untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-01


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VHnir nwn . THEMA WHO CAN MAKE YOl J V1NJ SOLD, ALL NEWSSTANDS, Do You Want to Win -00 "Today" Here is your chance to GET YOURS" TODAY on a Flat Play on our Special and Special TODAY. This comes from same SOURCE that gave at recent New Orleans meeting the following winners: DER0NDA 20-1 WON EVELYN 6-1 WON WIL THE WIZARD.. 5-1 WON AMITY CLAIM .... 7-1 WON AND "JACK FIELD" gave all these WINNERS nz.6. msn7 cthar LONG SHOTS too NUMEROUS to mention. When this crowd wagers they make SURE they are "RIGHT. That s why they CASH 0 out of 10 times, ar.d they expect to get 10-1 or Better Today on BOTH of their "GOOD THINGS- they are ! starting TODAY, ar.d they sure expect to "CASH" "TODAY." Why. IF YOU KNEW how "GOOD" this "INTO " is YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO PAY ■ 00 Today for this "INFO." IF you let this get away from YOU today. YOU may as well "QUIT PLAYING EM." Rush to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELD and Specials REMEMBER, both of these SPECIALS" corns from same SOURCE, so be PURE you get BOTH and Specials TODAY. NOTICE— JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Can be mailed to you 5 weekly for BOTH a-d Specials. FIELD PUB. CO. Room 32. 39 W. Adams Street Chicago. 111. JACK SHEEHAN RCOM 12 LEWIS BLOCK BUFFALO. N. Y. TELEPHONES: SENECA 0624-4026. A SPECIAL OFFER All horses filed with Daily Racing Form. With the opening- of the spring racing season in Maryland I am again in a position to furnish probablo LONG-PRICED WINNERS to old and new clients. My many followers of past seasons will vouch for my marvelous success on Maryland tracks. A 0 FLAT PLAY AVERAGED 50 WINNER weekly all last season. A record of which 1 am justly proud. REMEMBER, I only advise horses which are fit and ready to WIN and on which the stable connections are betting all over tho country. STOP LOSING: string with a man who gives out WINNERS consistently and be on the winning side of the fence. TWO 00 SPECIALS GOING THIS WEEK and will be given FREE to all weekly clients. Rush your subscription at once by telegraph or in person or enclose express money order in letter. In order ti expedite transmitting cf information be sure and send your correct r.ddress. TERMS: 0 WEEKLY NO PROPOSITIONS Bowie Races OPF.MX; TIKSDAY, AIMUI. 1 It «■«•«• I v«* information direct from race track. I clock, all horses in training personally. AVill telegraph you daily line or two horses direct from race track, fit antl ready to win. My terms are SI ."" . for first si racing; days sen ice. Do business with a horseman ; and receive rcllahle information. Tele-gnpk .1. OO at once. t.ive correct name and address. JOE SLEVIN AValdorf Hotel, Baltimore, Aid. 00 Per Week ! net profit. Easily made with small capital by j opcrat ng the STAR SYSTEM. Average, about two plays daily — every play tD WIN ONLY. On the nose! Snail payment down, balance from winnings. Write STAR SYSTEM 32 Union Square. Room C02 New York City WANTED A reliablo party who is willing to make an investment for information coming fiom a reliable rcurce that will get the best in Maryland. Address POST OFFICE BOX 495 CINCINNATI. OHIO Big Bowie Special Exp-ctir.T something EXTRA good next Thursday. Barring accidents this horse should win at a good price. Costs nothing in advance. Just remit win-rings of 0 after horse wins. Wr.te quick for this EXTRA SPECIAL and other good ones to follow. SUPERIOR SERVICE, Box 133, Dayton, Ohio

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040101/drf1924040101_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1924040101_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800