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COMING WINNERS AT BOWIE WILL BE FOUND IN THE SAN FRANCISCO HOME STRETCH DATED APRIL 5 We want to call your attention to the fact that we are in a fine position o help yon keep ahead in the raeinjs name. In onr April !i issue this edition will be on wale In the I.ast. about April 1 or ■• yon will Hud COMING WINNERS AT BOWIE, TIJUANA AND HUNTINGTON Our dockers have furnished ns with a fine list of horse* that were prepared over the southern tracks for northern racing;. Onr man at Benniue ban informed UN about a number of horses that wintered at that track and prepped for Bowie racing. OTHER FEATURES A Mill BKST MR FOR BOWIE: A Mull BKST BET P— TIJI ANA; RACISMS STORIES BY EIVE IAMOIS Tl KE WRITEHS; JOikEl S1 KKtOKOS: I,0 K1 ; KEIORTS, and many other little things that will help the rare SINGLE COPY FIFTEEN CENTS Alost eastern newsdealers handle The Home Stretch, but if your dealer doea not. semi us Sli.oo for a three months* trial subscription. Iapers will be sent lirst -class mail; no markings on envelope. Attention, Advertisers, Attention ! ! ! The Home Stretch now ban the second largest circulation of the weekly racing papers pu lilished in the IT. S. A. Our circulation l« five times as In rue as any racing paper printed on the ladfle oast. If you have something to sell to race players that will help them heat the game, you can gain man willing subscribers amongst Home Stretch readers. BIT dont try to *ell them any bunk or hokum. NEWSDEALERS, ATTENTION ! ! Kill HIWWUUBM AVANTKD The Home Stretch pays a liberal commission to newsdealers and unsold copies are returnable. Address all communications to The Home Stretch Publishing Co. «G1 ntUI Bl II.DIXG SAN Fll.WriSlO. VMF.