untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-31


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! HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays Harvey Transaction: SIX PENCE 2i2-1 WON This was also the "Harvey Transaction" of last Thursday, but through early interference failed to live up to expectations. This horse in previous races was 40 to 1, 12 to 1 and 15 to 1. Attention is drawn to the advertisement of January 26, when it was stated that future performances should demonstrate the value of the horse advised, which the above verifies. According to contract, day of starting of the next "Harvey Transaction" will not be announced in these columns. Early subscription, 00, must be received in this office immediately to receive service and proper listing. All telegrams signed Ames or Harvey Ames, coming from any other address in the United States excepting Earle Building, New. York City, are not sent out by me, but by impostors, who have no connection of any kind with this office. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 JIM DRAKE 25 WEST 42nd STREET. NEW YORK CITY ?5.00 DAILY; 520.00 WEEKLY High Class Information. No long- stories about coming winners nor alibis for losers. Yesterdays Horse: THE ROLL CALL 5-1 Won Tuesdays Horse: EXCHANGE .... 9-2 Won Mondays Horse: ROYAL DUCK . . 3-1 Won Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. ACTUAL RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT The Guarantee System won on a 0 play for week ending January 2G, as follows: JTEAV ORLEANS WON 52 .TIJUANA WON 72 For full details address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM C01 Cathedral Baltimore, 3fd. $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely KltKE 73-pat;e manual and rcTiew. ? 5 luvestiKate today and make your bookie obey. $ $ luhlic relations manager $ $ S. E. ARTHUR $ $ I!or 40, R: F. Towson, Md. $ ATTTLIA, 6-1, WON, was a dandy given on yesterdays sheet. Mailed direct the night before, spa-cial delivery, in plain sealed envelope. .00 for six days. GET THE BEST. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 111 Baltimore Building Chicago, I1L 11C NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY ROOM -101 UnitedTiirf News SEMI -WEEKLY Price .00 Price .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale on out-of-town leading newsstanda Mailed anywhere, .00 monthly. For sale following newsstands : Cleveland Schroeder, 214 East Superior; St. Louis Laser, 711 Market; Detroit Triangle, Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. ; Dunns. Shelby and Michigan; Cincinnati Fountain News Company, l!i Gano. ATTILIA 6-1 Won WINNER WRITTEN UP ON ISSUE Todays Big Code Special: 9-2-1-31-WON New Feature Overnight Commission Special: 21-15-19-32-WON United Turf News arranged terms within reach of all for our Daily Occasional. .00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY" Yesterdays Occasional: F0XM0RE 15-1 Won Another big occasional today. Start oft today. Subscribe. Out-of-town clients wire money Western Union or Postal. 2.00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY 1 MURPHY AND MONTGOMERY TURFMEN DO YOU WANT TO "WIN?" then get Curleys next horse which poes tomorrow, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1924. Same of the shrowdest horsemen at New Orleans are handling this special and it looks liko an impossibility for this horse to lose. Here is a chance for you to get yours as this horse should win easy and pay a "LIMIT PRICE." Cnrley Murphy has released only seven horses and all seven won at "good" prices." The following is Curleys record at New Orleans: January 26: PEQU0T 2-1 Won January 23: AVISPA 7-1 Won January 19: KING ONEILL II 6-1 Won January 11: SCARE CROW ......12-1 Won January 7: GOOD TIME 10-1 Won December 11: VERA VENNIE 12-1 Won December 6: 0. HENRY 12-1 Won Cnrley Murphys caliber of "information" is not the every day scrt, as he gets strictly bona fide information onco or twice a week, as you all know that "winning" information dont como every day. TERMS: Send me .00 in your first letter and ajree to plaoo, straight to win, a 5 5. CO wager for me. The winnings to toe remitted as soon as you collect the winnings from your bookmaker. Address all mail to W. J. MONTGOMERY AQUEDUCT, L. I. NEW YORK HARRY B 10-1 WON I I wsls yesterdays Codo Special. This makes three I nico winners out of last five starters. You prob- I ably have tried them all, but you will have to 1 hand it to the STANDARD when it comes to 1 making good. Get NEW BOOK on sale now, 1 containing code, good for next weeks specials. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 I copies for .00. Yesterdays One Horsi Daily I WON. Terms for this service, .00 for 6 days. I . Todays Code Special: No. 105, Bock 872. 403. 22 W. QUINCY ST. CHICAGO. ILL. Pay From Your Profits The llaster Key SyNtcm of playins the races will he mailed you for one wwts trial. It idiouhl show avcnige profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your name ninl address, to J. X. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach, Fla. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: FAIR. GROUNDS Wyoming-Ocean-Sun-Lilac Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924013101/drf1924013101_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924013101_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800