untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-03


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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd St. New York, N. Y. YESTERDAYS HARVEY TRANSACTION SWEEPY, 4-1, WON A rename of the last ten Harvey Transactions," from January ! to yesterday, Fcbrnary 2, should enliffliten those wlio flounder aimlessly through haphazard turf speculation. A study of the accomplishments of "Harvey Transaction" must prove of interest. January 9 MARY DEAR 6-1 WON January 13 SCARE CROW .12-1 WON January 15-PAUL MICOU 8-1 WON January 19 PEQUOT 9-2 SECOND January 24 SIX PENCE . .- LOST January 26 Horse Ran SECOND January 29 Horse Ran SECOND January 30 SIX PENCE 5-2 WON January 31 PATH MICOU .12-1 WON February 2 SWEEPY 4-1 WON ABOVE WERE THE ONLY HORSES ADVISED SUMMARY OF "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" Horses Advised, 10; Horses Won, 6; Horses Ran Second, 3; Horses Lost, 1. On a 0 investment, after deducting; losses also the cost of information for the above, leaves a net credit Iialancc of I ,850 The ahove summary conveys the quality of "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS," and why subscriptions are solicited on their past merit. It should also lie stated here that in the three instances where three of the above horses finished second, they were beaten by inches. Twice caused by early interference and once by ovcrconfldence. Over the Ions distance late yesterday, this office was informed that the next Harvey Transaction" starts TOMORROW Those subscribing do so under the condition that same must win or that they are entitled to the next one following. As before stated, each "Harvey Transaction" is a separate proposition, and i the above arrangement, which holds good tomorrow, is only possible when the same source is responsible for two successive transactions. Those contemplating receiving: tomorrows Harvey Transaction" shcmld advise this office of their decision today by wire and permit their subscription SflOO to follow-early aionday, in order to receive proper listing;. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 THE MiW AVMO CV- MAKE YOU SOLD EVERYWHERE DAILY IPfAGAIN "WE WON" SATUKDAYS SPECIAL "WON" AGAIN Fridays KINGSCLERE 7-1 Won Fridays FREE SPECIAL was: DERONDA 20-1 Won Thursdays WON ALSO Last three straight days "wo "CLEANED UP." iHOW CAN YOU LOSE FOLLOWING SUCH "INFO."? Why, If You Paid 000 a Day you couldnt pet any hotter than JACK FIELD gives yoa for DAILY. Stop Losing Your Money Yon cant BEAT THIS GAME "guessing" or DOPING them out; horses dont run that -way. THATS WHY "JACK FIELD" GIVES WINNERS, because MB. FIELD is at the TRACK getting "INFO" that YOU COULDNT GET, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOTT PAID. "Monday Another 20-1 Shot Just liko DERONDA -was thats -what JACK FIELD expects his SPECIAL to pay MONDAY, so DONT MISS THIS ONE. Mondf.y s "SPECIAL" comes from a source that when they BET, they usually CASH. KINGSCLERE, 7-1. was last one thoy put over. Monday they expect bigger price. FULL DETAILS of this "SPECIAL" on MONDAYS sheet. NOTICE Jack Field sold TODAY "SUNDAY" for MONDAY. YOU CAN BUY "JACK FIELD" everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to you, a week. Field Pub, Co., 39 W. Adams St, Chicago, III. "VVONDEJIFTTTj WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that noarly all win. Wen big money on a straight flat play. Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven yeaw. Small payment down, balance -as you win. Facts regard-ins systems that will open your eyes, free. Write WATSOX COUNELTj I 1341 West 45th Street, Boom 201, New York City FAIR GROUNDS Saturday, February 16, ,003 Crescent City Handicap; a Kentucky speed marvel specially fitted for this event. Should be 10 to 1. Winnings of a 0.03 straight play. Remit 1,00, with correct address and receive name of this horse by mail. KENTUCKY TURF GUIDE C13 Julia Street New Orleans, La, SYSTEM WINS! ! Produces profit both on FLAT INVESTMENT and progression. Positively the SAFEST "ONE BEST" SYSTEM EVER DEVISED. IGIIIltAIlAll Not a "Show" system. On file with Racing Form. For particulars send this ad, your name and address to GI Bll ALTAR NEWS SERVICE P. 0. BOX 563 CLEVELAND, OHIO THE SYSTEM PLAYER February Issue Now Ready The great racing handicap. A wonderful picking method. The income test of system 1 lay. Star plays that win. .00 BY MAIL .00 33S2 Fnlton Street BROOKLYN, N. Y. I SWEEPY 4-1 Won Filed five hours before race with this paper. ! Subscribers who received SWEKPY must j remit at once for Special going Tuesday or : Wednesday. Wire to j ar. A. SCHWARTZ IC32 Kcnmorc Place Brooklyn, N. Y. ! . J New Manual NOW ON SALE 116 NASSAU ST., ROOM 401, NEW YORK CITY UnitedTurf News SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. For sale, out of town, leading newsstands. Mailed anywhere, .00 monthly. Mondays Code Special: 18-5-8-28-OVER DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Saturdays Occasional: ROCK BOTTOM ....2y2-1 Won Fridays Occasional: DERONDA 12-1 Won MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 50.00 Private Occasional Free to 0.00 Weekly Clients This race is a set-up for this horse Monday. We have waited patiently to receive the 0. K. from New Orleans, And we have the advance word now that Monday is the day. Take our advice, dont miss this one and string along: this coming- week, every day. A Winning Week in Front of You Subscribe 0.00 Weekly Thursdays Occasional: FLYING FUR 3-1 Won Wednesdays Occasional: F0XM0RE ...15-1 Won Four Winning Days Last Week RECORD ABOVE City clients call; out of town, rush 0.00 for one weeks information. Use Western Union or Postal Telegraph in wiring money. FACTS Last week, up to Friday, February 1, included Saturdays result not known, as this was written Saturday morning, "THE JtOSs RULE" selected a play on eight horses, of which five won. In total since Thanksgiving Day the System selected 109 -plays; of these SS won.1 I "THE JIOSS JtULE" averages twelve plays! a week ; some days there are two plays ; some days there are none. The Key perfected and the scale of investments, in my judgment, makes it perfect. "THE ItOSS JtULE" shows its play at a glance and requires no one after purchase. I All one needs is a reliable bookmaker, which : I do not furnish. It can be operated on a capital as low as 00. Those who are reliable and whose word is dependable, may j have a copy of The Rule upon receipt of 5, i the balance, 573, to be paid out of earnings within thirty days after play has been started. I have followed "THE ROSS RULE" personally with phenomenal success. Above statements are facts, proved through back charts of the "Racing Form." No attention is paid to unnecessary correspondence. The weekly program will appear in these columns. Address remittances C. A. ROSS room cis 1C74 BROADWAY 3TEW TOBK, JT. T. The San Francisco Turf Reporter WERE OFF AGAIN ! Another week cf high-class winners from tho issue of January 8. 1924: TIJUANA "SPECIALS" Bill McCloy, .40. 2nd; Eelman. 0.00, won; Sportsman, 4.60, won; Tubby A., .00, won. TIJUANA HORSES TO WATCH Don Eduardo, won; Madge F., won. TIJUANA "LOOKOUTS" Eelman, 0.00, won; Bear Shot. .80, won; Brandeis, .20, won; Ful-lanli, .C0, won:. Louis, 1.80. won. TIJUANA "BEAR IN MIND" KIND Belle of Elizabethtown, .60, 2nd; Deep Thought, 0.40, won; Gratian, 2.40, wen; Lady Le Band, 5.80, won; Lilt. .40, 3rd; Louis, 1.80, won; Ocean Current, .80, won. AT NEW ORLEANS East Indian, 6-5, won; Little Ammie, 7-5. 2nd.; Tequot, 2-1, won; Barracuda, 4-1, won; Best Pal, 11-5. won; Carnarvon, 11-5, won; Lady Madcap. 4-5, 3rd: Ksyal Dick, 3-1, won; Cloughjordan, 3-1, won; Lcreaa Marcellia, 5-1, won; Neddam. 5-1, 2nd; Neddam, 1C-5, won EASTERN TURF FOLLOWERS Now is the time for you to subscribe to this Wonder Racing and Sporting Paper. Send for a sample. We are tho OLDEST and LARGEST racing and sporting paper in tho WEST. DONT MISS AN ISSUE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. FIFTEEN CENTS A COPY. THE SAN FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER 442 Sansome Street San Francisco, Calif. ?1493914939149391493914939$ $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS S ? The M1KACU: SYSTEM is nalioually known $ $ ns "cosy for player linnl for layer." Sold on $ $ installment: payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FREE 73-page manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ $ S. K. AKT1IUR $ $ Iior 40, It. F. Towson, Mil. $ Ed Bradley GOTHAM BANK BUILDING 1819 Broadway New York City All horses filed in advance with Dally Racing Form. Still going strong and doing better than ever. Saturdays One Horse: The RoD Call 18-5 WON Fridays One Horse: DERONDA 20-1 Won Thursdays One Horse: FLYING FUR 3-1 Won Wednesdays One Horse: THE ROLL CALL.... 5-1 Won Tuesdays One Horse: TRANSLATE 15-1 Won Mondays One Horse: INSULATE 7-1 Won Saturdays One Horse: RUPEE 3-1 Won Thats what I call information. 0 flat bet, on last week, over ,000 winner. Connections advise that Mondays one horse should pay 15-1 Dont delay. Get in line today. I advise a weekly subscription. Connections advise me todays horse should pay 10 to 1. Dont delay; get in line today. TERMS: 0 Daily; 0 Weekly Wire subscription via "Western Union. Scotts WIRE SERVICE DAILY; ONE HORSE DAILY; 6 WIRES, 0 GREAT SCOTT AGAIN ! Only wire sent yesterday: ; THE ROLL CALL ....18-5 Won 1 Only wire sent Friday: DERONDA 12-1 Won A glimpse at the charts will explain how well meant and successful this ono was. Flayed down from 20-1 to 12-1. Thats information. Only wire sent Thursday: PAUL MICOU 12-l" Won Only wire sent Wednesday: F0XM0RE 15-1 Won Great oaks from little acorns grow. That is just as the SCOTT SERVICE. Accomplishments are my proof of ability. Empty premises arc not in my line. From small announcements in these columns for the past few days I havo been able to enlarge my rpace just as I have been able to deliver more GOOD SERVICE each day. Tho tremendous response from clients all over tho country has bur-dened my working force, but these conditions will not affect my connections in the least. Good results can be expected day after day. GET IN LINE FOR MONDAY Throw away your intricate systems and past performance dope; allow me to demonstrate my SERVICE that will show you HOW TO WIN. Mondays long priced horse will convince. ONE HORSE WIRED DAILY and absolutely no more than ONE HORSE. Also I advise a flat play each and every day. A fair period of trial is 6 wires and tho terms for same only 0.00. Kindly uco Western Union money transfer when subscribing. NOTE Address communications to SCOTT SERVICE 23 DUANE STREET NEW YORK CITY Carl Carpenter 59 TRINITY RUFlALO, N. Y. 0.00 WEEKLY Only one or two transactions daily. Won five consecutive weeks. Won on eight plays at 10-1 or better. Won on twesty additional plays. MY METHOD OF WAGERING, plus daily service, will continue winning as long as races are run. START TODAY With an Experienced Information Getter. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal. Propositions not considered. NEW ORLEANS Direct information. Wire me immediately if you want the word on a real good thins going Tuosday, February 5. This information comes from a Tellable source. My- connections advise me that this horse will bo sent for the money and should be in front from the start to finish. Information will be tent out night before the race as track conditions make no difference. I will also have numerous eootf things to follow. My offer is always the same. Wire me the winnings of a 0.00 straight bet after you collect, care Western Union. New Orleans, La. Wire at once giving name and correct address. FRED GATES CARE WESTERN UNION, NEW ORLEANS, LA. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924020301/drf1924020301_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924020301_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800