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r Entries and Past Performances FAIR GROUNDS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 WEATHER CLEAU; TKACIv GOOD. 77344 Poor Sport 107 1:13 4 10GX710 The figures under tko heading Rcc." .n 77314 Lieutenant Farrell. 110 1:14 3 90. .710 tho entries below show the best time of 77238 Longboat 1012 1:13 4-108 X 705 each horse at tho distance since January 1, 77344 Lugs .-....-..113 1:12 5 117X700 1921, no matter where it finished. In case 77407 Admirer ....110 1:12 4 112X7C0 whero record was mado on other than a fast 77453 Rustem .112 1:12 4 112X700 or good track, abbreviations show track 7744G Raby Lane ...100 1:10 3 102X700 conditions. Fourth Eacc 1 Mile- and 70 Yards. AVest Knd 1ursc. 77120 IS FIRST IXDEX OF FEB1UJATIT. 1:c N-000- f- -woTl--iiG Traek rcvord: cb- 7C4C0 IS Fill ST INDEX OF 1924. "f7 ,, . , , 77324 Pequot 105 1:43 9SX.0 v--o Racing starts at 2:00 i. in. Chicago time, 2:00. 77357 1,1 Granite . 101 1:42 100X745 . Superior mini runner, x Good mini runner. 77447 Golden Billows . . .10511:44 97X740 :!: Kair mini runner, ill Maidens. Apprentice 77410 bltosente II 1021:42 108.. 735 allowance, b Blinkers. 77475 Calcutta .. 99 1:415 102X735 First Eacc 3-4 Mile. 7734C- Slump Jr Ill 1:45 9SX730. Tnrsc ?1,00Q. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. 77410 Itock Bottom 10011:44 102. .725 Claiming. 77059 bEdward Gray 107 1:45 98.. 725 Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1:11 C 11C. . , Fifth Eacc 1 1-1G Miles. , , , 7,s Purse ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.AVt.Han. Track record: Jan. 18, 1922 1:44 " 7110 77213 The ltcaper 113 1:15 3 103.. 725 JL , , , . .. r ,nlv-- 76903 St. Gerard 110 1:17m 3 101X720 77447 LOondolier "v1:? ? JSJ 773C3 Ralsam Lake 101 1:15 3 94 X 715 77409 Isosceles . 101. 1:4,. hIM.. 77391 Rethlchem Steel ..10!, 1:15 3 09.. 715 "307 John Paul Jones . .118 1:4., 109XL 770S9 Bugler 115 1:15 3 101X715 77324 Raffles 100 1:45 4 107Xip 77348 Sea-AVolf 105 1:12 5 112.. 715 7738S lirunell .710 77453 Ucverwyek 9S 1:4S- 4 99.. .CO 77320 llenrv J. 115 1:10s 3 108. 76003 isaman U:43 Vl" Sixth Eace-1 1-1G Miles. 110 1:14 3 101 Zl ycJicm;n .. : 000 4.y0ar.oMR ana upward. Claiming. S .,lolH V:"m -"none"- 2 ---n- Track record: Jan. 18, 1922-1:44 -7-110. 76504 Towtons Rose .... 92 l:187-.m 3 94.. .0.. v 77213 Barberry 10". 1:15. 3 10-1. .705 77452 On. Cadorna 109 1:4 il06Xji 7738C Richard Murray ..101 1:15 4 107X700 77153 bWidgcon 103 1:4S . 110..0 Boot Black . 4 107 .. 773G9 AVcstwood Ill 1:4;. 1 llOil.. 77347 Roval Charlie 114 1:48 5 110X715 Second Eace 3-4 Mile. 77412 bFoster Embry 111 1:47 8 110X715 Turse ,003. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 77412 Bowsprit IOI 1:4S 4 108X710 Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1 :11 0110. 77153 Doctor Jim 99 1:45 7 102X710! 7G985 ANT ONI A 105 1:12 4 101X725 7721S l.Molinero 10G 1:47 C 102.. 705 77390 Paul Micou ......109 1:13 5 111X715 77348 bFred Kinney 104 1:47 5 10G..i0. 77344 Charles llenrv ....108 1:12 0 111X715 7738G Charlie Summy ... 8 114..i00 773G4 Dan Rolling 110 1:13 5 111x715 77044 Florence Been ...102 1:47 5 109.. 00 7G38G Velconu: 98 1:15 3 90X715 77457 Mormon KIder 113 1:40 S 102X700 77445 Piedmont 102 l:14m 4 109X710 7738G Prime AVclles 113il:51 5 102. .700 77445 bVenizelos 105 1:13 5 114X710 G75CG Leo Fisher M 103 1:48 C 10-. . .00 M .,TnK viV,V Jf r iorv-ln Seventh Eace-1 1-16 Miles. S ? y ?. -year-olds and upward. Claiming. . 77364 .Staigo !l!-1.14 1 M 3 A .I... H ..Ill 7 0 riv-ir-l- record. .I..n. 1n 11 lb, 1J 11" 1.44 -44t ,t 7 110 uv. 77314 Times Up 90 1:13 3 90X710 76305 Duinbfoimder 110 1:15 5 105X700 77412 AVaywassamo 109 1:4S 4 10SX7-J 77391 Warren Lynch 1015 l:15m 3 95X7C0 77445 Yorick 99 1:49 4 104X720 77445 Little Alfred 91 1:14 3 95X700 7732G Mock Orange 99 1:45 7 102X71.. 77419 Kennmare 99 1:47 4 103x715 Third Eacc 3-4 Mile. 77234 bJoek Scot 10 102X710 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 7734s liveliness 102 1:4G 0 101X710! Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1:11 G 110. 77450 .Serbian" 112 1:47 8 10GX710 77445 Caligula 112 1:12 0 113X725 77449 Tex 100 1:40 f. 110.. 710 77214 Orcus 120 1:12 5 113720 7732G JakeRcrger 100 1:18 5 10GX705 7744G Frederick town 107 1:13 3 103X715 77348 Rright Trash 105 1:48 5 105705 77315 Privilege 1011:14 3 100. .715 77348 KdilhK 103 1:49 7 101X705 77346 bOvertak; 120 1:12 5 1C5X715 7732G Our Rc-tvy 101 1:48 5 97X705 77407 Sweepstakes Ki5 1:12 4 114.. 715 77450 I-nbeck 107 1:52 4 100.. 700 7GG10 Tender Seth 113 1:13 4 111X710 72673 bGrey Rard M ... 4 97.. 700 FATIl GHOITXDS JOCKEY lEUCHXTARES. From Jjimiary 1, IJ-.-:, to Fclirnary 1J, 1024, inclusive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. T.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. T.C. AVt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tarke, I - 20 100 901 248 159 123 Ambrose. F. 09 108 119 11 13 1G Kennedv, J 20 105 41 S 5 0 Rlind. K 09 99 380 35 30 4G Lang, L. 19 S7 187 35 21 15 Costello, R 09 104 241 21 12 20 pool, K 19 10S 452 84 94 .7 Owens, .1 09 100 320 28 27 3G Jiutwell, J IS US 85 15 15 15 Kaiser, II 08 99 14S 12 13 18 Martin K. .IS 10S 49S 8S 02 52 Lilley, W OS 115 GO .1 8 S MeDcnnott, L IS 105 732 131 119 110 Rose, C. OS 100 372 31 39 41 Robinson, C 17 115 SO 14 8 4 Dyson, C OS 95 3S 3 5 1 Mangan, G 17 104 151 25 21 19 Corey, G OS 107 1G1 13 9 15 Abel, A 17 101 444 70 01 00 Aceardy, A 0 100 121 10 15 20 Morris, L 10 112 ISO 28 22 25 Cooper. G 07 85 G9 5 3 6 Jlollowav, R .15 107 120 19 8 IS C.runeisen. J. ... . .07 103 29 2 3 2 Marinelli, R. 10 101 455 74 53 57 Thomas. J 07 104 94 7 10 8 OMahonev, C lfi 10S 255 41 31 34 Dennison. J. 00 110 50 3 7 G Nicholson 0 10 102 3S 3 3 2 G ruber, J 00 110 31 2 2 5 Rarrett, N 15 110 OS 10 5 8 Rrenning, G 00 110 65 4 4 5 Jleupel, .7 .15 102 31S 47 43 45 McCormack, T 05 100 19 1 2 2 Scobie. K 15 112 39S 58 7S 52 Mergler. D 05 97 154 8 22 21 Walls. G .14 109 219 31 29 28 Myer, If 05 10S 20 1 4 2 Garrett, M 14 100 355 49 42 29 Reilly, F 05 102 21 1 2 1 Fraler, A. 14 102 144 20 24 17 Harbourne, E 05 111 40 2 0 1 Rurke, J. II 14 110 125 18 18 11 Jones, D :.. .05 93 198 10 12 12 Conwav, J 13 102 77 10 0 7 Kedens, J 03 104 04 2 10 C llarvev. R 13 105 743 95 SO 9G Leyland, J 03 100 30 1 3 4 liar, H .13 85 69 9 7 4 Saucier, L .03 99 29 1 2 2 Itomaiielli. R 13 105 240 31 33 28 Smith, L 03 105 35 1 4 1 Wallace, J. 13 100 1001 129 123 157 Thomdyke, F 03 9S 147 5 15 9 Btutts, II. i 12 104 550 65 GG 84 Duncan, G 100 1 0 0 0 Moonev, J. D .12 114 387 48 43 51 Allen, C 105 8 0 0 0 MurphV, F 12 111 SO 10 11 5 Dolin, J 95 5 0 1 0 McCov. J 12 103 492 57 49 50 Fisher, D 90 13 0 0 0 Rcll, K 12 113 202 25 24 32 Forsterer, Ij 100 8 0 0 0 Chalmers, J 11 101 542 62 79 52 Marriner, W 98 4 0. 0 0 Rrenning. R 11 91 82 9 4 11 McAuliffe, D 101 7 0 0 0 Fields, G 11 105 GCC 74 85 29 Noel, G 100 9 0 0 1 Corcoran. J. 11 105 0SI 70 89 74 Pichon, I. 10G 14 0 0 1 Crosn C 11 104 232 2G 31 31 Rodney, T 100 7 0 0 0 Roach, A. .11 104 200 29 33 29 Rodriguez, J 11G 7 0 0 0 Ponce, C 11 10S 124 1G 20 1C Griffin, S 100 8 0 0 0 limit, A 11 97 50 G 4 2 Hamilton, II 110 0 0 0 1 Schwartz. M. 10 112 135 13 10 15 Hansen, W 110 0 O 0 0 Eoehm. E 10 107 13S 14 13 13 Harvey, W 95 11 0 0 2 Holmes. II. 10 102 89 9 4 5 Simon, L. 98 19 0 0 1 Harrington, R 10 109 200 20 24 24 Taylor, H 95 9 0 0 0 Milner, W 10 97 27S 29 24 43 Tlumpson, G 100 11 0 0 0 McDnmott, R .10 100 2SS 30 37 33 Islan, R 95 0 0 1 0 Rvine, J 10 103 252 24 19 32 Vilmore, A. 100 9 0 0 0 Carroll, G. W 10 100 227 22 2S 29 Yelton, R 97 39 0 1 1 4. DA PET 3-4 SIIIp. :-ynr-olU.H nutl Hiw:irl. Maidens. Claiming?. Feb. 1 Si nAUtl i, 1JUS 1:11 1-S 5 IKS. Index Course Dlst Time Tck Odds Wt St ?i Sir Flu Jockeys Started Order of Finish THE REAPEE, b. f, 3 M 103 By Hells Bells Garner, by Eadiura. Trainer, A. Swenke. 0sraer, Friars Inn Stable. Breeder. W. E. Coe. 77213 F.Grmls 3-4 1:11 fast 13-5 109 5 10 10l 9 1 Parke 13 Raileycorn, Apology, Tight 7G830 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 5 109 4 1 2 F ThMykol2 Goldmark, Raldine, Med.Mattie 76482 F.Grmls 3-4 l:13fast 15 113 8 S 3 4 N Rarrett 11 Rrilt Cast. W.t.Wizard, Fausto 75954 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 13-5 104 G 3 2 3 I Parke 7 Res. Hope, Raldine, Rusinesslike 758G1 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 7 104 7 5 C C F, Blind 8 PeggyO., Tomtella, Mid. Follies 7578G Jefferson 5J f l:llhvy 20 101 8 6 C 43 E Blind 9 llenryS., PeggyO., Midt Follies ST. GEEAED, b. c, 3 M 101 By Pebbles Sunno, by Solitaire II. Trainer, F. J. Kcarns. Owner, J. J. OToole. Breeder. A. Johnson. 769C3 F.Grnd 3-4 l:lmuil S 100 1 2 3l D Mergler 11 InardG., SunMart, Frtiersman 7CG79 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud S 110 5 2 31 C I-anir 11 R. Manager, Antiquity, Bugler 7G52G F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow CO 107 8 f. 7i 10 F Reilly 10 Polvo, Fp-dericktown, Pathaii 72021 Empire 5-8 l:00fast 100 114 14 14 14 13 II Shillick 14 Bontaud. Noon Fire, Gold Rug BALSAM LAKE, b. f, 3 M 94 By Huntcmann Saintolat, by Sain. Trainer. J. D. Adliins. Owner, Kirkfield Stable. Breeder. R. J. Mackenzie. 77363 F.Grnds lm"0y l:5fast 12 107 3 9 95 L Lang 12 Qnivcro, Tioutwick. The Fenian 77213 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 101 4 7 CJ C5" L Lang 1.". Rarleyoorn, Apology, Tight 70830- F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slov 20 100 5 8 S SS D Mergler 12 Goldmark, The Reaper, Raldine 76344 Jefferson 5i f l:10hvy 15 115 7 C 4 4s H Kaissr S Wankulla. AmityCIaim, Tamben 76249 Jefferson CJ f 1:12 hvy 15 102 6 6 Cl S J Wallace 8 Ramra. Don Juan, Ressie Wright 7G189 Jcffeison 3-4 l:18hvy 40 100 3 4 4 l 4 E Blind 12 Tomtella, Raldine. Fronfrsman BETHLEHEM STEEL, ch. f. 3 K; S3 By Bulsc Cousin Martha, by Pirate of Penzance. Trainer. A. L. Denny. Owner, G. C. Denny. Breeder. J. W. Parrish. 77391 F.Grnds lm70y l:47fast 20 95 5 4 4 C3 F ThMykel I M. Follies, R.George, Antiquity 77303 F.Grnds lm70y l:45fast 15 107 4 6 71 S13 J Wallace 12 Quivero, Troutwick. The Fenian 77191 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Cgood 33 94 4 " 9 11 10M E Blind 14 Telescope, Amity Claim, Juno 77121 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 20 ICS 7 5 7 71 J Corcoranl3 Vultilla, Jackson, Zanzibar 76921 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Gslow 15 107 3 5 51 C5 J Heupel 7 Fire Roy, Barrister, Fausto 7683G F.Grnds 3-1 l:15sIow 20 103 1 2 Cl 5i J Heup.-l 12 Goldmark. The Reaper, Raldine BUGLER, b. g, 3 M 101 By Polymeliar. Early McriUns, by Econen. Trainer. J. J. Trosler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. Breeder. B. Combs. 77099 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 10 103 S 8 61 S10 F Lee 13 Rrookdale. Ilenignn, Antiquity 76836 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slov 8 105 3 3 4i 6si F Lee 12 Goldmark, The Reaper, Raldine 76679 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 13-5 103 10 4 4 3 I Parke 11 R.Managcr, Antiqty, St. Gerard 76020 Jeffeison 6J M:10slow 6 115 2 2 3 2 E Martin 9 Times Ip, Itarberrv, Frontsiiian 75123 Latonla 3-4 l:13good iG 115 3 9 7 SJ T Brothersll Horgim, Muldraugh, Calvin EEA-WOLF, b. jr, 5 M 112 By Ultimus Queen of the "Water, by Waterboy. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, F. A. Tansor. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 77348 F.Grnds 11-16 1:50 good 3 90 3 1 11 SJ L- Lang- 13 Juno, Sword, Monnon Elder 77050 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 35 115 5 3 41 47i M ScliwtzlS Exchange, RillvKlair, Mcintosh 7C064 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lCmud 11-5 105 2 2 IJ 21 J Corcoranl3 F.-Fifty, T.Pcruvian, H.Pdncr 76810 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lGmud 8 112 8 3 2l 2"" M SchwtzlO Slip.lHm, :apt.Costigan, R.Dick 96441 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 15 112 6 6 8 81 M. Schwtzll Daydue, Far East, Rhinegold 75730 Bowie Cl f l:22fast 39 11C 7 11 ll1 10 J CorcrantS Ticacey. Sea Sand, Coral Reef 75610 Bowio 1 1-1C l:51fast 16 101 2 4 8 S" F ThdyltelO Rouen, D. and Drakes, Zouave 75870 Laurel 3-1 l:16slow 12 110 7 9 7 75i M SchwtzlS Vulentia, Finalilv, SIin; 74850 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 16 112 6 7 7s SJ M ScliwtzlS Colando, Khiuegold, SeaSand "HENEX. J., - blk. c. 3- M- .108 By Jack Atkin Eavenroost, by Prince of Monaco. Trainer, W. M. Eyan. Ownsr. N. Loscalzo. Breeders. White and Garnett. 77320 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slnw 40 11C 7 S 4 41 J Wallace 11" AmityCIaim, Gdfield, Attractive 77099 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 11110 12 10 10" G W Crolll3 Rrookdale, Renigna. Antiquity 76060 Jefferson 5 f l:08fast 20 113 7 9 7 7 G Babin 12 Gee, Waukulla, Little Alfred 74550 Jamaica 5-S l:01fast 30 113 3 S 11 ll,e A. Collins 14 MissMarela, R.Streak, Parvenu 73936 Aqueduct fi-S EOVislop 100 102 S 9 9 95 AV Milner 9 Rracadale, R.Ruchaiian, Replj 72482 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast -20 113 3 14 14 13" F CollettilG Forest Ilower, Pest, Eventide 72283 Empire 5 f l:08good 31 106 12 S 9 83 Babln 12 Hilarity, Attention, Without 72087 Empire 51 f l:07fast 8 112 3 6 71 3 G Babin 11 Sligo, Mary Agnes, Relcross U33G Aqueduct 5-S 39fast 20 10S 9 S -S 10s G ISabin 13 Postillion, Squires, Byron ISAMAN. b. c. 3 M . 106 By Granite Wadna Pitzer by Peep oDay. Trainer. ,T. S. Ownbey. Owner. J. H. Louckheim. Breeder. J. H. Louchhcim. 7GD63 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud 13-3 109 8 6 7s 7 F Lee 11 LeonardG., SunMart, St. Gerard 76482 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 40 lis 10 9 715 AV Lilley 11 Rrilt Cast, W.t.Wizard, Fausto 75512 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 13 113 10 12 12 12 E Martin 15 Mill Roy, Nogales, Levoy 75217 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 21 114 11 6 C C J I Mncyl2 Arabis. The Runt. Levoy 75028 Latonia ll f 1:09 mud ISf 115 9 C 7 V J D Mncyl2 Phil McCann, Equity. Everglade 72560 FortErie 5-S 1:00fast 30f 111 5 10 9 S"G Walls 12 Deronda, Prosram. Thornton 72402 Hawthne 5-S 1 :03hvv 7 lbi 4 6 7 7 W Lilley 7 Clever Seth, Double T., Asaph 72213 Hawthr.c 5-S l:02slow 13 113 8 5 5i 5 W Lilley 10 Valley Light. Whiff. Rondeiie VEHEMENT, ch. g, 3 H 104 By Zeus Hopscotch, by Elint Ecck. Trainer, C. F. Clark. Owner, G. E. Suydam. Breeders. Madden and Giles. 77050 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 30 108 1 11 ll1 10 J CorcoranlS Exchange. RillvKlair, Mcintosh 76948 F.Grnds lni70y l:46good 30 97 10 7 S 10M D Mergltr 11 FrostyRoy, Xanthos, C.Northcrn 76776 F.Grnds 3-4 l:.rimud 20 116 6 S 7 713 E l.oehm 9 W.theWizd, FireRoy, Exchange 76G79 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud S 110 7 7 7 7" E Roehm 11 15. Manager, Antiquity, Rugler 7G613 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 30 11G 11 9 9 311 E Uoehm 11 liroar, Fausto, Quivero 75068 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow 4 110 5 10 91 91 E Legere 14 I-i Vague, Stevens, Leonard G. 75007 Laurel 3-4 1:16 mud 20 107 7 9 81 El P AValls 13 Omega, AVarrenLynch, Rramton POLLY LEIGHTON. ch. f, 3 M 99 By Wormleighton Pirato Polly, by Pirate of Pen- Trainer, W. V. Eecvcs. Ou-asr, W. V. Eeeves. zance. Breeder, L. A. Lync. 75901 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 15 99 2 7 C4 C" F Lee 9 R.Wright, Rer.Childs, DbleShot TOWTONS ROSE, br. f, 3 M 94 By Towton Field Rosary, by Hacdonald II. Trainer, A. G. Blakcly. Owner, D. A. Capdau. Breeder, A. G. Blakely. 7G504 F.Grnds 3-1 1:1G mud 5 92 3 9 9 9:l G Cooper 9 Tambon, Goldmark, Apology BARBEEEY, ch. c. 3 M 104 By The Manager Lauretta Stolworthy. by Stalwart Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. Mrs. M. S. Combs. 77213 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 15 ICC G S S S"l G Manganl.3 Raileycorn, Apology. Tight 76384 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 15 111 5 4 41 31 H Farlandl2 I.yRurrows, LnardG.. L.Alfred 76303 Jeffeison 3-4 l:I9hvy 7 116 5 5 51 7 II FarlandlO Dunoon, Raldine. LadyRurrows 76129 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 12 110 1 3 31 4l II Farland 8 P.usisslike, M.Mattic, AV.Lynch 76020 Jeffeison 51 f l:10slow 41 110 4 4 5l 31 H Farlajid 9 Tiires Ip, Hugh r, Frontiersman 75973 Jefferson 51 f 1:10 hvy 10 102 3 5 5l 5 H Farland 8 R.IIope, Quinham, P.usinesslike .75861 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 12 103 2 7 75 7 II Farland S PeggyO., Tomtella, Mid.Follics 75782 Jefferson. 5-S 1:03 hvy 10 113 1 2 2 2 H Farland12 P.urnt Orange. Ruth S.. Upstage 75008 Laurel 5J f 1:11 slow IS 113 1 3 6i S H FarlandH La Aague, Stevens, Leonard G. EICHAED MTJEEAY, tr. g-, 4 M 107 Ey Meridian Queen of Paradise, by Hastings. Trainer. J. A. Gibson. Owner, C. Deibel. Breeder. E. F. Carraan. 77386 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 100 99114 13 10 11IC J Leyland 14 Carpenter, St. Maurice, Doughnut 7723 1 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 50 110 13 12 12 13 E Martin 13 S.Frdman, Col.AVinn, T.Official 76189 Jeffc-.son 3-4 l:lShvy 30 113 7 S 11 107 E Martin 12 Tomtella, Raldine, Fronfrsman 76130 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy SO 107 11 5 51 710 E Martin 12 A.N. Akin. Piedmont, Geo. Start 73110 Cnaught 3-4 l:13fast ISf 101 12 8 9l 7" R Flynn 12 Ardella. Dancer. Teds Plum 72869 Kenilwh 51 f l:07fast 73f 104 11 12 12 12 R Itomellil2 Kadin, PoniSport. 1iir.andAAhite 72490 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 33 99 3 4 65 C R Costello 7 JoellaJ.. JoImMorrill, J.R.Rrown 70748 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:lSmud 30 107 1 3 35 3 C Jackson 7 Joella J., Soldier II., Mt. Rose 70479 Cnaught 3-4 I:13fast 47 108 C 6 6 6la C Jackon 0 List. Dearie, Admirer, LuckyRun BOOT BLACK, b. c, 4 M 107 By Jim Gaffney Shi-e. by Mizzen. Trainer, E. Brooks. Owner, D. W. Scott. . Ereeder, M. Shields. First start. rnd pjQT 1 3Iile. ::-year-oIls anil upivanl. Claiming. Feb. O, 101S ANTONIA, ch. f, 4 101 By Tony Bonero Pretty Dale, by Hinsdals. Trainer, H. Goldblatt. 0wn:r, M. Goldtlatt. Breeder.- T. B. Jones. 76985 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16hvy 4-5 102 2 2 1 1 I Parke 8 CoralReef. Ralco, Slippery Elm 76734 F.Grnds 3-1 l:15slow 21 100 2 4 31 2 I Farke 11 Ramra, Guvnor, Sagamore 76324 Jefferson 51 f l:09hvy U 102 7 X 31 3i I Parke S RoyalDick. RegPardon. KtGrass 76248 Jefferson 3-4 1:19 hvy 11-20 1C9 1 5 3i 3 I Farke 9 MissKm, Glenconoko, SyDucrow 75994 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 115 JOS 1 4 3t la I Farke 11 PoorSport, lVrmnrco. Piedmont 75902 Jefferson 3-4 l:20hvy 2-5 105 2 1 Is 1 I Parke S Piedmont. Ii ksOanter, OlBIuc 75557 Churchill 3-1 l:13fast 12 1C9 2 3 5 55 G AV Croll 7 Macbeth, RegPardon, Littlellope 75532 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 23 105 S 5 61 61 G AV Croll S Rustem, Macbeth, Gordon Shaw PAUL MICOU, b. g, 5 , Hi By Theo. Cook Miss Micou. by Aureus. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. W. H. Cooper. Breeder. J. D. Stark. 77390 F.Grnds 11-16 1:49 fast 3 113 12 3 ll 1" L McDottl2 Dr.AVhitehst. Repeater, Tinglg 77364 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 41 113 2 2 1and 2nk I Iarku 10 Airowluad, Dani.olling, Stargo 77256 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 10 111 C C 4 4i A Aceardy S Lidy Rose, Honor Man, Rusteni 77185 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 5 113 4 2 2 2l II Zander 12 CareFree, Fifty-Fifty, Slip.Elm 77100 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 12 113 4 5 21 lDt H Zander 8 Guvnor, Carnarvon, Cood Time 76986 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 6 11110 C C C3 II FarlandlO Guvnor, Care Fro?, Sequel 76878 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 41 10S 7 7 3 11 H Farlandll JotiJou, Capt.Costigan, Felicits 7G778 F.Grnds 3 4 l:15mud 8 IOC 4 2 2i l1 II Farland 8 Sagamore, TlirecSrre, PrSport CHARLES HENEY. ch. g, 6 111 By Jack Atkin Prudential Girl, by Kiniey Mack- Trainer, W. Perkin3. Owner, W. Carrisran. Breeder. H. P. Headiey. 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14sood 1". 113 3 1 4i f." R HartonlO Ruby, l.olden Billows, Lugs 76733 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14sIov 7 Hi 2 3 51 71!! E Pool 9 Kingselere. Care Free. Attilia 76557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 41 114 12 30 9h 10 E Pool 13 TimesFp. CoralReef, IVtorOlenn 76232 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 13-5 112 9 7 61 C10 J AVallace 10 Reg Pardon, Dr. Joe, Carnarvon 76184 Jefferson 3-4 1:17hvy 3 1111 2 3 2i 1 J D Mney 7 PaiilMicou. Korbly, R.MeLaulin 75863 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:.".3hvy 5 114 6 5 51 C14 J 1 Mney 7 I-orilVrack, SmartGuy, Repeater 75818 Jefferson 3-4 l:17slow 4 115 5 3 1 1 J X Mney 1 1 Paul Micou, Uncle Aelo, Avispa 75749 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 mud 14-5 103 10 10 81 54i J McCoy 10 SmartGuy, Dumbfnder, P.Micou DAN BOLLING. b. g, 5 111 By Sea King Coat, by Ogden. Trainer, F. J. Kearnj. Owner, S, Gooch. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77364 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 110 3 1 3 31 F Reilly 10 Arrowhead, Paul Micou. Stargo 77100 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 13 114 3 3 41 f.j F Reilly S Paul Micou. Guvnor, Carnarvon 7698G F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy G 109 3 9 S1 193 H Stutts 10 Guvnor, Care Free, Sequel 76837 I.Grnds 3-4 1:15 slow 8 116 4 2 3l 3 H Stutts 12 RegPardon, Green GoM. Sequel 70701 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 10 115 C 7 51 31 H Stutts 11 Carnarvon. Far East, Hysteria 76530 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:49slow 16-5 110 6 2 4. 51 C Lang 11 GrassTn e, RyICrown. AVarldol 76349 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :51hvy 8 113 2 2 2 3 II Stutts 10 Reliability, Hon. Roy. Drummond 76271 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5Shvy 41 10S 3 3 41 2 H Stutts 9 Waukeag, Herald, MockOrange WELCOME, ch. c, 3 SO By Atwell Stella Moberly, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. Breeder. T. Piatt. 7638G Jeffeison 3-4 1:15 good 31 9S 5 1 1 ll F Lee 10 Bigwig. M. Fortune. Rusinesslike 71790 Hawthne 5-S 59 fast 4 109 2 4 4 41 L McFott 8 Sarah Elizabeth. Glide, No Iady 71595 Hawthne 5-S 1:00 fast 8 111 7 6 7 51 L McDott 7 Ruddy Light, No Iuly, Rigwig 70277 Churchill 4 f 54 good 10 109 4 7 51 3 L McDott .I Ch 10. I.ce, RoyOHoy, N.Kpanty C9936 Churchill 41 f 53 mud S 103 7 5 1 l"k L McDott 9 Rattlcltent. FrosiyRoy, Muskeg G9766 Lexgton 41 f CGJihvy v 41 110 1 4 45 3 L. McDott S Digit. S. Elizabeth, SpanisuRose PIEDMONT, ch. g, 4 109 By Dick Finuell Day Dream, by Ballot. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 l:144mud 6 111 3 3 3 3s L Lang 7 Aenizelos, Caligula, Far East 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:4Sfast 13-3 107 2 2 21 Is I Parke 8 Mas.Hatul, Westwood, SlumpJr. 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 5 106 1 1 11 25 L McDott S Brunei!, Advocate, I-ongboat 77084 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47fast 10 114 3 1 11 31 F Iee 7 Six Pence, Roval Crown, Cash 77005 F.Grnds 2-4 1:15 hvy G 104 2 2 36 2 F Lee S IliffRang. Exchange, R.Charlie 70018 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 25 97 1 3 41 C R Yclton S Wapiti, Bygone Days, Rruncll 76389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 12 97 1 2 31 31 D Jones 7 Repeater, Current Events, Cash 76304 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 1 107 3 I 1 11 I Parke 10 D. ntaria, War Idol, Monsoon 76100 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 5 111 9 5 51 S3 J Corcoranl2 Sling, Royal Duck, Anticipate VENIZELOS, b. h. 5 114 By Plaudit Lady Clara, by Eequital. Trainer. J. H. Tovis. Owner, J. H. Tevis. Breeder. E. L. Davis. 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14mud S-5 192 1 2 1 V I Farke 7 Caligula, Piedmont, Far East 77321 F.Grnds. " 3-4 l:14slov 10 103 3 1 lJ 1 F ThMyke 11 Sagamore. Hysteria, Sequel 77192 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 41 1011 4 1 11 3 J Heupel 12 Arrowhead, Doughnut, St.Mricfj 76986 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 20 109 4 S 9 STi J Heupel 10 Guvnor, Care Free, Sequel 76838 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 10 1C1 S 7 Ch 3 D Mergler 14 Poppye, Arrowhead, Ch. Summjf 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15so-od 10 102 7 10 10 11 J Heupel 13 Daydue, Orlova, AVcstwood 76487 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 4 97 5 6 S10 S D Mergler 9 I.ucidus, Neddani, Smarty 76385 Jefferson 3-1 l:13good 16-5 111 3 4 41 41 E Scobie 7 D.sDaughter, P.Micou. R. Dick SLING, ch. g, 5 103 By Pebbles Militant, by Ballot. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner. Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. J. Butler. 76812 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51slow 13 112 8 S S S7 C OMahyll Repeater, Dr. Joe. Drmnmond" 76701 F.Grnds 3-4 l:154hvy 12 115 8 9 S1 9M C OMahyll Carnarvon. FarEast, DanBolling 70509 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:32mud C 113 1 3 3l 2M E Bell 0 Tan Son. Tingling. AVaywassamo 7C232 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 3 112 4 4 9 1017 J CorcoranIO Beg Pardon. Dr. Joe. Carnarvon 70190 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 8 110 2 1 ll 1 L Tn;v 12 Roy.Dm k. Piedmont, Anticipate 75813 1 1-S 2:00mud 9 104 4 2 2 7; O Nichsonir. S.Monarch. T.Forener, AVessieB. 75731 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51fast 8 104 4 2 2 3 L Lang 12 Mar.Ma.ini, AVarFox, S.Mnarch 75649 Bowio Gl f 1 :22slow 6 112 3 3 41 6 D Stirling 1.", PoorSport, MaricMaxim, Uaidee FIFTY-FIFTY, blk. c, 5 106 By Lough Fovle Haversack, by Martinet. Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner, J. J. Hertz, Breeder, S. Ross. 77334 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13fast 6 107 10 9 9H 7C3 A Aecar.lylO Arrowhead, FlMieon. D.Rolling 77255 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 6 109 S 6 Si 3 A AceanlylO Poppye, Arrowhead, Care Free 77185 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 41 1C9 8 4 3l 35 A Aceardy 12 CareFree, PaiilMicou, SlipyEIm 76SG4 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud 4 1041 7 3 21 ll A Aceardy l.t Sea-Wolf, T.Peruvn, ll.Pardncr 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 10 104111 S 9l S A Aceardy 13 Daydue. Otlova. AVcstwood 70505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 mud 20 110 5 5 5 59 A Aceardy 5 ILJewel, L.M.ircellia, J.Joseph G7060 Jefferson 01 f l:10hvy 31 109 5 C C" J Corcoran 0 AlieMay. J.F.OIlara, Sen Mint 60930 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 fast 7 106 4 2 2 2l L McDott 6 Mar.May. Anonymous, J.Bcrger STARGO, b. c. 3 93 By Irish Exile Queensland II., by Nonchalance. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner. T. V. Moustjoy. Breeder. L. L. Allen. 77384 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 !9 5 5 45 46i E Blind 10 Arrowhead. PIMicou. D.Rolling 77255 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 99 2 3 7 7fl B BreninglO Poppye, Arrowhead, Fifty-Fifty 76985 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lChvy 15 1C1 C 5 7 71 D Jones 8 Antonia, Coral Reef, Ralco 76647 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 12 103 9 3 31 1 F Lee 12 IadyChoco, Aultilla, Zanzibar 76366 Jefferson 3-4 l:16good 30 112 7 S 5 5s F Lee 9 Frankman, Deronda, Herbertus 74664 Latonia Cl f 1:07 fast Tit 110 12 12 12 101 T Murray 12 Col.Cilmore. Privilege. B.andShoea 72131 Map.Hts ;i f l:04fast 17 113 C "C $ J Jordan 9 WikUack. VginlaB., Dmination 71343 Latonia G-S 1:C3 mud 13 110 7 C C C R. Harton S leathern d. PostDispatch, Shafe TIMES UP, b. f. 3 SO By Hizh Time Grace Harlan, by Duke of Ormonde. Trainer. R. McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 77314 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 31 102 1 3 C S9 Ar Milner 12 Rrookdale, CoralHeef, SpyElm 77045 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 12 104 2 3 21 3 A Hunt 11 Norseland. Q. Charming, Flr.Fur 76944 F.Grnds 3-4 l:llgood S ICC 3 7 7and C5 J Heupel 11 JuliaM., AV.theWizard. DcvilGirl 76838 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slov 10 99 8 3 3" C52 AV Milner ! Ducky, Payman, W.the Wizard 76557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 13 96 8 1 1 1 AV Mil.ier 13 Cornllteef, DtorGIenn, Carnvo:i 76346 Jefferson 1 !:43hvy 10 99 10 9 7 S A Hunt 12 15. Wright, W. Lynch, G. Northern 76267 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 7 99 4 5 E 61A Hunt 9 Julia M.. Seths Flower, Polvo 76193 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 hvy 41 100 C 7 41 41 A Hunt 10 R.Wright, Businesslike, Jackson DUMBF0UNDEE, b. c, 5 . 106 By Ferolo Dona Eoca, by Rock Sand. Trainer, C. Houbre. Owner, C. Houbre. Breeder. A. Belmont. 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 12 113 1 2 11 21 D Jones 11 Carnarvon, Peace Pal. Rork 76188 Jefferson 11-16 1:54 hvy 1S-5 IOC 2 2 3 31 B Harvey 9 IxirdWrack, Trooper, Adventure 76030 Jefferson 1 1-1C l:50good G 109 3 4 21 11 D Jones 10 CtEvents, YgAdam, Hutchison 75975 Jefferson lm70y l:."ilhvy 9-5 ICC 2 11 ll D Jones 10 Manokin, AVaukeng, StghtShot 75863 Jefferson 1 1-1C l:33hvy 13 110 5 6 C 5" M Garrett 7 LordWrack. SmartGuy. Repeater 75816 Jeffeison 1 l:45slow 3 105 a 6 Ci 4"! R Clifford S Super, AVireless, Tan Son 75749 Jefferson 3-4 l:19rnud 8 10S 2 2 2 2J B Harvey 10 SmtCuy, I.Micou. T.MuIesknr 74918 Hunton lm70y l:17slow C 106 3 R Clifford S ColumbiaTeun, Horeb, Fincastle WABREN LYNCH, lr. c, 3 95 By Theo. Cook Lauretta, b7 Hareo. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke.. Breeder. E. T. Simms.. I 77391 F.Grnds lm70y l:47fast 8 110 S 12 11 10" G MansanU M.FoIlies. R.George, Antiquity m, 77314 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 20 100 9 10 10 10" J Wallace 12 Brookdale. CoralRccf. SpyElm : 77103 F.Grmis lmTOy 1:16 fast 12 100 6 6 7 7SJ I Parke 12 Flying Fur, Fuusto, Peggy O. 769S8 F.Grnds 1 l:4thvy 12 106 S 6 7" 71 J Corcoran S AVil.tho Wizard, Anne, DcvilOirl "6860 F.Grnds lmTOy l:46H;rast 8 97 10 8 P 8T1 D Mergler 11 Deronda, AVankulIa, Dcspard 7 07 02 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy 6 10S1 9 7 7 5J C Ponce 11 Byron. Norscland, Telescope 70346 Jefrerson 1 l:Jhvy 13-5 101 2 2 2" 2 I Parke 12 B.Wrislit. G.Nthern, S.sKlower : 70228 Jerferson 3-4 1:20 hvy C 112 1 5 15 ll C -Lang 11 GtNorthcrn. Dowry, Ftiersman - LITTLE ALFEED. br. g, 3 95 - By High Time Magic Lantern II., by Le Saggittaire, Trainer. F. Burlew. Owner, B. Block. Breeder. S. Boss. 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14mud 15 55 7 6 7 671 B Brening 7 Acnizclos. Caligula, Piedmont j 77255 F.Grnds 3-4 l:137sfaat 7 91 10 9 S3i L Lang 10 Poppye. Arrowhead, Fifty-Fifty J 7G8G0 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast 15 92 11 7 10 10 1 G Cooper 11 Deronda, AVaukulla, Dcspard ; 70524 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15?sslow 8 105 6 1 1 1 F Lee 14 Telescope, CSiaplet. Tlie Fenian . 70440 Jefferson 3-1 l:14fast 10 112 5 2 3 810 F Lee 10 Everglade, BrilliantCast. Antiqy ; 76384 Jefferson 3-1 l:15good 8 111 4 1 U 4 F Lee 12 LylSurrows, LuardG., Barberry , 70303 Jeffeison 3-4 l:19hvy 5 116 2 1 11 4 C RobsonlO Dunoon, llaldine. LadyBurrows 7C209 Jefferson Gi f l:ll?hvy 4 115 6 2 3s V C Lang 11 Carlton, Lcvoy, Everglade 0, DA OCT 1 Mile. "-year-olds anil upward. Claiming. I"el. O, 151S . oru nAUt i:ii 1-5 o 110 CALIGULA, blk. g, G 113 By Wrack Continuo. by Orlando. ; Trainer, A. S. Woodliffe. Owner. H. Both. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 77445 F.Grnds 3-1 l:l4andmud 9-5 11C 2 1 2 2 L McDott 7 Venizclos, Piedmont, Far East 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 7 108 G 5 5l 41 L Lang 10 Kingsclere, Lily M., Isosceles 70859 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 12 10S 1 2 Sl 9,J C Lang 9 Ctimeter. Clhjdan, E.Marccllia 70081 F.Grnds 3-4 l:!5imud G-5 114 2 2. 2s 3T C Lang 0 Cloughjordan. Mercury. AAarMnn : 70405 Jefferson 3-1 l:ll4good 4-5 113 1 1 1 Is I Parke S Fehrah. T.dHonneur, Do?.Glenn 70307 Jefferson 51 f l:07good 7 106 1 6 61 Gl It Mthews 8 Mnrakcr. Ilid.Jcwel. Centimeter 7G230 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 21 111 2 1 15 25 C Lang 4 J.F.OIlara, Il.Jcwel, II.Graliam 75956 Jefferson 5-3 1:04 hvy 11-5 110 4 1 1! 1 A Hunt 7 lIughesGham. Dobson. Rhclicu 75753 Jefferson 3-1 l:17Vmud G 107 4 1 21 2 P. if thews 7 John Q. Kelly. Sequel, Rajah 7 1887 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 10 107 111 ll It Mthews S Trite, TlieAlinoncr, Zealot ORCUS, ch. g, 6 113 By Trojan Ogress, by Ecn. Trainer. C. A. Applegate. Oner. C. A. Applcgate. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmev. 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 10 109 1 1 1" 6J E Martin 7 Bklond, Isosceles, BetterTimes 77122 F.Grnils 3-4 1:14. fast 10 112 10 S 71 7 G Cooper 10 Kingsclere, Lily M., Isosceles 70859 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 20 10G1 7 " 9 9 S3 13 Martin 9 Ctimeter, Clhjdan, L.Marcellia 7GG08 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13!fast 20 112 3 7 71 7si E Martin 10 Ctimeter. Cljordan. L.Marccla 76442 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fasi 12 102 4 4 4 3M AV Fronk 5 Centimeter, ILJewel. Muskalge 75179 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast G 11G1 3 4 4J 4J E Sande 0 Flintstonc, Lady Hose, Curtis 74764 Jamaica 3-4 l:127fast 10 3C6 6 7 7 7 A McLhlin 7 Hullabaloo, P.Rogent, Whirlwd FREDERJCXTOWN, b. c, 3 103 By Pennant Gentlewoman, by Sain. Trainer. W. H. Fizer. Owner. H. Stark. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 77440 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14mud 12 109 G 7 4l 2 G Walls 8 MissDomino, Ducky, Leonard G. 77315 F.Grnds 3-4 l:Vita.Ht 41 111 2 G 6 41 L McDott 9 Everglade, Privilege, Leonardo. ""080 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 10 10S 10 9 7l 7 G Walls 11 MahJong, Q. Charming, Dreamer 7G017 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 5 103 5 5 31 5S1 15 Harvey 10 Hoy O Boy, Blotter, Pathan 70526 F.Grnds 3-4 l:llslow 7-5 112 4 1 ll 2" I Parke 10 Polvo, Pathan, Madam Vennie 70325 Jefferson 3-4 l:16andhvy 5 104 3 4 3s B I Parke 7 Blotter, Rinkcy, Dobson 75809 P.owia C-l f I:21mud 5f 95 7 5 I1 21 F Thdykell Noel. Hiddcn.iewel, Hager 75710 Bowie 61 f 1:20 fast 47 97 4 6 5s 41 AV Milner S Noel,. Apes, Wildrake PBIVILEGE, ch. f. 3 103 By Mont dOr II. Independence, by Ballot. Trainer. B. Walters. Owner, IT. Goldblatt. Breeder. T. C. McDonald. 77315 F.Grnds 3-4 l:137jfast 3 100 3 2 21 2" I Parko 9 Evrglatle, Leonardo., Fredkton 77235 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 7 101 3 3 3 3. I Parke S Julia M., Everglade, Gee 77045 F.Grnds 3-1 l:14,5fast 3 105 6 2 41 581 I Parke 11 Norseld, Q. Charming, TimesUp 74664 T-atonla GJ f 1:07 fast 4 89 3 2 21 2" D Jones 12 Col.Gilmc, B.andShoes, Bambler 73830 Ixgton 51 f 1:08 fast 1 106 3 1 11 31 J Howard 10 Dobson. P.rolitician, G.Nortiiorn 73198 Bl. Grass 5-S l:02slow 7-10 109 1" J Howard 12 M. Mornin. P.Dispatch. Mclviua 71079 Latonia 51 f l:07ifast 5 112 1 2 21 5: J Howard 13 Glide, Perrigo. I-ady Burrows 71287 Latonia 3-S l:05fast 51 1061 1 4 i$ 4 J Howard 12 Ann M.-. Grudge, Spanish Hose OVERTAKE, b. g, 5 105 By Horron Carreno, by Lally. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder, J. B. Gorham. 77340 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:S5 good 30 103 5 3 a G14 AV Marner 5 Gondolier. Stump.Tr., O. Faithful 77237 F.Grnds 11-16 l:lSfast 15 107 6 6 7 7" L McDott 7 Vennie. P.ucado, Lily M. 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 4 110 7 7 5- 610 J Corcoran S Itrunell, Piedmont, Advocate 76923 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14Vslow 20 113 S 8 6 6 C OMneyll Beglardoii, Sagamore, Kgsclcre 75444 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:07?5fast 3 109 2 G G 6 F Colletti 9 Sin oon. Billy AVatls. Dartmoor 75345 Pimlico 13-16 2:01 good 7 113 5 5 Burns 0 LadyMyra, The Boll Call, Aennie 75152 Empire 1 l:41fast 8 110 4 4 410 2s T Burns 5 Pr.Bcgent. AVildrake, IC.Briilgc 75085 Empire 1 1-16 l:17good 7 103J 2 5 5 5M T Burns 5 For.Lore, KtsBridge, Tangerine SWEEPSTAKES, b. g, 4 114 By Sweep Gold Ten. by Goldcrest. Trainer, E. J. Hodgson. Owner, J. L. Holland. Breeder. A. L! Aste. 77407 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast S-5 119 4 3 2 2 J Heupel 9 Translate, IIonorMan, LadyBose 77365 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 2 19! 4 4 2" 2U .1 Heupel 7 Certain. P.uek Pond, Last One 77194 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 good 9-5 107 3 1 2J 3 J Heupel 7 Flint Stone, Certain, Mercury 77007 F.Grnds 3-1 l:14!svy 41 111 5 3 S3 2t F Lee 0 Certain. John Finn. L.Mareellia 7 0880 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13?slow 20 111 7 4 4- 4J1 C Lang 7 JohnFinn, Moonrakcr, Mercury 72724 Saratoga 1 l:3:iifast 12-5 115 3 2 3Ji 45 L McAtee. G Ten Minutes, SunQu.c-st, Aalador 72485 Saratoga 3-1 l:12fast 16-5 1064 1 lh Is L McAtee 0 A. Patriae. AVoodiakc, CapcCIear 71872 Empire Ab .3-1 l:10faat 5 106 4 3 21 ll L McAtee 14 Pietrus. Marionette, Lady ltose TENDEB SETH, ch. g, 4 111 By Seth Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 7GG10 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4lfast 0 110 5 5 4 4 G Brening 0, Sett. Sun. Baffles 76465 F.Grnds 11-16 1:13 fast 6 113 2 3 Z- 6s X Barrett 11 l.Sneezy, Highspeed, MissMcise 764 09 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 good 5 109 7 5 Gl 51 J Pevic 8 M a rg a ret Ware, Tody, Highspeed 7G32G Jefferson 1 1-1S 1:51 hvy 5 99 3 9 9 S J Thomas 9 Delantc, llama, Best Pal 76306 Jefferson lmTOy 7:52 hvy 5 107 1 3 21 2J J Pevic 5 Cold.Iloy. T.BollCaU, BeDays 76231 Jefferson 11:45 hvy 15 112 2 5 5 5s 1 J. Pevic 5 Delante. PostHaste, LordranIte 76210 Jefferson 3-4 l:18V4hvy 31 112 9 6 41 41 L Morris 9 Care Free, Kingsclere, Aladdin 70152 Jefferson 1 1-10 l:52,islow 6 112 3 2 2l 4s J Corcoran 5 H.Kemble, Sedgefield, Anonyms POOB SPOETi T. g. 4 106 By Delhi Play Fair, by Fair Play. Trainer. W. A. Burtschell. Owner. J. R. Skinkerl. Breeders. J. D. Carr lc Bro. 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14T3good S 103 6 G 71 41 D Mergler 10 Ruby, Golden Billows, Lugs 77270 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 7 100 7 S S57 D Mergler 11 Simplicity, MidntFollies, .TouJou 77000 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy 12 104 4 4 4 3U D Mergler 7 CareFree, IidyRose, Simplicity 76778 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 4 103 2 6 G1 4 F Lee 8 P.Mieou, Sagamore. Thr.Square 76615 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 12 105 9 8 10 10s F ThornkelS Tambon. MissKrtunc. Kingsclere 76525 F.Grnds 3-4 i:l4islow 10 109 3 4 4 2 J Pevic 12 Kingsclere, It. Charlie. Simplicity 76324 Jefferson 51 f l:093ihvy 1S-5 106 5 3 4and 5:i E Blind S P.oyalDick. BegPardon, Antonia LIEUTENANT FABBELL, ch. c, 3 S6 By Campfire Beticella, by Heywood. Trainer. B. L. White. Owner, J. J. .Farrell. Jr.. Breeder. E.- T. Wilson. 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 8 104 5 4 G 51 J Heupel 10 Ruby, Golden Billows, Lugs 77315 F.Grnds 3-4 ia3fast 12 106 4 4 41 6U D Mergler 9 Everglade. Privilege, Leonardo. 77186 E.Grnds 2-4 l:13hvy 12 102 4 2 2 2 L Lang 0 M. Domino. Galtraan, II.Graliam 764GI F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 15 114 5 4 41 Gl G Fields S Rinkey, Roy O Boy. Ex.Edition 76406 Jefferson 51 f ltfTHsood 20 112 1 1 35 3s J AAallace S Gee, Carlton, Herhertus 7G323 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 20 110 4 3 G1 515 J AVallace 7 Polvo, Gee, Businesslike 76148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 50 115 7 10 10 10,s L Morris 10 Thorndale. Aera Aennie. Gee 75590 Bowie Gi f l:20fast 113 10S 2 3 41 6 F Colletti 7 T.Exposure, Eaglet, L.Brnorell. LONGBOAT, b. p. 4 10S By Wrack Marathon II.. by Thrush. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner, W. H. Whitehouse . Breeder. C. T. Grayson. 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-1S l:4Sfast S 104 5 7 8 S11 D Mergler S Mas.Hand, AVestwood, StumpJr. 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 13-5 107 4 4 4s 41 I Parke S Iirunell, Piedmont, Advocate 77079 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 102 4 3 1 D Mergler S JuliaM., BuckPond, JohnJoseph 7G878 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 10 110 5 6 7 5- E Blind 11 PaulMIcou. JouJou, Cap.Costigan 76615 F.Grnds 2-4 l:13fast 15 110 2 5 71 51 F Lee 13 Tambon, MissFrtune, Kingsclere 76023 Jefferson 3-S l:13slow G 105 1 5 51 51 E Martin 7 Colored Boy, Admirer, AAapiti 75815 Jefferson 3-4 1:16tss1ow 12 116 8 2 2l 2 J D Mneyll Rustem, Stump Jr., Sequel 75306 Latonia 1 1-2 2:33Hfast 10 104 1 1 5s 5JI B Harvey 7 Pumps, CaptainMac. Pans Maid LUGS, b. g, 5 117 By Bulse Princess Thorpe, by Wcolsthorpo. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, Friars Inn Stable. Breeder. J. W. Parrisb. 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14?;good 8 117 4 3 SI 31 L McDottlO Ruby, GoldenBillows, PoorSport 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 12 107 3 3 7 71 B Harvey 7 Bklond, If-oceles, BetterTim.s 77079 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13Vifast 12 114 7 S 7s 711 C Ponce S Julia M., Buck Pond, Longboat 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l-.lSandgood 20 113 9 10 8 S,: N Barrett 10 Mercury, Centimeter, Julia M. 70608 FGrnds 3-4 l:13ifast 13 106 9 8 5 5J G Field3 10 Ctimeter, Cljordan, L.Marccla 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13igood 21 107 1 2 2s 2 I Parke 9 IdleThoughts. Aladdin, K.Grass 75496 Churchill 3-4 l:13fa3t 9 118 6 5 5 5J E PeUoIdt 0 Glyn. JohnU.Kelly. Auntiellaj 75.393 Churchill 3-4 l:13slow 27-10 110 4 3 11 ll E Tool S AAcstwood, Ben Bolt, Avispa ADMIRER, b. c, 4 112 By Prince Hermis Fanny Kemble, by Sempronius. Trainer. A. Qaignard. Owner, C. A. Coyle. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 77407 F.Grnds 3-4 l:137ifast 15 105 6 G Sl L Lang 9 Translate. .Sueepskes. Hon.Man 76615 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13ifast 2 112 5 4 41 I Parke 13 Tambon. MissFrtune, Kingsclere 70368 Jefferson 2-4 1:15 good 8-5 1C6 4 3 ll 1 I Parke ! JohnJoseph, CareFrce, B.lardon 7G268 Jeffeison 3-4 1:1S hvy 3-2,105 1 G 4 51 H Failand 10 Simplicity, Aalentia, Aladdin 7G09G Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 4 107 4 3 31 F Lee 10 Hid.Jewel, Tucsola. Red Arrow 70023 Jefferson 3-4 1 HSslow 23-5 108 2 1 1! 2i J Pevic 7 Colored Boy. AVapiti. Rustem 75850 Jefferson 3-4 l:1Grihvy 10 105 2 1 1 3T J Pevic 7 John Finn, Thorndale, Ncwmkl 73138 Cnaught 51 f i:10Vslop 27-10 113 4 2 21 2 AV Pmrose 0 Ablaze. K.of t.Hcather, OKelly BUSTEM, b. c. 4 112 By Escoba La Becolte. by Meddler. Trainer, W. H. Blanton. Owner. W. H. Blanton. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 77453 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13hvy 41 111 4 8 710 D Mergler 8 HiddenJewcl. Guvnor, BiffBang 77256 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13fast 1S-5 111 2 3 3l 31 I Parke S rdyRosc. IIonorMan. PIMicou 7G270 Jefferson lm70y 1:51 hvy 3 100 2 2 6 G14 E Blind 0 FlyingDevil, Rupee, Aennie 70023 Jefferson 3-4 lrlSslow 9-10 110 3 2 3 4S1 H Stutts- 7 Colored Boy, Admirer, AAapiti 75815 Jefferson 3-4 l:16slow 11-5 111 3 1 Is 1 E Blind 11 Longboat, Stump Jr., Sequel 75532 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 5 111 2 1 1 1 T Brothers 8 Macbeth. Gordon Shaw. Modna 75453 Churchill 1 1-S l:53V;fast -53-10 142 1 1 2 5i T BrolherslO Pcquot. Taylorllay. Romp.Mary 75377 Churchill 1 1:40 hvy 8 113 4 1 1 1 T Brothers 8 N.Secuadus. IlowcrShpp, Poppye. BABY LANE, br. f. 3 102 By Peter Quince Waldena. by Star Shoot. Trainer, G. Zeigler. Owner, H. S., Bowns, Breeder. T. B. Rouse. 77446 F.Grnds . 3-1 l:14mud 20 100 5 4 S 8" B Brening S M. Domino, Fredericktown, Ducky 74591 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 7-10 115 2 1 21 31 T McTagt 5 The Poet. All in All, By Play 74405 Jamaica 51 f l:07rast 6 114 3 4 31 3i M Fator i Drumbeat. F.Fiower, Freelland I 74309 Jamaica Gi f l:03fast 41 93 7 6 7 7 AV Milner 7 II. T. Waters. Rival, Huniorettc 73982 Aqueduct 5-8 GSgood 12 ICG 11 11 13 145 K Legere I JTrceTop. A. MarroncIL. Exploit 737G1 Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 fast 3 103 4 4 31 2 L McAtee 9 Miss Domino, Huraorette, N.Fire : 73532 Belmont 51 f 1:06 fast 15 110 2 2 21 21 J CallahanlO L.BaltelI., B.Warreu. L.Martin A U D APCT 1 ?lile ami TO Yarl. AVest Kml Iurse. 4-year-olds. AHowaneeK. 4in nAUll Fel, 7j lOlS 1:4 1-5 7 11G. PEQUOT. ch. c. 4 98 By Hilarious Halesia. by Martinet. Trainer, J. Booth. Owner, R. T. Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 77321 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49fislow 7-5 103 2 2 1 ll I Parke G Raffles, Freez.Sneezy, Fly.Devil 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 4 107 5 4 3 3 J Corcoran G Isosceles, Rock Bottom, Raffles i 77189 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:437andhvy 7-10 111 3 1 1 Ill Parke 0 SdsoflIeasiiie, Aennie.. SeaCove 77009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50ihvy 2 107. 1 4 1 1 I Parke 6 Freczy.Sneezy, Gondolier, IluoiifC 76883 F.Grnds 1 1-3 1 ;53Sslow 41 103 6 ll 2"v D Mergler 0 FzySnzy, LUndian, Mnrg.AVare i 76773 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49V5good 20 110 9 1 ll 2 J Owens 9 Miss Sleise, Nedtlam. Past. Swain 75453 Churchill 1 1-8 J":51fast 4 110 .4 2 11 M Garner 10 Tay.Uay. RompingMary. Lierre 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4Gigood 24.107 7 8 8 S11 J Pevic 8 GriLtick. MissMeise. MiK.Mary LORD GEANITE, b. o. 4 IOC By Granite Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. . Trainer, T. JT. Shannon. Ownir, J. Scbank. Breeder. J. H. LouchTieirri. 77367 F.Gr nds 1 lHfant 31 30"! 7 2 ll ll J AAallace 7 Llowlyii, Jul"lJones, LyMcap 1 77008 F.Grnds 11-16 1:49 hvy 1S-5 1C5 S 8 S S F Lee S Olynthus, Rama, Best Pal 76839 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:16 slow . C 104 4 2 1 2"k F Lee 0 Sedgefield, Rama, Olyntlius 7G506 F.Grnds 1 l:43inud 13-5 102 4 2 3 2i J AVallace 4 Solisa, Thimble, Red Arrow 7G463 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:40itaa 20 108 10 5 .8 7 J Heupel 15 Delante, Barracuda, Revenge 76231 Jefferson 1 1;43 Uvy 21 103 3 3 3s 3U AV Fronk 5 Delante,. PostHaste, Dustabouf 76191 Jefferson 51 I 1:11 hvy 21 112 4 5 4 21 AV Fronk 5 Red Arrow., Sequel, Tuscola 75494 Churchill 1 l.:37Hfat . 17 101 6 9 6 CJ AV Fronk 9 Make Ul, Ueremon, Bclzoui i s I m, : : - j J ; . ; , . ; : I : i i . 1 i GOLDEN BILLOWS, b. f, 4 87 By Golden Maxim Billows, by Cunaia. Trainer. C. E. Cropper. Owner, S. A. Stewart. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 177447 F.Grnda lm70y J:46Vmud 21 107 1 1 Ill1 E Blind G Ld Wrack, St.Donard, Gondolier 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 20 110 10 9 21 2l E Blind 10 Ruby, Lugs, Poor Sport 75477 Churchill 1 3-16 2:00 fast 23 107 3 1 4 l 6 W Lancet 7 Miss Meise, Paris Maid, OoLnLi 75373 Churchill 1 1-16 1:48 hvy 4 103 4 2 2l 2 J McCoy G Blue Stone, Stump Jr., St.Paul 75250 Latonia 1 1-8 l:55slow 13-10 104 2 1 1 1" B Harvey 5 Hoy, Halu, Hnrrv B. 75162 Latonia 13-16 1:59 fast 7 105 1 2 2 2l I Parke 10 Oo La La, Pumps. Halu 75063 Latonia lmTOy l:50hvy 3-2 112 10 1 l1 ll E Martin 11 Blue Stone, Reel Foot, Hoy ROSEATE II., ch. g, 4 108 By Sea Sick Bosetta. by Malntenon. Trainer, E. J. Hodgson. Owner. J. L. Holland. Bred in France by M. A. Blavetta. 77410 F.Grnds lm70y l:44V5fast 2 107 6 4 ll 21 J Heupel S Thimble, RockBottom, Llewellyn 77081 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4GHfast 2 108 3 2 2 41 F Lee 4 T.RollCall, Thimble. Barracuda 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47sgood 11-5 107 4 1 l 2: J Heupel S Barracuda, L.Madcap, J.P.Jonea 7G61G F.Grnds lmTOy l:43fast 13-5 112 2 2 11 B1 F Lee G FlintStonc. Barracuda, Dr.Clark 76443 Jefferson 1 l:40fast 4 105 2 2 l1 1 F Leo 8 Thimble, Barracuda, Aennie 75996 Jefferson C-4 l:!6slow 12 104 4 6 31 21 T Burns 7 JohnFinn, Brunell, Muskallonga 73072 Saratoga 1 l:3S4fa3t 11-5 114 3 7 7 61 L McAtee 8 ThreeSquare, Savoy, Anonymous 72955 Saratoga 1 l:39V4fast 6 105 G 5 31 2" AV Pool G Ani.Patriae, AVitticism, Aladdin CALCUTTA, ch. c, 4 102 By Colin Jamraa. by Delhi. Trainer. G. B. Allen. Owner. G. B. Allen. Breeder. G. Starr. 77475 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 20 108 1 1 11 ll J Corcoran 5 Jas.F.OHara, Ducky, RedArrow 76610 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44fast 40 110 4 6 5s 5 A Vilmore 0 Brad.sToney, Sett.Sun, Raffles 76527 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4Gslow 40 110 2 4 5 5 A Ailmore 5 Triumph, SettingSun, FlygDevil 76505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 10 105 2 4 41 4s B Harvey 5 ILJewel. L.Marcellia, .T.Joseph 76462 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13?fast 40 110 4 5 5 5" A Ailmore" 5 S.Thoughts, Triumph, JohnFinn 75856 Jefferson 3-4 l:15hvy 12 112 6 6 7 7" J Burke 7 John Finn, Thorndale, Admirer 74662 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vsfast 10 115 7 7 6 G" L McDott 7 Fl.otLove. Crayon, Brad.sToney 71290 Latonia 1 1-16 l:i44rast is 115 4 6 6 6,s G Tcargin 6 InMemorm, Hopeless, M.Cerina STUMP JR., b. c. 4 98 Dy Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Greaaan. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner. Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murnay. 7734G F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:55 good 3-2 107 1 1 2 ! L McDott 5 Gdolier, O.Faithfiil, EscarpoPtc 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4S5ifast 31 107 3 4 5 3 L McDott 8 M.Hand, AVestwood, Highspeed 77196 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47good 11-5 111 3 4 31 3SJ L McDott 7 T.dHonneur. Col. Baker, Vendor 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:477ifast 7 111 2 2 2J 2 L McDottll Tempting, Stump Jr., High Gear iG990 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:52hvy 5 106 3 1 2 21 L McDott 9 IIonoluluBoy, L.AVrack. Trooper 76923 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 12 105 5 5 751 J Chalmrsll BegPardon, Sagamore, Kgsciera ROCK BOTTOM, b. c, 4 102 By Bistouri Bock cf Gold, by Bock Sand. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swcnko. Breeder. A. Belmont. 77410 F.Grnds lm70y l:44fast 8 103 1 1 21 31 I Parke S Thimble. Roseate II., Llewellyn 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 13-5 107 4 2 21 2 I Parke G Isosceles, Pequot, Raffles 77216 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44fast 10 1091 7 2 31 1" I Parke S Swcepy, Colored Boy, Llewellyn 77148 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 21 111 7 5 11 ll I Parke 12 Captain Costigan, Stamp, Sword 76778 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15Vmud 10 111 7 8 71 6" I Parke 8 P.Mieou, Sagamore, Thr.Squaro 7G210 Jefferson 3-4 l:lSVhvy 20 109 6 9 9 9" G Mangan 9 Care Free. Kingsclere, Aladdin 75742 Bowie 61 f l:21fast 12 111 9 1 1 Is L McAtee 13 Loanda. Eager, Jolly 75G29 Bowie 61 f l:20Vfast 26 104 8 5 4l 5 M Fator 11 Apex, Colamlo, Cum Sah EDWARD GBAY, blk. g. 4 98 By Von Tromp Bonsetta. by Masetto. Trainer, W. M. Byan. Owner, J. T. Luzzi. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 77059 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 30 100 7 7 7 7? A Hunt 7 Translate, Moonraker, B.aToney 72467 Saratoga 1 l:39good 30 105 4 5 5 5IJ B Marinlli 5 Gleutilt, Aalador, Sunsini 71121 Aqueduct 1 1-16 l:47fast 2 106 2 2 21 lb J Merimee G H. Prince, St.Lnwrenc. B.Friday 70G22 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43H;fast 8 102 3 3 31 3T J Merimee 4 Frigate, PaulJones, B.vgoncDuy.1 7038G Belmont 1 1;37 fast 15 105 11 7 S 62 II Mozer 11 AHOver, S.andBoots, T.Sergcant 70118 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:4S,imud 7 101 6 5 55 52 C Balls G-Carol, Dustabout, Hobgoblin G9982 Jamaica 1 l:397ifast 15 105 7 G 51 5" C Ralls 8 Dot, Moonraker. Great Man rrU DAPLT 1 1-1 3Iiles. 3-ycar-ohl.s and upward. Allowances. Jan. IS, Olfl nAUt 1 1:44 4-3 7 HO. GONDOLIEB. b. h. 5 101 By Alvescot Bosalle, by Olseau or Sempronius, Trainer, M. Foster. Owner, F. Farrar. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 77447 F.Grnds lm70y l:16Vmud S 112 3 4 4 4 L Lang 0 G.Billows, LdWrack, St.Donard 77346 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:55 good 2-2 110 2 2 in 1 L Lang 5 StumpJr.. O.Faithfiil, Escarptte 77237 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 10 109. 4 5 41 4 L Lang 7 Vennie, Bucado, Lily M. 77009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50V4hvy 4 101 2 1 31 3 F Lee 0 Pequot. FieezySneezy, Huonec 76947 F.Grnds 1 1-S lVandgood S 109 3 4 2and 2 L Lang 9 Eastlndian, Ramkin ScareCrow 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:03slow 5 107 9 4 5 21 F I-ee 10 St.Donard, Superbum, P. Swain 76703 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50andhvy 1G-5 104 5 2 2 2 B Harvey 7 Sea Cove, Simplicity, "Rupee 765G2 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:0O7jfast 5 103 6 6 4h 3 F Lee 10 E.Indian, Ramkin, Marg.AVhits ISOSCELES, b. g, 5 104 By Von Tromp Isolation, by Georga Kessler. Trainer. J. Lowe. Ownr J. Lowet Breeder. E. Cebrian. 77409 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:33fast 25 101 6 3 1and 51 L Lang 13 FlintStone, SetngSun, Dr.Clark 77323 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sslov 3 101 1 1 2l 2l I Parke 4 SettingSun, Shamrock, Buddugie 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47fast 1S-5 106 2 1 11 ll L McDott 0 Rock Bottom. Pequot, Raffles 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 4 107 4 4 3 2 L McDott 7 Bklond, Bet.Timcs, ClojordaJ 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 31 112 5 2 3l 31 I Parke 10 Kingsclere, Lily M., Caligula JOHN PAUL JONES, b. h, 6 109 3y Tracery Moneta III., by Spearmint. Trainer. W. Fenwick. Owner, W. Fenwick. Bred in England by A. Belmont. 77307 F.Grnds 1 l:39ifast 20 103 2 5 41 31 J Kedetis 7 LdGrite,- Llewlyn, LyMadcap 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47ifast 4 101 1 3 G 6" D Mergler G Isosceles, Rock Bottom, Pequot 77124 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4SVandfast 7 105 5 5 6 5s! J Corcoran J Dustabout. Sogg.Aroou, Raffles 77046 F.Grnds lmTOy lfast 10 101 4 4 4 4 F Lee 5 Best Pal, O.IIenry, LadyMsdcap 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47good 15 102 1 7 61 45i J Chalmers S Barcuda, Roseatell.,- L.Madcap 76813 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50iima 5 114 3 4 41 IJB Harvey 7 Dustabout, Fly.Devil, TonyBeau 70736 F.Grnds 1 l:12ss!ow 41 104 7 7 65 6,s B Harvey 7 Triumph, Sedgefield, Barracuda 76682 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:30rmud 41 107 1 2 24 2i J Chalmers 3 Dr. Clark, O. Henry RAFFLES, ch. c. 4 107 By Luke McLuke Phebo G.. By Mazagan. Trainer. G. Phillips. Owner. J. McMillen. Breeder. J. O. Sc G. H. Keene. 77324 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:49islow 6 106 1 1 2 2 G Fields Pequot, Freez.Sneezy, Fly. Devil 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 106 3 5 4l 4 G Fields 5 Isosceles, Rock Bottom, Pequot 77195 F.Grnds 11-8 1:54 good S 103 1 4 4 4J G Fields 5 Dustabout, AAapiti, Brunell 77124 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48Vsfast 15 106 6 1 2 31 G Fields 7 Dustabout. S.Aroon, AV.TakeAll 76967 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49V4mud 8-5 103 4 2 2 2 I Parke 4 Tony Beau, Aennie, Kinburn 3 6925 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47slow 10 106 6 2 41 41 D Mergler 7 Deadlock, Dustabout, TonyBeau BRUNELL, b. g, 4 99 By Black Toney Santa Anna II., by Martagon. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, E. E. Bradley. 77388 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53fast 10 103 3 4 4 41 E Blind 4 Romany. Miss Meise. Ramkin 77195 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:54 good 3 102 3 3 3 3 E Blind 5 Dustabout, AAapiti, Raffles 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 16-5 106 6 3 2J l1 E Blind S Piedmont, Advocate, Longboat 77047 F.Grnds 1 1-16. l:47fast 8 104 2 6 21 2 E Blind 7 Ncddam, Anonymous, Normal 76618 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17fast 5 105 4 6 3 35i E Blind 8 AAapiti, Bygone Days, Huonec 7G443 Jefferson 1 l:4Jrifast 7 100 7 6 6 Gl G AV Croll 8 Roseatell.. Thimble, Barracuda 7599G Jefferson 3-4 l:16slovr 20 104 G 4 21 31 E Blind 7 JnFinn. Roseatell.. Mkallongs 75454 Churchill 11:39 fast 61 100 4 6 5 sJE Blind G A.BlueGown, AVild Lire, Oui Oul BEVEEWYCK. ch. c. 4 99 By Sir John Johnson Beveilla IL, by Irish Lad. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. B. Skinker. Breeder. F. J. Nolan. 77453 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy 12 112 8 "7 8 S L Lang S HiddenJewcl, Guvnor. BiffBang 7367 F.Grnds 1 ltfcfast 20 97 5 1 6 G L Lang 7 LdGrite, Llewlyn, JnPlJones 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4S?igood 4 93 2 1 Is 1 G Cooper S Rupee, King John, Runquoi 76464 F.Grn-ls lm70y l:43ijfast 6 107 4 4 4 4Ji G Cooper 5 Raffles, Flying Devil, Aladdin 75815 Jefferson 3-4 l:15slow 15 105 10 - 6 51 5 G Cooper 11 Rustem, Longboat, Stump Jr. 75754 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:53 mud 6 93. 2 1 5s 51 G Cooper 0 KentL., BelleAmie, Sog. Aroou 75339 Un.Hunts 1 l:39tifaat 1-2 107 Is G Cooper 5 SirGalahadll.. CorkElm, Sis.Sua 75181 Empire 1 1-4 2:07ffast 10 100 1 2 21 4 G Cooper 9 T.Sergeant, Ramkin, S.Galdll. C4U DA PC 1 1-1 3Iiles. 4-year-olrts and upward. Claiming:. Jan. IS, Dill nftbt . 1D 1:44 4-5 7 OLIO. GEN. CADOBNA, b. g, 7 106 By Textile Wyf, by Millar. Trainer. J. H. Buscher. Owner, S. Oddo. - Breeder. P. P. Johnson. 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 12 110 10 11 6 44 E Martin 13 Colonel Winn, Mcintosh. Stamp 76558 F.Grnds lm70y l:461fast 13-5 110 3 1 l 6 E Martin 9 AValnut Hall, Tex. Neddam 7G388 Jefferson 1 1-S l:56good 8 110 6 2 4 3 E Martin 8 St.Donard, Eastlndian, Attorney 76348 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:57hvy 7 10S S 7 8 S5 E Martin 9 Gondolier. Smarty, Attorney 7G272 Jefferson lmTOy 1:51 hvy 13-5 106 6 5 3 3J J AVallace S Spugs, Smarty, Atta Boy II. 76064 Jefferson 1 l:42fast S 110 2 3 31 2h E Martin 12 Leasido, SilentKing, Smarty 75976 Jefferson 1 1-15 1:52 hvy 8 103 6 1 2 3 J AAallace 8 AArangler, Bastille", Stonewall 75860 Jefferson 51 f l:lQ5hvy 15 103 4 2 l 2J J AAallace 12 Carnarvon, RylDiek, BegPardon WIDGEON, ch. g, 5 110 By Star Shoot Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner, S, Singer. Breeder. M. Jones. 77153 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 2 109 3 1 11 2a H Stutts 12 Dr.AVhitelmrst. R.Crown. Cash 76650 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44Vfast S 1051 5 5 5 5" H Stutts 5 Romany, T.RollCall. TonyBeau 76608 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13!fast 30 106 8 9 6 6;3 II Stutts 10 Ctimeter, Cljordan, L.Marcela 75127 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Tgood 13 112 6 7 .7 73 F Hstings S PlusLltra, CaptainMac, PrinceK. 74979 Latonia 1 1-1G l:46fast IS 113 1 6 6s 7i E Scobie 8 Certain. B. of Eliztown. Metric 74812 Latonia lmTOy l:42fast 31 105 2 3 3 3 E Scobie 7 Prec.Lula, Mis.Mary, TderSctU 74692 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 6 111" 10 7 6 2UE Scobie 4 Metric. Lord Granite, Be Good 74635 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 26 110 3 2 4 4s E Scobie 11 Normal. Ten Sixty, Isosceles WESTWOOD, br. h. 7 110 By Honeywood Botelawn. by Orsini. Trainer. E. Trotter. . Owner, E. Trotter. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 77319 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47rifast 6 10S 4 5 5s 51 J AAallace 8 Lily M., AArangler, Bucado 77318 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:54 fast 7 102 2 3 2l 3 J AAallace S Bucado. Eastlndian. OldFaithful 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 10 102 6 6 4 2l J AAalaice S Masterlland, StumpJr., II. Speed 77196 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17good 11-5 109 4 3 4 6al J AAallace 7 T.dHneur. Col. Baker. StumpJr. 7G946 F.Grnds lm70y l:43good 12 110 13 3 4 J AAallace 5 The Roll Call. Neddam, Sweepy 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 10 115 10 6 4 31 J AAallace 13 Daydue. Orlova, El Astro 7G607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13sfast 41 115 1 4 51 51 J AAallace 12 Good Time. Hysteria; Rhinegold 75476 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 3-2 111 3 7 Sl 9" J AAallace 12 Randel. The Leopard. Halu ROYAL CHARLIE, b. g, 5 110 By Charles OMalley Captive Princess, by Captiva- Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner. A. Swenke. tion. Bred in England by W. A. Wallis. 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49.Sgood 41 110 8 3 3 3s L McDottll Normal. Majority. St. Paul 77197 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Tgood S 114 5 2 4 4 I Parke S Gem. Normal, Kirklevington 77005 F.Grnds .3-4 1:13 hvy 41 113 3 4 4 4 G Ponce S BiffBang, Piedmont, Exchange 70525 F.Grnds 3-1 l:llislow 10 111 2 2 31 3 C Lang 12 Kiugscler, PrSport, Simplicity 76364 Jefferson 3-4 l:14?sgood 7 102 4 4 3 3 I Parke 9 Simplicity, Rocomtjon, F.Cker 75808 Bowie 3-4 1:16 mud 19-5t 111 2 6 G 10" L McAtee 13 Kirah. Despair, Spugs 75130 Laurel 3-1 l:13andfast, 36 110 5 5 3 21 T Finn It Bucado. Camouflage, Sagamore FOSTER EMBBY, ch. g, 8 110 By Stalwart Margaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer, C. E.- Cropper. Owner, S. A. Stewart. Breeder, C. Nuckols. Jr. 77412 F.Grnds 11-16 1:49 fast 20 991 6 2 ll 21 E Blind 13 Cash, AAaywassamo, Bowsprit 75511 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 7 107 9 7 S 7" E Blind 15 Ben Aalct, Spats. Charles Henry 7547G Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 106 7 3 3 4 E Blind 12 Randel. The Leopard. Halu 75001 -Latonia 1 1-16 l:4T4fast 4 104 9 1 1152D Jones It PeteFoy, CapRock, Lord Wrack 74034 Latonia 1 W5 l:17fast 6 110 9 5 31 46i N Swart 12 Tulalip. Pete Foy, Erlanger 73730 Legion 1 1-15 1:16 fast 23-10 111 6 4 3" 3 N Swart G PliislJltra. B.Aalet. Reliability 73245 Bl.Gniss lmTOy l:43,fast 15-5 110 lt N Swart 9 Tulane, Zaek Terrell. Friz 72572 Aurora lmTOy 1:46 fast C-5 107 1 1 1 1 N vart 6 Arrowhead, Silence, Apricot EOAVSPRIT, ch. g. 4 108 By Eerrilldon Beaupre, by Ogden. fTrainer. G. Phillies. Owner, J. McMillen Breeder. W. Garth, 77412 F.Grmis 11-16 1:49 fast 20 9T110 3 4h 41 D Mergler 13 Cash, FosterEmbry, AAaywaSmo 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-.1G l:49V4good 23 103 10 6 51 5" D Jones 11 Normal, Majority. Royal Charlie 77281 F.Grnds 13-16 2:02 fast 13 101 6 6 41 4lJ F ThdykelO Dustproof. Cash. Juno 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 12 10S 2 6 6 6" G Fields 0 AlStebler. Cur.Events. DukeJohn 76705 F.Grnds 1 1-S 2:00 hvy 10 100 2 5 71 S F Lee 10 FraukMonroe, Hickory. Dr. Joe 70308 Jefferson 1 1-S 2:01 hvy 4 110 4 4 o 5 E Ambrose 9 Repeater, Hliilulloy. O.Birthday 70213 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:3GHhvy 15.5 106 1 3 3 2" J Corcoran 11 Reliability, M.Orange, Str.Shot . DOCTOR JIM. b. g. 7 1C2 By Ogden Rock Merry, by Rock Sand. Trainer. B. E. Chapman. Owner. B. E. Chapmm. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77153 F.Grmis 11-16 1:43 fast 100 S9 6 S 6 SCJ D Fisher 12 Dr. AAhitehVt, AAidgeon. R.Crown 76781 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:52!mud, SO 114 9 9 9 9 M Schwtz 9 Superbum. Silent King, Repeater 765G3-F.Grnds lmTOy l:47ifa3t GO 112 G 8 8 . 8 M Schwtz 8 Tulane, Fleeting, Bendita 69322 JLdeCce 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 33 111. 8 . 8 .7 71 M Schwtz S Blue Ilnwli. Smarty, Ticacey 69155 Bowie lm70y l:43V4fast 23 101 6 G 6 6 W Milner G Tingling, Citation, Serbian G9076 Bowis lm70y I:51Vi3lop 5 111 6 5 5s . 7" M Schwz 8 Hor.firc, Smarty. Neapolitan 69046 Bowie 1 1-1G l:52;tfast 31-M 112 7 6 4 51 M Schwtz 7 Moody Service Star. AVurlikc G7735 F.Grnds 1 3-10 2:02Jifist 31 .112 9 1 1 3 M SchwU 9 Wad.i Last, The Wit, Austral MOLINEEO, b. g. 6 102 By Tim Payne Cloudlight, by Bright Phoebus. Trainer, J, Lowe. Owner, A. J. Molera. Breeder. A. J. Molero. 77218 P.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49fast 0 107 G 5 91 Ss II Zander .12 B. fr.IIonip, Sccrety. .TakeBcrgof 7G8G2 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 50 104 2 6 Gl 6 II Farlandll Tgling, Dr.WJiItcliurst. Neddam 7G607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast DO 1011 2 11 11 103 J Chalmersl2 GoodTimo, Hysteria, Rhinegold 6G709 DadePrk 3-4 l:13fast 9 106 4 5 Sl 7 F Wilson 11 Lt.Coloncl. Mai. Crcstwood Boy 66C81 DadePrk 3-4 l:14fast 6f 97 12 11 10 9" F "Wilson 11 Jacobean, Mahony. Amanda 61054 Havana 1 1-16 l:49slop 8 103 7 5 6" 41 L Penman 7 Approval, Tony lieau, Haman C1025 Havana 1 1:41 fast 4 104 7 7 61 1" L Penman 7 Jacobean. Money. Harlock 60979 Havana l-l:46mud 4 108 3 3 31 41 M Garner 5 TonyBeau. Fitz-l!oodle. T.Pirate FRED KINNEY, br. g, 5 10G By Towton Field Maud McKee, by Luko Ward. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. BanmcartnorJ. Breeders. Cross and Haner. 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 good 20 1 06 13 10 71 61 G Fields 13 Juno, Sword, Mormon Elder 77280 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02fast 25 108 5 9 7l 762 .T Wallace 9 Xantlios, At.Boyll., Seourgcmnn 77239 F.Grnds 1 1-4 2:09fast 40 104 S 9 9 G J Wallace 11 Hickory, Dustproof, Attorney 77120 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:03fast 30 111 5 3 7l SIS F Thdyke 8 Walnutllall, Tingling. Repeater 77062 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 15 105 4 5 C C3 F Lee 0 Duolma. High Gear. Haidec 7G8G2 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 30 106 9 7 7 S,s Ij Smith II Tgliug, Dr.Whitehnrst, Neddam 7GG52 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 20 111 8 4 5l 571 J Wallace 12 Nuyaka, l.a Orb. War Idol 7G483 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 8 108 4 7 G5 G1 L Smith 7 Kiiigsclere, Orlova, Dr. Joe CHARLIE SUMMY. b. g, 8 114 By Assagai Bracktown Belle, by Cunard. Trainer. H. E. Crist. Owner, H. E. Crist. Breeder. A. Brown. 77381. F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 25 10S 2 4 12 14 D .Tones 11 Carpenter, .St.Maurico. Doughnut 77148 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast S 10S 2 7 11 10 J Corcoranl2 R.Bottom. Cap.Costigan, Stamp 7G858 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 10 10S 1 1 4 4 I Parke 11 Poppyo, Arrowbead, Vcnizelos 75298 Huntgton 3-4 1:14 fast 20 105 9C1 J Conway 9 Full o Fun, lif. Kyes, Kinsman 75240 Huntington 5-S 1:05 hvy S 150 3 Mr 7leran 0 Babylonian, RapidStride. St.Just 75207 Huntgton 3-4 1:16 mud 14 109 44 J Conway 8 Zorro, Mat. Idol, Joycellof fman 75148 Huntgton 3-4 l:15slow 16 103 S9 N Burger 8 AticKing, Dcvonite, F.Canadian 75051 Hungton 3-4 1:17 hvy 9 105 9 JC Burger 11 Rapid Stride, Zono, Full o Fun FLORENCE DEEN. b. m, 5 109 By Discontent Garvanzo, by Otis. Trainer, D. Young. Owner. J. W. Kraft. Breeder. H. H. Trowbridge. 77044 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 8 110 11 12 10 S51 E Pool 14 Kindred, Old Sinner, Pr. Welles 7GG80 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mul 12 107 10 G 6l 4" I Parke 11 D.Glenn, Felicitous, Kpgllome 7G441 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 5 101 7 6 51 6s A Accardyll Daydue, Far East. Rhinegold 7G232 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 10 109 8 9 10 91S I Parke 10 Beg Pardon. Dr. Joe. Carnarvon 7G095 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 20 107 5 6 3h 21 A Accardyl2 Avispa, Reliability, Sis. Josclla 755G1 illboro AbGJ f 1:29 good 10 115 4 1 l1 3 E Atkson S Sling, Miss Filley, The Sheik MORMON ELDER, blk. g, 8 102 By Ogden Kate D., by Cesarion. Trainer. C. N. Freeman, Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. J. E. Madder:. 77457 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 31 102 8 8 7 7" J Wallace S Great Lady, Mom, Majority 77348 F.Grnds 11-16 1:50 good 15 100 7 5 41 3J J Wallace 13 Juno, Sword, Feigned Zeal 75989 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:53 hvy 25 103 6 7 7 7 H Farland 7 Tod-, Smarty, Smart Guy 75037 Laurel 1 1-16 2:03 mud 19 101 3 4 4 4Z II Farland G Blar.Stone, Fitzrue, R.Wingficld 74 985 Laurel 1 1-16 l:19good 15 109 1 8 71 810 H Farlandll Superlative, M.Orange, H.Baker C8325 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 7 112 G 7 7 H J Burke 7 Neudam, Tulane. Transient G8229 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49fast 3 114 5 6 4 341 II Thurberll Trooper, Exhorter, Maize G7883 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55!i:ast 11-5 107 10 10 7 6 J Crcoranl2 Carniencita, Bolster, Ailliro C7819 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:51 hvy 3-2 114 8 3 31 31 R Romelli 9 Warlrize. Advture. St. Germain PRINCE WELLES, ch. h, 5 102 By Dick Welles Tallahassee, by The Commoner. Trainer. W. H. Crawford. Owner, Hamilton Stable. Breeder. J. B. Hespess. 77380 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 10S 4 7 131 Grl A Hunt 14 Carpenter, St.Maurice, Doughnut 771 8G F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy- 15 110 2 G 6 G18 B Mrinelli C M.Domino, L.Farrell. Galtman 77044 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13rast 15 101 4. 4 51 Sl F Lee 14 Kindred, Old hinner. Fleer 75777 Bowie 7-S 1:30 mud C6 10G 5 8 Sl 11 II Shillickl.-. Far East, Poor Sport, Sea Sand 75G16 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51fast 28 107 1 5 7 717 B MariellilO Rouen. 1. and Drakes, Zouave 75522 Mlboro Ab 7-S l:33s!ow 11 112 1 3 2 I1 E Hileman 7 Miss Filley. Tricks, Utah 74833 Hunt on 3-4 t:14fast 4 112 4i T 7 RoyC. Louie Lou, Ed Garrison 74712 Hunton lmTOy l:4Gfast 19 110 51 T Wayt 8 Gipsy Joe, Smuts, Handfull LEO FISHER, ch. h, 6 M 102 By Mentor Rustle, by Russel. Trainer, F. P. Letellier. Owner. Southland Stable. Breeder. F. C. Meier. 675GG F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 10 103 11 5 41 3n H Thomasll LeoeharesII.. Myliosie, CT.Cile .07517 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 4 107 10 7 9s 9 C Lang 11 GrnGold. Relbility. Flibtybet 07343 Jefferson 3-4 3 118 6 2 21 2l C Lang 12 Free Market, Yoiiek, Alluring G7237 Jefferson 51 f l:09,igood 11-G 116 10 4 4s 45J E Martin 12 Zoona, Billy Connor. Reformer 670G9 Jefferson 51 M:12fchvy 1S-5 118 3 2 31 3si E Martin 11 Ukase, Fernando, High Speed CG9GG Jeiferson 3-4 l:14?fast 7 115 3 1 1 2i E Martin 11 Wireless, High Speed, Anzcna 74-1-1 DA PET 1 1-16 Allies. 4-year-olIs ami niivarl. Claiming". Jan. IS, 111 nftUL U-iU 1:44 4-5 7 110. WAYWASSAMO, ch. c. 4 108 By Dick Finncll Helene, by Hermis. Trainer. J. A. Gibson. Owner, J. A. Gibson. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 77412 F.Grnds 11-10 1:49 fast 12 104 12 11 5l 3S1 J Corcoranl.! Cash, Foster Embry, Bowsprit 7 7218 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49lsfast 12 11012 7 G1 4 E Martin 12 B. fr.IIome, Secret, JakcBerger 7G814 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59rtmud 4 108 3 8 7 7s E Martin 9 Bolster, Bastille, Hickory 7G509 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:52mud 20 110 6 4 5 411 E Martin G Tan Son. Tingling, Sling 7G233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 20 1061 6 6 6 6S0 E Martin 7 Freezy Sneezy. Smarty. Bastille 7G134 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:06andhvy 10 107 3 5 5 4 E Martin 5 Bastille. St. Donard, GrassTrce 70024 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50slow 12 103 4 3 3: 37 E Martin 0 TanSon. Majority, WessieB. 75272 Huntton lm70y l:4Gandfasf 5 .103 Ci R Clifford 7 GrassMaid, JohuMorrill, Haman YORICK, gr. g, i 101 By Meelick Agnes Dale, by Hinsdale. Trainer. J. Ranaiiph. Ownur, J. Randolph. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 77449 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 mud 5 102 1 1 21 3 L Lang 9 lermarco, St. Paul, Tex 77325 F.Grnds lm70y l:49?tslow 31 101 1 1 l2 2 L Lang- 7 H.Gear. Kklevington, Magician 77197 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47?jgood 15 PD 4 6 5 5" F Thdyke S Gem. Xormal, Kirklevington 77105 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:49 fast 15 99 3 3 11 31 F Lee 12 TomCassidy. PeteFoy. Permaroo 768GI F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49fast 20 104 4 6 Gs 61 F Thdyke 8 HarryB., Coral Reef, A.Boyll. 70782 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 50 105. 3 5 5 51S F Thndke 5 TanSon, Scare Crow, Drummond 7G525 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 50 99 8 9 81 Sc3 A Hunt 12 Kingsclere. PoorSport, R.Charlk- 73784 Omaha lm70y l:53;mud 7 89 3 7 710 7,c G Sutton 8 Billlltad. H.o.t.North, Docod MOCK ORANGE, b. g, 7 102 By Lonawand Orange Lilly, by William ths Third, Trainer, R. L. White. Owner, J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 7732G F.Grnds lm70v l:4Sslow 41 108 S 9 81 510 G Fields 11 Martha Moore, Permaroo. Tex 77234 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 110 7 7 6 41 L McDottK! S.Frdman, Col.Winn, T.Official 7G943 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 30 106 13 11 11 9 J ChalmerslS Avispa, Tempting, Stamp 7G3G5 Jeffeison 1 1-16 1:51 good 41 114 8 8 9l SSJ J Wallace 13 Dentaria, Juno, IIkleberryFinn 70328 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:53 hvy C 108 1 7 6 68J J Wallace S Tingling, Smart Guy, Magician 7G271 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5Sihvy 6 108 6 4 2- A3i J Wallace 9 Waukeag. DanBolling, Herald 7G2IS Jefferson 1 1-IG l:56ihvy 12 107 3 2 2J 3nk J Wallace 11 Reliability, Bowsprit. StratShot 7G098 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:52 slow 20 10S 9 7 81 S H Kaiser 10 Current Events, Tex, Repeater KENNMARE, ch. f, 4 103 By Ballot Illwill. by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. Kanovcr. Owner. J. Hanover. Breeder. A. J. Corev. 77449 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:50 mud 25 105 S 5 5 9" B Brening 9 Permarco, St. Paul, Yorick 7732G F.Grnds lm70y l:4Sslov 15 109 10 10 61 G1 J Corcoranl 1 Martha Moore, Permarco. Tex 7G775 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55jgood G 105 9 7 6 6s! .T Corcoran 9 Tom Cassidy, Tex, Magician 7GG52 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 20 1051 5 5 6 4!1 J Corcoranl2 Xuyaka, La Orb, War Idol 7C487 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 20 104 7 7 71 7" L Lang 9 Lucidus, Neddam, Smarty 70345 Jefferson 3-4 l:15-?ihvy 20 109 14 12 12 12: J Wallace 15 LdAllen, Proganda, J.Fairman 75331 Hunton 3-4 1:15 fast 5 10S Ci AV Martin 9 Htighie, Miss Beiilah. Gonwithim 75297 Huntgton 3-1 1:15 fast 13 105 4 J Eaton S M. Mars, Fr.Canadian, M.Beulah JOCK SCOT, br. g, 10 102 By Ogden Frankie, by Kingston. Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner, R. Scherrer. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77234 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 106 3 9 93 and3 C Allen 13 S.Frdman. Col.Winn, T.Official 77044 F.Grnds 3-4 l:l3J4fast 20 105 10 11 91 7S1 C Allen 14 Kindred, Old Sinner, Pr. Welles 7GG80 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15f.mud 30 104 9 10 10 0" C Allen 11 D.GIenn. Felicitous, Rpgllo.-n-j 70483 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 15 107 2 2 5 5 Ji Mrinelli 7 Kingsclvro, Orlova, Dr. Joe 70345 Jefferson 3-4 l:15vihvy 20 115- 6 11 11 111! E Harbnel5 LdAllen. Proganda, J.Fairman 75808 Bowie 3-4 1:16 mud C4 102 8 10 11! ll11 II Thomas 13 Kirah, Despair, Spugs 75G49 Bowie CI f l:22slow 39 103 7 10 12: 13" II Thomas 1? PoorSport, MarieMaxim, Ilaidce 67554 F.Grnds 3-4 l:llgood 41 112 6 4 4 Gl H Thomasll Hillsdale. Younecd, Clarkson LOVELINESS, ch. m, G 101 By Charles Edward Spanish Maid, by Disculs. Trairer, J. D. Misick. Owner. Mrs. J. D. Misick. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 good 12 107 1 4 2 l 5 L McDottlS Juno. Sword, Morn:on Elder 77153 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 15 105 2 5 111511IS J Heupel 12 Dr. Whitehst, Widgeon. R. Crown 77082 F.Grnds 1 1:41 last 12 104 5 3 4b G F Lee 9 Attilia, Marg.Ware, WaterGirl 70780 F.Grnds lm70y l:4SVirnud 12 99 9 8 9 9 D Mergler 9 Margaret Ware. Our Star. Juno 7G024 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50slow 13-5 103 5 4 4l 510 J Pevic O TanSon, Majoritv, Wavwassamo 75959 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:55shvy 10 114 1 3 3l 21 J Pevic 0 FzySncczy, Fleeting, "L.Ammie 737G8 Dorval lm70y l:44Hfapt 9 107 3 3 3 6i C Jackson 7 Ring Rose, II.Aitillerv, Murrav 73G80 Dorval lm20y 1:41 fast 9 112 7 5 41 31 J Maiben 7 G.vbourne, S.Calahadll., R.Rose SERBIAN, ch. g, 8 106 By Ivan the Terrible Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 lrtS-Tthvy 20 103 13 12 12 101 T Rodney 13 Colonel Winn, Mcintosh. Stamp 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-1C 1:50 good 30 101 2 2 Si 9i T Rodney 13 Juno. Sword. Mormon Elder 709G9 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:50imud 40 107 4 3 4 75 T Rodney 9 S.ofPsure, Cur.Events. Grgettc 7G837 F.Grnds 3-4 1;15 slow 50 105 5 10" 10 1016 T Rodney 12 BogPdon, GrnGold, DanBolling 7C031 Jefferson 11-10 1:51 good 20 112 7 5 51 107 C Lang 11 Pete Foy, Torsida, Manokin 75978 Jefferson lm70y 1:50 hvy 12 106 3 3 G1 G B Harvey 7 Tan Son, PeteFov. CurrtEvents 75855 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 4 107 2 6 41 410 B Harvey 30 Dr. Joe, Korbly, Mr. Beck 75098 Laurel lm70y l:4SVgood 51 100 1 2 I Ci T Finn 10 Col.Wballen, Rouen, . Norh Wales 75070 Laurel 3-4 l:16slow 0 1C5 10 8 6" 41 F Lee 13 Valentia. Finality, Sling TEX, br. g, 5 110 By Doncaster Dolly Haman. by Crighton. Trainer. and. N. Vestal. Owner. R. N. Vestal. Breeder. W. McLemore. 77449 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 mud 31 104 2 3 4l 41 I Parke 9 Permarco, St. Paul, Yorick 7732G F.Grnds lm70y l:4Sislow 31 112 5 6 4 3 E .Martin 11 Martha Moore, Permarco, Troma 7G775 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55good 4 112 1 1 2s 21 E Martin 9 T. Cassidv. Magician, Secretary 7GG19 F.Grnds 1 1-S 4 107 4 4 4 571 H Farland 7 Ashland, ".Veddam, Pete For 7G558 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast 4 110 6 3 4l 2" E Pool 9 Walnut Hall, Neddam, Ettahe 7C487 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47ifast 5 111 1 4 3 4 E Martin 0 Lucidus. Neddam. Smarty 76098 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:32 slow 7 108 4 2 21 21 E Martin 10 CurtEvents, Repeater, Silence 75001 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast EJf 109 4 9 71 41 F Smith 11 PctoFov, CapRork. Lord Wrack 7455G Latonia lm70y l:41andfast 8 110 4 3 2l 21 J D Mncy 7 Tody. Trust Official. Simpleton JAKE BERGER, ch. g, 5 10G By Aiheling II. Gladiola, by Dark Ronald. Trainer, L. M. Holmes. Owner, Bonaventure Stable. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 7732G F.Grnds lm70y l:4Sslov 15 112 11 7 9l 9,J G Dyson 11 Martha Moore, lermarco, Tex 77218 F.Grnds 1 1-1G landfast 25 110 8 4 3 3 G Dyson 12 B. fr.IIome, Scctv, Waywasmo 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47fast 20 115 8 9 8 8" J D Mncyll Tempting, Gem, Stump Jr. 77044 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13sfast 23 106 13 7 111 S1 J McCoy 14 Kindred, Old Sinner, lr. Welles 7G408 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:49 good 20 108 5 3 6 61 J McCoy S Jack Fairman, Rork, Hon. Boy 7C3G5 Jeffeison 1 1-16 1:51 good 12 114 5 3 4 GJ J Kederis 13 Dentaria, Juno. IIkleberryFinn 7 G271 Jefferson 1 1-1C l:5SHhvy 12 108 2 2 9 9 C Lang 9 Waukeag, DanBolling. Herald 76153 Jefferson 1 1-S lXslow 15 114 4 4 4 3 J D MncylO Rep, Repeater, Hutchison 7G0G5 Jefferson 1 1-S l:55fast 10 110 1 7 7 7" J D Mney 7 Freezy Sneezy, Aladdin. Rep BRIGHT TRASH, br. m, 5 105 By Bulse Cain Chaser, by Oti.. Trainer. D. B. Freeman. Owner. C. Provenzano. Breeder. J. W. Parrish. 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:50 good f.O 101 10 11 12 10" J Byrne 13 Juno. Sword. Morn:on Elder 77192 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14igood CO 102 10 12 10l S,s J Byrne 12 Arrowhead, Doughnut, Vcnizelos 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 100 100 7 5 Sl 9:3 J Byrne 11 Tempting. Gem, Stump Jr. 76G52 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:55fast 50 IOC 9 8 8 85 J Byrne 12 Nuyaka, La Orb, War Idol 7G558 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast 4o 102 1 9 T J Byrne 9 Walnut Hall. Tex, Neddam 76095 Jefferson 3-4 l:154fast 20 105 4 10 S" 9" R Mthewsl2 Avispa, Flor. Been, Reliability 75819 Jefferson lm70y l:4S?i3ow 5 103 1 6 7 7 J Wallace 7 T. Beau, Silent King Attorney 74133 Ystown lmTOy l:4S?jgood 21 115 -4i H Clments G C.Whitney, Paula V.. J. Dundee EDITH K., b. m, 7 101 By Ormondale Mamie Worth, by St. Geor"-. Trainer. S. Burnside. Owner. S. Burnside. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 good 50 101 11 13 13 13 W Milner 13 Juno, Sword, Mormon Elder 77105 F.Grnds 11-10 1:49 fast 63 105 12 12 12 12 J Chalmersl2 Tom Cassidy, Pete For, Yorick 74818 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 171 108 2 12 12 119 F Wdstckl2 R.Itools, K.of thcllr. M.Maxin: 73825 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:51 fast lOf 107 9 11 10l 11 J Kessner 14 King John, Lit.Ammie, Tingling 73428 Timonm 3-4 1:21 hvy 7 120 31 R Curran. 0 StarCourt, JephineC, Primitive 733G2 Timonm 3-4 1:17 fast 14-5 10S G T Bonham 7 Explosive, Alf Veziha, Litholick 72879 Columbs 1 l:465sgood 1C-5 107 4J W Smith 10 Q.of theSpa. S.Shaek, Tex Chief 72824 Columbs 3-4 l:lSislow 19-3 VSl W Smith 8 Amanda. Red, Marr G. 0VR, JE.TSY b m 5 97 By Huon Mary Le Bus. by St. STln. Trainer. J. J. Alt. Owner. D. B. Jones. Breeder. A. L. Ferguson. 7732G F.Grnds Im70y l:4Sslow 20 107 7 S 10s 10 J Chalmersll "Martha Moore. Permarco. Tex 7G652 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 20 103 6 9 9 9" J Chalmcrsl2 Nuyaka. La Orb, War Idol 76G12 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfcfast 8 104 1 3 6 6" J Chalmers S SixPenee, R.Duck. Dr. Whhurst 76145 Jefferson 1 1-S l:36fast 15 110 5 2 21 41 J Chalmersll Baladin, Secretary, Royal Maid 6308 Jefferson 1 1-S 2:01 nvy 15 110 G 2 21 3 M Garrett 9 Repeater, Hon. Boy, Al Steblei 76211 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:C6hvy 12 101 6 7 G 6rl F Thdykcl2 FkMonroe. Waukeag, YgAdam LUBFJ?K: b e 4 103 By Sain Bashfori! Belle, by Falsetto. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, H. D. Bell. Breeder. G. J. Long. 450 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 VJmud 20 107 2 4 41 4 J Wallace 9 FgnedZl, Eddie.Tr., OurBthdaj 7348 F.Grnds 11-16 1:50 good 30 104 4 9 G1 12" J ChlmerslS Juno. Sword. . Mormon Elder 16808 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 30 103 5 11 12h 12 E Blind 14 Poppye. Arrowhead, Vcnizelos 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 50 107 8 7 7 8" D Mergler 12 Good Time, Hysteria, Rhinegold .6130 Jefferson 3-4 l:lSandhvy 20 102 10 12 ll1 11 E Blind 12 A.N.Akin. Piedmont, Geo. Stan o7 Aurora 3-4 l:lS7slow 4 10G 2 1 21 Pi E Petzoldt S Zapatos, Gold Bryan, Sarafax GEI7Sn BARD - M 97 By Bard of Hope Lady Grey, by Trey Leg. Trainer, G. C. Milton. Owner, G. C. Milton, Breeder. Samuel Ross. -673 FortKrio 3-t l:IGgood 38 100 3 G C G" L Ward 7 L-bicTime, Hartelle, GrnSpring .1922 FortErie 3-4 1:llfast 55 103 8 7 710 7" L AVard S TedsPlum, StoneAge, Ptchwork Alii!" H!m,,on 3-4 l:ir. fast 32 302 6 6 G 6" .T Douglas 7 Pet. Piper, St.Qnentin, StoneAge G.?ii3i AVindsor 5-8 l:01fast 93 112 9 9 9 91 M Buxton 10 Dap.Dan, Dr.McArur, S.Cookie 03344 Devshiro 5-S 1:03 good 23 112 9 10 10 10 J E Taylor 11 Hot Coal, Teds Plum. Racket Gol97 Devshiro 5-S l:01?fast 13f 110 7 6 and 5 II J Burkel2 Roekerv, Racket, Athlete