2 3 41 G Babin 12 QckTime, W.Lynch. Hands Up 75649 Bowie 6 f l:22islow 49f 101 4 13 13 121J J Leyland 111 PoorSport. MarieMaxim. Uaidct 75096 Laurel 1 l:13gQod 137 108 7 7 5J 51 C Taylor 12 Insulate. May Buddy, Simoon SOVIET, ch. g; 4 M 101 By Short Grass TJkrania, by Peep oDay. Trainer, H. E. Yor--!. Owner, C. D. Sedley. Breeder. T. J. Clav ;6862 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:48fast 40 92 8 9 S 5 B Breningll Tgling, Dr.Whiteburst. Xeddam 76486 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:435fast 30 92 4 5 6s 5TJ B Brening 8 Rork, Valentia, Attorney 76272 Jefferson lmJQy 1:51 hvy 20 97 1 S 8 SI W Milner 8 Spiigs, Smarty. Gen. Cadorna 75713 Bowie 1 3-16 2:06fast 15 90 3 8 5 6J W Milner 1 1 Dellaliin. WhoCares, T.Foreigner 75667 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52good 5 88 3 7 6 31 L Lang 10 DucdeMorny, Whalebone, Asbld 75595 Bowio 1 1-8 l:59fast Gf 86 7 3 3 4 H Howard 14 Irish Pat, Magician, Ashland 75215 Empire 1 1-16 l:306slow 30 101 6 4 3 2l E Beach 10 TheAlmoner, Big.Still, Cork Kim 75055 Empire 1 l:43andhvy 31 105 5 4 4" 4i T McCork 5 I.Swecney, Tikeb, H.Commnder 74995 Empire lm70y 1:43 mud DO 104 6 4 41 31 T McCork G Scare Crow. Bes.Lelgliton. Lank

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924012101/drf1924012101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1924012101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800