Lochryan Mares in Sale: Daughters of English Stallion Included in Short Grass Vendue, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-28


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LOCHRYAN MARES IN SALE Daughters of English Stallion Included in Short Grass Vendue. Air Cushion a Half-Sister to Wcallieryane, Which Won Royal Hunt Cup for King George at Ascot Last Season. 4 Among the animals included in the catalog of the Short Grass Stud Farm stock to be sold next Friday are a number. of well-bred fillies bought by Emil Herz when in England last year. Moreover, Short Grass is almost unique inasmuch as the farm shelters three daughters of the well-bred Lochryan. The horse was leased for one year by Lord Rose-bery, but he has been buried in Ireland all his life. Parmenio, which was one of Lord Roseberrys best two-year-olds in 1923 and winner of the Chesham Stakes of ?6,000 at Ascot, is from a mare by Lochryan. Air Cushion is a half-sister to Weather-vane, which won the Royal Hunt Cup for King George in 1923. The second dam of Air Cushion is a full sister to Flying Fox, which won over 00,000 in stakes and sired tho winners of over ,000,000. She must prove a valuable mare at the stud. Balm is a daughter of Swynford, Englands champion stallion of 1923. Her dam was a sister to four winners and she herself won three races, value ,310. Melissa, the dam of Ralm, was from Melusine, a half-sister to Royal Canopy. HOXEST LASS TltOM GOOD FAMILY. Honest Lass comes of the same family as Teddy, which headed the stallions list in France last year. She is by Simon Square Nantgarw, which has bred winners and is a half-sister to Ferox. He won over 0,000 and ran second to Gay Crusader in the Newmarket Gold Cup. Fasota, the third dam of Honest Lass which was placed twice in England at two years, is a half-sister to Rondeau, winner of 0,000 and the dam of Teddy. Lucky Flight is by Flying Orb. one of the most successful sons of Orby, Hi3 offspring have won over 60,000 and includes Cos, the best juvenile filly in England in 1922. Lucky Flight is from Lucky Star, by Sunstar. Her granddam, Laodamia. won the Doncastcr Cup and tho Derby Cup. She is related to Philomath, the granddam of Rracket. Flamboyant and Miss Matty, which produced Papyrus. Home Star was a winner of races in England. She is a daughter of Sunstar, whose mares last year bred the winners of 00,000. Their produce includes Bright Knight, which may prove the best English three-year-old. He was unbeaten in 1923. TRACES RACK TO PENITENT. It is a consistent winner-producing family, going back to Penitent, the dam of Ravens-bury, which won 0,000 and was inferior only to Isinglass, to which he ran second in the Two Thousand Guineas, the Derby and the St. Leger. Her dam, Stray Shot, produced a Derby winner in Shotover. Ripple was bred by King George. Her dam, Dimples, came from Wrinkles, a winner and producer, and a half-sister to Thrush, one of the speediest horses which ever raced in England. This is the same female line as The Tetrarch, Sweep and Peter Pan. It is worth mentioning that in England in recent seasons Lochryan mares have produced the Avinners of over 5,000. , These facts about the mares at the Short Grass stud are convincing proof of the care exercised in their selection. It is much to be icgretted that Emil Herz cannot reap the reward they are sure to bring their owners and so be repaid for. the acumen displayed when they were purchased.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022801/drf1924022801_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1924022801_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800