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I i i j ! ] | i j j i | j I ; j j ] I I | I i | | | I I I i I I z— -a HELP TO STATE TROOPERS « Breeding Bureau of Jockey Club of Great Assistance. — ♦ Ihnrongabreil Sires Tendered for Ise at Various Barracks and Many Fanners Encouraged to latronize Them. NEW TOBK. N*. Y.. March 31— No part of the program of the Breeding Bureau of the Jockey Club carries greater influence to the people of New York than the assistance given the state police in producing the best type of mounts for the troopers whose term of service has been so helpful in preserving law and j order, especially in the rural communities throughout the commonwealth. The state police was in exisence only a j few months when the plan which is now 1 showing such splendid results came into be- i ing. The initial step in horse breeding was taken at the state fair at Syracuse in 1917. when the constabulary was young. Colonel George Fletcher Chandler, then a major, and | in active charge of the service until last year. when he resigned and was succeeded by Major John A. Warner, brought a troop to Syracuse to preserve order and handle traf-I fie during the fair. The horses in the out-] fit had been bought at Bathrop. Missouri. They were in the main big-bodied, short-iegged animals that had been recruited for army purposes. They had no breeding, hut were nearly all of the same type and included in the lot of 250 were a number of mares. Colonel Chandler, mindful of what had heen done in other countries through the us. of the thoroughbred sire, was a ready listener : when approached by a representative of the I Breeding Bureau, who offered the use of i clean-bred sires at the various stations. A | conference with chairman Frank K. Sturgis followed aud when the next spring opened. such fine horses as Fashion Blate, by im- I ported Woolsthorpe ; Otis, by imported Sain. and Marse Henry, by Ben Brush, were domi- j ciled at Batavia, Syracuse and Albany. Barer Oyama. by Commando ; lharaoh. by im- ; ported Meddler: Chief Bally, by King James. Cock o the North, by Hamburg, and Arnold. ; by Peep oDay, were placed at the disposal of the constabulary. Within the last year The Bohemian, by Jim Caffney. IpsalquiUh. , by Faucheur. and Sunny Jim, by Friar Bock. were added. From the outset of the movement farmers I in the neighborhood of the various barracks I have been encouraged to patronize these j horses of the breeding bureau whos? service fees have been purely nominal. In this way loiUimied on eighth page.1 HELP TO STATE TROOPERS I t Continued from first page. i the sphere of influence of the breeding bureau j has been widened. | | When the plan showed its greatest promise with splendid results in evidence at White I I Plains and other stations, and many of the home-bred four-year-olds were in preparation for active service next autumn, a lire de- | stroyed the headquarters at White 1lains, ! where most of the breeding operations had been carried on. For a time it seemed as though the result of years of experimentation would go for naught. Through the devoted loyalty of the troopers, however, who ne- j Sleeted their belongings and rushed to the aid of the horses, all the animals were saved. Theae were 70 in number and included the stallions feck o the North, The Bohemian and Ipsabiuitch and some .50 half-bretls and j thoroughbreds of varying ages, the property of the state. While the horses were distributed over the • unti yside with a prospect of their removal from Westchester County an ideal home for | this year at If at has been secured through the generosity of .Mrs. I»ick«rman, widow of: the late Watson B. l ickerman whose 11*11— andale Farm near New Kochelle has been the birthplace of some of the best trotters this country has ever known, Nedda, 1 i. the ; reigning queen of the harness turf having been foaled there. The farm, which is full of sylvan beauty comprising wooded areas, a spring brook of crystalline purity and rolling pastures that are noted for the luxuriant quality of their grasses was the pride of the , late owner who bought it from the Sency estate in the early eighties and since then labored to bring it to that state of perfection which was a constant source of delight to Hi s • who were fortunate enough to receive an invitation to inspect the stock or to hold a watch on the trials of speed over the ; beautiful half-mile course laid out in the tree-bordered valley.