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WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY S ROOM 516 H 125 .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY IJICr SPECIAL g goes for the money today. Now, boys," just 8 take a tip from your uncle Jim and rush your subscription so as to get in on this big Hj money horso today. My chief docker says H m to so the limit, straight only. I really be- Bj m licvo a small investment should net you 9 B Now, dont ask me any questions, and dont H K let the prica scare you off today. M B . Yesterdays Horss: H 1 QUESAJJA 10-1 AVOX ffl 1 Tuesdays Horso: nj 1 XAII .TOXG 5-1 WON m jfl Mondays Horso: U COHAL 11EEF 10-1 WON j H Saturdays Horse: H THIMBLE S-l AVON M M Fridays Horse: E M SANDS OF PLKASUltK 5-1 AVOX g Hi Thursdays Horse: jfi FLINT STONE 7-5 AVON Wednesdays Horse: K GONDOLIER 3-2 AVON ffi H Tuesdays Horse: B ME11CUIIY SECOND $ H Mondays Horse: U BUOOKDALE 2-1 AVON Saturdays Horse: I DUSTPKOOE 5-2 AVON Fridays Horso: I LADY ROSE 5-2 AVON 1 Thursdays Horsa: H SUN IMAItT 8-1 AVON 1 Why is it that Jim Drake gives so many jfj long-priced winners! Simply becauso I pay I the highest price for my information. Now H dont wait for me to have a loser, but wire M your subscription by Western Union or Postal ! telegraph. H Jack Warren J I ONE A DAY NO MORE 1 1 DAY 6 DAYS 0 I If you wish to get connected with a prac- H tical horseman, who has just arrived in Now S York after spending threo months at Tia B Juana, do so at once for I have information pj of raro valuo and the terms aro no mora jjj than you are able te pay. a The result of yesterdays wire was: 2 I Ormesbrook .20- Won 1 On Tuesday I received: S Blar. Stone 1.00- Won Get in communication with me. I can m help you if you desire the servica of one S Jj that is well informed. g 1 J. WARREN I I Suite 17 207-209 Vansickloa Avonue, Brooklyn, N. Y. B BEATS THEM ALL The Stan Turf News 500 5TH AVENUE, R00H 402, NEW YORK, N. Y. Terms for Our Wire Service 0 for Six Wires or a Day Yesterdays "Wire: H.U0NEC 1-4 2nd Yesterdays Code Horse: CALCUTTA 25-1 Won THAT BIG ADVERTISED i00 Special Goes Today l and do not forget, all weekly clients for tho Starr Turf News Wire Service will receive it free. Telegraph your subscription at once 0 for sis wires. j THIS IS A SPECIAL PROPOSITION AND WE ARE RELEASING IT TO WEEKLY SUBSCRIBERS j FREE. TRACK CONDITIONS AND THE SPOT I ARE HADE TO ORDER. DO NOT MISS IT, COMING AS IT DOES ON TOP OF FUTUR0 8-1 Won CORAL REEF 8-1 Won 60LDFIELD 15-1 Won VENIZELOS 10-1 Won IRUBY 8-1 Won HIGH GEAR 5-1 Won BUCAD0 8-1 Won : AND OTHERS THAT ALSO WON AT SHORTER . PRICES. WE ADVISE YOU TO PLUNGE TODAY. TODAYS CODE HORSE May-Ben-Bud-Glue ; Wiro .00 for code, good for six days. Then . see code horso3 in Daily Racing- Form every day. j Wo have had only one losing codo horse in tho past nine days. Ho ran second, 22-l, place. Now f cade mailed today, starts February 22nd. Special j rate, wire 0 for 6 days wire service and we will j include the new code free and also wire you todays j 00.00 Special. New code in effect February 22nd. I 116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY j ROOM 401 1 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI -WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 ! Published every Wednesday and Saturday. Ou i sale all leading newsstands everywhere. ! TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: 9-16-13-23 PARLAY OLD FAITHFUL, 11-5 WON; was yesterdays best. CHERRY TREE, 6-5 WON: was Tuesdays best. JAMES F. OHARA. 6-5 2nd; was yesterdays lon shot. .00 daily, at all newsstands. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Building Chicago, 111. Monthly Form Book Is On Sale 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA- I PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to bo trua to within cno one-thousandth of an inch, having: all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Made in either red, preen or white in any size. 5-3 size, razor edge ..40 per pair 3-4 size, razor edge .50 por pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich.