untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-28


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EARLE BLDG., BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. WAR WINNER Above is the result of the first Tijuana investment referred to in Fridays .and Sundays advertisements, which started late Tuesday, but, owing to the lateness of the hour received, could not be included in yesterdays issue. The name of the second Tijuana matter subscription, 00.00, included both horses, will be announced as soon as the result is known. GARS Chief Observer 35 Ci:TS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS j TODAYS Fit ICE CODE: NEW ORLEANS Wyoming-Hoy-Dark-lIousc j This one should win every bit as easily as LAST TUESDAYS FREE CODE NORMAL .. 12-1 WON Again We Won! YESTERDAYS ONE 35EST GUVNOR 4-1 WON MONDAYS G It AND SPECIAL TEX 7-1 WON MONDAYS ONE BEST ROUND ROBIN . . 5-1 WON; The ChieC was never better than right now. ; TODAY ANOTHER 0 FREE SPECIAL i Get this one. please, GET THIS ONE. I KNOW therell be PLENTY ACTION today. ! For this one ask for Gar s Daily Chief Observer 50 conls; at newsstands everywhere. .lf PIT IH.!fl THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS ?1 "Stop! Lwkl Listen!" Another $ Clean Sweep $ Yesterdays Special: Guvnor, 4-1, Won And JACK FIELD advised to "PLUNGE. WIN ONLY." Yesterdays ?1 Special SCRATCHED. Tuesdays Special $ WON ALSO $ Mondays Special $ WON ALSO $ ARE YOU CONVINCED NOW THAT JACK FIELD "CAN MAKE YOU WIN"? Do You Want to Make W ,000 "TODAY"? Here is your chanca to "CLEAN UP" today if you get BOTH J5 SPECIAL AND SPECIAL and PLUNGE THE LIMIT oa "BOTH" of these. W "TODAY" 2 "Long Shots" Jack Field expects BOTH of these to pay W 10-1 or "Better" YOU may never ajain have such chance, so RUSH to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELD S5 Special and ?1 Special. IF YOU DO THIS PT You Will $ Clean Up $ Today Dont wait until your newsdealer SELLS OUT. Rush now and get BOTH of these SPECIALS. JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to you week; 5 for BOTH ?5 and Specials. FIELD PUB. CO. Room 32, 39 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. JACK WARREN ONE DAY, .00 SIX DAYS, ?20.00 I MADE GOOD AGAIN ! WQODCRY .... 3.20-32 2nd ONE WIRE DAILY and ajain I said, so the limit, WIN AND DOUBLE PLACE. Tuesday I Wired: FItANCES YICTORIA... 0.80-52; ?S-?2 2nd Sunday, February 24: EL IAS 0 521.00-52 WON Saturdays ONLY HORSE: CONVENT .20-52 WON Fridays ONLY HORSE: SUNKOW S7.20-52 WON Thursdays ONLY HORSE: SILENT PARDNEIt 53.10-52 WON Wednesdays ONLY HORSE: ORMESKItOOK 58.20-52 WON Tuesdays ONLY HORSE: DLAllNEY STONE 511.00-52 WON Sundays. ONLY HORSE: 3IALVEKN 510.S0-S2 WON NOTICE If you are tired of "doping" and would like to take part in a worth-while transaction today, get in touch with me at once and I will send you a wire covering a horse AT TIJUANA that should PAY 0 FOR TODAY Terms: ?5.C0 for this one or 0.03 for six wires. Addross to J. WARREN Suite- 17, 207-209 Yaa Sicklen Ave., Brooklyn, U. Y. Beats Them All The Starr Turf News ROOM 405 TO 408 500 5TH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY TERMS FOR OUR WIRE SERVICE 1 0 FOR SIX DAYS, OR FOR ONE DAY M Yesterdays Big Code Horse: I Little Alfred .... 5-1 Won Yesterdays Wire Horse: Fredericktown . . 2-1 Won I TODAYS CODE HORSE: Dan-Smith-Roy-Winners I .00 pays for code, good for six days. 1 TODAYS WIRE HORSE comes from the I I same smart people that wired us to plunge on I Calcutta ..20-1 Won I Goldfield 15-1 Won 1 and others at shorter price, 1 Special rate, wire 0 for G days wire H service and we will include the code FREE. 1 1 OUR 00.00 SPECIAL 1 I GOES TODAY 1 M This horse will bo wired to all weekly sub- 1 n scribers FREE. gj H HERE IS A SURE CHANCE FOR YOU 1 3 TO WIN PLENTY OF REAL MONEY TO- I 1 DAY. All you have to do is wiro 0.00 for w SIX days service and plunge on todays 00.00 SPECIAL 1 PLUNGE ! PLUNGE ! i B You know that the meeting at the Fair U Grounds closes soon and this particular j 1 horse has been saved for this spot. We H have tho O. K. to plunge, all straight, b TODAY. SCHUYLER FLOYD Room 614 Calvert Building 1452 Broadway NEW YORK CITY TELE V H O NE It RYAN T 7730 YESTERDAYS "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" FREDERICKTOWN . . 2-1 WON Theres no profit in wishing to yourself. "Wishing will not bring back losses or creato an income. But use the "Schuyler Investments" and make your WISHES Subscribe for the next "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" that takes place SATURDAY TERMS One Hundred Dollars in Advance by telegraph or in person The "Schuyler Investments" ARE LIKE "STERLING ON SILVER" The Stamp of Distinction INFORMATION MUTUAL BUREAU 5 COLUKBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK CITY A combination of the smartest information y in America. Our horses on file with Daily h I Racing Form. H Yesterdays Information: a Little Alfred .... 5-1 Won I 3 WINNERS EAST WEEK 8 5 WINNERS WEEK BEFORE 3 4 WINNERS WEEK BEFORE S 14 WINNERS IN LAST 21 DAYS I TODAY 10-1 TODAY I Wo are advised that todays horse is the best bet of tha year. 0 Straight Bet for Last j Three Weeks J OVER ,700 WINNER I AFTER OTHERS FAIL, TRY US 1 RATES j I Daily; 0 for Six Days 1 Out-of-town subscribers wiro remittance I by Western Union. City clients call. S 116 NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEW8 PRICE .00 Semi-Weekly PRICE .00 Published Wednesday and Saturday. For sale all newsstands. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: 4-10-13-29 MAN

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022801/drf1924022801_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924022801_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800