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; i . i I 9 JOCKEYS AT TIJUANA SAN DIEGO, Cal., Jan. 30. The following is a list of the jockeys riding at Tijuana and their contract employers: Jockey. Enployer. Armstrong. Leroy R. Barnctt Abel, Grant F. Nancolas Buel, C Free lance Ilcrg, X. E. R. and R. G. Good Boganowski.,W. Sims. W. Baker. F. J Jeff Heard Breechim, Remo H. C. McConncIl Barnes, E A. B. and R. Spreckehi Broadfoot, G. B. Broadfoot Cargile, Leo R. L. Baker Chirk, O J. B. Clark Cantrell, Fred -. C. B. Irwin Collins, G D. Y. Elander Claver, A J. K. L. Ross Carter, Ray Free lance Conley, Daniel P C Van Dusen Chiavetti, F Milton Smith Corbett, C F. .1. ORourke Connor, M H. E. Caldwell Comstock, J Charles A. Hart Collins, A Free lance Donahue. E. M J. G. Bussey Dean, W San Diego Stalile Doyle. R. G F. R. Doyle Denny, 13. P. .- A. Baroni and A. Neal Deford, J George P. Fuller Erickson, K S. Polk Edwards, Montana J. G. Bussey Ellis, George L. R. Knifong Frost, Charles u. E. Buckley Fator, E J. G. Bussey Francesco, A. J W. L. Oliver Flynn, R Free lance Gormley, John C. Van Dusen Glover, M. II. W. Barnes Gcrrity, J L. T. Whitehill Hicks, S A. Brent Horn, F Free lance Hum, D G. F. Hum Hum, Paul G. F. Hum Hay. Harry II J. B. McGinn Hallman, "Kenneth J. K. L. Ross Hainsworth, H John W. Marchbank 1 1 nn tamer, Glen A. Brent Huutamer, J A. Brent Jones, II. S., probationaryA. E. Stokes Johnson, J -. A. F. Dayton ICoerner, Ted W. O. Joplin Kelley. W J. A. Cobiiru Kennedy, B. L F. J. Kelley Legerc, E U. Buxton Lavine, George C. Buxton Long, K Meadowbrook Stable Metcalf, J A. B. SpreekeU Maiben, John H. Tullett McKnight, W Sam Hesscltinc Murphy, Gene John T. CMfford Mein, Geo. P Mrs. C. A. Landers Morse, E. T., probationaryA. L. Briggs Molters. W T. Polk Martinez, P Free lance Neal. Elmer San Diego Stable OISrien, E. J Ilariy Unna ODonnell, S. C. E. Thompson Povisil. Rudolf J. S. Farina Pool. W J. K. L. Ross Kails. C J. W. Marchbank Rac, Thomas W J. G. Bussey Sutton, C. G., Jr C. 5. Sutton, temporary license Singleton, John M. ......Rides his own horse only. Studor, Carl V...I. F. Peck Stevens, Fred William Walker Schaffer, Joe 5. Van Gordon Scguin, Emilc Joseph Goduout Scheffel. B. F W. F. Knebelkamp Hharpc, F C. B. Shafer Smith. J A. F. Dayton Smith. S Self Taylor, C K. Patterson Thompson, C Free lance Yogt, E George Palmquist