untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-01


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CHARLES RAYMOND .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY TODAY! TODAY AT BOWIE Start tlif eatsern season rifht. Get connected •Rith a HORSEMAN that has a reputation for delivering the goods. A 15-1 SHOT TODAY See for yourself. Let me prove to you that I have the rame pood connections that I had during tho fall meeting lart year, when I had 11 Winners During the Meeting and my followers were averaging over 00 A WEEK WINNER HERE ARE SOME THAT I GAVE OUT: D. AND DRKES .60- Won D. AND DRAKES .60- Won XXXX POOR SPORT . .3.40- Won EAGLET .60- Won MISS WHISK ...20- Won IRISH PAT .20- Won and others at fair prices also won during the LOUISVILLE MEETING, previous to the above, with an average of SI. 609 WINNER FOR 3 WEEKS. YOU CAN BE A WINNER if you follow my advice consistently, for I give only ore horse a day. except on days that I have a 0 Wire, and thit goes TREE t3 all weekly clients. SIX DAYS SERVICE 0.00 Enter a subscription at once. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let me put you on a winning basis. My wirei are an investment. Wire money Wostera Union cr Postal. Include correct street address. All communications strictly confidential. CHARLES RAYMOND Raom 338. 206 Broadway NEW YORK CITY GENTLEMEN I can give you information on a horse starting tho latter part of this week or next Monday at Bowie, which, banin? accidents, should win at a gc;d price. This horse is absolutely fit. and will be placed where he can win. I have been sendins out occasional information frcm address below lor past five years, and can icfer you to men who will vouch for my square dealing. Have right connections at the track, and follow m isc. ii from Maryland to Canada. I will posit. vely NOT advertise again this sea-sen. so if you want to hook up with a reliable man. get in touch with me at once. My terms are the winnings cf a tin dollar plav. Address GEORGE E. WILLIAMS 1195 BEDFORD AVENUE BROOKLYN. N. Y. CALIFORNIA TO SARATOGA I am on tho way. First home celebration at Bowie Morday. Wire name early, as information for 1924 will be restricted. JOE MCARTY SARATOGA MMtlNcs. N. y. BEATS THBM ALL I UK iTAsta I I HI NEWS 1350 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Terms fcr wire service. 0.0? for six days. Todays Cole Horse — Bowie-New-Eleven-Seven. Our Bouio representative wired two horses and we exp -ct t» produ-e two winners today. Wire 0.00 for six days, or .03 for cne day. fcnnnnvaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaannnnnaannm. CONVENT 80-. WON. and a 3rd were last Saturday s .00 XX Specials. Dont iniss next Saturdays Two Live Ones at Bowie. All thay cost H .00. Today r Code Spe ill October-Orange-.r6-13-47-73. STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 403 22 West Quircy Street. Chica-o. Illinois. BOWIE SPECIALS Get th? O. K. Tcdav 00 DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Building Chicago, Illinois ails WEEKLY CHIEF oitsEltYEK 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: Bowie- Virginia-!. :iek-Ko- Snow 10-1 — VMM. A V 15 Y M II. —10-1 Goes Apul 7. Pr.ce . Must wia and pay 10-1 cr more, or you get 4 weeks subscription to Gallors Weekly and Gallops mail specials for April SI. FREE. Dont miss this parlay. GALLOrS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040101/drf1924040101_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040101_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800