Here and There on the Turf: Kentuckians for East. Coming is Important. Emil Herz to Sell Out. some Notable Purchases, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-31


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Here and There on the Turf - KentucMans for East. Coming Is Important. Emil Herz to Sell 0nt. Some Notable Purchases. The promise that both Carl Wiedemanns In Memoriam and John S. Wards Wise Coun- scllor have been named for New York stakes that recently were closed is turf news of great importance to the East. These two colts were the outstanding western sensations of the 1923 racing season and the assurance that they will be seen in New York means much. In Memoriam has to his credit a victory over Zev, the Rancocas Stable champion and the conqueror of Papyrus. That came in the running of the mile and three-quarters of the Latonia Championship Stakes. Then, in his last race, his memorable match at Churchill Downs with Zev, the finish was so close that many were of the opinion that the judges erred in placing Zev first. Many others who saw the race agreed that the Zev victory was due to the fact that Earl Sanxlc outrode Mack Garner when the pinch came in the stretch. In fact, at the end of the campaign of these two great colts last year they were so close together that opinion is pretty evenly divided as to which is the better horse. In Memoriam has shown himself to be a rare stayer and it is possible that he will wear better than Zev, but it is cheering to know that there is an excellent chance for the pair to meet in New York before August. John S. Wards Wise Counsellor, on his performance of last year, looms up as a brilliant Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes possibility. This good celt was raced five times last year and was only beaten in his first start, wh:n he was second to Energy instead of winning, largely because of his lack of racing education. It was T. C. Bradley that brought Wise Counsellor to the races and in his second start he equalled the Latonia five-eig"hths track record of 59 seconds, when he won the Harold Stakes. He followed this by taking up 127 pounds in the Cincinnati Trophy and running the three-quarters in 1 :12 1-5, to win easily. It was after this race that John S. Ward began negotiations that resulted in his purchase of the colt for 6,000. That he made no mistake in paying such a price for the handsome chestnut son of Msntor and Rustle was evidenced when Wise Counsellor won both the Queen City Handicap at Latonia and the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes at Churchill Downs. These were both mile races and they afforded the first line on his ability to race over such a distance. In the Queen City Handicap Wise Counsellor took up 125 pounds, conceding weight to every other starter. In the : Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes he carried 122 pounds and ran his mile in 1:37 2-5, to beat the Rancocas Stables Mad Play. This is record time for a two-year-old over the mile route. , Thess races qualified Wise Counsellor to try for the championship this year, but all his ! 1 2 3 4 i . , racing was confined to Kentucky in 1923; : he did not meet either Sarazen, Mrs. Yandcr-bilts unbeaten gelding, or George D. Wide-ners St. James, winner of the Futurity nt Belmont Park, and the best money-winning two-year-old of last year. The fact that Mr. Ward has signified hb intention of bringing Wise Counsellor to the New York circuit makes it almost certain thai he will have a chance to prove his worth against these two, and while Sarazen is barred from many of the fixtures, by reason of being a gelding, there will be plenty of, opportunity for the three to come together. It is always possible that the champion two-year-olds do not carry on that championship form through the three-year-old campaign, but Wise Counsellor will find plenty of others to keep him busy when he is brought East and his coming is a big thing for New York racing. Emil Herz has decided to dispose of his Short Grass Stud at public auction and the date of the sale will be announced within a t few days. This will be one of the largest thoroughbred transactions in many a day and. . always a man of quick decision, Mr. Hen decided on the sale at a dinner with some : friends in New York Tuesday night. During the afternoon he intimated that he might reach such a decision, but it was not until in the evening that he made up his mind to sell all his Kentucky holdings, lock, stock and barrel. - But a few days ago Mr. Herz bought out v his partners in the Short Grass Stud and I at that time it was his intention to continue in breeding, but the conviction was forced that it was too big a load to carry and, rather : than not do as he desired, this sale has been 1 decided upon. It would have been possible ; to sell a part for the purpose of continuing, but he could not bring himself to in any way r deplete the property, so that it is all to go under the hammer. When Emil Herz purchased the Kingston Farm and rcchristened it the Short Grass Stud he paid 10 an acre, making it a , stupendous purchase, when it is considered 1 that the property comprises 237 acres. King- - : t . : - v I : 1 ; r , 1 - ston is one of the famous Kentucky nurseries and when it passed into the ownership of Mr. Herz and his associates it was at the Cor-rigan and McKinney dispersal, and after there had been some 5200,000 spent in buildincs and other improvement of the property. The farm has been kept up under the Herz management and it was only the failure of Short Grass to come up to expectations that prevented it from being a tremendously successful breeding venture. As it was, the farm proved to be self supporting, even though not a final success. The stock that will go with the farm consist of sixteen mares in foal to various sires, ten yearlings, six ether foreign-bred mares, ten yearlings and the stallion Short Grass. In dl his years of association with the turf there is no sportsman more imbued with an innate love for the horse himself, and it is something of a sacrifice for Mr. Herz to part with his holdings just when ho had become the sole owner, but it has been more or less forced upon him. Doubtless he will not be lost to the turf and with a mending of his fortunes he will be back in breeding again. Emil Herz paid 7,000 for the justly fa- mous brood mare Marian Hood, and to make good the purchase money he was forced to sell a block of Liberty Bonds. He bought McChesncy for a like sum from S. C. Hildrcth several years ago and after campaigning him with rare success sold him back to Mr. Hil-. dreth, acting for E. E. Sinathers, for 0,000. It was Emil Herz who paid 5,000 for Montgomery five minutes before the running of the Broadway Stakes of 1907. And when Herz paid for McChesney he just had 00 left over the purchase price. When he bought the Kingston Farm he used up his all to make the purchase and time and again he has put his all into thoroughbred horses. The last load is a bit heavy, but Emil Herz will always have his love for the thoroughbred horse and it is safe to predict that he will be back in both racing and breeding.

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