English Racing Dates, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-01

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ENGLISH RACING DATES Liverpool Spring March 27 to March 29 three days. I.ingfiPld Park March 20 one day. Warwick- March "I to April 1 two day?. Derby-April 2 and April 3 itwo dayp. Windsor — April 4 and April 5 two days. Ayr — April 4 and April ." two days. Leicester -April 7 and April S two days. C.atwick- April 0 and April 10 two days. N wbury- April 11 and April 12 two lays. Evfjttatsa Hunt BnfJsMe, April 11 and April U two days. Nottingham- April 11 and April 13 two i;iys . K nipton Tark leister — April 21 one day. I.irmingham— April 21 and April 22 two days. Newcastle-April 21 and April 22 two days. Newmarket Craven — April 23 to April 23 lhr»e days. GnttCflieh Hi id pre April 23 and April 2C i wo days*. Alexandra Park April 2C one day. Kdmburgh April tt and April 2J two days. lpsom Spring;— April 29 and April 30 two da s . POatefract- April 30 and May 1 two days.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040101/drf1924040101_7_6
Local Identifier: drf1924040101_7_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800