Rain Visitor at Havana: Heavy Downpour Leaves Oriental Park Track Sea of Mud, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-28


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RAIN VISITOR AT HAVANA Heavy Downpour Leaves Oriental Park Track Sea of Mud. Glenn the Only Successful Favorite Mess Kit Wins tho Snbstitute Itace by a 2fose. HAVANA, Cuba, Feb. 27. An unwelcome visitor in" a heavy downpour of rain last night left the Oriental Park track a sea of mud, resulting in the original third race being called off and another substituted. The public found it even more difficult to pick the winners than the horses did to successfully run through the muddy going. Only one favoritie succeeded in crossing the winning line in advance of his opponents, namely Glenn in the second race. This French-bred racer simply revelled in the going, leading all the way to score by three lengths and under restraint. All but the fourth and fifth races were at short sprinting distances. In the fourth the veteran, Golden Chance, ran a sparkling race to beat Dustman, the favorite. Golden Chance took the lead at the rise of the barrier and showed the way throughout Near the end he tired, but held Dustman safe. The latter ran a good race, finishing fast from a slow beginning. Roth the fourth and fifth races were at a mile and fifty yards and in the latter Ash-burton duplicated Golden Chances victory in the preceeding race by beating the popular choice, Mrs. Gardner, though his success was more easily achieved. Joymaker brought no joy to the backers of Wilton Flanna, the even money favorite, in the opener when she romped home a length and a half ahead of Monopoly, the latter nosing out the favorite for second place in the last stride. Wilton Flanna looked all over the winner after taking the lead entering the stretch, but tired when challenged in the last eighth and gave way right at the end. The most interesting contest of the afternoon proved to be the substitute race. Twelve platers with a fondness for such going as prevailed here today met in this race and the winner turned up in Mess Kit after a sensational finish. Mad Nell was the pacemaker and, after the bandage on Stock Pins front leg slipped down while right on the heels of tho leader, it looked like certain victory for the Kraus standard bearer. In the meantime Mess Kit was gradually improving his position and, finishing with a terrific rush, tho son of Tracery caught the leader and got his noso in front in the last stride. The spectators were uncertain which had won until the official placing was announced. Pawnbroker was the medium of some last-minute ring action that sent him to the post favorite in the sixtli race. He did nothing to warrant the support and never figured seriously at any stage of the contest. Asa Jewell was the winner after a sharp bcush with Plaid. .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022801/drf1924022801_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1924022801_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800